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Office of Municipal Executive

Lalbandi, Sarlahi
Madhesh Province, Nepal


"Land Issue Resolving Program and GIS

Mapping for Landless, Unmanaged Settlement
Lalbandi Municipality"

Submitted By:
Old Baneshwor-10, Kathmandu
Tel. : 01-5499213, Email:

1 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

This report represents the outcome of the extensive research, documentation, detailed field research,
and design activities carried out by the team of Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Baneshwor,
Kathmandu. The report presents the "Land Problem Solving Program and the GIS Map of
Landless, Unruly Settlement in the Lalbandi Municipality.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all individuals and organizations who contributed
and supported us in successfully completing the survey and design works. We extend our special
thanks to Mayor Mr. Basudev Adhikari, Executive Officer Mr. Tara Nath Luitel Bhandari, Engineer
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Saha, Roshan Kumar Pandit, Land Issue Resolving Coordinator Mr. Chet
Bahadur Magar. We would also like to thank the staff of Lalbandi Municipality Office, Lalbandi,
Sarlahi, for their kind co-operation and support during all phases of this Survey and report

Our research team would like to thank the local people who spent their valuable time providing us
with feedback and cooperating with us during the site visit. Without their help, it would have been
impossible to gather accurate data and complete this project successfully.

We are grateful for the support and contributions of everyone involved in the successful completion of
this project. We are confident that the "Land Problem Solving Program and the GIS Map of
Landless, Unruly Settlement in the Lalbandi Municipality" will be useful in resolving land issues
and improving the lives of the local people.

Regenerate response

Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

Baneshwor, Kathmandu

2 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................................................6

1.2 PROJECT LOCATION................................................................................................................6

2 SCOPE OF WORK....................................................................................................... 9
3 METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECT WORKS.................................................... 9
3.1 FIELD SURVEY........................................................................................................................10

3.2 MONUMENTATION OF CONTROL POINTS.......................................................................11

3.3 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL........................................................................11

3.4 FIELD DURATION AND TEAM COMPOSITION................................................................12

3.5 DETAIL CADASTRAL SURVEY...........................................................................................12

4 CADASTRAL MAPPING.......................................................................................... 14
5 WORK SCHEDULE................................................................................................... 14
6 RESULT AND FINDININGS..................................................................................... 15

3 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu


GIS: Geographical Information System

DTM: Digital Elevation Model

GPS: Global Positioning System

MUTM: Modified Universal Transverse Mercator

TS: Total Station

RTK: Real Time Kinematics

TBC: Trimble Business Center


4 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Annex - A Key Plan

Annex - B Field photograph

5 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu


Lalbandi is a Municipality in Sarlahi District in the Janakpur Zone of Central Development Region of
Nepal. The municipality was established on 18 May 2014 by merging the existing Parwanipur VDC,
Netragung VDC, Jabdi, Lalbandi and Pattharkot VDCs. At the time of the 2021 Nepal Census, it had
a population of 67,507 living in 13905 individual households. There are 17 wards in this municipality.
It is the largest municipality in Sarlahi district. The office of this municipality is in ward no.6 Located
in the Lalbandi. Lalbandi Bazar, located on the East West Mahendra highway, is one of the main
trading areas within the municipal area. Bordering East Ishwarpur Municipality, West Hariwan and
Haripur Municipality, North Sindhuli District and bordering Haripur and Ishwarpur in the south,
Lalbandi Bazar is the main trading site of the district. Due to increasing urbanization, increased
business activity, this municipality is becoming a center of attraction in the district and is developing
as the largest municipality in the district.

The whole municipality is moving forward unitedly for the prosperity and development of this
municipality by embracing the original slogan, "Clean, beautiful and prosperous city, Pride of Sarlahi
District." The municipality is committed to the economic and social upliftment of women, indigenous
nationalities, Dalits, the disabled within the municipal area. The place is famous for tomato
production in whole Nepal. Tomato and other green vegetables are the chief cash crop of this place
along with paddy, wheat, maize and other crops. It is the fast developing Municipality in Mid Terai
region of Nepal. Bhudeo Khadya Udhyog (Hulas Foods), a subsidiary of Hulas Group is located here
which is one of the biggest rice, pulse and flour manufacturing and packaging industry in Nepal.


