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Name :Cheryl T.

Ugsang BSHM-2A Assignment in english 100

Retain key technical or discipline-specific terms. Take notes in your own words. Paraphrase
what you hear so it makes sense to you—it helps you to understand and remember what you
hear. Writing notes helps you remember what you heard. Taking notes helps you to
concentrate and listen effectively. Selecting what to note down increases your understanding.
Along with points you noted during the meeting which gives you complete understanding about
the matter. Reduces the amount of writing needed, organized, easy memorization of facts, easy
study of comparisons and relationships, reduces time on editing and reviewing before tests,
good overview. Disadvantages: Must be able to sort out the categories for it to work. Note-
taking (sometimes written as notetaking or note taking) is the practice of recording
information from different sources and platforms. By taking notes, the writer records the
essence of the information, freeing their mind from having to recall everything. Before you start
writing down your notes, skim the chapter or assigned pages

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