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Questions to a citizen of Iran

Thank you for taking the time to write about your country and your experience. For
us, teenagers, on the other side of the planet, this opportunity is unique. All your
answers will be used for educational purposes.

First, can you share some data about yourself?

Name: Maya Majidi

Age: 51

Occupation: University Professor, Linguistics

Where do you live? In Tehran, Capital city of Iran

Now, here are some questions, please answer them with your experience.

What do you think about the death of Mahsa Amini as a female citizen in Iran?

- I think she was an innocent young lady, just like millions of teenagers and young
people of my country who are being punished and murdered by the government to
terrify the society.

What exactly have you heard about the death of Mahsa Amini?

- Amini family is living in a small city called Saqez in west part of Iran. During the last
week of our summer holidays, they travelled to Tehran. At that evil day, she and her
younger brother and another teenager family member, decided to pay a visit to a
newly built monument landscape in Tehran, Called "Nature Bridge". She just had a
dream to take a photo over there. At the entrance, the militia stopped her for the way
she dressed up. Disregard of her brother and cousin shouts, they arrested her and
took her to the Ethic Police station. They punched her head and left the unconscious
body for few hours. Then they sent the victim to the hospital where they announced
her dead.

Have you ever participated in a protest under the Mahsa situation?

- I proudly did and I do.

How have the protests affected your life and your surroundings?

- Our routine life is destroyed. We are all sad and angry. So many shops, cinemas,
theatres, sport clubs, small businesses and many more are in a strike which causes
us serious economic issues.

How has the government acted on the protests?

- If you are a fan of Harry Potter, they acted just like Death Eaters. In case you are
not, they killed and are killing as much as they can everywhere. More than 300
people and about 50 children are being murdered up to now. Thousands of people
are injured and about 2000 arrested are sentenced to death.

What does the news in Iran say about this situation?

They use rude slangs to call people and students in the streets which mean: tagrags
and bobtails, gangs, hoodlums…outlaws.

How does it feel to be a female in Iran?

- When the Islamic Revolution took place in Iran, I was 6. More than 50 families of
our uncles, aunts, friends and neighbors and 4 million of Iranians migrated to the
European countries, United States, Canada....My father was a patriotic university
professor who taught his children to stay and fight for freedom. Fighting and
protesting is a lifetime project to my generation. I am a teacher too and my dream
has always been seeing my students living happily and proudly in their own country.

Being a female in Iran makes me feel I am made of heart and steel.

What are the differences between the rights of women in Iran and other Muslim

- I have no document but I think we are allowed to drive a car, study in school and
university and have a job, but in some Muslim places these actions are banned.

What obstacles have you experienced as a woman?

- The better question is: When there were no obstacles for woman in a Muslim

We are not allowed to ride a bike in public even if we wear Islamic covers. We are
not allowed to sing, play an instrument, dance in public and a long list of tiny things
which are funny and embarrassing at the same time.

How do you get news in Iran? Is the internet always working or is there some

-In last 50 days, Internet was cut or very slow during the day. Cellular data just works
for banking transactions. We get news after the midnights from tweeter, Instagram or
Iranian networks outside of Iran with VPN and Proxy. We share our information
during the day with local messengers.

Thank you so much for your time.

Sincerely, Miguel, Mariana, Luis Diego, Brittany, and Josué.

Thank you so much my children. I appreciate it. I had to fill the answers in Word
because of Internet filtering. Wish you all a wonderful life, full of joy, health and


Maya Majidi

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