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Criteria Exceptional Proficient Adequate Inadequate

Needs Improvement (2)
(x2) (5) (4) (3) (1)

The photos effectively capture The photos largely capture a The photos show some The photos show limited The photos do not align
a student embodying the student embodying the aspects of a student resemblance to a student with the project's
Adherence to Project teachings of Kartilya ng teachings of Kartilya ng embodying Kartilya's embodying Kartilya's objectives, and the
Objectives Katipunan, aligning perfectly Katipunan, with minor teachings, but there are teachings, with several Kartilya's teachings are not
with the project's objectives. deviations from project noticeable deviations from deviations from project evident.
objectives. project objectives. objectives.

A wide range of actions Several actions embodying Some actions embodying Few actions embodying Very few or no actions
embodying the Kartilya's Kartilya's teachings are Kartilya's teachings are Kartilya's teachings are embodying Kartilya's
Relevance and Diversity
teachings are documented, documented, offering a good documented, but there is documented, with little teachings are documented,
of Actions
providing a comprehensive variety of scenarios. limited diversity in diversity in scenarios. limiting the diversity of
view. scenarios. scenarios.

Photos are well-composed, with Photos are mostly well- Photos are adequately Photos lack consistent Photos are poorly
excellent framing, balance, and composed, with good composed, with some composition and framing, composed, with
Composition and
an aesthetically pleasing layout. framing and balance, instances of uneven framing leading to visual unbalanced framing,
contributing to the visual or balance, affecting the inconsistencies. making them visually
appeal. overall presentation. unappealing.

All images effectively convey a Most images contribute to a Some images contribute to Few images contribute to Images do not contribute
cohesive narrative that tells a cohesive narrative, but some the narrative but lack the narrative, but there is a to a cohesive narrative and
Storytelling and
compelling story related to the may not align perfectly with coherence, causing minor significant lack of lack any storytelling
Kartilya ng Katipunan. the overall story. disruptions in the story. coherence and flow in the aspect.

The project demonstrates a The project generally The project shows some The project has several The project displays a lack
clear commitment to ethical adheres to ethical awareness of ethical ethical oversights of ethical awareness, with
considerations, including considerations but may have considerations but has regarding consent, privacy, significant issues related to
Ethical Considerations
obtaining proper consent, minor oversights in consent notable oversights in consent or responsible image use. consent, privacy, or
ensuring privacy, and and privacy. and privacy. responsible image use.
responsible use of images.

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