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Military Technological College


Department: Civil engineering and QS Coursework 2

Date Set:
MTCC4042 Lecturer: Abdullahi Umar
Artefact: 2 of Due Date:
Contribution: 30%
3 30/06/2022

Please be aware that any form of academic misconduct (including plagiarism and
cheating) will be dealt with according to the MTC Academic Integrity and Misconduct
Policy. Students must submit their own original work and where required, referenced
appropriately so as to avoid penalties.
When referencing the work of others, please refer to the MTC Referencing Guide.

Hand in: Submit your report via the Turnitin link on Moodle before 23.59 on the due date shown
above. Also submit a hardcopy of the report to the module coordinator on the due date shown
The aims of this coursework are:
 To reinforce the importance of ethics and ethical conduct among construction
 To provide insight to the students into the negative social, economic, legal and financial
consequences of unethical conducts by construction professionals.

Module learning outcomes assessed by this coursework:

On successful completion of this assignment, students will be expected, at threshold level, to be
able to:
 LO 6, Evaluate construction-related scenarios and identify ethical breaches.

In this coursework, you are required to undertake an investigation into the events surrounding the
Grenfell Tower fire incident in the UK. Construction/Engineering ethics failures are an important
part of our learning as an institution, society and humanity. Scandals arising from ethical failures
have helped us design better laws, processes and standards. Our financial system benefited from
the UK’s LIBOR scandal and the Global financial crisis of 2008. Lessons have been learnt from
failures such as High Land Towers, Sampoong departmental store, World trade centre towers
(Love, et al., 2011). Engineering regulations have benefitted from the Kansas City Hyatt Regency
incidence, the Titanic incidence and the space shuttle Challenger incidence have brought about
better standards, regulations, and laws despite their immense human and financial costs. You
are to research all available reports, investigations, and published articles on the incidence, the
cause(s) of the incidence, the resulting human and financial costs, the consequences on the
construction/engineering firms involved/ the client organisation. You are to assess the fire
incidence against the RICS Global ethical standards and the ICE rules of professional conducts
highlighting the standards/rules that were breached. Human survival depends on the protection
and services provided by our built environment. Laws, codes, and standards to ensure safety and
quality have been an integral part of the construction industry for hundreds of years (Mirsky &
Schaufelberger, 2015).

Required: You are required to research and write a 1500 words essay identifying the cause(s) of
the incidence, the resulting human and financial costs, the consequences on the
construction/engineering firms involved/the client organisation. You are to assess the fire
incidence against the RICS Global ethical standards and the ICE rules of professional conducts

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highlighting the standards/rules that were breached. The report should be typed in Arial font size
12 at 1.5 line spacing, fully “justified” with referencing and citation in Harvard styles.

Assessment Components

LO # Assessment Component Weight


Highlighting the importance of ethical professional conduct

6 among construction professionals including negative 10%
consequences of unethical behaviour (Citations should be
included in this section)

A well-presented review of literature highlighting the cause of the

6 10
fire found by both government and independent investigators.

An analysis of the social, economic, legal and financial effects of

6 the fire on various stakeholders.

A well-structured analysis of the various RICS ethical standards

and ICE rules of professional conducts breached by the actions
of the major stakeholders resulting in the fire and its associated 25%
negative consequences.

6 A well-crafted conclusion and recommendations. 15%

Appropriate referencing with associated in-text citation of

information sources using Harvard style. At least 10 references
N/A 15%
to include a minimum of 2 books from MTC library and 5 journal
articles. Good grammar.

Reading / References:
The Module teaching notes issued to students by the course team at the start of the Module.
Other References: as noted in the module descriptor

 Further guidance will be given during taught sessions.

 Retrieval of failure will be as detailed in the Module Descriptor.

Method of feedback to the students

Feedback will be provided to the student using following methods; place a (X) as appropriate.
This written report is submitted through Turnitin and a manual copy to the instructor.
Feedback will be provided through an assessment sheet only.
This written report will be submitted through Turnitin and feedback will be provided
through Turnitin.
This coursework is submitted manually. Feedback will be provided through the
Assessment sheet only.

The Military Technological College regulations require students to keep electronic copies
of all assignments, and submit these at any time upon request.

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Date of submission: TBA

Student Number:

Assessor / Second Marker: % Mark

Assessment Fail (0-39%) Pass (40-49%) Good (50-59%) Very Good (60- Excellent (70-100%) Mark awarded
Component (Range of marks Threshold 69%)
Introduction Irrelevant to very Adequate Good Very Good Excellent Introduction. Maximum
poor introduction Introduction. Introduction. Introduction. Very well written and available
and/or no real Reasonably clear. Generally clear. Sets out the main sets out the main topic marks (10)
attempt to tackle the Introduces the main Introduces the topic with clear and with clear and concise
task. topics but in only main topic with concise detail. detail. Excellent
adequate detail. some detail and Clearly explains explanation of what is
Poor or no sets out what is what is to follow in to follow in the report.
explanation of what to follow in the the report.
is to follow. report.
Cause of the Irrelevant to very Adequate Good Very good Excellent explanation Maximum
Grenfell fire poor explanation explanation and explanation and explanation and and very clearly available
and/or no real reasonably clear. clearly written. very clearly written. written analysis. marks (10)
attempt to tackle the Identification of the Identification of Identification of the Identification of the
task. cause only. the cause and cause and ancillary cause with excellent
ancillary issues. issues with well- critical analysis of
reasoned analysis published findings.

Effect of the Irrelevant to very Adequate A good A very good An excellent Maximum
Grenfell fire poor description description. description of description of description of available
on and/or no real Reasonably clear negative negative negative marks (25)
stakeholders attempt to tackle the with a few list of consequences consequences from consequences from
task. effects of the from the Grenfell the Grenfell fire. the Grenfell fire.
Grenfell fire on fire. Provides a Provides a list of Provides a
stakeholders. list of effects on effects on the comprehensive list of
the various various effects on the various
stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders

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Breached Irrelevant to very Adequate Good articulation Very good Excellent articulation Maximum
RICS/ICE poor articulation of articulation of of breached articulation of of breached RICS/ICE available
standards and possible solutions to breached RICS/ICE RICS/ICE breached RICS/ICE standards and Rules. marks (25)
Rules the problem. standards and standards and standards and All are evidence-
Rules Rules Rules based.
Conclusion Very poor Adequate Good conclusion.
Very good Excellent conclusion. Maximum
and conclusion. No conclusion. Attempt Attempt made to
conclusion. Attempt Tied up preceding available
recommendati attempt made to tie made to tie up tie up preceding
made to tie up arguments in the marks (15)
ons up preceding preceding arguments in
preceding conclusions. Made
arguments with any arguments in conclusions and
arguments in the several excellent
conclusions conclusions and recommendationconclusions. Some recommendations
reached or recommendations s recommendations supported with
recommendations are made published evidence
Referencing Poorly written with Adequate grammar Good grammar Very good grammar Excellent grammar Maximum
and grammar no attempt at any and some attempt and a good and a very good and an excellent available
referencing made at referencing attempt made at attempt made at attempt made at marks (15)
referencing referencing referencing

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Love, P., Lopez, R., Goh, Y. & Tam, C., 2011. What goes up, Shouldn't Come Down: Learning
from Construction and Engineering Failures. Procedia Engineering, , Volume 14, pp. 844-850.

Mirsky, R. & Schaufelberger, J., 2015. Professional ethics for the construction industry. New
York: Routledge.

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