Music Recommendation System by Facial Emotion by Rahul

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Music Recommendation system by Facial Emotion.

In this study, music recommendation by integrating facial emotion recognition through

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The aim is to enhance user experience and
engagement by dynamically adapting music recommendations based on real-time facial
expressions. The system employs computer vision techniques to analyze facial features and
extract emotional cues, utilizing a pre-trained deep learning model for facial emotion

The process begins with the capture and preprocessing of facial images using OpenCV,
followed by the extraction of relevant emotion-related features. These features serve as input to
a CNN model, trained on a diverse dataset associating facial expressions with corresponding
emotional states. The learned patterns are then utilized to map facial emotions to specific music
genres, moods, or individual songs.

Additionally, a user feedback loop is integrated to continuously improve the recommendation

model. User interactions and feedback contribute to refining the system's accuracy and
relevance over time. Ethical considerations regarding user privacy and data security are
carefully addressed throughout the development process.

Mood Detection model can detect face from any image and then it can predict the emotion from
that face. We can do it from both still images and videos. After predicting the emotion from
face our recommender system take the predicted emotion as input and generate
recommendation by processing a Spotify dataset from a kaggle contest. We predicted the music
mood from a model trained with data_moods.csv. The recommender system will generate top
40 songs to recommend for a spotify playlist

Mood Detection model will predict one of the emotion among 7 emotions listed below-

 Happy
 Sad
 Angry
 Disgust
 Surprise
 Neutral
 Fear
Music Mood Prediction

Every songs in the main dataset in the Datasets.7z folder predicted to one of the mood among 4
moods listed below-

 Happy
 Sad
 Energetic
 Calm

By using a music mood classifier model we predicted each songs mood in our intermediate
dataset kaggleSpotifyMusicMood in the Dataset.7z folder.

Music Recommendation
Our main project file is music_recommender.ipynb file. This recommendation system is using
content based filtering. We follow these steps to recommend music-

 Dataset Pre-processing
 Feature Engineering
 Connect to Spotify API
 Create Playlist Vector
 Generate Recommendation using cosine similarity

So according to this project, we will take an image of an user and predict emotion
using Emotion Detection model. By prioritizing the songs from our main
dataset kaggleSpotifyMoodFinal.csv with music mood comparing with different face emotion,
this system will generate top 40 songs to recommend for a particular spotify playlist.
Spotify Dataset link:
tracks (Spotify Dataset 1922-2021, ~600k Tracks)
Dataset for mood Classifier link:
Learning/tree/master/data (data_moods.csv)

This abstract encapsulates the essence of EmoCNN Melodies, a paradigm-shifting endeavor at

the intersection of deep learning, CNNs, and facial emotion recognition, promising a more
profound and emotionally connected auditory experience.

Submitted by
Rahul MK

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