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3 Measurement of Disposal Systems Introduction Disposal systems comprise such installations as rainwater disposal, soil and waste disposal, underground drainage (surface water or foul) and land drainage. In Chapter 2 the general approach to billing and meas- urement of building services was covered, indicating the three basic components of disposal services installations — namely: disposal, col- lection and inlets. Examples of the respective components are: Disposal Collection inlets Connection to sewer Pipework Sanitary appliances Manholes land drains Rainwater heads Septic tank Guttering Gullies Measurement Rules Disposal systems are largely covered by SMM7 Rules R10-13, which are arranged with a common set of rules for above ground installations and another common set of rules for below ground installations, as follows: Above ground R10 ~ Rainwater pipework/gutters R11 ~ Foul drainage above ground Below ground R12 - Drainage below ground R13 ~ Land drainage These sections follow the normal direct pattern of rules of SMM7 and, as discussed in Chapter 2, these works are not involved in the Appen- dix BySection Y approach. The only exceptions are the very specialised disposal systems covered in Appendix B: R14-33 involving such topics as laboratory drainage, sewage pumping and incineration plant. Sanitary appliances/fttings are dealt with separately from the di posal system rules in SMM7, and are listed in Appendix A of the Standard Method. This merits further explanation later in this chapter. ‘Disposal’ items may be simply enumerated as, for example, SMM7 Rule R12.16 ~ Connecting to Local Authority's sewer, but more often 19 20 Measurement of Building Services the requirement is for a detailed measurement in accordance with SMM7 Rules R12/13.11-15 covering manholes, inspection chambers, soakaways, cesspits and septic tanks. Measurement rule MB states that excavation, concrete, formwork, brickwork, rendered coatings and other work are to be measured in accordance with the rules for the appropriate Work Sections. Although this level of detail can be justified for the larger chambers, such as septic tanks, this requirement of the SMM seems over-detailed for the smaller, less expensive and simpler features. Man- holes, for example, if built in traditional brick and concrete construc: tion, can generate around twenty items under SMM7, which contrasts with single-item enumeration per manhole in civil engineering prac- tice. Quantity surveyors may well opt for a more straightforward ap- proach in professional practice by specific exception from the SMM, but the examples in this book will be measured strictly in accordance with the rules of SMM7. Preformed chambers are, however, enumerated under SMM7 Rules R12/13.11-15.14, which cover the factory-produced, generally moulded plastic inspection chambers and septic tanks. The SMM is not clear whether excavations and any incidental concrete bedding should be included in such an enumerated item, but it would seem sensible to adopt that approach Collection’ items are generally measured by length; for example, SMM7 Rules R10/11.1 pipes (above ground), R12/13.8 pipes (below ground) and R10.10 gutters. Labours and fittings on pipes and gutters are enumerated as ‘extra over the work in which they occur’ as R10/ 11.2, R12/13.9 and R10.11. Ancillaries or accessories to pipes, on the other hand, are enumerated as full value as R10/11.6 and R12/13.10, and thus it is very necessary to be clear on the distinction between fittings and ancillaries/accessories. Examples of pipe and gutter fittings are given in the Measurement Code under Section R, while pipe ancil- laries are listed in SMM7 Rule R10/11.6 (some of the pipe ancillaries and accessories are listed as ‘Inlets’ in the general approach to billing adopted in his book, but this does not effect the resultant bill in any way), and drain pipe accessories are defined in Definition Rule D6 of SMM7 Rules 12/13. ‘tnlets’ such as gullies and rainwater heads are enumerated, being classed as pipe ancillaries or accessories in SMM7, and are measured as ex- plained in the previous paragraph. The other common type of ‘inlets’ are Sanitary appliances/fitings, which are also enumerated but are dealt with in a special way by SMM7 and thus deserve a separate explanation. Sanitary Appliances/Fittings SMM7 deals with sanitary ware in a similar manner to the majority of building services installations (other than Rules R10-13), by having an Measurement of Disposal Systems 21 appendix to cover the multiplicity of types and a common set of meas- urement rules. In this case, SMM7 Appendix A ~ Section N13 lists all the likely types of sanitary appliances/fittings while the measurement rules are contained in Section N Furniture/Equipment ~ N13. The spe- cific rule is SMM7 ~ N13.4 ‘Fittings, equipment and appliances associ- ated with services’, which enumerates such items requiring relevant specification information and fixing details. Coverage Rule C1 states ‘Providing everything necessary for jointing is deemed to be included’, which is a provision open to misinterpreta- tion, The most likely intention of SMM7 is that all jointing within the sanitary fitting is deemed to be included, for example: WC cisterns deemed to be jointed to WC pans Waste outlets deemed to be jointed into sinks, basins or baths. Jointing requirements to pipes outside the sanitary fittings are impos- sible to predict from the bill item and thus unfair to be deemed to be included. It is very possible that identical sanitary appliances in a project, could be jointed to soil, waste, supply or overflow pipes of differing materials and diameters by differing methods of jointing. For that rea- son it seems unlikely that SMM7 intended contractors merely to guess at the cost implications of these variables. Nevertheless, the rule could cause confusion and for this reason an explanatory preamble is a worth- while inclusion in bills containing sanitary appliances. Suitable word- ing for this clarification would be: ‘All joints and connections between supply, overflow, waste or soil piping and the under noted sanitary appliances/fittings have been measured with the appropriate pipes’. This preamble is included in the