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Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 126–132

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Manganese extraction by sulfur-based reduction roasting–acid leaching from

low-grade manganese oxide ores
Yuanbo Zhang, Zhixiong You ⁎, 1, Guanghui Li, Tao Jiang ⁎, 1
School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, the comprehensive utilization of low-grade manganese oxide ores has received much atten-
Received 26 August 2012 tion due to the shortage of high-grade manganese ore resources. In this study, low-grade manganese oxide
Received in revised form 13 December 2012 ores were treated by reduction roasting using chemically pure sulfur as a reductant. Then, the roasted
Accepted 2 January 2013
samples were subjected to sulfuric acid leaching to extract manganese (Mn). The effects of roasting temper-
Available online 9 January 2013
ature, roasting time, S/Mn mole ratio, sulfuric acid concentration, leaching temperature, stirring rate, leaching
time and liquid-to-solid ratio on the Mn and Fe leaching were discussed. The leaching efficiencies of 95.6%
Manganese oxide ores for Mn and 14.5% for Fe were obtained under the following optimized conditions: 550 °C of roasting temper-
Sulfur ature, 10 min of roasting time, 0.50 of S/Mn, 1.0 mol/L of sulfuric acid concentration, 25 °C of leaching
Reduction roasting temperature, 200 r/min of stirring rate, 5 min of leaching time and 5:1 of liquid-to-solid ratio.
Leaching © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction bacteria (Mehta et al., 2010; Xin et al., 2011). The main problems
with these hydrometallurgical processes are the purification of Mn
Manganese is widely used in steel production, nonferrous metal- from the leaching solution, high production cost, low leaching effi-
lurgy, chemical industry, dietary additives, cells and fine chemicals, ciency, etc.
and other applications (Hazek et al., 2006). Hence, many efforts As reported, chemically pure manganese dioxide can be re-
have been applied to develop an economic and efficient process to duced by sulfur at the relatively lower temperature of 300–400 °C
recover manganese from low-grade manganese oxide ores because (Abou-El-Sherbini, 2002). Using sulfuric acid as the leaching agent,
the major manganese mineral in the ores is manganese dioxide, manganese can be leached from the roasted products. However, MnS
which is insoluble in dilute sulfuric acid and alkaline media. It is es- is formed during the roasting and harmful H2S gas is unavoidable
sential to convert manganese dioxide into low-valence manganese when the roasted products are leached in the acid solution.
(II) compounds before the leaching. In the present work, chemically pure sulfur is used as a reductant
Conventional pyro-metallurgical processes for utilizing manga- for reduction roasting followed by acid leaching to extract manganese
nese oxide ores are characterized by high production costs and ener- from the low-grade manganese oxide ores. A thermodynamics analy-
gy consumption, low productivity, and environmental pollution. The sis of reduction roasting in the Mn–S–O system is first carried out,
reductants used for reduction roasting include coals, graphite or CO revealing that the intermediate products, MnS, is unstable and can
(Welham, 2002; Zhang et al., 2010), pyrite (Li et al., 2000), ammoni- react with other high valence manganese oxides (MnO2, Mn2O3 or
um sulfite or ammonium chloride (Sahoo and Rao, 1989), and corn- Mn3O4) when the roasting temperature is above 480 °C. The effects
stalk (Cheng et al., 2009). There are also some directly reductive of the roasting and leaching parameters on the leaching efficiencies
leaching methods using diverse reducing agents in the leaching solu- of Mn and Fe are then investigated. The Mn leaching efficiency of
tions, such as pyrite (Li et al., 2007), aqueous sulfur dioxide (Kanungo 95.6% is obtained under the optimized conditions, whereas the Fe
and Das, 1988; Naik et al., 2000), metallic iron (Bafghi et al., 2007) leaching efficiency is only 14.5%. There is no harmful H2S gas generat-
and iron(II) sulfate (Vu et al., 2005), hydrogen peroxide (Jiang et al., ed during the following acid leaching process.
2004; Nayl et al., 2011), organic biomass reductants (Hariprasad et
al., 2007; Su et al., 2008; Tian et al., 2010) and some biological 2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials
⁎ Corresponding authors at: Biology Building, No. 320, School of Minerals Processing
& Bioengineering, Central South University, 410083 Changsha, Hunan, China.
Tel.: + 86 731 88877656; fax: + 86 731 88830542.
Low-grade manganese oxide ores used in this study were obtained
E-mail addresses: (Z. You), (T. Jiang). from Hunan Province, China. The sample was crushed, ground and
Both corresponding authors contribute equally to this paper. screened to 80% passing through 0.074 mm in advance. The chemical

