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Conjunction – connects words, phrases,

or clauses



Phrase- Subject and the Predicate – not


Clause – with Subject and Predicate

Noun Phrase “The book"
Determiner Noun
Verb Phrase “is sleeping”
Auxiliary Main Verb
Prepositional “in the house”
preposition determiner noun
Adjective “very tall”
adverb adjective
Adverbial “walked very slowly”
verb adverb adverb

Independent Clause – can stand alone
as a sentence
They laughed and danced all night
The sun sets in the afternoon
She loves to read

Dependent Clause – cannot stand alone

as a sentence
While she was cooking dinner
Because it was raining heavily
After they finished their homework

Activity 1
1. In the garden, (Phrase)
2. Because I was late, (Clause)
3. Under the table, (Phrase)
4. After we finish dinner, (Clause)
5. Very tall, (Phrase)
6. Running to catch the bus,
7. Although it rained all day,
8. At the top of the hill, (Phrase)
9. She loves reading, (Clause)
10. During the summer vacation,
11. Since she left, (Clause)
12. Behind the old house,
13. When the bell rings, (Clause)
14. Quite exhausting, (Phrase)
15. Before we go, (Clause)

(DC = Dependent Clause, IC =

Independent Clause)

Activity 2
1. After the rain stopped, (DC)
2. Sheila loves reading, (IC)
3. Because he was late, (DC)
4. The dog barked loudly, (IC)
5. Even though she tried her
best, (DC)
6. They went to the beach, (IC)
7. Whenever I visit my
grandmother, (DC)
8. The concert ended late, (IC)
9. Since he left early, (DC)
10. We cooked dinner
together, (IC)
11. Unless you finish your
homework, (DC)
12. He smiled and waved, (IC)
13. Wherever she goes, (DC)
14. The flowers bloomed
beautifully, (IC)
15. As soon as the bell rang,
Activity 3:

1. I wanted to play outside, it was

raining. (Coordinating: but)
2. She loves to read, she doesn't
have much time. (Coordinating: but)
3. I'll go to the store, I need to buy
some groceries. (Subordinating:
4. He's very smart, he doesn't do
well in school. (Coordinating: yet)
5. I love to travel, I don't have
enough money. (Coordinating: but)
6. I'll go to the party, I finish my
homework. (Subordinating: if)
7. She's very talented, she's very
humble. (Coordinating: and)
8. I'll make dinner, you clean up.
(Coordinating: if)
9. I love coffee, I can't drink it at
night. (Coordinating: but)
10. I'll watch the movie, I've finished
reading the book. (Subordinating:
11. I love dogs, I'm allergic to them.
(Coordinating: but)
12. I'll buy the dress, it's on sale.
(Subordinating: if)
13. I'll go to the gym, I finish my
work. (Subordinating: after)
14. I love to bake, I don't like to
cook. (Coordinating: but)
15. I'll go to the concert, I can get
tickets. (
Subordinating: if)
Activity 4:
Complete each sentence using the
subordinating conjunction from the
parenthesis. Please write the word in
capital letters. Please use a clean sheet of
paper for your answers.

1. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I

go to Arizona. (once, whenever,

2. This is the place _________ we stayed

last time we visited. (where, when,

3. _________ you win first place, you will

receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)

4. You won’t pass the test _________ you

study. (when, if, unless)

5. I could not get a seat, _________ I

came early. (as, though, when)
6. We are leaving Wednesday _________
or not it rains. (if, whether, though)

7. Pay attention to your work _________

you will not make mistakes. (so that,
unless, or)

8. The musicians delivered a rousing

performance _________ they had
rehearsed often. (though, as, once)

9. She’s honest _________ everyone

trusts her. (if, so, when)

10. Write this down _________ you

forget. (or, when, lest)

11. I plan to take my vacation _________

in June _________ in July. (whether /
or, either / or, as / if)
12. _________ I’m feeling happy _________
sad, I try to keep a positive attitude.
(either / or, whether / or, when / I’m)

13. _________ had I taken my shoes off

_________ I found out we had to leave
again. (no sooner / than, rather /
than, whether / or)

14. _________ only is dark chocolate

delicious, _________ it can be healthy.
(whether / or, not / but, just as / so)

15. _________ I have salad for dinner,

_____________________I can have ice
cream for dessert. (if /then, when /
than, whether / or)
CONJUNCTIONS are words used to
connect different parts of a
sentence (words, phrases, clauses).
There are three main types:
coordinating, subordinating, and

Coordinating Conjunctions: These

join elements that are grammatically
equal. There are seven coordinating
conjunctions, remembered with the
acronym FANBOYS:
1. For: He ran, for he was late.
2. And: She likes tea, and he
prefers coffee. (while)
3. Nor: sang nor danced.
4. But: She wanted to go, but she
had to stay.
5. Or: You can eat now or later.
6. Yet: She was tired, yet she
continued working.
7. So: It was raining, so I took an

Subordinating Conjunctions: These

connect an independent clause with
a dependent clause, creating
complex sentences.
1. Because: She went to bed,
because she was tired.
2. Although: Although it was
raining, they went for a walk.
3. While: He slept while the movie
was playing.
4. If: If you study, you'll pass the
5. Since: Since you're here, help
6. Unless: She'll fail unless she

Correlative Conjunctions: These

come in pairs and connect similar
grammatical elements within a
1. Both...and: She is both
intelligent and hardworking.
2. Either...or: You can either have
tea or coffee.
3. Neither...nor: Neither the cat
nor the dog made a sound.
4. Not only...but also: She's not
only kind but also generous.
5. Whether...or: Whether you like
it or not, we have to go.
These conjunctions play crucial roles
in sentence structure, linking ideas
and adding complexity or nuance to
Since, If, While, Although,
Because, Unless
1. Angela went to bed _________
she was exhausted.
2. _________ it was drizzling, the
group of campers went for a walk.
3. He napped _________ the
show was playing.
4. _________ you study, you'll
pass the Civil Service Exam
5. _________ you're here, help
For, And, Nor, But,
Or , Yet, So
1. Ben ran, _________ he was
2. She likes meat, _________ he
prefers vegetables.
3. Jay neither sang _________
4. Cristy wanted to go, _________
she had to stay to take care of her
younger brother.
5. Benjamin can’t decide whether
to stay at the hotel now
_________ later.
Whether...or, Not only...but
also, Neither...nor, Either...or,
1. Ms. Dee is _____ intelligent
_____ hardworking.
2. I’m sorry, Sir. We don’t have
any milk. You can ______ have
tea _____ coffee.
3. _______ the thief _____ the
owner made a sound.
4. Catriona ________ kind _____
also generous.
5. ________ you like it _____ not,
we have to go to the concert.

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