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Commitment for Code of Ethics and Adherence to Anti-Corruption Policy


Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd, as the consultants keenly interested to submit Proposal of the provide
Consulting Services for “Land Issue Resolving Program and GIS Mapping for Landless,
Unmanaged Settlement in Lalbandi Municipality " under Lalbandi Municipality, Lalbandi, Sarlahi,
Nepal, hereby declare our firms Commitment for the Code of Ethics and Adherence to Anti-Corruption Policy as
presented hereunder:

1. Commitment for Code of Ethics

We, hereby, declare our firms and full commitment to abide by the Professional Code of Ethics appropriate to
consulting practice. In particular, we assure the ‘Client’ to abide by the followings:
- Commitments of our firms to provide highest level of professional services to the best satisfaction of the
- Commitment of the Society of Consulting Architectural and Engineering Firms (SCAEF) to observe high
level of professional consulting ethics
- Commitment of the FIDIC to observe highest level of ethics at all stage of procurement and
implementation of the consulting services; and
- Commitment to abide by the requirement of the donor agencies (the World Bank, Asian Development
Bank and other bilateral agencies) and Government of Nepal to observe highest level of ethics.
2. Commitment for Adherence to Anti-Corruption Policy
We, hereby, declare our firms commitment to adhere to the anti-corruption policy appropriate to consulting
practice. In particular, we assure the ‘Client’ to adhere to the following:
- Adherence to the Anti-Corruption Policies of the Government of Nepal in relation to procurement and
implementation of the consulting services;
- Adherence to the Anti-Corruption Policies of the Donor Agencies (the World Bank, Asian Development
Bank and other bilateral agencies); and
- Refrain ourselves from the corrupt and fraudulent practices that are not acceptable to the profession.
We hereby fully committed to the above statements.

On behalf of

Geo Engineering Consultancy

(P) Ltd

(Sushil Devkota)

Company Seal:

Name of Firm: Geo Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd

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