worked examples that follow. WORKED EXAMPLE The following Worked Example 3/1 will demonstrate the application of the various Rules from SMM7 to typical disposal installations. Read- ers should refer to SMM7 and the Measurement Code while following this example, which will be cross-referenced where appropriate Worked example 3/1 is based on a detached two-storey house incor- porating disposal systems for rainwater, soil and waste, below ground drainage and land drainage This worked example is set out in draft bill format, which clarifies not only the SMM7 measurement requirements but also the various ancillary matters such as testing and sundries, which may not appear clearly in a basic take-off 22 Measurement of Building Services Worked Example 3/1: Detached House - Disposal Systems 112mm PVou ‘63 mm PVCu Fairmator ipo ISOMETRIC SKETCH SHOWING RAINWATER INSTALLATIONS. Brief Specification Rainwater Goods: to be grey PVCu fixed with brass screws. Foul Drainage Above Ground: generally grey PVCu soil piping for sin- gle stack plumbing except where below GF level to be cast iron to BS 460. Waste piping to be polypropylene with ‘O’ ring joints. Drainage Below Ground: surface water drains to be PVCu piping with polypropylene couplings and PVCu inspection chambers. Foul drains to be vitrified clay piping with polypropylene couplings and brick built manholes. Land drains to be PVCu perforated flexible piping. anit Measurement of Disposal Systems 23 Worked Example 3/1: Detached House - Disposal Systems tenon a Toaet Ls we |< 6428 —_> GF PLAN WITH ’ 3 PLUMBING LAYOUT Ensuite (ij [Ese sos oan, PART 1F PLAN WITH PLUMBING LAYOUT AND PART ROOF PLAN ane 24 Measurement of Building Services Worked Example 3/1: Detached House - Disposal Systems A ‘Suspended eoting 110 mm PvCU sl piping . —~ 100 mm cast kon 0 piping below GF lovel ‘\ ‘ong tall bend through beck secre ISOMETRIC SKETCH OF SINGLE STACK IN ‘SOUTH-EAST CORNER: ans Measurement of Disposal Systems 25 Worked Example 3/1: Detached House ~ Disposal Systems } 110 mm PVCu Drain ea 100 vn Viibod cay mie 4 100 mm Vite cay arin with Mente coupings 410 mm PvCUDIAN J] | iscomecing) Feotpath ——_oOoOrese-. ee — ee r DRAINAGE LAYOUT ania 26 — Measurement of Building Services Worked Example 3/1: Detached House ~ Disposal Systems Cover lovel aot [= a | 1 onck tick engineering ik point in ss concrete 200 mm ini 150 mm I it and te Denys artwork suppor next to roaaway -reterto Measurement Code p20, DRAINAGE DETAILS ons Measurement of Disposal Systems 27 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SCHEDULE [SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SCHEDUME + Interpolated Location Ground Cover invert 75 mm Trench Depth Level Level Level Below Depth of IC Invert MH? Disconnecting 21.650 21.800 20.700 20.625 1.025 N/A Ic 21.700 21/800 20.890 20.815 0.885 0.910 1a 21,800 21/900 21.080 21.005 0.795 0.820 RE Front 21.800 21.890 21.060 20.985 0.815 N/A RE Rear 21850 21.900 21.330 21.255 0.595 N/A SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE TRENCH DEPTHS Trench Run Trench Depth ‘Average SMM7 Range Depth Category MHT-ICI 1.025 0.885 0.955 N/E 1.00 ler-iez 0.885 0.795 0.40 N/E 1.00 ICI-RE Front 0.885 0.815 0.850 N/E 1.00 IC2-RE Rear 0.795 0.595 0.695 NIE 0.75 Branch IC1-RWP 0.885 0.500 0.693 NIE O75, Branch RE-RWP Front 0.815. 0.500 0.658 NIE O75 Branch Yard Gully 0.850" 0.650 0.750 N/E 0.75 Branch IC2-RWP 0.795 0.300 0.648 NIE 0.75, Branch RE-RWP Rear 0.595 0.500 0.548 NIE O75 oo1aNSL60 seo OLN HWY 1 y>ueIg 00° N00 oso ostt ZHW 2 yauerg STLHN OF OLE Ost HN-ZHW STLAIN Of OStt 00 ZHW-LHW ofa) yideq aauey AWW aferany wadog yuas, tung youany, SHId3G HONTUL 3DNIVEG INOS OLEL O1ZL — OLE 06¢'0Z O06IZ OOB'IZ OFOI x OBIT L009 x OSL HW OSE'L OSz'L —OSL'L_O59'0Z OZ OOZ'IZ OBIL x OBIL —_L_OSZ x OSL cHW OSs OOF OOF L_OSFO OORIZ OS9'I1Z BIL x OFF GL OSL x ODL BUND2WUOD8IC LHW HW 3sea__qidag 50 30.1481 HWY OF ypuady ana] nay —_fanay IN ting (e101 yidaq waelpy —yaau} s9N0- punoiy —_azig {e190 azig peusayuy ajoyuew AINGIHOS FIOHNVW JOWNIVUG 1NOI Measurement of Building Services 28 Measurement of Disposal Systems 29 ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 37 SHEET NR ‘Commentary item] Description Uni] @y Nr DETACHED HOUSE Sequential order of bills BILL NR 8 ‘Common Arrangement of Work| | R ~ DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Section heading Information provided Tis note covers the require- ‘The fllowing represents the ments of Rule PI of sections instalation of rainwater, foul RiO-13 and N13. Placing this singe above ground, ainage frst removes the need fot below ground and sanitary repetition within the various appliances as detailed on subsections of the bill Plas 301-5 10 Rainwater Pipework’ Gutters R10.1.1 Gony PVCu cainwatee pipencr Rios sul sacketed ints Rion.14 17 | Pipes, suai, 63 mm diameter ‘aight will apply to 99% of ‘wht plaste pipe clips at not | pes and SMM? would have fexceeding 2.00 m centres, efit (rm 3 “deemed to brass screwed and plugged 19 be sraight clause masoory m fat Pipe lengths measured over all] | 2 storey 35.85, fitings Rule TSorey 3.15 102.32 Extra over 63 mom pipe Pipe titings not exceeding 63 mm diam. simpliied 12 | Fitings with swo ends ms Eaves offsets 4 R102324 113 | Fitings with two ends and screwed inspection door | ar | 4 Each pipe 4 Rr0.22.11 14 |Special connections to Robe 170. mm dam, plas underground dain with now concentric planic connector | or | 4 Each pipe 4 PVCu tain 7 with plain ends and anion brackets ero.101.1. V5 | Gutes,sraight, half round RIOMG & C9 112 mm, with plas fascia brackets at not exceeding 0.90 m centres bass screwed to timber m [24 ‘Allowing for 300 rom eaves and) | Front 1 storey 5.10, verge poecton to ick ae] | fron 2 storey 6.49 Sd measured over al fitings. Rear 1153 Rear projections 2/085 30 Measurement of Building Services Ground floor to us of vent seating WORKED EXAMPLE 3/1 SHEET NR 2 ‘Commentary item ] Description Unit] Qty Ne RI0T124 xtra over 112 mm gutter 2n | Stop ends mle Front ‘ Rear 2 22 | Running outlets mw |« Front 2 Rear 2 28 | Right angles m ia Rear projection 4 R11 Fou! Drainage ‘Above Ground This measurement represents the single stack system in the Southeast comer only as 8 Sample of this work 11.1.1. pls locational ‘Cast iran sail pines fo BS 460. Ineo