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16 September 2021 - FINAL

Guidelines for Convening IUNCF Meetings

1. Indonesia-UN Consultative Forum (IUNCF) is a forum established as a coordination and

strategic partnership mechanism between the Government of Indonesia and the United
Nations which aims to strengthen cooperation and partnership between the two parties in
a coordinated manner.

2. The Guidelines for Convening IUNCF Meetings aims to elaborate the details of the IUNCF
Meetings, which cover substantive, technical, and coordination aspects.

3. IUNCF consists of two Working Groups: Working Group 1 (WG1): Information Sharing
and Cooperation Development, Working Group 2 (WG2): Administration, and one

4. The timeline of the IUNCF meetings is as follows:

4.1 WG1 will meet at least once a year prior to WG2 and the Plenary meeting.
4.2 WG2 will be convened following WG1 meeting but prior to the Plenary meeting.
4.3 The Plenary will be convened following the meetings of WG1 and WG2.

5. WG1 will be Co-Chaired by the Director for Socio-Cultural Affairs and International
Organization of Developing Countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and the
Head of the United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC) Office.

6. WG1 will meet to discuss, at least, the following: (1) Session A: Stock-Taking of
Cooperation Progress and (2) Session B: Discussing theme for the Thematic Discussion
of the Plenary. Other agenda items can be added, when deemed necessary by both the
Government of Indonesia and the UN.

6.1 WG1 Session A: Stock-Taking of Cooperation Progress

a. Session A is a session on the programs of the UN Agencies in Indonesia aimed

at strengthening coordination and implementation of the programs.

b. The Participants of the Session A will be limited to MoFA and the UNRC Office
as Co-Chairs, the Ministry of State Secretariat as the Co-Chair of WG2, and the
Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) as the National Focal
Point for the UN-Bappenas Forum. Any other UN and Government of Indonesia
Agencies whose presence are regarded as necessary, may attend the Session
upon invitation. The list of other invited UN and the Government of Indonesia
Agencies shall be mutually agreed by the UNRC Office and the Government of
Indonesia prior to the meeting.

c. Session A will discuss a number of matters, including opportunities and

challenges with regard to administrative and substantive matters related to any
16 September 2021 - FINAL

Program/Projects implemented by the UN Agencies in Indonesia and the line


d. Program/Projects that may be discussed in the Joint Review Session are the
ones included under the Joint Work Plan of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) or that have a written legal
basis. Any Agencies from the UN and the Government of Indonesia are invited
to propose any projects to be discussed in Session A. The Proposed projects to
be reviewed should be received by MoFA or the Office of UNRC in the period
between 1 (one) to 3 (three) Weeks prior to the date of the Session.

e. Session A under WG1 will only discuss substantive matters presented during the
Session. Administrative issues may be presented and noted in this Session but
will only be discussed under the WG2 Session. The WG1 Co-Chair will request
the WG2 Co-Chair to discuss the administrative issues presented during the
WG1 Joint Review Session in the following WG2 Meeting.

f. Session A will develop a single correspondence list of cooperation between the

Agencies of both the UN and the Government of Indonesia, which will be
continuously updated.

g. Session A will recommend non-binding action points to solve the issues for
consideration of the concerned parties.

h. Session A will identify and select a project for possible joint visit by the relevant
Ministries and UN Agencies. Preference is given to projects that have been
successfully implemented and are able to demonstrate a good cooperation
between the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations.

6.2 WG1 Session B: Selection of Theme for the Thematic Discussion at the Plenary

a. Thematic Discussion is a session in the IUNCF Plenary which discusses a

relevant theme that is of mutual interest between the Government and the United
Nations in Indonesia.

b. Session B will be an open session, where all interested parties may participate.
The selected Theme must have a strategic value in achieving SDGs in Indonesia
and national development agenda in general.

6.3 Invitation for WG1 shall be delivered at least 2 (two) weeks prior to the meeting.
Materials for the WG1 meeting should be shared at least 1 (one) week prior to the

6.4 WG1 meetings will be duly minuted and signed by the co-chairs.
16 September 2021 - FINAL

7. WG2 will be Co-Chaired by the Head of Bureau for Foreign Technical Cooperation of the
Ministry of State Secretariat and the Head of United Nations Operations Management
Team (UN OMT) Indonesia.

8. WG2 agenda will consist of, but not limited to, discussion on the administrative issues
presented during Session A WG1, and other relevant issues.

8.1 The WG2 Session

a. The WG2 Session will be attended by the relevant Government

Ministries/Agencies and all UN Agencies that are incorporated in the UN OMT.

b. The WG2 Session will discuss administrative issues that are presented during
the WG1 Joint Review Session, if necessary. Co-Chairs of WG2 may participate
in the WG1. Minutes of the WG1 to be shared prior to WG2 meeting.

c. The WG2 will discuss 4 (four) main topics: 1) Host Country Agreement (HCA)
and UN House, 2) Immigration and Consular, 3) Taxation, Customs and Excise
and 4) any administrative issues as discussed in the WG1.

d. Preliminary Meeting will be scheduled prior to The WG2 Session, if necessary.

Preliminary meeting is to be attended by focal points and meeting facilitators
from the Government Ministries and the United Nations. Agenda and
presentations are to be shared and reviewed during the preliminary meeting.

e. The WG2 Session will update the latest Government regulations and serve as
a sharing session (e.g. process of updating the Host Country Agreement).

8.2 Invitation for WG2 meeting shall be delivered at least 2 (two) weeks prior the
meeting. Materials for the WG2 meeting should be shared at least 1 (one) week prior
to the meeting.

8.3 Draft minutes of meeting to be shared prior to finalization and to include inputs from
the Government and the UN.

9. The Plenary will be Co-Chaired by the Director General for Multilateral Cooperation of
MoFA and the UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia. The Plenary agenda should, at the
minimum, consist of (1) report from WG1 IUNCF, (2) report from WG2 IUNCF, and (3)
Thematic Discussion.

9.1 Invitation for the Plenary shall be delivered at least 2 (two) weeks prior to the date of

10. In addition to the IUNCF, the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations in
Indonesia have also established the Bappenas-UN Forum which is aimed at enhancing
cooperation to ensure the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in
accordance with the priorities of the Government of Indonesia. For this purpose, the
16 September 2021 - FINAL

IUNCF may receive the relevant data and materials from the Bappenas-UN Forum for the
IUNCF deliberations and vice versa.

11. Upon conducting the annual IUNCF Meetings, MOFA and the RC Office will hold a
meeting to review the guidelines to assess whether any amendments are required.


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