Level5 Lesson8

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还有 + Time (+ Subj.) + 就 (要) + Verb + 了

Bǎobǎo jiù yào liǎng suìle.
The baby is about to turn 2 years old.

Jiù yào chī wán fànle, bié chī língshíle
dinner is about to start so please do not eat snacks.

Jason 就要结婚了 他很紧张。

Jason jiù yào jiéhūnle tā hěn jǐnzhāng
Jason is about to get married and he is very nervous.

就要下雨了 你要带雨伞啊.
Jiù yào xià yǔle nǐ yào dài yǔsǎn a
It is about to rain, you have to take umbrella.

Nǐ jiù yào zuò shǒushùle, hàipà ma
You are about to start surgery; are you scared?

还有 + Time (+ Subj.) + 就 (要) + Verb + 了

Hái yǒusān tiān wǒ jiù yào qù kàn nǎinai yéyéle
In three days I am going to visit my grandparents.

还有一年就要毕业了,小张 很忙。
Hái yǒuyī nián jiù yào bìyèle, xiǎo zhāng hěn máng
In a year little zhang will graduate and she is very busy.

Rose 还有 10 天就要开始工作了,她很兴奋。
Rose hái yǒu 10 tiān jiù yào kāishǐ gōngzuòle, tā hěn xīngfèn
In ten days rose is about to start working and she is very excited.
Hái yǒu bànnián jiù yào tuìxiūle, wáng xiānshēng yǒudiǎn nánguò
In half a year Mr. Wang is going to retire and he is a little sad.

还有 10 分钟就要下课了,大家还有什么问题吗?
Hái yǒu 10 fēnzhōng jiù yào xiàkèle, dàjiā hái yǒu shén me wèntí ma
In 10 minutes the class is going to be over. Anyone have any questions?

Wǒ de gōngzuò hái yǒu yīgè xiǎoshí jiù yào wánchéngle, yī huǐ zài liáo a
In one hour I am going to finish my work. Let's chat after a short while.

Dialogue Vocabulary
消息 Xiāoxī = news
满了 Mǎnle = full, filled
来得及 Láidéjí = enough time
签证 Qiānzhèng = visa
学费 Xuéfèi = tuition
申请 Shēnqǐng = to apply

Dialogue 对话
A: 王姐姐,我有好消息告诉你。
Wáng jiějiě, wǒ yǒu hǎo xiāoxī gàosù nǐ
Sister Wang, I have good news to tell you

B: 是吗小李?什么好消息?
Shì ma xiǎo lǐ? Shénme hǎo xiāoxī?
Really Xiaoli? What good news?

A: 我问过以前的高中, 你朋友的儿子可以上。
Wǒ wènguò yǐqián de gāozhōng, nǐ péngyǒu de ér zǐ kěyǐ shàng
I asked my high school from before, your friend's son can go

B: 真的吗?太好了,很多学校都满了。什么时候开学?
Zhēn de ma? Tài hǎole, hěnduō xuéxiào dōu mǎnle. Shénme shíhòu kāixué?
Really? Great, lots of schools are full. When does it school start?

A: 还有一个月就开学了,来得及吗?
Hái yǒu yīgè yuè jiù kāixuéle, láidéjí ma
There's still 1 month to start school, is it too late?
B: 一个月。。。我们试试,看看可以不可以拿到签证。
Yīgè yuè... Wǒmen shì shì, kàn kàn kěyǐ bù kěyǐ ná dào qiānzhèng
1 month...we'll stry, see if can or can't get visa

A: 王姐姐,听说最近签证有点难,我的朋友三次才拿到。
Wáng jiějiě, tīng shuō zuìjìn qiānzhèng yǒudiǎn nán, wǒ de péngyǒu
sāncì cái ná dào
Sister wang, I heard recently getting a visa is a bit hard, my friend
tried 3 times before getting visa

B: 是工作签证还是学生签证?
Shì gōngzuò qiānzhèng háishì xuéshēng qiānzhèng?
Is it a work visa or student visa?

A: 我的朋友是工作签证。
Wǒ de péngyǒu shì gōngzuò qiānzhèng
My friend 's is a working visa

B: 哦,小李,我忘了问了,学费贵吗?
Ó, xiǎo lǐ, wǒ wàngle wènle, xuéfèi guì ma
Oh, Xiaoli, I forget to ask, is tuition expensive?

A: 每年一万美元,还有住宿费。
Měinián yī wàn měiyuán, hái yǒu zhùsù fèi
Every year $10K, also there's dormatory fees

B: 好的谢谢,我马上告诉朋友,先申请学校再办签证。
Hǎo de xièxiè,wǒ mǎshàng gàosù péngyǒu,xiān shēnqǐng xuéxiào zài bàn qiānzhèng
Ok thanks, I'll immediately tell my friend, first apply to school then
take care of visa

A: 我还有两个小时就下班了,王姐姐我和你一起去学校看看吧。
Wǒ hái yǒu liǎng gè xiǎoshí jiù xiàbānle, wáng jiějiě wǒ hé nǐ yīqǐ qù
xuéxiào kàn kàn ba
I still have 2 hours to get off work, Sister Wang I'll go with you
together to look at the school.

B: 谢谢了!
Short Essay 短文

中国人去海外常常需要签证,工作签证,学生签证,旅游签证,或者移民签证。 签
证好像入场的门票,可以让人们进入另一个国家。 也有一些国家对于中国人是不需

Zhōngguó rén qù hǎiwài chángcháng xūyào qiānzhèng
Chinese people often need visa to go overseas
常常 chángcháng = often

Gōngzuò qiānzhèng, xuéshēng qiānzhèng, lǚyóu qiānzhèng, huòzhě yímín qiānzhèng
working vis, student visa, tourist visa, or immigration visa
移民 yímín = immigration

Qiānzhèng hǎoxiàng rù chǎng de ménpiào, kěyǐ ràng rénmen jìnrù lìng yīgè guójiā
visas are like entry tickets that allow people enter another country
入场 rùchǎng = admission

Yěyǒu yīxiē guójiā duìyú zhōngguó rén shì bù xūyào qiānzhèng de, dànshì
zhèyàng de guójiā bìng bù duō
there are some countries that do not require visas for Chinese people, but
there are not many such countries
对于 duìyú = towards, for

Dà bùfèn de wàiguó rén dào zhōngguó yě xūyào qiānzhèng
most foreigners need a visa to enter China
部分 bùfèn = section

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