ine th ‘ r requirements of RIT-1..8.283 socked joints, jointed with ‘topevarh-and molten lead, ‘wack below ground foo level in substuctare ‘straight will apply © 99% of | 2/4 | Pipes, straight, 100 mm diamete Speband SMAG would have ‘win ht nged holder figs Parente from a deemed to at not exceeding 2.00 m centres be sraight" clause ut and pinned into masonry | m | 1 girth inel. bend 1.35, Ru Exta over 100 mm pipe Pipe fitings over 65 mm diam, piven in deta RIT.2-435 2/5 | Long tail large radius bend, 500°mm long we fa ‘Most of length of item 2/4 is ‘Through wall 1 bend Ri2244 276 | _ Special connection 10 100 mm Ruiz diam. clay underground dear ‘with plastic sleeve connector| ne | 1 1 Rit Grey PVCu soil pipes with socketed joints jointed with usblt seal aaaat 217 | Pipes, straight, 110 mm diameter, with GMS bolted Pipe clips at not exceeding 2.00 m centres rustproof Screwed and plugged to masonry m | Fall he 6.23 GF branch only 0.50 Measurement of Disposal Systems 31 WORKED EXAMPLE 37 SHEET NR 3 Commentary item | Description Unit] ey Nr RIL? eequires pipe suppore | 371 | Pipes, straight, 110 mm ‘which diter rom those given diameter, fixings measured hd shall be enumerated Separately m|a Separately =i follows that the ppe fem will not include fngs 1F branch 150 Rita Extra over 110 mm pipe: Rin24s an | Bend or} 4 1F branch 1 Rin245.1 313 | Branches with screwed inspection door m2 or 1 i 1 rin2234 3/4 | Special connection to 100 en slam. Cl sat pipe with plastic Connector set in Cl socket wath mastic ofa cr 1 Riza 315 | Special connection to spi owe wath fenble plate Connector mda 1 1 | 316 | special connection as last item but bent wa or 1 aiis.01 377 | Boss conection using cast Rie? ‘on boss of previously messed Bows connections are fll value fing complete with solvent and ae deemed to include welded adaptor for "O° ring | perforating the pipe Tomm polspropyiene pipe | ar | 1 1F bath 1 38 | Boss connection solvent | welded to pipe with O° ring | Connection for 32 mm Polypropylene pipe | a | 2 GF basin 1 || ir essin 1 R11.6.4.1 | 210 } Pipework ancilaries, 110 mm ‘Arcillaries are full value and | | terminal vent cowl ofa therefore excluded from pipe length measuted in item 22 Root 1 RINC8 Cutting and jointing to pie deemed included Riiestt 3/10| Pipework ancilaries, 110 sm Plastic roof flashing ofa Roof 1 32 Measurement of Building Services WORKED EXAMPLE 3/7 SHEET NR 4 ‘Commentary tem | Bescon Unit | Ory RII? Special pipe suppor 47 | Fabreate pipe suppor fr 110 mm pipe comprising, OMS bolted pipe cp galvanies bolted fo. GMS hanger 20 * 3 300 mm tong, twice rustproof screwed fo tinber wf 1F branch 1 ruta alyoronlene waste pines ‘wtiegah tO" ng stags souplings Ruan 4 | Pps, sagt 22m darter Toot bit peed ood Plugged to masonry mie GF basin 130 | 1 basin 080 R117 Special pipe fixing 45 | Pipes, sraghe, 40 mm diameter, taken iter finnge measured separate mle 1 bath 200 ana era over pipe: In this case two sizes of pipe Frings ate involved, tus 414 | Fitings with two ends 32 mm Individual items ute the asm Jw | « ‘ameter in conias to | previous extra over pipe stems Obtuse bent coupings Grits WF baci 2 45 | Fasing with two ends 40 mm | diam wit 1F bath 1 106 | Fang with thee ends 40m hams complete with (1 Socket ig wf R168 447 | Pipework acilanies, 32 mm ‘Also incorporates R1/D2 thar, plastic bowl taps with Je'tap me yomied 10 3 sanitary 75 me seal and sre ‘pplance Connection t basin waste mw | 2 GF basin 1 1 basin 1 410 | Pipework ancilries, 40 mm Glam plas combination Yap uth fenble overt with 35 tm seal and screw connection fo bath watte and overiow weft 1F bath 1 Ru 49 | Fabricated pipe suppont for 40 mm pipe comprising plastic pipe clip etherwize 35 tem above ofa 1 bath 1 Measurement of Disposal Systems 33 ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 3/1 SHEET NR 5 Commentary item | Description unit] Qy ‘Although this isa separate 'Ni3 Sanitary Applances/Fittings Section in SMM7 it closely associated with the Disposal NOTE: Systems and ts include Note 1 clarifies NISICI as discussed earlier in this chapter. (1) All joints and connections between supply, overflow, waste or soll pipes and the Undernoted sanitary appliances | fittings have been messured with the appropriate prpework. Sanitary appliances may be (2) The undernoted sanitary billed in a direct manner quoting appliancesfitings are included maker's catalogue references in'a Provisional Som for for each item but in practice 3 defined work contained in provisional sum is ofen used Section 2 of this bill to cover fo permit the final choice of the supply and delivery to site ‘unit to be left to nearer the fof these items by a Nominated Installation, Supplier. “Fixing only’ is defined in ‘ixing_only the following SMM? Preliminaries/General sanilary appliances/itings: Conditions ~ AS2 Nominated Suppliers Rule C1 (SMM7 amendment 2 Feb. 1988) Nate 5/1 | Low-level close-coupled Although supplied elsewhere, washdown coloured WC suite Sulficient information required ‘comprising vitreous china 'P to judge cost of fxing ete. and tap WC and cistern with seat Fiskof damage occurring to Sand lid, fixed to timber floor lunt while In contractor's care {and masonry wal ofa GF toilet 1 5/2 | Low-level sighonic coloured WE sites otherwise a last item | or | 2 F bathrooms 2 513. | Lavatory basins 600 % 450 me) comprising vitreous china basin and pedestal, CP plug and chain waste and CP sheerline taps, fied to masonry wall | ar | 2 1F bathrooms 2 5/4 | Lavatory basin 500 x 375 mm otherwise as last item Joe | GF toilet 1 515 | Baths 1800 mm long in enamelled pressed steel with plastic pane! to one long side, CP plug’ and chain waste and overflow, CP ‘heetine taps xed to timber Noor! nr | 2 1F bathrooms 2 Sealed into kitchen cabinet by | 5/6 | Sink 1310 x 510 mm inset kitchen unit specialist. pattern stainless steel with CP plug and chain waste and CP miner tap set in base by others | ar | 1 34 Measurement of Building Services [WORKED EXAMPLE SV—SSCS~S*~S~SSSSSET NR ‘Commentary Item ) Description unit | Qty Ne Overflow pipes are not Yio White polythene overiow mentioned in SMM? but logical | jpjzework wth solvent welded {omeasure under section 910 souplings Bnd immediately ater appliances tems Worn 611 | Pipes, straight, 20 mm dameter not supported (short WC overions) m2 Overlows taken through outer walls 3 wes soso | vio. fra over 20 mm pipe: | yio233 62 | Fitings with two ends ma Pipe itings not exceeding 63 mm diam: simplified, Bent couplings 3 7102.1 tabour on pipe similar] 6/3 | Neat bevelled cut drip ends | or | 3 fn principle to made bends. | 3 vioz2.1 64 | special connections to male [°° | bose We" eistern seth female plastic connector mw} 3 3 £12 Drainage Below Ground R12/P1 all as 02001 specific Information provided Teuiements not covered sn fener Information provided Gr sheet Nr ©) Ground water was esablshed 5° 191590 omitted date Gi) Details ofthe tral pis with thei locaton sre gia Speciation Clause D202 (i) There ae no known Ive oe or underground sews acts thi wore An existing and da wll be dened before this work Commences ee Secon RI2) | giz (The layout ofthe drainage 's shown an plan 3/1 Drainage Uayour and compres» separ system for raeater and foul ainage up tothe disconnecting manhole (Mt), Work fom Work outside curtilage of the MHI to the sewer is covered site would be kept separate if by a Provisional Sum contained measured in detail ~ General wNE 2 Rule 7.11e) R12.1%*.1 requites commencing (&) Commencing levels stated levels exceeding 0.25 below fon Plan 3/1 Drainage Layout existing ground to be stated tare levels after topsoil strip by ‘but in this case it will feneral contractor. not atfect the drainage work Measurement of Disposal Systems 35 WORKED EXAMPLE IA SHEET NRF Commentary Tem] Description Unt] iy SM dows not require | Surface Water Drainage separation of sartace water im fou buts good practice for postcontact acjusent mats ‘xcanting enches_ nines nat maibrecs ‘exceeding 200-mm-naminal R12.1".*.9 backfilling with size include backfilling with Special materials. Concrete | ez Reivturrounds ken wpaately | | Below pipes 2-23 mm-abave Sane | tania J>m | Average depth of tench not cxceeding 750 mm m | ie IC2-RE rear 1175 Pbranches rear 2/120 3 branches font 2:20 | branch yard gully 130 712 | Average depth of trench not exceeding 1000 me m | 22 Netto outer brick face of mat | | strict 600 ierice 330 || Terk ont 300 aaa 785 | Dispos, suriace water item ess vCuunderground drain | || obimmsene cumings ‘teaches wien 74 | 110 mm diameter m|a Pipe taken to inside face of sanict 22 bec ma icc 330 7.50 m + 0.50 m bend up to ICI-RE font 8.00 surtace M150 m + 050m dao. |_| 4C2-RE rear 12.00 Allowing for bends t0 CL Tivanches to RWO 41.80 Granch 0 poly 150 e813 715 | 110 mm diameter, verical | m | Rise to GL | | sawe 4025 R29 kxtra over 110 mm pipe e911 716 | Single socket bends of 3 Alvugh pipes have pain ends some ftinge ave sockets tdepends oh individ ally 1 tmanufacurer desig) Re 2 217 | Single socket bends with res | ne | 4 + RWwP 4 21m | Socketed branches wa 2Re 2 | Gay | 36 Measurement of Building Services ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 377 SHEET NR 8 ‘Commentary Them] Description Unit] Qy Nr Ri2.1014 ‘7 | Pipe accessories, 110 mm Full value items socketed rodding eyes with alloy Serewed grating set on grade 20 1m sity concrete foundation 4100'mm thick me | 2 front & rear 2 872 | Pipe accessories, 110 mm yard sully with 300 mm square Yop End alloy grating, 350mm deep with removable bucket, set on rade 20 in situ concrete foundation 100 mm thick | oe | 1 front 1 12.12.14 ~ for proprietary unis ‘@LPYCu inspection chambers Al inciusve item = no speciic| | for 110-mm diam. pipes, ‘mention of excavation but ‘nclsive of excavation each: Sensible to include Wt (ule M9 ‘work supp consolidation, Ambivalen). Inclusions produce] | timmng~bacKiling and ffect of what Rule C1 oes disposal of surplus excavated for tenches material 13 | 450 mm Diameter inspection chamber comprising chamber base veh blanking pgs st on grade 20 in situ Concrete Foundation 100 mm thick, ‘east ifon cover and frame fand chamber risers to suit 820 mm invert mw fa 2 1 814 | 450 mm Diameter inspection Chamber all at Tas item But to Suit 910 mm invert mia X Ri2t7.t.n182 1815. | Testing and’ commissioning the Hypothetical speciation focegoing surtace water drainage clause system 35 Specification clause 12.44 inclusive of attendance and instrumentation item (Connections to RWPs taken in| Section R10) Fou! Drainage Rita ‘Excavating trenches. pipes not ‘exceeding 200 mm nominal size RI2a.t2 816 | Average depth of tench oot ‘exceeding 1000 mm mis branch MH2~ stack 1.90 branch MH3- stack 2.10 (lotersections with RW dain Ignored) Measurement of Disposal Systems 37 WORKED EXAMPLE 3/1 SHEET NR 9 Commentary item ] Description unit | Qty R212 fart | Average depth of trench not ‘exceeding 1250 mm m | 10 Mui-2 6.50 MH2-3 375 R1234 972 | Disposal, surface water item Rind 1910 | Beds to pipes in grade 20 in situ concrete 350 mm wide X 100 ime thick ml ao Trench ne 1000 3.00 | Trench ne 1250 10.25 | R281 Vitotied clay underground dain | | bbipework 10 8S EN 295: 1991 ‘ith lain_ends and ‘polypropylene couplings in enches RI28.1.1 914. | 100 mm diameter m | 16 ‘Measured through to inside face fof MH (adding 215 mm at Mit 693 ‘each MH to net trench lengths) MH2-3 a8 Branch MHZ 22 Branch MH 232 (12.9 Fitings ~ NIL) (12.10 Accessories ~ NIL) RII" (Brick Manholes RIZIMB ~ all work measured | in detail 0202.4.3 915. | Excavating pits @ 0), maximum depth not exceeding 2.00 m | am | 6 MH 1.43 x 1.18 x 1.25 MHD 118 x 118% 125 | | mes 1a x 103 x 121 1207.21 1976 | Earthwork support maximum In theory suppor not required depth not exceeding 2.00 m, where venches oceur 1 dug at distance between opposing Same time, but any deductions faces not exceeding 2.00 m 3 ignored Rear face only (see next iter). met 118 x 1.40 MHZ a/ltB x 125 MHS 2A tax 121 203 x 1.21 p207.2.1.4 917 | Earthwork support all as last 20/06 affects front and part || item but next to roadways | m | 6 of sides of MH1 but whole of both sides taken as not worth spliting Mit font 1.18 x 1.40 Rute explained in Measurement fides 2443 1 Code with dagram broet 2 | Dion wutace wa | tem 02083.1 919 | Dispos, excavated mater, | No backliling required ot ste 6 Vol. iter 9/5 above = 5.57 ml 38 Measurement of Building Services WORKED EXAMPLE 3/1 SHEET NR 10 "Commentary Titem | Description unit] Qty Ne 203323 107 | Surface weaiment, compacting Botome of excavations 4 min 1a x18 Mn Vie ane 10305 1072 | tn st concrete bed of grade 20 concrete, 20 min aggregate, ‘heknest not excending 120m, poured on or against eaah mia ‘es of item 1001 = 430.005 host ‘iva acing bs 1-83-4921 Class 6 bultin ‘cement English ‘onda pond ac wack peoceads Fo121 1073 } Walls, one brick thick, pointed hepa one side 2 Waste ealeulations: Mi ne anay Mi2 MES sa anaz x 1.20 Toul depth = 155135 131 og? % 30 Dr bave 0.15 wane boa & V00 Sabow 020° = 035 035 0.35 Bios? % 1.00 Netbwiht = 120 100 O36 mins dios? x 096 Cen ine lengths of Bickwor doa » 096 Rint 10% | Building in ends of pipes ino ce ne bth thick wath of ‘manholes, 100 mm clay pipes | wr | 6 sa 1 mn 3 1015 | Dito; 110 mm PVCU pipe wt (Ase ble fore pipe om wa 1 Sum) Ri2n 1 Channels in-viteied cay to-BS EN2S6. 