Practice Author - S Point of View

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Identify the author’s point of view.

1. The room was painted yellow.

Point of view: neutral____________________________________________

Reason: The author inform people about the colour of the room .

2. The room was painted a bright, sunny yellow.

Point of view: neutral____________________________________________
Reason: The author inform people about the colour of the room_______________

3. The room was painted a garish yellow.

Point of view: neutral_________________________________________________
Reason: The author inform people about the colour of the room_____________________

4. The research was carried out from 2010 to 2020.

Point of view: neutral____________________________________________________

Reason:The author inform people about when the research was carried________________

5. The research covered a period of only ten years.

Point of view: neutral______________________________________________
Reason:The author inform people about how long the research covered_________________
6. The researchers dedicated ten years of their lives to complete the research.

Point of view: neutral________________________________________________
Reason:The author inform people about how long the researcher dedicated their time to
complete the research_________________________________________

7. Spanking is an assault. It is violence against our young, some of the most vulnerable beings
on the planet. What’s worse is that it is violence inflicted on children by the very people that
are supposed to protect and cherish them.

Point of view: negative_________________________________________

Reason:The author convince people that spanking is an assault____________________

8. Think carefully before you drink that next cup of coffee. Research conducted by the
University of California has found that caffeine does very little to improve your memory.

Point of view: negative_____________________________________________

Reason: The author convince people about the effect of caffeine in improving memory____

9. Gemas, which gets its name from Gua Emas, is a charming little town that has managed to
retain its old-world charm and grace.

Point of view: neutral____________________________________________
Reason:The author inform people about the origin of the name Gemas_________________

10. As you cross the crystal bridge, you hear the sound of two voices coming from the shores of
the river. One of the voices sounds distressed. The other sounds angry.
Point of view: neutral_______________________________________________
Reason:The author inform people about what happen as you cross the crystal bridge_______
describe performance
11. The trapeze artist stood high on the platform. The whole crowd was silent. He was working
without a net. The trapeze artist rubbed his hands on his knees, grabbed the flying trapeze,
and sprung into the air. Just as the trapeze had swung its full length, the trapeze artist
released his grip and did a triple flip. He narrowly caught a second trapeze bar and swung
from it by his legs. The crowd cheered. Another trapeze artist ascended the platform.

Point of view: neutral__________________________________________

Reason:The author entertain people about trapeze artist_________________

12. Grilling chicken is easy. First, give yourself plenty of time. If the temperature rises much past
350 degrees, you may burn your chicken. So, keep the temperature low, and give yourself
plenty of time to cook the chicken. Set your burners on low and leave the chicken on the top
rack. Flip your chicken every 15 to 20 minutes. During final twenty minutes of cooking, brush
some barbeque sauce on your chicken. Now prepare to eat a delicious meal!

Point of view: neutral____________________________________
Reason: The author instruct people how to grill chicken___________________________

13. If you are confused about something in class, do not wait. Raise your hand and ask for help
immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher should
attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if
he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. just give instruction if lost

Point of view: neutral________________________________________________

Reason:The author instruct people how to clear our confuse in class___________________

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