OOPs Imp Questions

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Assignment - 7

Name – Sourasish Mondal

University Roll No. – 11500221053
Stream – CSE-B Group – 2
Subject – Object Oriented Programming
Subject Code – PCC-CS593

Problem Statement:

1. Define an abstract class figure. Define the area and volume method in the
child classes. Use dynamic method dispatch.

public class assignment7{
public static void main(String[] args){
Figure rectangle = new TwoDFigure(5, 10);
Figure box = new ThreeDFigure(10, 30, 20);

System.out.println("The area of the rectangle is:

" + rectangle.area());
System.out.println("The area of the box is : " +

abstract class Figure{

abstract double area();
abstract double volume();

class TwoDFigure extends Figure{

double length;
double breadth;

TwoDFigure(double length, double breadth){

this.length = length;
this.breadth = breadth;

double area(){
return length * breadth;

double volume(){
return 0; //not applicable for two dimension
class ThreeDFigure extends Figure{
double length;
double breadth;
double height;

ThreeDFigure(double length, double breadth, double

this.length = length;
this.breadth = breadth;
this.height = height;
double area(){
return 2*(length*breadth + breadth*height +

double volume(){
return length * breadth * height;

2. Implement the following design with suitable example classes.


interface A {
void doSomething();
interface A1 {
void doSomething1();
abstract class C {
abstract void performAction();
class D extends C implements A {
void performAction() {
System.out.println("Class D performing an action.");
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Class D is doing something.");
public void doSomething1() {
System.out.println("Class D is doing something again.");

public class assignment7ii {

public static void main(String[] args) {
D d = new D();


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