1991 hall vound oath ‘spigot joni dnted in cement ‘orl. sein sepactely ‘mented concrete benching 106 | 100 mm diameter, curved gith 600 mm we ft 107 | 100 mm diameter, 750 mm tong with branch intersection 5350 mm long wf nan , 108 | 100 mm diameter, 1000 mm omg th branch imterseton urted ith € to st 150 mm higher invert wld Measurement of Disposal Systems 39 ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 3/1 SHEET NRT Commentary item Nr Description unit | any 12179 Could well be combined with channels, each MH having one| Item covering both elements 12.17.91 RI2.01.13.1 eiaatata End of manholes 1207.10.21 &2 na un 8 1s 15 16 Ww 18 ‘oated month to falls 10 ‘channels To manhole 750 600 mm MH 1 To manhole 750 x 750 mm MH 1 To manhole 1000 X 750 mm To manhole 1180 X 1030 mm overall MHS 1 To manhole 1180 x 1180 mm overall Mea 1 To manhole 1430 1180 mm overall nt 1 Manhole covers and frames in ‘ductile iron to BS 497 Grade 3, {600 % 450 mm, frame set in ‘cement mortar 1:3 and cover set im grease Testing and commissioning the foregoing fou! drainage sytem 2 Specification Clauses Ri245-46, inclusive of Altendance and instrumentation ofa ait mw fa aw fa mw la aia 40 Measurement of Building Services WORKED EXAMPLE 3/1 SHEET NR 12 ‘Commentary Tem Ne Description unit | Qty R12/P1 — all as D200PI specific requirements not covered in general Information provided fon Sheet NF Ria. RI3ICI R13.1°.".9 backfilling with special materials. RIB Sealed from plan Ria RI3.8.1 R131 ‘Additional rules ~ work to ‘existing buildings R13 Drainage (SMM? ~ page 173) Rule T-1-1.4 combined with rule 3.1 provides a clear ‘enumerated item, A np 28 13 125 RIS Land Drainage Information provided (0) Ground water was established at 19.550 on (stated date) (i) Details of the tial pits with the location are given in Specification Clause D20/2, ii) There ate no known live ‘over oF underground services atlecting this work (iv) The layout of the land drainage is shown on Plan 3/1 Drainage Layout and comprises diverting an existing land drain around the new house. ‘Excavating trenches. pipes not ‘exceeding 200_mm-nominal | size-include-backflling with below pipes to 100 mm above ‘Average depth of trench not exceeding 300 mm m1 750 S00 Disposal, surface water item PVCu underground periorated ‘fexible_diain pipework. in enches 90 mm diameter m | a3 Qty. as tench item 12/1=12.50 Break into existing porous tile land drain and joint to new 90 mm flexible pipe at diversion, inelude sealing off ‘old onward pipe with in sty conerete plug oft West 1 Break into existing porous tile land drain and joint to new 90 mm flexible pipe at end of diversion South 1 4 Measurement of Service Plumbing Work Introduction Service plumbing work comprises the provision of mains water service into buildings and the distribution of hot and cold water services within buildings. In Chapter 2 the general approach to billing and measure- ment of building services was covered, indicating three basic compo- rents for supply services installations — namely: source, distribution and outlets. Examples of the respective components for service plumb- ing are: Source Distribution Outlets Connections to main Distribution Connections to Cold water storage pipework appliances Hot water storage Measurement Rules Service plumbing is covered by SMM7 Appendix B/Section S ‘Piped supply systems’ for the classification of the installation and Rules Y10— 59 for the detailed rules of measurement. ‘Source’ items are mainly enumerated under SMM7 Rules Y20-25 General pipeline equipment. These are defined in the Measurement Code (page 42) which lists such items as tanks, cylinders and calorifiers. The actual classifications within Rules 20-25 are listed in the De- tailed Contents of SMM7 on page 7, and these references are used in the Commentary columns of the Worked Examples which follow. The connection to the public main water supply is enumerated as extra over the pipe in which it occurs under SMM7 Rule Y10.2.2 Spe- cial joints and connections as defined in Rule D2 ‘Distribution’ items are invariably pipelines which are measured un- der SMM7 Rules Y10/11 Pipelines and Pipeline ancillaries. This gener- ally involves pipes being measured by length, with fittings and labours ‘enumerated as ‘extra over the pipes in which they occur’ as Y10.1 and Y10.2. Examples of pipe fittings which are ‘extra over’ are given in the 41 42 Measurement of Building Services Measurement Code (page 41) and include such items as bends, junc- tions and tees. Pipework ancillaries, on the other hand, are enumer- ated full value as Y11.8, and these are also defined in the Measurement Code as such items as valves and stop cocks. It is obviously necessary to differentiate between fittings and ancillaries in order to itemise them correctly but in practice, on a practical level, there is rarely any need to deduct the length of pipe displaced by any full-value ancillary. For example, a valve incorporated in normal sized pipework will only cause a saving of about 50-100 mm of pipe, which is minimal when com- pared with the practical level of accuracy of measuring the pipe from a drawing in the first place. In the case of larger diameters of service pipes, such deductions could however become significant. ‘Outlets’ are confined to the pipe connections to appliances, as the sanitary appliancesffittings themselves have been measured as ‘inlets’ of Disposal Systems in Chapter 3. The rationale behind the measure- ment of connections to such appliances/fttings is fully explained in Chapter 3. Such connections