0304-386X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhang et al. / Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 126–132 127

Table 1 where γ is the leaching efficiency, %; m0 is the weight of reduced

Main chemical compositions of the manganese ores (wt.%). product, g; α is the Mn/Fe grade of reduced product, %; m1 is the
Mn TFe Al2O3 SiO2 CaO MgO S P Li LOIa weight of leached residue, g; and β is the Mn/Fe grade of leached
residue, %.
21.10 10.69 6.90 31.62 2.25 0.12 0.15 0.089 0.0056 12.15
LOI: loss on ignition.
2.3. Mn content analytical method

composition of the ore material is given in Table 1, which shows that Mn content in the reduced product and leaching residue is
the total manganese grade of the sample is only 21.10%. The XRD detected by way of chemical analysis. About 0.2 g sample is weighed
pattern of the sample, presented in Fig. 1, indicates that manganese and put into a 250 mL conical flask, then, 5 mL sulfuric acid (wt. 50%)
mainly existed in the form of lithiophorite ((Al, Li)MnO2(OH)2) and and 20 mL phosphoric acid (density 1.70 g/cm 3) are added. After
that the main gangue minerals are hematite (Fe2O3) and quartz that, the conical flask is heated on an electric hot plate and kept
(SiO2). The purity of the chemically pure sulfur used as a reductant generating white smoke for 3–5 min. The temperature of the solution
is above 99%, and the particle size of sulfur is 100% passing through is kept between 220 °C and 240 °C. The flask is shaken fully so that
0.074 mm. The chemical phase analysis of manganese reveals that Mn compounds react completely after 2–3 g solid NH4NO3 is added
the sample ore is mainly composed of manganese dioxide (MnO2, in quick succession. After the solution cools to about 70 °C, 50 mL dis-
95.74%), including small amounts of manganese carbonate (MnCO3, tilled water is added in order to dissolve Mn salts and dilute the solu-
2.51%) and manganous silicate (MnSiO3, 1.75%). tion. In the end, normality ammonium ferrous sulfate standard
solution is applied for the titration of the obtained solution, using
2.2. Experimental procedure o-aminobenzoic acid (wt. 0.2%) as an indicator. Then, the Mn content
of the sample is calculated by the following formula:
The ground manganese ores and chemically pure sulfur were
together put into a sealed stainless steel reactor after being thorough- V  C  54:94
Mnð% Þ ¼
ly mixed. They were then roasted at given temperature for certain 10m
period in an electrically heated muffle furnace. The experimental
schematic diagram is presented in Fig. 2. After that, the roasted where V is the volume of ammonium ferrous sulfate consumed during
samples staying in the sealed reactor were cooled to room tempera- the titration, mL; C is the normality of ammonium ferrous sulfate stan-
ture in air. Finally, the cooled samples were discharged from the dard solution, 0.01 mol/L for the leaching residues and 0.05 mol/L for
reactor. the reduced products; 54.94 is the amount of substance of Mn, g/mol;
In each leaching test, 10 g of the cooled samples was put and m is the actual weight of ore sample for chemical analysis, g.
leached in a beaker with certain sulfuric solution, which was placed
into a water bath. After the leaching process was finished, the 3. Chemical principle of sulfur-based reduction roasting
leaching solutions were filtered. Then, the leached residues were
washed three times with distilled water and dried for chemical anal- As well known, the melting point of sulfur is 114 °C, while the
ysis. Fe content in the reduced product and leaching residue is boiling point of it is 445 °C. The main chemical reactions between
analyzed by means of ISO 9507, and Mn content analytical method manganese oxides and chemically pure sulfur during the roasting
is shown in Section 2.3. All of the leaching liquids are prepared for under the anaerobic condition are shown in Table 2. ΔGTθ − T equa-
ICP analysis to evaluate the manganese balance. The leaching tests tions of the possible reactions in the Mn–S–O system are also listed
in the aqueous solution aim to evaluate MnSO4 content generated in Table 2 and Fig. 3.
during the reduction roasting, as MnSO4 is solvable in water. As shown in Fig. 3, MnO2 can be directly reduced by liquid sulfur
The leaching efficiency of Mn/Fe can be calculated as follows: to MnO and MnSO4 (Eq. (1)) or converted to Mn2O3, releasing SO2
(Eq. (2)). Mn2O3 is then reduced to Mn3O4 (Eq. (3)), which will be
  reduced to MnS and MnSO4 if liquid sulfur exists (Eqs. (4), (5)). The
m  manganese oxides are changed from high-valence to low-valence
¼ 1− 1  100%
m0  compounds during the reduction roasting process according to


