Current Issues

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Current Human Issues in Pakistan

1. Freedom of Speech
2. Women Rights issue
3. Injustice
4. Child labor
5. Minorities Rights
6. Religious Intolerance
7. Rule of Law

Freedom of Speech:
In Pakistan, freedom of speech has been a contentious issue. While the constitution guarantees
this right, there have been instances of curtailment. Journalists, activists, and bloggers often face
threats and harassment for expressing dissenting opinions. Blasphemy laws are also a source of
concern, as they can be used to stifle free expression.
Though Articles 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan guarantees freedom of speech and expression,
and freedom of the press with certain restrictions. However, in practice, the freedom of speech is
restricted through censorship of media as well as censorship of the Internet.

Women's Rights:
Women in Pakistan continue to face challenges despite legal protections. Issues include gender-
based violence, limited access to education, and discriminatory practices. Honor killings, child
marriages, and lack of representation in political and economic spheres are persistent problems
that hinder women's progress.
Pakistan ranks 145th out of 146 countries on the World Economic Forum's 2022 Global Gender
Gap Index, and 161st out of 191 countries on the Human Development Report's 2022 Gender
Inequality Index.

The justice system in Pakistan faces challenges such as a backlog of cases, corruption, and a
slow legal process. This leads to a lack of timely and fair resolution of disputes. The
marginalized and vulnerable often bear the brunt of these issues, contributing to a sense of
injustice within society.
The criminal justice system in Pakistan has a long history of poor governance, inflexibility,
maladministration, corruption, lack of resources, and misuse of power.
Child Labor:
Child labor remains a significant problem in Pakistan. Despite laws prohibiting it, many children
are engaged in hazardous work, often due to economic hardships. Lack of proper enforcement,
awareness, and poverty contribute to the perpetuation of child labor practices.
Pakistan ranks number three in the world with the highest prevalence of child and forced labour
despite a significant decline in the number of child labourers recorded worldwide. child labour
has a significant impact on the economy of Pakistan. It limits the education and training of
children, leads to a surplus of unskilled workers, perpetuates poverty, and has a negative impact
on the health and wellbeing of children.

Minorities Rights:
Religious and ethnic minorities in Pakistan often face discrimination. Limited representation in
decision-making processes, incidents of violence, and societal prejudices pose challenges to the
rights and well-being of minorities. Efforts are needed to promote inclusivity and protect
minority rights.
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics released religious data of Pakistan Census 2017 on 19 May 2021.
96.47% are Muslims, followed by 2.14% Hindus, 1.27% Christians, 0.09% Ahmadi Muslims and
0.02% others. These are some maps of religious minority groups.

Religious Intolerance:
Pakistan has experienced instances of religious intolerance, with sectarian violence and attacks
on religious minorities. Blasphemy laws have been controversial, sometimes leading to misuse
and persecution of individuals from minority religious groups. Promoting religious harmony and
tolerance remains a crucial societal goal.
Religious intolerance can materialize in many ways, from microaggressions, to lack of
accommodation and acceptance of religious practices, to vandalism of religious buildings, hate
speech, and physical violence. All acts of religious intolerance are forms of discrimination on the
basis of religion.

Rule of Law:
The rule of law in Pakistan faces obstacles such as corruption, political interference, and a slow
judiciary. This affects the effectiveness of legal institutions and undermines public trust.
Strengthening institutions, improving transparency, and ensuring accountability are vital for
upholding the rule of law.
In conclusion, addressing these issues requires a multi-faceted approach involving legal reforms,
societal awareness, and policy changes. It's crucial for Pakistan to strive towards creating an
inclusive and just society, ensuring the protection of human rights for all its citizens.

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