are dealt with by SMM7 Rule Y10.2.2 Special joints and connections as defined in Rule D2 and measured as ‘extra over the pipes in which they occur’ Taking Off Pipelines The task of taking off the quantities of service pipelines along with their associated labours, fittings, connections and ancillaries is most efficiently tackled by adopting the abstract sheet technique, as explained with examples in Chapter 2. The worked examples in this chapter adopt this approach. WORKED EXAMPLE The following Worked Example 4/1 will demonstrate the application of the various Rules from SMM7 to typical service plumbing installa- tions. Readers should refer to SMM7 and the Measurement Code while following this example, which will be cross-referenced where appro- priate. Worked example 4/1 is based on the same design of detached two-storey house as used in Chapter 3 and incorporates mains water, cold and hot water installations. The cold water section is not meas- ured in detail, as it is repetitious and would not introduce any addi- tional items to those sections included in full. This worked example is set out in draft bill format, which clarifies not only the SMM7 measurement requirements but also various ancil- lary matters such as testing and sundries which may not appear clearly in a basic take-off. Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 43 Worked Example 4/1: Detached House - Service Plumbing Work {32 Potypropyene overow ean MAIN AND COLD WATER LAYOUT (Reter to Plans 3/1/13 for further details of detached house) ann 44 Measurement of Building Services Worked Example 4/1: Detached House - Se MAIN AND COLD WATER LAYOUT (Refer to Plans 3/1/13 for further dotalls of detached house) ani ‘Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 45 WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 ~ DETACHED HOUSE Abstract Sheets for SMM7 Section S ~ Piped Supply Systems Main Supply Note: 22 mm Underground main billed direct without an abstract as straightforward take off ABSTRACT NR 1 - Main supply - 15 mm copper with saddle clips; ‘compression fittings; timber background Location | Pipe | Made | Made | Fittings | Special | spv Bends | Offsets | 2 ends | Connections female bent Roofspace | 2.60 | 1 1 2 1 1 Under GF | 4:50 | 2 1 1 1 140 | 2 2 Totals 350 | 5 2 3 7 1 ABSTRACT NR 2,— Main supply ~ copper with pipe rings; compression fittings; masonry backgroun Location Pipe | Made | Made | Fittings Special Fa | as 4 Bends | Offsets | 2 ends Connections we fas | as female straight 15 Grote [025 | 2a0f 2 | 1 1 | GF fanch ogo) 2 1 | 1 Cup, 350) 2 | a Gr sink 00 2 1 Teas [02s [eaop @ [4+ [a 7 7 ‘Commentary: Abstract Nr 1 is only concemed with one size of pipe and thus sizes ‘can be omitted from table, The "Fittings 2 ends’ are bent couplings and the ‘iting 3 ends’ is a tee piece 22x15 15 mm, iT Tet ‘ted ed) pel [Leds] lors [oczforas se * % [Te os 04 39) . ‘ t oez dove 35 z 1 z oot | avedscoy rf ' ovo wap ote 1 ‘ L co's | uorsueess : t z t e+ | p29) poo “mt a | ot | me |e anf | seu | moa Jasens abh [twa | oreat fet | ce foe | ss fee [sf fee || ele} ate « tig suonsanen pads | ape € sumia [ypu & Suma | sean open | Spoba oper wha soneer Punoify2eq Asuosew ‘Sumy vorssoudwo> ‘sBuu adid yum saddo> — sien 10H ~ Z YN LOVULSBY t ' a et] = [ostfore [ove z zp. fo an ost | oe |oro L t z t z ove a xz | iw wz fe lela] ee fale | x | nom. spo ¢ anne B80 eH pone ape wa vow | Measurement of Building Services 46 punoifi2eq saquin ‘sBumy uo!ssaiduios ‘sdi}> ajppes yur saddo> — sa1eM OH ~ 9 YN LOvULSeV voneyrersuy s91¢%4 10H, S-£ SIN spensgy uF Das J9)eM\ 10H UE suy Addns pjo2 ayy 2210N, ‘Adds jo paulewuos usaq arey Ayddns urey ay) ur st iy “sajdwexa snonnadai prone 0} pi uajeainba ayy smoljoy Ajasoy> yoiym Ajuo Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 47 Hot Water installation (cont.) Note: The specification requires all pipes within bathrooms, toilets and kitchen to have capillary fittings, which have a better appearance if exposed. ABSTRACT NR 8 ~ Hot water ~ copper with pipe rings; capillary fittings; masonry background Location Pipe [Made Bends [ Made Ofsets | gitings | special BPs] 2] 8 | 22] 15 | 2end | Connections 15" [female straight 22 | 15 1F Bathroom [o.sofovo] 1 | 1 | 1 ifEnsute |0.60/0.90/ 1 | 1 | 4 GF Toilet 0.90) 1 GF Kitchen 1.00 1 [a fa Totals raofaof 2] 3] 2) «fo f2 {4 48 Measurement of Building Services yey WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NRT Commentary them | Description unit | avy Ne DETACHED HOUSE Sequential order of bills BILL NR 9 Common Arrangement of Work S~ PIPED SUPPLY SYSTEMS Section heading tion provided This note covers the ‘The following represents the requirements of Rule PI of installation of mains, cold and sections ¥10-59, Placing this hhot water service plumbing first removes the need for including sundries and thermal repetition within the various {insulation as detailed on Plans subsections of the bill ant and 47172 Heading from Appendix B ~ S10 Cold Water Installation bout further categorised for ‘Main Supply ~ Underground mains and location {helpful post-contract information) Essential heading to indicate ¥ 10/11 Pipelines and Pipeline the rules adopted for the Ancillaries' ‘measurement following, Table ¥ ~ fully annealed Copper tubing to BS 2871: copper tube supplied in coils Patt = Table Y up to 20 metres Yio13.13 17 | Pipes, exible, 22 mm Manipulative compression diameter jointed with brass fitings necessary for this tubing| | manipulative compression and pressure couplings, laid in wrenches | m | 13 Straightforward take-off; no ‘water authority stop abstract necessary, valve “house wall 12.50 013.12 172 | Pipes, flexible, 22 mm diameter jointed a8 above, in ducts mio Fireclay duct by builder substructure 090 | yior3.t4 3 | Pipes, exible, 22 mm | diameter jointed as above, | fixed to masonry background with brass ie rings plugged land screwed at centres a8 Specified mio up to GF 0.95 | ¥ + General Rule 7.1(0] 1/4 | Extra over copper pipes for Work outside the curtilage of special connection to Water site. About 300 mm of pipe ‘Authority’s stop valve in public from item 1/1 would also be in| th comprising 22 ram the public footpath but this is diameter brass female staight ‘ignored as not cost sigificant, ‘connection with manipulative ‘compression