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3.1 Introduction

This chapter provides a concise overview of the study's methodology, encompassing

each phase of the research process. It delves into the research design, technique, data

collection approach, population, and sampling methods, as well as the procedures and

techniques employed for data analysis. The study focused on analyzing the behavioral

responses of students within the Faculty of Leadership and Management to the influence of

social media and TV drama. Employing a quantitative technique, the research utilized

questionnaires and surveys to obtain comprehensive results.

3.2 Research Design

According to Kothari (2004), the research design is the conceptual framework that the

study is carried out in; it serves as the guide for data collecting, measurement, and analysis.

As a result, the design comprises a schedule outlining the researcher's steps, from

formulating the hypothesis to considering its practical ramifications to conducting the final

data analysis. Hence, a plan, structure, and strategy for conducting research to identify

substitute instruments for problem-solving and variance reduction can be referred to as a

research design. A quantitative research design was employed in this study. The researcher

will gather data through surveys or questionnaires administered to individuals capable of

providing pertinent information on the issue. This type of research study facilitates gaining

insights into the problem and aids in generating recommendations for future research.

Additionally, it allows for the identification of thought patterns and a more in-depth

exploration of the issues at hand.

3.3 Research Method

In this study, a quantitative research design was implemented. Students who were able to

provide the required details on the topic were given a questionnaire by the researcher to

complete to gather data for this study. In addition to finding thought patterns and delving

deeper into the problems, a quantitative research study aids in developing recommendations

for future research and offers insight into the problem.

3.4 Population Frame

Population is defined by Polit and Hungler (1999) as the entirety of all subjects who

fulfil a set of requirements, comprising the full group of people the researcher is interested in

and to whom the research findings can be applied. Through this research, I have targeted

students in the Faculty of Leadership and Management. As mentioned before, I have

conducted a quantitative design through a survey or questionnaire method to collect data

from the available respondents. The population of around 700 students who are in the

Faculty of Leadership and Management at USIM,

3.5 Sampling Method

This study's sampling method is non-probabilistic. Convenience sampling, or non-

probability sampling, was the sampling method applied in this research. A convenience

sample, according to Frankel et al. (2012), is a collection of individuals who are willing to
participate in research. The main objective of convenience sampling is to collect data from

respondents who can easily be reached by the researcher.

Students in USIM's Faculty of Leadership and Management are the respondents the

researcher chooses to use. About 1593 students, encompassing six programs from the first to

the fourth year, make up the population of this study. For this purpose, about 100 students

from this faculty will be engaged in the research.

3.6 Data Collection

The gathering of data is an essential phase in the research process since it provides the

researcher with the information required to enhance the research and generate trustworthy

findings. Creating a questionnaire based on previous studies is the first step in the data

collection process. The supervisor will examine the questionnaire to see if it fulfils the needs

of this research or not. The questionnaire for their colleagues to complete was distributed by

the researcher to begin the distribution process.

The study's target groups are students involved in six programmed available at the

Faculty of Leadership and Management who are within the ages of 18 and 20, 21 and 23,

and 24 and above. The researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to

examine the study's data. All the data that was collected from the respondent was preserved

by the researcher once the questionnaire was finished.

3.7 Research Instruments

The study's primary sources of data are the quantitative answers to closed-ended

questionnaires. The questionnaire items are created using the purpose of the study and the

research questions.

3.7.1 Survey of Questionnaire

This survey's objective is to define a group's characteristics in terms of numbers. The

Faculty of Leadership and Management (FKP) students provide the information needed for

survey research. To determine which elements, have the greatest influence on students'

behavior in the Faculty of Leadership and Management at the Islamic Science University of

Malaysia (USIM), a survey has been undertaken as part of this study. The survey comprised

four different sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, and Section D.

The survey questions will be stated in English and Bahasa Malaysia, two distinct

languages. Specific, closed-ended questions will be used to collect quantitative data. In this

research, three variables were used to assess the stated hypothesis. There are four sections to

the questionnaire: Section A is for demographic background; Section B is for social media;

Section C is for TV drama; and Section D is for student’s behavior. Using a Likert scale,

there are five possible answers on the survey: 1 for strongly disagree, 2 for disagree, 3 for

neutral, 4 for agree, and 5 for strongly agree.