Lalbandi municipality is a local level in Sarlahi district under Madhesh province among the 753 local
levels formed on the recommendation of the name, number and boundary determination
commission of rural municipality, municipality, autonomous, protected or special area established
according to clause (3) of Article 295 of the Constitution of Nepal 2072. This municipality, which is
famous nationwide for the production and export of Golbeda (tomatoes) in Nepal, is Lalbandi
Municipality of Savik (Savik G.V.S. Lalbandi, Pattharkot and Jabdi), and Netraganj, Raniganj,
Parwanipur and Narayankhaela VDC It has been adjusted and built.

Lalbandi municipality, located in Sarlahi District of Nepal's Madhesh Province, covers an area of
approximately 238.5 square kilometers and has a population of over 67,507 people (2076 BS). The
municipality is situated in the Terai region, which is known for its flat, fertile plains and a tropical
rainfall climate with high levels of precipitation year-round. The area is home to people of diverse
ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, with Bramhan, Chhetri, Sanyasi and Madhesi are situated and
being the primary languages spoken. Lalbandi is primarily an agricultural area, with farming activities
such as the production of paddy, wheat, maize, sugarcane and lots of vegetables being the main source
of livelihood for most of the population. Additionally, there has been some growth in manufacturing
and tourism industries in recent years. Overall, Lalbandi is a vibrant community with a rich culture
and natural resources.

6 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

As per 2011 population census, Lalbandi Municipality had total 59,395 population with 28,795 males
and 30,600 females. Out of total wards, ward number 17 had the largest population 5,576, while ward
number 13 had least number of population with 5,576.

7 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

8 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Figure : Ward wise Population & Household Chart (2011 Census)

Lalbandi Municipality, like most areas in Nepal, is characterized by religious diversity. The
predominant religion in the region is Hinduism, followed by Buddhism, Islam, and other minority
religions. The municipality is home to several temples, shrines, and religious sites of cultural and
religious significance. Lalbandi Municipality is situated in the Terai region of Nepal, which is the flat,
low-lying southern part of the country. The Terai is known for its fertile agricultural land, and
Lalbandi is no exception. The municipality primarily consists of agricultural lands used for cultivating
crops such as rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, and vegetables. There may also be some forested areas
and residential settlements within the municipality.

The climate in Lalbandi Municipality, being part of the Terai region, is characterized as a subtropical
monsoon climate. The summers are hot and humid, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 40 degrees
Celsius (77 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit). The monsoon season, from June to September, brings heavy
rainfall. Winters are generally mild, with temperatures ranging from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius (41 to 77
degrees Fahrenheit). Lalbandi Municipality is a landlocked area in Nepal, located far from any
coastline. Therefore, it does not have a direct relationship with sea level as it is situated in an inland

The location map is portrayed as follow:

9 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Figure : Location map of the project Site

10 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

The primary goal of the exploration project is to accurately identify the location and elevation of
soil details within the designated project area. This information will be used to update the
Cadastral map and DTM of the project area. Some of the specific objectives of the project include
conducting a thorough survey of the project area to collect precise data on soil characteristics,
such as texture, structure, and composition. The project team will also use advanced techniques,
such as geophysical surveys and remote sensing technologies, to map the subsurface geology and
identify potential areas of interest for further investigation. Additionally, the project will aim to
establish a baseline inventory of the natural resources within the project area, including
vegetation, water sources, and wildlife habitats. This information will be essential for developing
effective environmental management plans for the project site.

Overall, the exploration project will provide critical data and insights into the soil and
environmental characteristics of the project area, which will inform future land-use decisions and
ensure sustainable development practices. Some of the objectives of the project are as follows:

 Monumentation of Major BM.

 Detail Cadastral survey of the project area.

 Preparation of Cadastral map of 1:2500 Scale Sheet

 Preparation of the Database (softcopy GIS Data)

 Submission of survey report.


All research activities in the project were carried out using a comprehensive approach, which involved
several key steps. These steps included desk research, feasibility studies, retrieval research,
establishment of control areas, traversing, Cadastral research, and mapping of the Lalbandi
Municipality Project. The project team began by conducting desk research to gather background
information on the project area, including relevant historical and geographical data. This information
was then used to carry out a feasibility study to determine the viability of the project.