joint t0 pipe ofa just within footpath 11,8 + Measurement Code | 1/5 | Pipework ancillary, 22 mm diameter brass screw down valve with manipulative Compression joints m | ot just above GF 1 ‘Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 49 WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR 2 ‘Commentary Item | Description unit | ay Ne Heading from Appendix ‘10 Cold Water Installation ~ with additional information Main Supply ~ Internal Essential heading to indicate ¥10/11 Pipelines and Pipeline rules adopted for measurements Ancilares following Table X~ normal quality copper tube. Patt x yioas 21 | Pipes, straight, 15 mm diameter [Non-manipulative compression jotnted with brass compression Joints assumed specified above Couplings, fied to timber GU would be clasified in background with copper saddle | Specitiation clips at centtes as specified | m | 9 | Two stage take-off by abstract — Abstract ar 850 see explanation in Chapter 2. 212 | Pipes, straight, 15 mm diameter jointed as above, fixed to masonry background with brass pipe rings plugged and screwea| at centres a8 specified | 6! Abstract nr 26.30 | General Rule 3.3 ~ small 213 | Pipes, straight, 22 mm diameter {quantities piven as one unit jointed ae above, not fixed | m | 1 Short length between SDV and tee, not requited to be fixed Absact ar 20.25 | vi02 Items extra aver copper pipes | In which they occur | yio2a 24 | Made bends 15 mm pipe | nr | 11 Abstract ne 1 5 Abstract ne 2 6 Not in SMM but justified as | 2/5 | Made offsets 15 mm pipe | ar | 6 ‘mote labour content than 1 “Abstract nr 1 ? bend but less than 2 bends Abstract 2 y102.3.3.2 216 | Fittings 15 mm diameter, Copper pipe fitings require brass compression pattern to be identified owing to the two ends a | 6 ‘any patterns and metals ‘Abaract an | act 5 specified Abstract ne 2 1 | y102.3.4.2 217 | Fittings 22 mm diameter, brass compression pattern, three ends rm nr la [Abstract nr 2 1 yio2.24 218 | Special connection between 15 mm pipe and male threaded equipment with brass compression female straight connection wf Abstract ne 2 1 50 Measurement of Building Services WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR 3 Commentary Item Ne Description Unit | ay Extra over items continued, 11.8 + Measurement Code Full value ~ heading prevents ‘exta over" continulng, yanaaaa ‘Measurement Code Overflow pipes are not mentioned tm SMM7 but Togical to measure under section Y1O and immediately aiter equipment vont yio2 Not in SMM7 but labour Similar im principle to Y10.2.1 y102.3.3.2 yio22.1 an an 38 as 35 316 a7 Special join between 15 mm pipe and cbipment win brave Compression female bent male threaded connection fa Abstract ar Pipework Ancillares Brass screw down valve 15 mm diameter wi 1 1 ith ‘compression Joints to copper pipes or fa ¥20/25 General Pipeline Equipment old water comprising capacity plastic cistern make Sind model Complete with plastic lid, holed for and provided with: {5'mm diameter brass ballvalve with ‘male tal, jam nuts and large Backplate, brass shank and 175 mm plastic ball, 32 ‘mm diameter plastic standing waste overflow with plastic Screwed outlet (2) 28 mm ‘iameter brass male ‘outlet bosses with jam nut storage cistern 275 live actuat ‘specified Suppor shelf by others me | t roofspace 10 polypropylene avertlow ae Pipes, straight, 32 mm diameter fixed 'o timber background smth plastic pipe clips screwed at centres as specified m|s roofspace Items extra pipes in which they occur Neat cut 460 ver polypropylene bevelled end 32mm pipe ofa Fitings 3 1 2 mm diameter, "OF ring pattern, two ends | ar | 1 elbow Special c 3mm rea 0" ring female straight 7 connection between pe and male equipment with connection me | t to cistern 1 Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 51 WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR 4 ‘Commentary item | Description unit | Qty Nr Heading from Appendix & ‘S10 Cold Water Installation with addtional information. Cold Supply Essential heading to indicate YI0/11 Pipelines and Pipeline rules adopted for measurements) | Ancillaies following Table X= normal quality copper tube Pact = Table X Installation Heading from Appendix 8 S11 Hot Water Installation Essential heading to indicate 10/11 Pipelines and Pipeline rules adopted for Ancillaries ‘reasurements following Table X~ normal quality copper tube, Part = Table X Two-stage take-off by abstract, Pipes, straight, jointed with alee explanation in bras compression couplings, | Chapter 2 fixed to timber background yiontat with copper saddle clips at | Centres ab speciieg Ditferent diameters in 4 | 15 em diameter m2 subsites. Abstract nr 6 1.50 42 | 22 mm diameter m|s Abstract or 63.20 40 | 28 mm diameter mia Abstract ar 6 2.70 Different background, Pipes, straight, jointed with bass compression couplings, fixed io masonry background with brass pipe rings plugged Sind screwed at centes 32° specified 44 | 15 om diameter mis Absract ar 75.10 45 | 22m diameter m3 Abstract nr 72.70 46 | 28 mm diameter m | 2 Abstract nr 712.30 52 Measurement of Building Services In Scottish plumbing practice the hor water expansion would be taken out through the root to terminate in 2 swar-neck bend, This would also be measured as 10.2.1 (adapted. teed alstes for same 28, Hii ‘WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR S ‘Commentary item | Description unit | Oty Different type of couplin Pipes, straight, jointed with Capillary fittings for potable copper capillay couplings, ‘water must have nowlead. fixed to: masonry background based Solder. ‘with brass pipe rings plugged Sind serewed centres a8" specified viowaas 5 | 15 mm diameter m| 4 Abstract nr 83.70 512 | 22 mm diameter mit Abstract nr 81.20 v0.2 Items extra over copper pipes jn which they occur yi02.1 Made bends Different pipe sizes in sub- | 53} 15 mm pi oe | 7 items. Items indented once for pire ‘extra over and once more for ‘Abstract ne } ‘eaten ove Abstract ne 73 ‘Abstract nr 8 3 sia | 22 mm pipe or | s Abstract a6 2 ‘Abstract nr 7 i ‘Abstract mr 82 sis| 28 mm pipe a | 6 Abstract nr 6 2 ‘Abstract mr 7 Not in SMM but justified as Made offsets ‘more labour content than bend but less than 2 bends. | 5/6 | 15 mm pipe a | 7 Abstract ar 6 1 Abstract mr 72 Abstract mB 4 si7| 22 mm pipe nr] s Absract ar 6 2 