Test 2

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The chart below illustrates the

percentage of owned and rented

accommodation of households in
England and Wales from 1918 to
2011. Overall, the percentage of
households renting
accommodation is much higher in
the first half part of the survey
period while the position is
reversed during the other half.
In 19118, the percentage of
households owning their living
place contributed to only 24%
while that of rented
accommodation is 79%. In the next
two years, there was a slight drop
in rent and an increase in
ownership in terms of percentage
of the household, both with a change of 10%. The proportion of rented accommodation
continued to decrease while the percentage of owned places keeps increasing until it
reached the same number as rented in 1971 – 50%. Until 2001, both choices of
accommodation had the same pattern before changing to the opposite in 2011 in which
the percentage of owned homes decreased and that’s of rented increase. Nevertheless, the
sudden changes in the last year of the survey didn’t cause much difference to the final
result- the proportion of rented accommodation was lower than owned ones by more than
Agree Disagree
- The development of technology, -> - Many options -> majority of them
more brands, products to choose are not as good as they seem, the
from difference is not much ( just being
- Globalization -> more options from hyped up to attract attention)
other countries - Not many people have the luxuries
- The development in business -> to choose -> only wealthy people
competition between companies -> have many choices, the ones with
use various deals, discounts,… low incomes cannot choose
(strategies) -> difficult to choose

Nowadays, it is believed that people have too many options to choose from. Some people
disagree and argued that we still don’t have enough choices in the present time. In my
opinion, it is obvious that the majority of people are facing the situation of too many choices
these days.
There are many reasons that lead to the lack of options for the minority of people in the
present day. Firstly, despite the huge amount of options that people can choose from, the
majority of them are not much different from each other instead, they are just being hyped up
to attract customers’ attention. Additionally, not everyone has the luxuries to choose between
various choices. The most prominent example would be the poor or people with low and
middle income, they don’t have many options to choose from, unlike the rich who can choose
and pick things carefully regarding the price. Thus, it is believed that some people actually
don’t have many choices even in the present times.
On the other hand, many people feel that they are suffering from too many choices these days.
First of all, with the development in technology, many new brands and products have
appeared to trouble the customers about what and where to choose from. Moreover, the
strategies and competitions between companies also play a role in confusing the purchasers
with various deals, discounts, etc which cause them a huge dilemma and hesitation. Last but
not least, globalization between countries has increased the number of options for people to
choose from significantly. Products with similar functions might have many designs, colours,
prices, etc which directly confused the buyer over time. Therefore, it is agreed that too many
choices have appeared nowadays.
In conclusion, although the minority of people haven’t gotten into contact with the significant
amount of options in today’s world yet, it is evident that too many options are existing in the
present time which causes several problems for people. Thus, I agree with the statement that
people are facing a lot of choices to choose from these days.

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