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Whole-class instruction allows the teacher to deliver consistent content and

instruction to all students. It ensures that every student receives the same
information. Conducting instruction for the whole class at once can be more
efficient in terms of time and resources. Teachers can deliver information to a
larger group, reducing the need for repeating instructions or explanations multiple
times. Whole-class instruction allows teachers to maintain better control and
manage classroom behavior. Students are also provided opportunities for sharing
learning experiences and class discussions.


Group work and pair work promote active learning by engaging students in hands-
on activities. Instead of passively receiving information, students actively
participate in discussions, problem-solving, and collaboration.

Group work and pair work provide opportunities for social interaction among
students. They can share ideas, perspectives, and knowledge with their peers,
fostering communication and teamwork skills.


Solo work allows students to concentrate on their own learning without distractions
or dependencies on others. Solo work encourages students to take ownership of
their learning. They are responsible for managing their time, organizing their
thoughts, and completing tasks independently.

Solo work provides an opportunity for teachers to give personalized feedback to

each student. This helps students identify areas of improvement and make progress
in their learning journey.


1. Ask some simple questions

Did you like that exercise? Did you find it useful? And see what they say
Sometime you need to let your students to write their answers down and hand them
in because not all students are willing to share their thoughts about topics openly in

2. Encourage them to write down two things they want more of and two things
they want less of.

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