Template Lab Report Mem460

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Title of the experiment.

State the purpose that describes the intention of the experiment, investigation or

Presents a short description of the experiment background information, the reason for doing
the workshop experiment.

Experimental procedure: Apparatus setup, materials used, and procedure during handling the
Results and discussion: Present the final product. Measurement error analysis must be shown
and explained. Use SI units only. Discuss your findings; make comparisons with known
information if available. Elaborate on possible sources of errors, defects and sensitivity of the
procedure applied. Propose any potential improvements in the project.
Conclusion: A summary of the main finding based on the results.

The report should be about 5-6 pages, written by using Times New Roman, 12 font-size,
justify alignment, 1.5 spacing.
Tables and illustrations should be numbered according to subtopic. For example, for
figure under subtopic 2.0 will be as Figure 2.1 with caption title. Tables and illustrations
should be centred with illustration numbers written one blank line, centered, after the relevant
illustration. Table number written one line, centered, before the relevant table. Leave one
blank lines before the table or illustration.
Authors should appreciate the importance of good-quality illustrations. All graphs and
diagrams should be referred to, for example, Figure 1 in the text. In the text, tables and
figures should be referred to as Figure 1.1 and Table 1.1. A detailed caption should be
provided below each figure according to the following format:

Figure 1.1: A simple 2-D cantilever.

Table 1.1: Minimum values of spacing and edge and end distances

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3

Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric
Label Text / Numeric Text / Numeric

The International System of Units (SI) is to be used; other units can be used only after
SI indications, and should be added in parenthesis.
Equations should be typed, and all symbols should be explained within the manuscript.
An equation should be proceeded and followed by one blank line, and should be referred to,
in the text, in the form Equation (1).

y= A +Bx +Cx 2 (1)

Last point: the references. In the text, the references should be a number within square
brackets, e.g. [3], or [4]–[6] or [2, 3]. The references should be listed in numerical order at
the end of the paper.
References must be numbered in which they are cited in the text using IEEE format. In the
text, the references should be a number within square brackets, e.g. [3], or [4]–[6] or [2, 3].
The references should be listed in numerical order at the end of the
The citation can be easily accessible in libraries or other public sources. Examples
below show the format for references including books and proceedings.

[1] M. K. Ghosh and A. Nagraj, “Turbulence flow in bearings,” Proceedings of the

Institution of Mechanical Engineers 218 (1), pp 61 – 64, 2004.
[2] H. Coelho and L. M. Pereira, “Automated reasoning in geometry theorem proving with
Prolog,” J. Automated Reasoning 2 (3), pp 329-390, 1986.
[3] P. N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology Foundry, Forming and Welding, 2nd ed. (McGraw
Hill, Singapore), pp. 53 – 68, 2000.
[4] Hutchinson, F. David and M. Ahmed, U.S. Patent No. 6,912,127, 28 June 2005.

The student must submit the report with evaluation form to the instructor within seven (7)
days upon completing each of the lab session. It is compulsory for the team leader to request
the signature and stamp from the lab instructor for submission validation.

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