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Central Processing Unit

 It is a digital circuit .
 It is also called brain of a computer.
 Main function is to process data
according to the given instructions
stored in computer program.
 CPU can not be seen from the outside.
 CPU is located on the mother board.
Digital Circuit

Bred board
Number of Cores in the Processor

 Single-Core Processor
There is only one core in the processor
 Dual-Core Processor
There are two cores in the processor
 Multi-Core Processor
More than two cores in the processor
 Single-Core Processor
 Dual-Core Processor
 Multi-Core Processor
 How core works on processor
Components of CPU

 ALU(Arithmetic and Logical Unit)

 CU(Control Unit)
 Memory Registers
Components of CPU
 ALU(Arithmetic and Logical Unit)
 Main functions of ALU are to perform
mathematical and logical functions.
 Example of Mathematical functions are
• Addition(+)
• Subtraction(-)
• Division(/)
• Multiplication(*)
 Example of Logical functions such as
comparison of two numbers
Components of CPU
Logical Operators
• Greater than(>)
• Less Than(<)
• Less than OR equals(<=)
• Greater than OR equals(>=)
• Equals(=)

Logical Function
X =10, Y=20
X > Y, X >=Y , X=Y , X<=Y, X<Y
Control Unit(CU)
Main function of Control Unit is to control
all the operation of computer system.
Control Unit(CU)
Memory registers
 Memory Registers store data and
instructions that are being used by
Central processing Unit.
 Has lowest capacity in the computer
 Data access speed is very high.
Memory registers
 Add two numbers
Speed of Central Processing Unit
 Number of instructions are executed in a
 Also known as clock speed.
 It is measured by Hertz(Hz).
Evolution of CPU
Evolution of the CPU can be divided in to
four generations.
1) First Generation
2) Second Generation
3) Third Generation
4) Fourth Generation
• Evolution of CPU

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