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Homework 4

Nuclear Engineering 162 Solutions Due 16 February 2006

IV.1 Turner 8.12 (Page 201) Derive Equation (8.12) from Equations (8.9)-(8.11). Using Equation 8.9: hv + mc2 = hv + E Equation 8.10: hv hv = cos + P cos c c Equation 8.11: hv sin = P sin c Derive Equation 8.12: hv = hv 1 + (hv/mc2 )(1 cos )

Adding the squares of Equations 8.10 and 8.12 to eliminate P and : hv hv cos = cP cos hv sin cP sin (hv hv cos ) + (hv sin ) = (cP ) By denition of the electron energy and momentum, (E )2 = (P )2 c2 + m2 c4 (P c) = hv + m2 c4 Substituting this equation back into the expression for (1 cos ) and multiplying by (hv/mc2 ): hv mc2 (hv hv ) hv hv hv = = 1 mc2 hvhv hv hv hv = hv
hv hv 2 2 2 2

= 1+

hv mc2 (hvhv ) mc2 hvhv

hv 1 + (hv/mc2 )(1 cos )

IV.2 Turner 8.16 (Page 201) A 662-keV photon is Compton scattered at an angle of 120o with respect to its incident direction. (a) What is the energy of the scattered electron? hv = hv 1+
hv mc2 (1

cos )


662keV 511keV (1

662keV cos 120o )

E = hv hv + mc2 T = hv hv = 662keV 224.9kev = 437.1keV (b) What is the angle between the paths of the scattered electron and photon? P c= E 2 m2 c4

E = T + mc2 = 437.1keV + 511keV = 948.1keV P c= (948keV)2 (511keV)2 = 798.6keV hv sin P c sin = sin1 = sin1 hv sin P c

224.9keV sin 120o 798.6keV = 14.1o

= + = 14.1o + 120o = 134.1o IV.3 Turner 8.20 (Page 202) In a Compton scattering experiment a photon is observed to be scattered at an angle of 122o while the electron recoils at an angle of 17o with respect to the incident photon direction. (a) What is the incident photon energy? sin P c = sin hv hv P c sin cos = cos + cos = cos + hv hv sin =1+ hv = = cos + hv (1 cos ) mc2

sin mc2 cos 1 sin 1 cos

cos 122o +

sin 122o 511keV cos 17o 1 sin 17o 1 cos 122o = 415.4keV

(b) What is the frequency of the scattered photon? hv = =

hv mc2


hv (1 cos )


415.5keV 511keV

415.5keV (1 cos 122o )

= 185.2keV 185.2keV 185.2keV v = = h 4.136 1015 eV s = 4.478 1019 s1

(c) How much energy does the electron receive? T = 415.5keV 185.2keV = 230.2keV (d) What is the recoil momentum of the electron? E = T + mc2 = 230.3keV + 511keV = 741.3keV pc = = E 2 m2 c4

(741.3keV)2 (511keV)2

= 537.0keV 537.0keV p = = 2.87 1022 kg m s1 c IV.4 Turner 8.25 (Page 203) The Klein-Nishina cross section for the collision of a 1-MeV photon with an electron is 2.11 1025 cm2 . Calculate, for Compton scattering on aluminum, (a) the energy-transfer cross section (per electron cm2 ) From Table 8.1, Ta vg = 0.440 hv Tavg ET = hv ET = 0.440 2.11 1025 cm2 ET = 9.28 1026 cm2 (b) the energy-scattering cross section (per electron cm2 ) S = ET = 2.11 10

cm2 9.28 1025 cm2

= 1.18 1025 cm2 (c) the atomic cross section e = Ze = 13 2.11 1025 cm2 = 2.74 1024 cm2 (d) the linear attenuation coecient. = = NA e A

6.022 1023 atoms/mol 2.70g/cm3 2.74 1024 cm2 /atom 27g/mol = 0.165cm1

IV.5 Turner 8.35 (Page 203) A narrow beam of 400-keV photons is incident normally on a 2 mm iron liner. From Figure 8.8 and the Periodic Table on p556-557 For photon energy of 0.4MeV

For Fe: (Fe) = 0.092cm2 g1 Fe = 7.86g/cm3 For Al: (Al) = 0.092cm2 g1 Al = 2.7g/cm3 For Pb: (Pb) = 0.21cm2 g1 Pb = 11.4g/cm3 (a) What fraction of the photons have an interaction in the liner? N (x) = N0 ex The fraction transmitted through a distance x with no interaction is given by that interacts in a given distance x is given by 1 1
N (x) N0 . N (x) N0 ,

therefore the fraction

2 1 3 N (x) = 1 ex = 1 e x = 1 e (0.092cm g )(7.86g/cm )0.2cm N0 = 0.135

(b) What thickness of Fe is needed to reduce the fraction of photons that are transmitted without interaction to 10% N (x) = ex = 0.10 N0 ln ln x=
N (x) N0