Next, retrieval research was conducted to collect data on the physical characteristics of the project
area, including soil type, vegetation, and topography. Control areas were then established to provide a
reference point for subsequent survey activities. Traversing and detailed Cadastral research were
carried out to accurately determine the location and boundaries of the project area. This involved
physically mapping the area and collecting data on land use, ownership, and other relevant

Finally, the project team created a map of the Lalbandi Municipality Project, which integrated all the
collected data and provided a visual representation of the project area. Overall, the comprehensive
approach used in the research activities ensured that all relevant data was collected and analyzed,
providing a solid foundation for the subsequent phases of the project.

11 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu


During the field survey, our team strictly adhered to the specifications provided by the Survey
Department for the Modified Universal Transverse Mercator (MUTM) projection system. This
ensured that all survey activities were carried out accurately and consistently, with a high degree of
precision and reliability. The MUTM projection system is a widely recognized and standardized
coordinate reference system, which uses a series of mathematical formulas to convert three-
dimensional coordinates into two-dimensional map projections. By following the specifications of this
system, our team was able to ensure that all survey data was accurately recorded and could be easily
integrated into a variety of mapping and GIS software applications.

Furthermore, adhering to the specifications provided by the Survey Department helped to minimize
errors and ensure that all survey measurements were consistent and accurate. This, in turn, enabled us
to produce detailed and reliable maps and other visual representations of the project area, which will
be critical for informing future decision-making and development activities. The strict adherence to
the specifications of the MUTM projection system during the field survey was a key factor in
ensuring the success and accuracy of the project.

 Project name: "Land Issue Resolving Program and GIS Mapping for Landless,
Unmanaged Settlement in Lalbandi Municipality"

 Linear unit: Meters

 Projection: MUTM_87

 Longitudinal of Central Meridian: 87 E

 Scale factor at central Meridian 0.9999

 False Easting (m):500000

 False Northing (m): 0.000

 Datum: Everest 1830

 Semi-Major Axis (ad): 6377299.36

 Inverse Flattening: 300.8017

 Post-Processing Engine: Auto

 Post-Processing software: TBC (Trimble Business Center 5.2)


As per the agreement with the Municipality, the administrative area was provided to us for the project.
In cases where the area was not covered by the existing administrative records, we started with a new
survey of the area. To accurately locate and map the project area, we carried out precise field
measurements using Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) technology. This enabled us to
collect precise data on the location, links, and DGPS points within the project area.

12 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

In addition, we prepared an explanation card for all major control points within the project area. This
card provided detailed information on the location, elevation, and other relevant data for each control
point. This information will be critical for ensuring accurate and consistent measurements during
subsequent phases of the project. The use of precise field measurements and the preparation of
detailed explanation cards for control points were essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of
the project data. By working closely with the Municipality and utilizing advanced surveying
technologies, we were able to produce detailed and accurate maps and other visual representations of
the project area.

Control points show the following information:

 Name of the Control Point

 Location description of the point

 Monumentation Mark

 Coordinates of the point (E, N and Z) of the points.


To ensure a high level of accuracy in our surveying activities, we utilized a sophisticated testing
device with a minimum value of 1" at angles and (2mm + 2ppm x D) distance. This device was
designed specifically for closed cross-cutting and trigonometric level surveys, and enabled us to
collect precise data on the project area. Using this testing device, we transferred the trigonometric
length to the project area and closed the trigonometric level loops. This helped to control the precise
position of the project and ensure that all survey data was accurately recorded. The use of advanced
testing devices and trigonometric level surveys was essential for achieving a high degree of accuracy
and reliability in our surveying activities. By utilizing these techniques, we were able to produce
detailed and accurate maps and other visual representations of the project area, which will be critical
for informing future decision-making and development activities.

To accurately determine the position of the control points within the project area, we created closed
horizontal loops using a combination of DGPS technology and direct control at points. The links to
other points were listed as offsets, and duplicate measurement sets were considered points. We
carefully calculated the horizontal and vertical angles, as well as the intermediate distances, before
performing the horizontal calculations. This involved measuring the horizontal and vertical angles
using the right and left faces, as well as the distance from the front and back channels. Using these
measurements, we were able to calculate the horizontal position of the control points (E. N) from the
traverse. This allowed us to accurately locate and map the project area, and ensure that all survey data
was recorded with a high degree of precision and reliability.

