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Citi Learning 2021

Trends and Technologies Shaping the Future of Work and Learning

Citi Learning
Citigroup © 2018
52 pages

Rating Take-Aways

8 Applicability • Digital technologies are driving rapid and profound changes.
7 Innovation • People living and working longer, along with the changing nature of the employer–
8 Style employee relationship, are two of the trends influencing learning and labor.

• Many technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet
of Things, will affect how companies deliver corporate training.

Focus • The “open source culture” promotes collaboration and initiative.

• “Virtual and augmented reality, gamification, and adaptive learning” merit immediate
Leadership & Management attention and investment for education and training purposes.
Sales & Marketing
Human Resources
IT, Production & Logistics
Career & Self-Development
Small Business
Economics & Politics
Global Business
Concepts & Trends

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This document is restricted to the personal use of Gabriel Razzotti ( 1 of 2

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Human beings are adept at using imagination to develop technology, which is transforming peoples’ everyday
lives. The term “future shock” has never been more apt. In this instructive guide, Citi shares input from an internal
taskforce commissioned to make sense of these changes and to outline some directions for corporate learning. The
group has identified certain critical technologies, such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, that are
replete with promise as well as peril.

Four trends influence how learning and labor will unfold in the future: 1) The world
getabstract is speeding up; 2) the nature of the employer–employee relationship is changing; 3)
“We are not prisoners individuals are living and working longer; and 4) while information is available everywhere,
of our DNA, family of
origin or geography, people suffer from reduced attention spans. Technologies to aid corporate learning include:
but protagonists
who can reflect,
learn, imagine and • “Smart automation” – Artificial intelligence (AI), robots and machine learning are
consciously respond to capabilities as transformative to civilization as the introduction of electricity.
life in ways we hope
construct a better
• “Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)” – Creating real-world scenarios
future.” for trading, client meetings and emergency preparedness can train workers in various
situations. Cost is a factor, as are “ethical debates” on the use of VR and AR.
• “Gamification”– Specialized software presents educational concepts via rules-based
games that make learning fun and spur participation. A Citi pilot using games showed
getabstract improved engagement among service staff.
“As technologies
continue to evolve, • “Sensors and wearables” – Items such as smartwatches that micromonitor individuals’
challenging and physical states and behaviors could remind learners and prompt actions, but they also
disrupting business
models…the world will pose significant privacy and information control issues.
inexorably move toward • “Big data” – Vast amounts of information can help identify sales opportunities, but the
learning as a way to
technology carries privacy and security risks.
getabstract • “Cloud” – Computing services offer speed and scalability but are vulnerable to security
• “Adaptive learning” – Instructional frameworks allow changes to training content,
pacing and sequence, based on students’ needs and abilities.
getabstract • “Open source” – Best known as public-access information provided by entities such as
“As humans, we must
avoid the temptation Wikipedia and Linux, the “open source culture” promotes collaboration and initiative.
to place blind faith • “API – application programming interfaces” – Programs that search for and aggregate
in technology as the
solution to all of data can link users’ learning sources across various sites.
humanity’s greatest • “Internet of Things” – Networks of connected devices mark “the next frontier of the
and most persistent
sharing economy.”
Of these, VR and AR, gamification, and adaptive learning merit immediate attention and
investment for education and training purposes.

About the Author
Citi Learning is an internal taskforce at Citigroup.

Citi Learning 2021 getAbstract © 2018 2 of 2

This document is restricted to the personal use of Gabriel Razzotti (

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