- Quartz
- Hematite
700 - lithiophorite






10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 1. XRD pattern of the sample manganese ores.

128 Y. Zhang et al. / Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 126–132


Electrically Heated Muffle Furnace

Sealed Stainless Steel Reactor Protection Cover

Thermal Insulation Material

Silicon Carbide Heating Rod

Anti-permeability Brick

Fig. 2. Experimental equipment schematic diagram.

the following steps: MnO2 → Mn2O3 → Mn3O4 → MnS (or MnSO4). 4. Results and discussion
Among the equations given in Table 2, Eq. (6) deserves special atten-
tion. As observed, MnS is generated easily and unavoidably, which is 4.1. Reduction roasting process
undesirable as H2S will be emitted in the following acid leaching
process. However, it can react with Mn3O4 producing MnO if the The effects of roasting temperature, S/Mn (mole ratio) and
roasting temperature is above 480 °C, which is favorable for the roasting time on the leaching efficiency of Mn were discussed under
acid leaching process. Therefore, the undesirable emission of H2S the following leaching conditions: sulfuric acid concentration,
can be avoided. Simultaneously, SO2 formed during the roasting will 2.0 mol/L; liquid-to-solid ratio, 5:1; leaching temperature, 25 °C;
react with manganese oxides (Eqs. (7), (8), (9)). It is noteworthy leaching time, 20 min and stirring speed, 400 r/m.
that increasing the roasting temperature is adverse to the generation
of MnSO4. 4.1.1. Effect of roasting temperature
The major chemical reaction involved during the leaching process The roasting temperature has a significant impact on the reduc-
of manganese extraction from the roasted product is as follows: tion of the manganese oxide ores, and the reduction efficiency can
be indicated by the manganese leaching efficiency because manga-
nese dioxide cannot be dissolved by sulfuric acid. The effect of the
MnO þ H2 SO4 →MnSO4 þ H2 O: ð10Þ
roasting temperature on the leaching efficiency of Mn is shown in
Fig. 4. Experiments were performed with a 30 min reduction time
and a 0.50 S/Mn mole ratio.
As MnS does not react with intermediate product Mn3O4 at the
As observed, the acid leaching efficiency of Mn increases from
lower roasting temperature, another possible chemical reaction
79.6% to 95.1% as the roasting temperature increases from 350 °C to
during the following leaching process is:
550 °C, after which it remains approximately constant. However,

4Mn3 O4 þ MnS þ 12H2 SO4 →13MnSO4 þ 12H2 O ð11Þ

MnS þ H2 SO4 →MnSO4 þ H2 S↑: ð12Þ
(5) (4)
Δ GT0/KJ·mol-1

Table 2 (7)
Main chemical reactions during the reduction roasting.
Reaction ΔGTθ − T/KJ mol−1a Eq.

