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ISO 9001 Quality Certified & ISO:27001 Security Certified Company

Sakti Tele consultation App


Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Executive Summary


❖ Sakti team is looking to develop Tele consultation ❖ Suma Soft has deep expertise in the healthcare ❖ Establish Suma Soft as Preferred Mobile partner
apps consumed by patient and doctors. domain (specially with ABDM) and mobile technology for Sakti.
services. ❖ Maintain complete knowledge on the Customer
❖ App needs to be developed in Hybrid platform which
❖ Suma Soft would approach this requirement in mobile all
will run on all latest Android and iOS mobiles.
following parts : ❖ Ability to implement and support changes in
❖ App needs to be developed to support Ayushman • Create a highly experienced mobile and web business requirement
Bharat Digital Mission(ABDM). development project team for Sakti at Suma ❖ Expand capabilities to support other Sakti
Soft’s Pune development center.
❖ Sakti is looking for expertise in building this App application in the future,
quickly to continue to be a leader in the Healthcare • This team will initially document the detailed
space for technology implementation Specs of the requirements. Once the signoff
is obtained , the development mobile and
❖ IOS and Android Play store Credentials of Sakti will be web along with API server will be initiated.
utilized for the App in respective App stores. • Mobile and web app will be released for UAT
❖ A backend portal needs to develop to manage to
administrative work. • Post UAT sign off, production movement will
❖ API server need to developed which will be
❖ Production Movement and Production Support for 3
consumed by mobile apps.
month prost go live are in scope.
❖ UAT and production server access will be provided by
Sakti team.

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Suma Soft Expertise & Key Customers
Key Tech Services Customers

Customer Name Country Business Services & Tech Stack Systems Team
Vertical Developed / Size
Tech Services Supported
High Definition USA BFSI Driver Mobile App – Flutter • Mobile App 15
Vehicle Insurance Portal Development - Node , • Customer Portal
❖ Suma Soft has a Technology Services team that caters Vue JS, Mongo DB • Driver Portal
to Global Customer. Our Team size is over 300+ • Admin Portal
Technology experts delivering services to customers
spread across USA, Canada, Europe and India. Bajaj Auto Finance India NBFC Customer Mobile App - Ionic • Customer 20
Software Development - PHP / Mobile App
❖ Our key areas of services are for Finance and Logistics LAMP / Cross Platform Mobile • CRM
businesses along with Tech Startups. • Website

❖ Suma Soft has dedicated team for each customer and Wheels EMI (Bike India NBFC FI Mobile App - Xamarin • Mobile App 25
the tech stack is customer specific. Bazar) SW Development - Java / J2EE • LOS
/ Cross Platform Mobile • CRM
❖ On Technology Stack we have the following team • Web Site
sizes for various technologies Hero FinCorp India NBFC DKYC Mobile App – Flutter • Digital KYC 20
Software Development - Java / Solution
▪ Dot Net – 100
J2EE / Cross Platform Mobile • Incentive Mgmt
▪ Java / J2EE – 50
Tech Support – Oracle / System Solution
▪ PHP / LAMP – 50
Admin • EOD / EOM
▪ JavaScript – MERN / MEAN – 50
L1/L2 Support
▪ Mobile – Android / IOS / Cross Platform – 35
▪ QA / Automation QA – 50
• SDFC L1 Support
▪ L1 / L2 Support – 50
Plan 2 Play USA Sports / Customer Mobile App – React • Customer App 10
Health Native • Portal
Software Development –React • Website

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Scope of Project – Used to estimate this project

In Scope
❖ Build a hybrid version of Sakti Mobile app in Cross platform technology to support
Android and IOS Phones.
❖ Backend portal to support administrative work
❖ UI/UX of mobile apps
❖ Production issues support for 3 months post go-live

Not in Scope
❖ Post 3 months of go-live Production Support
❖ Any Change Request which will not be part of signed-off Understanding Document
❖ Change Request will be scoped separately and will be estimated in Man Day(s) effort.
❖ Delivery timeline will be changed as per Change Request.