N (x) N0 =

= x

ln(10) (0.092cm2 g1 ) (7.86g/cm3 )

x = 3.175cm (c) If Al were used instead of Fe, what thickness would be needed in (b)? ln x=
N (x) N0

ln(10) (0.092cm2 g1 ) (2.7g/cm3 )

x = 9.27cm (d) How do the answers in (b) and (c) compare when expressed in g cm2 ? xF e = 3.175cm xAl = 9.27cm xF e F e = 3.175cm 7.86g/cm3 = 24.95gcm2 4

xAl Al = 9.27cm 2.7g/cm3 = 25.02gcm2 xF e F e xAl Al 25gcm2 (e) If lead were used in (b), how would its thickness in g cm2 compare with those for Al and Fe? ln x= ln x P b =
N (x) N0

ln =

N (x) N0

N (x) N0

ln(10) 0.21cm2 g1

x P b = 11.0gcm2 IV.6 Turner 8.43 (Page 204) A pencil beam of 200-keV photons is normally incident on a 1.4-cm-thick sheet of aluminum pressed against a 2-mm-thick sheet of lead behind it. (a) What fraction of the incident photons penetrate both sheets without interacting? Mass attenuation coecients and densities for this problem are obtained from Radiological Assessment Sources and Exposures by Richard Faw and J. Kenneth Shultis. For Al: (Al) = 0.1225cm2 g1 Al = 2.7g/cm3 For Pb: (Pb) = 0.9913cm2 g1 Pb = 11.34g/cm3 The fraction of the incident photons that do not interact in either the Al or Pb is given by:
N = e(( (Al)Al xAl )( (Al)Pb xPb )) N0 2 1 3 2 1 3 N = e(0.1225cm g 2.7g/cm 1.4cm0.9913cm g 11.34g/cm 0.2cm) N0 = 0.06645

(b) What would be the dierence if the photons came from the other direction, entering to lead rst and then the aluminum? Since the question ask for the dierence between unattenuated photons only, there is no dierence between entering lead rst and entering aluminum. IV.7 Turner 8.49 (Page 205) The mass attenuation coecient of Pb for 70-keV photons is 3.0 cm2 g1 and the mass energyabsorption coecient is 2.9 cm2 g1 (Figs. 8.8 and 8.11) (a) Why are these two values almost equal? These two values are almost equal because the dominant interaction is photoelectric eect. In pair production, only an energy given by 1 2mc2 /hv is transfered. This transferred energy is comparativey less than that of photoelectric eect 1 /hv because only energy of the low energy photons from uorescene radiation are not transferred in photoelectric eect. Also, the re-emitted photons are low energy in high Z material so they will have small g. Thus, if the dominant interaction is pair production (i.e. highly energtic photons), the dierence between these two values will be much bigger. 5

(b) How many cm of Pb are needed to reduce the transmitted intensity of a 70-keV X-ray beam to 1% of its original value? x= ln
N0 N )

1 ln 0.01 2.9cm2 /g 11.4g/cm3

= 0.139cm (c) What percentage of the photons penetrate this thickness without interacting?
2 3 N = e x = e2.9cm /g11.4g/cm 0.139cm N0

= 0.86% IV.8 Turner 8.51 (Page 205) What fraction of the energy in a 10-keV X-ray beam is deposited in 5 mm of soft tissue? From Figure 8.12 For soft tissue: = 5.3cm2 g A = H2 O = 1cm2 /g x = 0.5cm 1 = 1 ex = 1 e 0 = 0.93 IV.9 Turner 8.53 (Page 205) A dentist places the window of a 100-kVp (100-kV, peak voltage) X-ray machine near the face of a patient to obtain an X ray of the teeth. Without ltration, considerable low-energy (assume 20 keV) X rays are incident on the skin. (a) If the intervening tissue has a thickness of 5mm, calculate the fraction of the 20-keV intensity absorbed in it. From Figure 8.11, Figure 8.12 and the Periodic Table (p556-557) For soft tissue: Photon energy= 10keV e n (20keV) = 0.63cm2 /g = H2 0 = 1g/cm3 For Al: e n (20keV) = 2.8cm2 /g Al = 2.7g/cm3 1 = 1 ex = 1 e 0
0.63 cm g
2 g (1 cm3 )(0.5cm)

5.3 cm g

g (1 cm3 )(0.5cm)

= 0.27

(b) What thickness of aluminum lter would reduce the 20-keV radiation exposure by a factor of 10? 1 = 1 ex = 0 10 x= ln(10) ln(10) = en (2.8cm2 g) (2.7g/cm3 ) = 0.3cm (c) Calculate the reduction in the intensity of 100-keV X rays transmitted by the lter. 1 = 1 ex = 1 e 0
0.036 cm g
2 g (2.7 cm3 )(0.3cm)

= 0.0287 = 2.87% (d) After adding the lter, the exposure time need not be increased to obtain the quality of X-ray picture. Why not? The majority of 100keV x-rays are still transmitted through the lter (97%) while nearly all of the 20keV x-rays are absorbed. Since it is the 100keV x-rays which contribute to the image, the exposure time need not be increased. IV.10 Obtain the following data/plots from the internet: (a) Photon interaction coecients for H, C, N, O, Al, Fe, Pb (b) Mass energy absorption coecients of human tissues (c) Material constants and composition for TISSUE, SOFT (ICRU-44) MUSCLE, SKELETAL (ICRU-44) BONE, CORTICAL (ICRU-44) (d) The mass attenuation and the mass energy-absorption coecients for TISSUE, SOFT (ICRU-44) MUSCLE, SKELETAL (ICRU-44) BONE, CORTICAL (ICRU-44) IV.11 Turner 7.9 (Page 168) 9. From Fig. 5.6 nd LET for a (a) 2-MeV alpha particle, 1.8 103 MeV cm1 (b) 100-MeV moon, 2.3MeV cm1 (c) 100-keV positron. 4.3MeV cm1 IV.12 Turner 7.12 (Page 168) In Section 7.4 we calculated the specic ionization of a 5-MeV alpha particle in air (3.42 104 cm1 ) and in water (4.32 107 cm1 ). Why is the specic ionization so much greater in water?

The stopping power in a medium is directly proportional to the number of electrons per unit volume in the medium and roughly inversely proportional to the ionization energy so the specic ionization in air for alpha particles is much greater than that in water. IV.13 Turner 7.14 (Page 168) (a) Dene energy straggling. The phenomenon of unequal losses of particles in a medium under identical conditions is called energy straggling (See Page 161). (b) Does energy straggling cause range straggling? Yes.

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