S + 3MnO2 = 2MnO + MnSO4 ΔGTθ = −289.23 − 0.008T (1) -200 (3)

S + 4MnO2 = 2Mn2O3 + SO2 ΔGTθ = −145.65 − 0.187T (2)
S + 6Mn2O3 = 4Mn3O4 + SO2 ΔGTθ = −115.21 − 0.137T (3) (2)
S + 1/3Mn3O4 = 2/3MnS + 1/3MnSO4 ΔGTθ = −50.21 + 0.027T (4) -250
S + 3Mn3O4 = 8MnO + MnSO4 ΔGTθ = 3.62 − 0.069T (5)
3Mn3O4 + MnS = 10MnO + SO2 ΔGTθ = 223.58 − 0.297T (6) (1)
MnO2 + SO2 = MnSO4 ΔGTθ = −245.51 + 0.182T (7)
Mn2O3 + SO2 = MnO + MnSO4 ΔGTθ = −191.83 + 0.176T (8) 100 200 300 400 500 600
Mn3O4 + SO2 = 2MnO + MnSO4 ΔGTθ = −148.72 + 0.163T (9)
Primary data of the substances mentioned above are obtained from Practical Ther-
modynamics Data Handbook of Inorganic Substances (Ye, 2002). Fig. 3. ΔGTθ − T relationship lines of the possible reactions in the Mn–S–O system.
Y. Zhang et al. / Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 126–132 129

100 100

90 90

80 80

Leaching efficiency/%
Leaching efficiency/%

70 70

60 Acid leaching
50 Water leaching
Acid leaching 40
Water leaching
0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 S/Mn (mole ratio)
Roasting temperature/°C
Fig. 6. Effect of S/Mn mole ratio on the leaching efficiency of Mn.
Fig. 4. Effect of roasting temperature on the Mn leaching efficiency.

Table 2), so the diffraction peak of MnS is not observed whereas the
the water leaching efficiency of Mn increases to 13.5% but then diffraction peak of MnO emerges.
decreases significantly above 550 °C because of the inhibition of the
reaction between SO2 and MnO2 at higher temperatures. 4.1.2. Effect of S/Mn
Fig. 5 demonstrates the XRD patterns of reduced samples roasted The Mn leaching efficiency as a function of S/Mn mole ratio is plot-
at the temperatures of 350 °C, 400 °C, 450 °C, 500 °C, 550 °C, 600 °C ted in Fig. 6 for a 30 min reduction time with a roasting temperature
and 650 °C. of 550 °C. Both the acid and water leaching efficiencies of Mn increase
As displayed in Fig. 5, lithiophorite ((Al, Li)MnO2(OH)2) in the raw with increasing S/Mn mole ratio. The mole ratio between 0.50 and
ores disappears after the samples are roasted with sulfur, whereas 0.57 performs best, the acid and water leaching efficiency of Mn and
many new-born manganese compounds, including MnSO4, MnS Fe reaches 95.4% and 17.0%, respectively. The leaching efficiency of
and MnO, are generated. MnSO4 exists at all roasting temperatures; Mn remains constant when Mn 4 + was completely converted to
however, the diffraction peaks of MnSO4 in the reduced samples at Mn 2+.
lower temperature (b 500 °C) are stronger than those at higher
temperatures (>550 °C), which is in accordance with the water 4.1.3. Effect of roasting time
leaching efficiency of Mn presenting a decline tendency above The effect of roasting time on the acid and water leaching efficien-
550 °C. It is noteworthy to mention that MnS always exists at cy of Mn is shown in Fig. 7. The experiments were performed using a
350 °C–500 °C but disappears after the temperature reaches 550 °C. reduction temperature of 550 °C and S/Mn mole ratio of 0.50.
When the temperature is up to 500 °C, the intermediate product The results in Fig. 7 indicates that the reduction speed of manga-
MnS easily reacts with Mn3O4 forming MnO (as shown in Eq. (6), nese dioxide is rapid, resulting in an acid leaching efficiency of Mn

q q m
m M q q mq q
mq H
M q
q q m
q qm q
M m M q mq H q
q m
M m M q qm q q
mq H q
q q
M qq
qHq q q
M A A H q
q q
M qq q
q A q
M A Hq A H
q M qq
q q q q q
q A Mq
q q q q
M Hq A A H q
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Fig. 5. XRD patterns of manganese ore reduced by sulfur at different temperatures.