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Development Technology

❖ We will be using Flutter 3.3.1 (which is the latest version)

❖ Android OS version support from 6 to 13 on mobile
❖ iOS OS version support from 9 to 14 on mobile

❖ We will be using NodeJs (latest LTS), MongoDB(latest LTS), VueJs(latest LTS) to develop
admin portal
❖ We will use Nodejs (latest LTS) for mobile consumed APIs server and Ayushman Bharat
Health Account (ABHA) APIs

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Team Structure & Roles & Responsibilities

Team Structure

Suma Soft Team Sakti Team


Delivery Manager (Part Time – 10% Time) Product Owner / (s)

▪ Single point of contact and acts as a Product Owner
▪ Single point of contact and liaison to the team with overall project ▪ Provide product direction and prioritization of the backlog.
delivery responsibility.
▪ Run weekly status meeting, deliverable reviews, and executive readout. ▪ Support the creation of Acceptance Criteria, its review and Sign Off
▪ Participate in feature delivery via demos and testing the new application
to validate and accept delivery of features after sprints.
Business Analyst (Total 1)
▪ Review weekly status with Delivery Manager.
▪ Requirement analysis and Understanding doc preparation
▪ Assist dev team to for any kind of clarification related requirement

Development Team (Total 11) UAT Tester

▪ Senior Developer Mobile – 1 ▪ Participate in reviewing User Requirements, UAT Scenarios
▪ Mid Level Developer / Junior Developers - 3 ▪ Execute UAT and ensure acceptance by Users
▪ Senior Developer Web and API – 1
▪ Mid Level Developer / Junior Developers Web and API - 3
▪ Senior QA – 1
▪ Mid/ Junior level QA - 2

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Development Infra and Operating Model

Android and iOS app

store access to deploy

Development Environment

Source Code Project Management

Repository ( SVN / git / System ( Jira / Zoho /
Suma Soft Network bitbucket ) Azure Board)

Sakti Network / Sakti Managed

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Proposed Project Timeline


Week- 0 Week 1 to 4 Week 5 - 8 Week 9 - 35

/ Contract
Req Gathering/Team
Setup/Project Setup

Initial architecture
and UI/UX approval

UAT release

Project Management Deliverables

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Project PMO & Governance

▪ Suma Soft will provide project governance and oversight services and assign a Delivery Manager as the primary point of contact and
responsibility for project delivery.

➢ The Delivery Manager will oversee the team and facilitate communication, as well as provide leadership during the engagement.
➢ The Delivery Manager will manage risks, issues, lead the Change Management process and create weekly status reports – along with
weekly or bi-weekly updates to Sakti’s key stakeholders & leadership team.

▪ Sakti team will designate a Product Owner to server functional expert and have overall responsibility for product development and direction.

▪ Sakti will designate a UAT Lead to work closely with the Suma Soft Delivery Manager and be the project champion to ensure project success.

▪ Suma Soft and Sakti team will collaborate to develop a Project Charter and Communication Plan based on the agreed upon project scope and
assign the needed resources and expected roles .

▪ Suma Soft will monitor and provide weekly status reports and monitor progress against the Project Plan, Resource Plan and Budget.

▪ Sakti team is expected to partner with Suma Soft and work closely to understand project progress, as well as support Suma Soft in mitigating
risks and addressing issues.

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

Security Controls @ Suma Soft

▪ Restricted Physical Access to the Workplace ▪ Access restriction to Internet

▪ Access Control – Biometric based ▪ Firewall based access Control
▪ Dedicated Secure Areas for team size of 50 or more

▪ UAT / Prod access

▪ Desktops / Laptops ▪ All system hosted at Sakti team
▪ Suma soft Laptops to be used by Team for development ▪ Security managed by Sakti team
▪ End point protection by Suma team (antivirus/ end point

▪ Dev Team - Background Checks / NDA

▪ Background Checks
▪ Access to Suma Network
▪ NDA & Confidentiality Agreement
▪ WFO - Site to Site VPN from Suma Soft office
▪ WFO Dedicated VLAN for team with Suma Soft
▪ WFH - Direct VPN access for WFH

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential


▪ Pricing is a Fixed Price Project for the Given Scope.

▪ GST will be additional and will be as per applicable rates
▪ Effort in Man Month : 30 Man Month
▪ Costing : Rs 48 Lakhs

Payment Milestones % Payment Amount

Spec Sign Off 25% 11.25 Lakhs

UAT Release 60% 27.00 Lakhs
Production Movement 15% 6.75 Lakhs

▪ Pricing for any Change Request: 8 Thousand per Man day

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential


▪ Time & Material Pricing is a monthly Price Project for the Given Scope and no. of resources.
▪ GST will be additional and will be as per applicable rates

Resource Experience level Monthly Cost

Mobile dev Senior ₹1,80,000.00

Mobile dev Mid-level ₹1,40,000.00

Web dev Senior ₹1,80,000.00

Web dev Mid-level ₹1,60,000.00

QA Senior ₹1,60,000.00

QA Mid-level ₹1,20,000.00

Business Analyst Mid-level ₹1,40,000.00

▪ Note: Manager's cost is not included as Sakti would be managing resources

▪ Invoice will be generated at the end of every month based on resource usage

Suma Soft – Proprietary and Confidential

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