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1/22/24, 2:27 PM Waste Management Plan Checklist - SafetyCulture

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Title Page

Project Name

Conducted on (Date and Time) 

Officer in Charge (Full Name)

Location 

Internal Planning

Have you internally agreed on the need for a waste management plan and allocated
staff responsibility?

Yes No N/A

Have you checked any tendering, contractual or rating tool requirements for a waste
management plan?

Yes No N/A… 1/5
1/22/24, 2:27 PM Waste Management Plan Checklist - SafetyCulture

Have relevant sub-contractors agreed to follow the waste management plan?

Yes No N/A


Have material quantities been selected to minimize over-ordering?

Yes No N/A

Has consideration been given to the use of secondary and recycled materials?

Yes No N/A

Can unwanted packaging be returned to the supplier for recycling or re-use?

Yes No N/A

Can unused materials be returned to the supplier or used on another job?

Yes No N/A

Have designers used standard material sizes wherever possible?

Yes No N/A

Project Planning

Has responsibility for waste management planning and compliance with environmental
legislation been communicated to all staff and identified subcontractors?

Yes No N/A

Have you identified likely waste arising (how much, when, and what types)?

Yes No N/A… 2/5
1/22/24, 2:27 PM Waste Management Plan Checklist - SafetyCulture

Has an area of the site been designated for waste management and bins?

Yes No N/A

Has the time between delivery of materials and installation been minimized, to reduce
the risk of damage to materials, which turns into waste?

Yes No N/A

Have waste targets been set for the different types of waste likely to arise from the

Yes No N/A

Have measures been put in place to deal with any hazardous waste?

Yes No N/A

Have you considered the implications of the disposal of liquid wastes such as wash-
down water and lubricants?

Yes No N/A

Have you checked any requirements for water wastes with the Water Corporation or
Swan River Trust (if applicable)?

Yes No N/A

Have opportunities been considered for re-use or reprocessing of materials on-site?

Yes No N/A

Have you researched disposal costs for separated waste that may have a commercial

Yes No N/A… 3/5
1/22/24, 2:27 PM Waste Management Plan Checklist - SafetyCulture


Has responsibility for waste management on-site and compliance with environmental
legislation been assigned to a named individual regularly onsite?

Yes No N/A

Have toolbox talks or inductions been planned for all site personnel about waste
management on-site?

Yes No N/A

Are selected waste materials separated to allow the best value to be obtained from
recycling waste management practices?

Yes No N/A

Are containers/bins clearly labeled to avoid confusion/contamination?

Yes No N/A

During operations, have you monitored that waste is being placed in the bins correctly if
using the source separation system?

Yes No N/A

During site operations, are barriers to good waste management noted for incorporation
into the post-completion review?

Yes No N/A

Have you made sure that the bins are, where possible, removed from view, to help avoid
illegal dumping of rubbish?

Yes No N/A… 4/5
1/22/24, 2:27 PM Waste Management Plan Checklist - SafetyCulture


Has a final report of use of recycled materials, waste reduction, and separation, with
costs and savings identified, been completed?

Yes No N/A

Have key waste management successes been considered for action at future projects?

Yes No N/A

Have you considered promotional opportunities for any successes eg. awards programs,
local media, industry media (eg. Master Builder Magazine) or in staff newsletters?

Yes No N/A



Officer in Charge (Full Name and Signature) 

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's
solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.
You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should
independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.… 5/5

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