Section A: Demographic Background

The questionnaire targeted at looking into the following characteristics: gender, age,

course, years of study, what types of social media platform that they use, time spent on

social media, what genre of drama that they watch on television and time they spent on
watching television. The participant is required to select the appropriate elements that relate

to them. The items listed in Table 3.1.

Items Details

Gender Male


Age 18 – 20

21 – 23

24 and above

Course Da’wah and Islamic Management

Akidah and Religious Studies



New Media Communications

Management with Tourism

Years of study 1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

What types of social media platform do Instagram

you use? WhatsApp



Time spent on social media. 1 to less than 3 hours

3 to less than 5 hours

5 to less than 7 hours

More than 7 hours

What genre of drama do you watch on Action

television? Comedy




Time spent watching television. Once a day

Once a week

Once a month


Table 3.1: Demographic Background

Section B: Social Media

The question in section B identified social media, which is the first variable.

Participants are expected to respond to each of the 15 questions in Section B, which are on a

5-point rating scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, and 5 =

strongly agree). The 15 items are displayed in Table 3.2 below.


1. I like to use social media platform.

2. I prefer social media over traditional methods for obtaining information.

3. I have found that there are pros and cons to using social media.

4. There is credibility to information received through social media platforms.

5. I agree that social media has influenced my personal and professional development.

6. I found that there is an effect of social media on changing my behavior.

7. I use social media to communicate with others.

8. I joined social media because of my friends.

9. I prefer to obtain information using social media rather than relying on library


10. I always re-check the validity of information I gained in social media.

11. I always double-check the validity of information on social media before spreading


12. I view social media as a platform where I can fulfill both my academic and non-

academic information needs.

13. I reject bad content on social media.

14. I rejected cyberbullying on social media.

15. I acknowledge that social media significantly aids in resolving my problems.

Table 3.2: Items of Social Media

Section C: TV Drama

Students in FKP are required to complete Section C, which evaluates the variable of

TV Drama, by answering 15 questions. To represent the items, Likert scales with a range of 1

(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) were used. as displayed in Table 3.3.


1. I like watching TV drama.

2. As a student, I always watch TV dramas during my free time.

3. I have found that there are pros and cons to watching TV drama.

4. I agree that watching TV dramas can be a waste of time.

5. I agree that characters shown in TV dramas can influence my behavior.

6. Watching TV dramas can influence and shape my behavior.

7. I agree that exposure to the TV drama genre can affect my academic and social

confidence as a student.

8. I agree that TV dramas have an influence on the way I dress and alter my

9. appearance.

10. I agree that TV dramas play an important role in the formation of self-quality.

I agree that exposure to specific TV drama genres can influence my academic

11. interests.

12. I agree that the genre in TV dramas can disturb my emotions.

13. Watching TV dramas can change my perception of the outside world.

14. I can enhance my communication skills by watching TV dramas.

15. Watching TV dramas can stimulate the generation of new ideas.

Watching TV dramas enhances my creativity in thinking.

Table 3.3: Items of TV Drama

Section D: Students’ Behavior

The measurements for students’ behavior were measured by which consists of 15

items that showed in Table 3.4.


1. I feel that implementing on good values is very important.

2. I participate in classes.

3. I am eager to learn.

4. I feel happy when I can help solve other people's problems.

5. I always take care of my cleanliness and appearance on campus.

6. I always take care of manners and behavior on campus.

7. I am always careful when communicating with others.

8. As a Muslim. I always set a good example for others.

9. I will make sure I speak carefully with others.

10. I always practice sincere intentions because of Allah.

11. I feel happy when I say good things to others.

12. I agree that every behavior will bring good to life in this world and hereafter.

13. I respect all my lecturers.

14. I give my full attention in any lecture.

15. As a student, I was consistently punctual.

Table 3.4: Items of Students’ Behavior

3.8 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, one of the pivotal phases of this research is thoroughly examined,

encompassing comprehensive coverage of methodological demands. The discussion delves

into concerns pertaining to the research design, the study's population and sampling, as well

as the employed data collection methods.

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