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Name: Jose Francis E.

Villena Course and Year: BAT 3-B

1. Air Pollution: Causes:
 Emissions from vehicles and industrial processes.
 Burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy.
 Deforestation and agricultural activities.
 Construction and demolition activities.
 Volcanic eruptions and natural sources.
 Respiratory problems (asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer) in humans.
 Acid rain, which damages soil, water bodies, and infrastructure.
 Harmful effects on wildlife and vegetation.
 Climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions.
 Reduction in visibility and aesthetic degradation.
 Economic costs related to healthcare and environmental damage.
2. Water Resource Pollution: Causes:
 Industrial discharges.
 Agricultural runoff (pesticides, fertilizers).
 Improper disposal of sewage and wastewater.
 Oil spills and marine dumping.
 Landfills and plastic waste.
 Deforestation and soil erosion.
 Contaminated drinking water leading to waterborne diseases.
 Disruption of aquatic ecosystems and loss of biodiversity.
 Harm to marine life due to plastic and chemical pollutants.
 Reduction in agricultural productivity.
 Economic costs related to healthcare, clean-up, and lost revenue in fishing industries.
3. Waste Pollution: Causes:
 Improper waste disposal (landfills, open burning, littering).
 Plastic pollution from single-use plastics.
 Electronic waste (e-waste) from discarded electronics.
 Industrial and hazardous waste.
 Construction and demolition waste.
 Soil and water contamination.
 Harm to wildlife and marine animals due to ingestion of waste.
 Health issues in humans due to exposure to toxic substances.
 Economic costs related to waste management and healthcare.
 Aesthetic degradation of landscapes and tourist destinations.
4. Noise Pollution: Causes:
 Traffic noise.
 Industrial processes and machinery.
 Construction activities.
 Loud music and entertainment venues.
 Air traffic and transportation.
 Urbanization and population density.
 Hearing impairment and other health issues.
 Disturbance of wildlife and their habitats.
 Negative impact on mental health (stress, anxiety, depression).
 Interference with communication and learning.
 Disruption of sleep patterns.
 Economic costs due to healthcare and reduced productivity.
5. Biodiversity Loss: Causes:
 Habitat destruction (deforestation, urbanization).
 Pollution (air, water, soil pollution).
 Climate change.
 Overexploitation of natural resources.
 Invasive species.
 Disease and pathogens.
 Imbalance in ecosystems and disruption of food chains.
 Loss of species diversity and genetic variation.
 Reduced ecosystem services (pollination, water purification, climate regulation).
 Economic challenges for communities dependent on biodiversity.
 Increased vulnerability to natural disasters.
 Potential loss of medicinal resources and scientific knowledge.

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