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Specific Functions Other comments

Prealbumin -Best indicator of Malnutrition -Most anodal
-Transport protein: -Forms a distinct band in
binds/transports T4 (transthyretin electrophoresis, thus, it is a
or Thyroxine binding Prealbumin [ landmark in identifying
TBPA]) unknown fluid CSF
-Involves in transport of Vit. A/
Retinol: forms a complex with
RBP [ Retinol Binding Complex]
Albumin -Major Contributor to osmotic/ -Osmotic pressure = Osmotic
oncotic pressure pressure
-General transport protein: - ↓ osmotic pressure will lead
transports bilirubin, fatty acids, to Edematous where water in
ions (Ca, Mg), and acidic drugs vascular wall goes to tissues
-Negative APR: ↓
-↓ level in liver diease,
nephrotic syndrome, protein
losing enteropathy
α-Fetoprotein -↑ level in amniotic fluid: Neural -usually increase in
tube defect (Anencephaly or pregnancy
Spina Bifida) - Maternal serum as
screening, followed by
-↑ level associated with
Hepatocellular carcinoma/
hepatoma/liver cancer (in
adult, not pregnant)
α1 -Antitrypsin -Positive APR: ↑ inflammation -“anti”- means an protease
-Protease inhibitor inhibitor
-90% of α1 band
-↓ level associated with
pulmonary emphysema and
Juvenile Hepatic Cirrhosis
(flat α-1)
α1- Acid -Positive APR: ↑ inflammation -aka. Orosomucoid
glycoprotein -Binds progesterone and some -Negatively charged even in
basic drugs acid pH
-very high carbohydrate
α1- -Protein inhibitor -Binds at prostate-specific
Antichymotrypsi -Mild Positive APR antigen
n -Essential in PSA assay
Gc-globulin -transport Vitamin D Binding -↓level may lead to abnormal
Protein [VBP] and in calcium calcium levels
homeostasis (intestinal absorption
and renal reabsorption)
Α2- -Negative APR -↑ten-fold in protein losing
Macroglobulin -Protease inhibitor conditions: Nephrotic
-largest non-Ig protein Syndrome, Protein losing
-Compensatory mechanism: ↑
synthesis of large proteins
which will be spared from
urinary and GI loss
Haptoglobin -Positive APR: ↑ inflammation -↓ level seen in hemolytic
-Binds to hemoglobin to preserve disorders (due to
iron consumption)
Ceruloplasmin -Positive APR: ↑ inflammation -Copper binding protein
-Has oxidase activity -↓ serum level in Wilson’s
-Wilson’s Disease: deposition
of coppers in tissue, thus ↓ in
Transferrin -transport ferric iron -↑ level seen in Iron
Deficiency Anemia
-IDA: ↓ serum iron, ↑ TIBC,
↑transferrin (distinguish from
other anemia of chronic
reported as Total Iron Binding
Capacity [TIBC]
mistaken for monoclonal
gammopathy [high peak:
severe IDA] due to proximity
to Immunoglobulin
C3 compliment -Immune response -Most abundant complement
-clearance of immune complexes, component (highest conc. In
as opsonin… serum)
-Convergence of classical
and alternative pathway
Hemopexin -Negative APR: ↓ inflammation -↓ level in intravascular
-Binds to heme hemolysis ( due to
β2 -Microglobulin -component of MHC or HLA -Use to measure GFR
molecules - Serve as clearance
- Specifically, MHC Class I substance
-Clearance: removal from the
blood through filtration
-small protein with 11 800
Daltons (MW) [ 70 000
glomerular threshold]
-Unreliable in patients with
malignancies and
autoimmune disorders
(overestimation of GFR)
C-reactive -Positive APR: Most sensitive -Gamma migrating
protein -enhances phagocytosis in immunoglobulin
inflammatory disease ↑ up to 1000 times in
-Act as opsonin, a substance that inflammatory states
enhances phagocytosis -High Sensitivity CRP used
as a marker of Cardio
Vascular Disease
Immunoglobulins -Antibodies produced by plasma -Gamma globulins
cells (differentiated B- -Major classes/ isotypes: IgG,
lymphocytes) IgM, IgA, IgE, and IgD
-IgM- primary response
-IgG- anamnestic response

 Extra bands will be seen if the specimen used is:

o Plasma: Fibrinogen in Beta-Gamma interzone
o Hemolyzed serum: Hemoglobin in A2-beta interzone or sometimes
contributes to beta band
Type Pathologic conditions B1 B2
Pre-hepatic Hemolytic disorders ↑ N
Hepatic Gilbert syndrome Transport Defect
Lucey-Driscoll syndrome
Physiologic jaundice of Conjugation Defect
the newborn
Crigler-Najjar syndrome ↑ N
Viral hepatitis
Cirrhosis ↑ ↑
Hepatic carcinoma
Dubin- Johnson
syndrome N ↑ Secretory Defect
Rotor syndrome
Post Hepatic Biliary obstruction N ↑

Unconjugated Combined Conjugated

Hyperbilirubinemia Hyperbilirubinemia Hyperbilirubinemia
Enzymes of Clinical Importance

Start of Increase Peak Normalizes

CK-MB 4-6 hours 12-24 hours 48-72 hours (2-3 days)
LD (for MI) 12-24 hours 48-72 hours 10 days
AST (for MI) 6-8 hours 18-24 hours 4-5 days

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