Overall, the use of advanced surveying technologies and careful calculations was essential for
achieving accurate and reliable survey data for the project area. By utilizing these techniques, we were
able to produce detailed and accurate maps and other visual representations of the project area, which
will be critical for informing future decision-making and development activities. The horizontal
orientation of the horizontal loop is defined by 1 / ((∆E + ∆N / D) and 1 / (∆H / D). in vertical closure.
A total of 1 horizontal closed horizontal control loop was made in all project alignment.

13 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Senior Surveyor, Surveyor and Assistance were involved in Cadastral Survey for "Land Issue
Resolving Program and GIS Mapping for Landless, Unmanaged Settlement in Lalbandi


Extensive research was conducted in Lalbandi Municipality to assess the land features of the area. To
accurately capture this information, we utilized a range of advanced surveying tools, including
location checkpoints, full station, and RTK equipment. The full channel display method was used in
Total Station to accurately capture data, and the RTK function receiver was utilized at various offset
locations and major control areas. By using this equipment, we were able to accurately capture land
features and other important data without needing to appear in the Basic Channel. To achieve the best
possible accuracy in our surveying activities, we conducted a survey within a 5km radius to create a
base station for the RTK equipment. Additionally, we adopted a line-breaking approach to the test
points taken from the first areas where slope breakage appears to be visible. This approach helped to
ensure that all important data was captured and accounted for.

Overall, the use of advanced surveying equipment and techniques was essential for accurately
capturing and representing the land features of Lalbandi Municipality. By utilizing these tools, we
were able to produce detailed and accurate maps and other visual representations of the project area,
which will be critical for informing future decision-making and development activities. The Cadastral
survey depicted the following information on the ground:

 Boundary of every parcel

 Road, Irrigation Canal

 House Plan


We conducted a detailed survey of the project area using an advanced total station that enabled us to
precisely measure both angles and distances. This was achieved through the use of electro-optical
scanning of digital bar-codes etched on rotating glass cylinders or discs within the instrument, as well
as Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) devices fitted inside the telescope to accurately measure

To further improve the accuracy of our surveying work, we used an advanced instrument called the
N3 for RTK work. This instrument is particularly well-suited for detailed surveying work across large
areas, as it offers the same high levels of precision as our total station. By using these advanced tools
and techniques, we were able to capture detailed and accurate information about the project area,
which will be critical for informing future development and decision-making activities.

Survey Equipment and Model Nos. Angle Accuracy Distance Accuracy

ComNav GNSS 4 ±2” ±(5 mm+2ppm×D)

14 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu


The list of final coordinates are provide by municipality office.

The data collected by our field inspectors was carefully sorted and analyzed to identify any gaps in
our research activities. This information was then brought to our offices in Kathmandu for final
planning and map preparation. We used a variety of software tools to develop our Cadastral map,
including GIS (using QGIS software) and AutoCAD with SW DTM software. This allowed us to
integrate all boundaries and man-made objects within the project area, including houses, rivers, roads,
tracks, water canals, and terraces.

Our Cadastral map was developed at a scale of 1:2500 on paper, with additional details taken from a
scale of 1:500. We have included both A3 appendices and real-scale (large-size) maps in Volume-II
of our project report. By carefully developing and presenting our Cadastral map, we have provided a
detailed and accurate representation of the project area that will be essential for future planning and
decision-making activities.


S.N. Activities
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

1 Desk Study

2 Field Reconnaissance

3 Traversing

4 Detailing

5 Processing & Final Report

Table 4: Work schedule

15 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu

This report provides an overview of the results obtained from the assignments carried out based on the
scope of work outlined in the contract. The scope of work is included in the annexes for reference.
One of the key tasks included in the scope of work was the cadastral survey of the proposed site. This
survey was conducted in accordance with established protocols and standards, and the results are
presented in Volume II of this report. In addition, the survey data has been compiled in a digital
format to facilitate analysis and planning.

The cadastral survey of the proposed site involved the measurement and mapping of the boundaries of
the property, as well as the identification and documentation of any man-made structures or features
present on the site. This information was then used to prepare accurate and detailed maps and plans of
the site, which will be invaluable in supporting future development and land management activities.

Overall, the results of the assignments carried out in accordance with the scope of work have provided
valuable insights and information that will be critical in facilitating informed decision-making and
effective management of the proposed site. The site area is mostly plane and agriculture land.

The Total area & Parcel are 893.54 Ha and 3288 parcels respectively.

Field Photographs
16 Final Report | Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Baneshwor, Kathmandu
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