Abstract nr 7 1 Absract a8 2 5i8| 28 mm pipe nw | 6 Abstract ar 2 Abstract ar? 4 Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 53 WORKED EXAMPLE 4/7 SHEET NR 6 Commentary tem | Description unit | Qty Ne Important heading repeated Items extra over copper pipes | in which they occur | (continued) ¥ ~ Compression Fitings, brass compression type Kept separate from patter, two ends «capillary | 15 mm pipe o | 5 Abstract ar 1 Abstract nr 74 62 | 22 mm pipe ofa Abstract ort 63 | 26 mm pipe o | 4 Abstract nr 62 Abstract nr? yi023.42 Fitings, brass compression pattern, three ends 64 | 22 mm pipe or [a Absract nr 2 1 65 | 28 mm pipe of 4 Abstract nr 62 Abstract nr? 2 ¥ — Capillary ype | 6/6 | _Fitings, copper capillary and in this project only one pattern, two ends; 15 mm sie required Pipe nm | 3 Abstract ne 83 y102.2.41 617 | Special connection between 26 mim pipe and female threaded equipment with brass compression male: straight connection a fo Abstract m7 618 | Special connection between 25 mm pipe and male threaded equipment with brass compression female bent connection alo Abstract nt 6/9 | Special connection between 28 mm pipe and female threaded equipment with brass compression male bent connection me} Abstract 71 I 54 Measurement of Building Services WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR 7 ‘Commentary tem Ne Description Unit | Qty Important heading repeated ¥ = drain down at fest floor level. Connection allows for future maintenance. ¥ ~ two sizes of same connection s0 sub.tem style adopted. Y11.8 + Measurement Code Full value ~ heading prevents ‘extra over continuing. yaad. y2a2..0 mn 72. 78. 716 715 716 oa Items extca over copper pipes. jn which they occur (continued) Special connection between 15 mm pipe and future Clien supplied hese coupling with brass compression bent threaded hose connection | nr | 1 Abstract ne 7 Special connections between pipe and male threaded equipment with copper capillary female starght connection 15 mm pipe Abstract nr 8 22 mm pipe Abstract ne 8 Pipework Ancillares Brass dein down cock 15 mm diameter with compression 1 2 joints to copper pipes [Abstract nr 7 Brass wheel gate valve 28 mm diameter with compression 1 joints to copper pipes [Abstract 6 ¥20/25 General Pipeline Equipment Copper hot water stra ojlinderndiveet 138 Ite tpacty to BS 699 (Grade 2) Ss apectied, with immersion eater bors (2) 26 mm female threaded primary bosses and (2) 28 mm female threaded Secondary bosses precoated wh 32mm thick foam insulation, support shell by others 1F cupb. Ancillary for equipment supplied by others, take delivery of and fix immersion heater to last item Electrician 1 1 mf 4 nm | 2 me | oe | t me ft a fa Measurement of Service Plumbing Work 55 WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR & ‘Commentary item ] Description unit] Qty 1 large projet thermal insulation 150 Thermal Insulation ‘ould be separately measured i ‘ich subsection of he bil Boy Plastic faced hss ie ectinal insulation miimar15-mthick ‘sceued ath aterrnodadbese lia a1 | Ppetines, 15 mm diameter o|- 482 | Pipelines, 22 mm diameter m|- 193 | Pipelines, 26 mm diameter m|- + these quantities would readily be identi rom Abstracts 128 where Pipes tre in duc, roopace, below Adon ee Proprietary insulation. ‘nsuation packs in pefonmed ‘eum as speciation clase 1308 ‘mandated by nsloal ic yso1.42 114 | equipment, cold water sorage finer, nominal 326 900 S50 0 mm o tides and Iii 40 mm thick foam, Imanotactrer’srlerence nr cwsisee wf rootspace 1 Serb to group thes tes for ¥51-59 Testing snd Sundries ‘whole of Piped Supp Systems [Ys 195 | sacking postion of hoes, morte | te chases ithe strate forthe sale othe reo Pe! Se] Testing and commissioning of this | 816 | Texting and commisioning the type of invasion would ony wot the logon Piped mprise simple requremen Supply System at per ipeeicaton yore dittee Vu" tem 730 Rule M2 1730/31 Trenches, Holes, Chases for Piped Supply Systm 30 Information Provided not Information Provided or Covered at at of tie B= information regarding the nature of ‘hove required here A al txcavaton work reer to the Bl ‘details of ground water evel eB Dupont Syteme Section {al pis. ee ate athe Drainage Riz ovaiage Below Grn Section tr enough to cose feference In thir ise See Chapter 3” Worked Example 31) raat? 7 | txeavating venches to receive pipe hot exceading 200 mm nominal Size include bedding in sand a feat '10 mi thick il ound pipe: average depth nt exceeding a0 Roles MB, MA, D2, C1 50 mm ma whole rome 12.00 eal) 56 Measurement of Building Services WORKED EXAMPLE 4/1 SHEET NR 9 Commentary ttem | Description unit] Qty Ne General Rule 7.16) work ouide | 971 | Excavating wenches all as the boundary ofthe ste Tas ter But work outside the carlage ofthe ste mf Genera Rule 3.3 minim In public footpath 04s gum. Main water connection P02 noms extra over excavating tronchen,trepectve of depth 7202.1.1— ukely occurence | a2 | Breaking out existing rock, hence inclusion of assumed PROVISIONAL mia avant P0-Me ‘Assumed 4.00 x 0.50 % 0.30 3022.51 913 | Breaking out existing public ‘Wh determined by Rule Y30-M6 footpath comprsing tarmacadam roinimam 300 mm tn hs case fon bottoming and neal vente General Role 7100 tolmatch custing to apectiestion flause Q25.16, work outide the urlage of he te Line to cancel “extra ove ee ee ----- 730.2.) Always given at eisk tem | 9/4 | Disposal, curtace water item rota 915 | identication tape, seaighe PVC Seip incorporated nto wench backing 300 mm above main water pipe ale hem 87 12.00 tom 871 as 731.20 Cating ot forming holes for services isaliatone are tomers, see Chapter? — jaigers Work 216 | Curing or forming holes fr pipes hot exeeeding 55'mm nomial Size through concrete Blocloerk paritone 75 mm thick and making food m {2 Hot feed + expan, 1F 2 77 | Cusing or forming hole for pipe ae Tas em but theough 300 rm thick aut walling comprising concrete blckwork inner lal and facing brick outer leat and making good | ar | 1 Hot drain down 1F 1 (oop of pipes taken 2s 978 | casing oF forming hole or group Spec te 38 cheaper to of 3 pipet each not exceeding 35. {orm than 3 india oles nm tominalsze tough concrete Bockwork partion 100 tam thick nd mating good wf Main, hot & cold GF celing 1

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