Test 3

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The bar chart illustrates the

ranking of 10 countries in terms of

the number of electricity being
produced and consumed in 2014.
Overall, China was the country
with the highest consumption and
production of electricity rate.
While others countries have a
higher amount of electricity being
produced, Germany has a higher
consumption proportion.
In 2014, China has a relatively
similar amount of produced and
consumed electricity which is
5,398 and 5,322 billion
respectively. The same pattern can
be seen in Russia and Korean
Republic in which the difference
between the two types of electricity is less than 50 billion kWh. The United States is the
country with the second highest amount of electricity both in production and
consumption – 4,099 for the former and 3,886 for the latter. Noticeably, from the third
place in terms of electricity being used and created, the number is much significantly
lower which directly created a huge gap between the two countries above and Russia,
Japan and India.
With the exception of Germany in which the rate of consumption number is over 50
billion higher than production; the rest 3 countries including Canada, France and Brazil
have a similar pattern as well as the proportion for two types of electricity in which the
difference between the production and consumption rate ranges from 90 to 120 billion.
Some people believe that History is a very important subject at school. While others
disagreed that subjects like Science and Technology are more essential nowadays in
comparison to History. In my opinion, although history might be no longer needed in the
present time for the majority of people, it is still one of the most important subjects that
citizens must know.
There are many reasons why history might not be necessary for today’s life. Firstly, most
successful careers nowadays don’t require much knowledge in fields like history. For
example are well-paid jobs such as doctors, programmers, etc., which don’t relate much
to historical knowledge. Additionally, some people tend to think that instead of looking
back to the past, we should plan carefully for the future which is correct in some
circumstances these days. Especially pasts with sad memories like a failure or the loss of
some close ones, although occasionally remise about those events is helpful, it will affect
our life negatively if we keep being bothered by those sad pasts. Thus, sometimes,
History is not very important and needed by people nowadays.
On the other hand, History is also seen as the most necessary school subject by many
people due to various causes. First of all, studying the past will give us many useful
experiences and knowledge that has been passed down by our ancestors for decades.
Without the record from the past and the lessons that are learned in schools, we will have
to start everything from scratch which will take a lot of time and effort. As a result, the
world’s development will be greatly hindered and slowed down. Moreover, history will
help reduces many damages to our lives as we can avoid past failures made by our
ancestors. Last but not least, it is important for children to have the basic knowledge of
every field possible including history so as not to fall behind and can deal with problems
that required much information from different subjects that occur once in a while.
Therefore, history can be considered an important subject even in today’s life.
In conclusion, despite the unneeded historical knowledge in the majority of jobs and the
less importance of it in comparison to Science and Technology in today’s life; it is still
necessary for citizens to have basic knowledge about the past. Therefore, I agree that
history should remain a compulsory subject.

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