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text as a connected


subject; reading and writing

Define the concepts of Linguistics,
01 Discourse and text

Define written text as connected

02 Discourse
Appreciate the impact of connected
03 Dicourse in effective communication
linguistics Language
- is the scientific “study - is a complex structure
of human language” built up of smaller units
connected to each
Morphemes is the smallest unit of language
Sentence is the largest unit of Linguistic that shows
grammatical structure. it is made by combining the
correct words based on the rules of grammar
above sentence”
above sentence”

above sentence”

A term comes from the word
discursus. in late Latin, it means
“conversation” and some texts indeed
are in the form of discussion in which
writers express their opinions.
verbal interchange of ideas and
above sentence” information either spoken or
written TEXT

A term comes from the word
discursus. in late Latin, it means
“conversation” and some texts indeed
are in the form of discussion in which
writers express their opinions.
verbal interchange of ideas and
above sentence” information either spoken or
written TEXT

Discourse text
A term comes from the word
discursus. in late Latin, it means
“conversation” and some texts indeed
are in the form of discussion in which
writers express their opinions.
verbal interchange of ideas and
above sentence” information either spoken or
written TEXT

Discourse text
A term comes from the word
Physical manifestation of
discursus. in late Latin, it means discourse,
“conversation” and some texts indeed a process of interaction
are in the form of discussion in which and interpretation of
writers express their opinions. language in the context
purpose of discourse

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Argumentation In proving claims, the
Argumentation is the act writer presents studies,
or process of making and experts’ opinions, and
presenting arguments. statistical data, among
Arguments are a series others. Moreover, an
argumentative discourse
of statements for or
should appeal to logic or
against an idea.
reason instead of emotion
Description Exposition
Its purpose is to This aims to inform about,
transmit that impression clarify, and explain a
through concrete, phenomenon.
It defines what something
colorful, and vivid
is and provides an in-depth
language so that
discussion about topics
readers can fully imagine
that are usually less
the topic or subject explored.
This type of discourse is like
storytelling. It recalls events
chronologically. This
discourse is told in the
first-, second-, or third-
person point of view.
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