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Prepared by:
Engr. Camille F. Manlapig
• Agriculture is the primary industry of the Philippines.
• Agricultural development can be speed up through
• Increase in crop production and reduction in postharvest losses
can be achieved by the use of appropriate agricultural
• At present, there is a limited supply of locally available designs
of agricultural machines in the Philippines.
• Experienced have shown that designing agricultural machines
suitable for farmers is quite a difficult job because one should
come up with a machine that is low cost but effective and
• In order for the designer to meet this challenge, he or she
needs to have enough skills and ability to do the job.
Approaches in DesigningAgricultural
• The designers need to have a full understanding of the variable of the
field conditions and other factors which influence machinery
performance including the environmental and human-related factors.
Note that the machine should be operationally reliable and
economically acceptable to farmers.
• The designers need to apply engineering principles so that functional
requirements of a certain machine are met. This includes the laws of
mechanics, strength of materials, fluid flows, heat transfer, etc.
Approaches in DesigningAgricultural
• The designers should have the knowledge of the analytical design
process which is essential in the design of machine components, main
frames, mounting arrangement, balancing, etc.
• The designers must integrate analytical design and results of
experimental investigation to develop machines that are simple to
fabricate, affordable, light in weights, easy to maintain, and require
readily available and low cost materials.
Approaches in DesigningAgricultural
• The designer should also have the knowledge regarding the level of
manufacturing skills, processes, viability, and cost of materials in order
to have a simple machines that could be locally manufactured.
• The design of agricultural machines should involved a multi-disciplinary
approach that involves product design, development, testing and
evaluation, and modification prior to commercialization.
Important Notes:
• Unless the designer tries to meet the needs of actual users, no amount
of design work will be utilized!! (examples are the existing projs)
• The success of a good design is indicated by the extent by which the
machine is adopted by farmers.

• “Sa tunay na pag-unlad, lagingkasamaang mgafarmers, kung hindi

sila kasama…”
Definition of Terms:
• Designers –These are those who employ agents of technological skills
and facility and make use of the creative energies to bring about some
sought of advantage that is useful to man.
• Designing –It is a highly innovative and cross-disciplinary process that
uses the most acceptable, aesthetic, efficiency, and economical means
to satisfy people’s need.
Philosophy of Design
• It includes the process of organizing the methodology needed to
proceed from concept to final product, determining which technological
resources to use, the economics of production and operation, and the
human and social factors that will be needed.

Problem Design Concept Product

Qualities of a Good Designer
• Imaginative power • Ability to work with people
• Highly developed intellectual power
• Ability to do simulation,
• Good memory
experiments, and measurements
• Ability to work thoroughly and
conscientiously • Environment conscious
• Inventive talent and good judgment • Aesthetics and conscious on the
• Ability to concentrate ergonomics of machine
• Sense of responsibilityand self-
confidence • Ability to make technical reports
• Integrity • Ability to optimize design
Philosophy of Design

“AGood Designer is a Good Decision Maker”

“Abad decision leads to a bad design and a bad product”

2 Classifications of Design
A. Based on the Design Information and Consideration Needed in
ComingUp with the Product.
• Rational Design – carried out using mathematical formula and other
engineering principles.
• Empirical Design – based upon empirical formula derived from existing
practices and past experiences.
• Industrial Design – involves consideration like aesthetics, ergonomics, and
production aspect.
Classifications of Design…
B. Based on the Process that is Taking Place in Coming Upwith
the Product.
• Original Design – does not exist before and it is only done by few dedicated
designer who have personal qualities of a sufficiently high order. This also
requires a lots of research, experimental activities, and creative brain.
• Adaptive Design – this is more concerned of the adoption of existing
designs. This does not demand special knowledge or skills. Problems can
be solved with ordinary training.
• Development Design - This begins with an existing design but the final
result may quietly differ from the initial product.
Development Design

Original Design

Classifications of
Adaptive Design
Factors to be considered in machine design
• What device of mechanism to be used?
• Material
• Forces on the elements
• Size, shape and space requirements
• Weight of the product
• The method of manufacturing the components and their assembly
• How will it cost?
• Reliability and safety aspects
• Inspectibility
• Maintenance, cost and aesthetics of the designed product
Factor of Safety
• Used to include uncertainties in the design.
• The degree of use of the FS depends on the technical competence
and design experience of the designer.
• Large FS are usually uneconomical.
• Sufficient FS is required if failures and loss in time, and
inconveniences are to be minimized.
• The use of excessive FS can be minimized if the latest tools and
techniques in designing are to be used.
• Excessive strength and oversized machine are usually wasteful in
engineering design.
• Machine to be design if possible should have 99.9% reliability.
• Continuous replacement of defective machine components may
keep the design more reliable and economical.
• Technical reports approved and recommended for practice by
engineers(ex: PAES).
• The use of standard is voluntary and no liability is assumed by the
sponsoring organization for their misuse.
• The use of standard can minimize the potential liabilityof the
organization in designing a product.
• It is a mechanism for interchanging machinery parts thus resulting to
a lower product cost to consumers.
• Krutz, G. Thompson, L, and P. Claar. 1984. Design of Agricultural
machines. John Wiley and sons, Inc. NewYork, USA. 473pp
• RNAM. Agricultural Machinery Design and Data Handbook.
(Seeders and Planters). RNAM/ESCAP. United Nation Bldg.
RajadamnermAvenue, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. 137pp.

1. True or False.
Designing agricultural machines
suitable for farmers is quite a difficult job
because one should come up with a
machine that is low cost but effective
2. This design involves
consideration like aesthetics,
ergonomics, and production

3. Design that does not exist before
and it is only done by few dedicated
designer who have personal
qualities of a sufficiently high order.

There is a limited supply of locally
available designs of agricultural
machines in the Philippines

The designers need to have a basic
understanding of the variable of the field
conditions and other factors which
influence machinery performance
including the environmental and human-
related factors.
6. Fill the blank with the correct word

The degree of use of the __________

depends on the technical competence and
design experience of the designer.

Factor of Safety
7. This is a highly innovative and cross-
disciplinary process that uses the most
acceptable, aesthetic, efficiency, and
economical means to satisfy people’s need


Excessive strength and oversized

machine are usually appropriate in
engineering design.

FALSE, wasteful
9. This includes the process of organizing
the methodology needed to proceed from
concept to final product, determining which
technological resources to use, the economics
of production and operation, and the human
and social factors that will be needed.

10. Fill the blank with the correct word

The use of ___________can

minimize the potential liability of the
organization in designing a product.


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