130 Y. Zhang et al. / Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 126–132

100 100

90 90

80 80

Leaching efficiency/%
Leaching efficiency/%

70 Fe

60 Acid leaching 60
Water leaching
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Leaching temperature/°C
Roasting time/min
Fig. 9. Effect of leaching temperature on the leaching efficiency.
Fig. 7. Effect of roasting time on the leaching efficiency of Mn.

of 81.0% after only 2 min, and increases significantly as the reduction continues increasing. A sulfuric acid concentration of 1.0 mol/L corre-
time further rises from 2 min to 10 min. After 10 min, it plateaus. sponds to the maximal Mn leaching efficiency of 95.4% and a Fe leaching
Thus, a 10 min reduction time can be recommended at 550 °C. The efficiency of only 14.5%.
effect of roasting time on the water leaching efficiency of Mn is simi-
lar to that on the acid leaching efficiency, and a maximum of 17.0% is 4.2.2. Effect of leaching temperature
obtained. Fixing the sulfuric acid concentration at 1.0 mol/L, leaching time at
20 min, stirring rate at 400 r/min and liquid-to-solid ratio at 5:1, the in-
4.2. Leaching process fluence of leaching temperature was investigated. The final results are
given in Fig. 9. By increasing the leaching temperature, the leaching effi-
The effects of sulfuric acid concentration, stirring rate, leaching ciency of Mn is almost unchanged, whereas the Fe leaching efficiency in-
temperature and leaching time on the leaching efficiency were then creases from 14.5% to 17.9%. Therefore, a leaching temperature of 25 °C,
investigated. The roasting conditions were a roasting temperature of ambient conditions, is recommended for subsequent tests to minimize
550 °C, S/Mn mole ratio of 0.50 and roasting time of 10 min. Fe the leaching cost.
leaching efficiency is also considered as it is the main impurity
element, which will aggravate purification process subsequently. 4.2.3. Effect of stirring rate
Under conditions of a sulfuric acid concentration of 1.0 mol/L, a
4.2.1. Effect of sulfuric acid concentration leaching temperature of 25 °C, a leaching time of 20 min and
Keeping the other leaching conditions as the same (i.e., leaching liquid-to-solid ratio of 5:1, the effect of stirring rate on the leaching
time, 20 min; leaching temperature, 25 °C; stirring rate, 400 r/min efficiency is depicted in Fig. 10. The leaching efficiency of Mn and
and liquid-to-solid ratio, 5:1), the effects of sulfuric acid concentra- Fe increases rapidly as the stirring rate increases until it reaches
tion on the leaching efficiencies of Mn and Fe are studied and 200 r/min; the Mn and Fe leaching efficiencies increase from 82.3%
presented in Fig. 8. and 5.11% to 95.6% and 17.0%, respectively. However, when the stir-
The leaching efficiencies of Mn and Fe, in Fig. 8, are both enhanced ring rate exceeds 200 r/min, the Mn leaching efficiency plateaus and
by increasing the sulfuric acid concentration from 0 to 1.0 mol/L. the Fe leaching efficiency goes on increasing. Thus, the most favorable
When the sulfuric acid concentration exceeds 1.0 mol/L, the increase stirring rate is chosen as 200 r/min.
in the Mn leaching efficiency slows, whereas the Fe leaching efficiency


Leaching efficiency/%
Leaching efficiency/%

70 Mn
60 Fe 60

40 40


20 20


0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Sulfuric acid concentration (mol/L) Stirring rate/(r/min)

Fig. 8. Effect of H2SO4 concentration on the leaching efficiency. Fig. 10. Effect of stirring rate on the leaching efficiency.
Y. Zhang et al. / Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 126–132 131

100 Table 3
Reduction roasting–acid leaching results of different manganese oxide ores.

Manganese ores Pyrolusite Psilomelane Braunite

Leaching ratio of Mn (wt.%) 96.32 90.56 93.82
Leaching efficiency/%

60 Fe
From Fig. 12 we can see that, Mn leaching efficiency above 95% is
obtained at liquid-to-solid ratio exceeding 5:1, and remains constant
after that. It is observed that the Fe leaching efficiency persistently
40 increases from 10.9% at 4:1 to 18.1% at 10:1. A liquid-to-solid ratio
at 5:1 is recommended in this study for the sake of a higher Mn and
lower Fe leaching efficiency.

4.3. Reduction roasting–acid leaching manganese from other low-grade

manganese oxide ores
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Leaching time/min In our tests, applying the novel process to other types of low-grade
manganese oxide ores, such as pyrolusite (24.24 wt.% Mn), psilomelane
Fig. 11. Effect of leaching time on the leaching efficiency.
(28.36 wt.% Mn) and braunite (30.39 wt.% Mn), Mn leaching efficiency
more than 90% could be obtained under the conditions (roasting tem-
perature, 550 °C; S/Mn, 0.50; roasting time, 10 min; sulfuric acid
concentration, 1.0 mol/L; leaching temperature, 25 °C; stirring rate,
4.2.4. Effect of leaching time 200 r/min; leaching time, 30 min and liquid-to-solid ratio 5:1). The
The effect of leaching time on leaching efficiency was studied by final reduction roasting–leaching results are listed in Table 3.
varying the leaching time from 1 min to 30 min, keeping other condi- These results indicate that this process is suitable to various
tions constant (sulfuric acid concentration, 1.0 mol/L; leaching tem- manganese oxide ores. All of the leaching efficiencies reach above
perature, 25 °C; stirring rate, 200 r/min and liquid-to-solid ratio, 90%.
5:1). The results are plotted in Fig. 11. Furthermore, this technology has a bright future due to its
The leaching efficiency curves in Fig. 11 indicate that the leaching good reactivity between manganese oxides and sulfur, low roasting
efficiency of Mn increases dramatically with an increase of leaching temperature, and low production cost if chemically pure sulfur is to
time from 1 min to 5 min but remains unchanged after 5 min, dem- be substituted by industrial sulfur residues.
onstrating that the leaching reaction is close to equilibration at that
point. The Fe leaching efficiency increases obviously before 10 min.
The maximum Fe leaching efficiency, 18.5%, is achieved at 30 min. 5. Conclusions
Also considering the desirability of a lower Fe leaching efficiency,
the suitable leaching time is set at 5 min. A novel process for utilizing low-grade manganese oxide ores by
sulfur-based reduction roasting–acid leaching was successfully devel-
oped in this study. Manganese dioxide can be quickly reduced by
4.2.5. Effect of liquid-to-solid ratio sulfur, forming Mn2O3, Mn3O4, MnO, MnS and MnSO4. Most of the
To optimize the effect of liquid-to-solid ratio on the leaching reactions happen spontaneously at lower roasting temperatures.
efficiency, the reduced product was leached with liquid-to-solid MnS easily reacts with Mn3O4 generating MnO if the roasting temper-
ratio between 4:1 and 12:1 by keeping other conditions constant ature is above 480 °C, so the harmful H2S gas was avoidable in the fol-
(sulfuric acid concentration, 1.0 mol/L; leaching temperature, 25 °C; lowing acid leaching process. The optimal conditions for reduction
stirring rate, 200 r/min; and leaching time, 5 min). The results are roasting–acid leaching low-grade manganese ores were a roasting
shown in Fig. 12. temperature of 550 °C, S/Mn of 0.50, roasting time of 10 min, sulfuric
acid concentration of 1.0 mol/L, leaching temperature of 25 °C, stir-
ring speed of 200 r/min, leaching time of 5 min and liquid-to-solid
100 ratio of 5:1. The Mn and Fe leaching efficiencies of 95.6% and 14.5%,
respectively, were obtained under the above optimal conditions.
This process is promising and enables the utilization of various
80 low-grade manganese oxide ores.
Leaching Efficiency/%

Fe The authors would like to express their gratitude to the National
Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 50725416) and
the Key Programs of Science and Technology from Hunan Province
(No. 2010FJ1011) for their financial support of this research.

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