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Darvhic Joy I.

Pallasigue Seat #33 ELEM 2105

Ronalyn Nimes Seat # 30 Sir Junee Lamson
Irish May Gika E. Austria Seat # 5
BEED 2-2
This activity helps in developing affection towards Nature. (modify if alone)
Time Allotment: 20 minutes
Materials: (nature, picture of a leaf)
• Take the group to a pleasant and quiet natural surrounding.
"Now each of you leave the group and feel alone by yourself in this beautiful natural surrounding.
Experience the silence for 5 minutes. Do not think. Let the mind quiet down."
After letting them stay in silence, tell them: "Look around. Select a natural object such as a tree,
plant, the sky, the earth, or a cloud. Look at it with complete silence and attention. Watch it with
affectionate and friendly feeling in your heart.
•Enjoy the sunshine, freshness of the air, listen to the songs of birds. Listen to the silence with in you
and outside you."

Convene the group. Sit on the ground under a tree in the same surroundings and share the
experience gained from the activity.

Did you enjoy being alone with Nature?

➢ Peace and quiet are rarities in today's hyperconnected, fast-paced world. There is a
possibility that we may find our true selves and the natural world in these times. The
natural world has always served as a source of stability and creativity for a lot of people.
When given the opportunity, spending time alone in nature can help one disconnect from
the stresses of everyday life and reconnect with their natural surroundings. We have found
immense satisfaction in spending time alone in nature.
How would you explain your experience?
➢ The tranquility of a forest or the calming sound of the ocean's waves can help us relax and
unwind. The sight of towering trees or the night sky never fails to fill me with wonder and
amazement. During these moments, I have a profound sense of oneness with the cosmos.We
can all benefit from spending time in nature alone to reflect and think. Some people find that
spending time alone with their thoughts helps them make sense of the mysteries of life and gain
perspective on personal matters. Our inner mental and emotional landscapes are mirrored in
the natural world, much like a mirror.Spending time in natural settings has numerous positive
effects on health.
Spending time in nature on one's own is a wonderful way to find happiness, serenity,
and insight into one's own nature. As a respite from the stresses of contemporary life, it
enables us to take in the natural beauty around us.

What kind of insights did vou get while watching Nature?

➢ For as long as humanity has existed, nature has inspired and awed. While we were captivated
by the tranquil beauty of nature, we had deep realizations about the world. We learned about
the strength and resiliency of nature from listening to the waves break on the coast. The vivid
hues of a sunset served as a poignant reminder of how transient life is and how important it is
to savor each moment. Watching a seedling mature into a towering tree taught us patience
and the value of hard work and perseverance. By spending time in nature, we were able to
find peace, gain insight, and realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things.

You may draw a symbol to express your sense of freedom. Make a title and short explanation.
“The Wings of Liberation”
We diving into the symbolism of drawing a bird,
we may explore the fundamental relationship
between naturof theand our sense of freedom. The
bird stanspreaddless freedom and independence
with its wings stretched wide. We hope that by
putting this symbol on paper, we may convey our
own desire for independence and the continual
reminder that there are limitless possibilities
beyond the limitations imposed by society. The
immense, wild beauty of nature entices us to
abandon the safety and security of our everyday
life and dive headfirst into the unknown. We can
connect with our innate need for independence by
drawing a bird; the bird's graceful flight across the
sky is a metaphor for our own ability to break free
of our constraints and discover what is beyond. By
creating this work of art, we honor the power of
nature to motivate and inspire personal liberty.
What do you promise to do in one week to help attain peace in the comn you belong to
and in the country as well? You don' have to do something grand. You can do little
things, but for sure you will make a difference.

Be involved and aware of what is happening around you. Stay informed about current events and
engage in meaningful conversations with others to broaden your perspective.

Be polite and learn to respect other people's opinions and beliefs, even if they differ from your own.

Be a role model for others by showing good behavior and demonstrating integrity in your actions.

Be humble to others as well as respect the environment and the resources around you. Recognize
that your actions have an impact on the world and strive to minimize any negative effects

Be a bridge to correct others and learn to accept others' advice without becoming defensive or
taking it personally.

Always voice what is not understood in order to have a chance to resolve it and foster better
understanding among individuals

Love other people and the community as much as you love yourself. By practicing empathy and
compassion, you create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

How do you express your affection for Nature? Write one statement to express your alection to
nature across the leaf.
3 Discoveries about self
➢ Among the many lessons we may learn about ourselves from nature, three stand out: first, how
interdependent we are on all other forms of life; second, how transient we are; and third, how
resilient and adaptable we really are. These findings shed light on our own existence while also
strengthening our bond with the natural world.

3 Things you want to continue and nature

➢ Aside from providing food and shelter, nature also brings people comfort and inspiration. In
nature, there are three things that we hope will last. The initial stage in ensuring the continued
existence of innumerable species is to safeguard the biodiversity present in our environments.
Second, it is essential that we protect the serene beauty of our natural surroundings for the
benefit of generations to come. Lastly, to improve one's physical and mental health, one must
tap into nature's restorative powers. If we put these three things first, we can create a
sustainable relationship with nature that is good for people and the planet.\

3 Things you want to change

➢ Nature is awe-inspiring, although there are parts that can use some tweaking. The first priority
should be to stop the devastating pace of deforestation. In order to keep the ecosystem
balanced and to produce oxygen, trees are essential. The fact that pollution in our waters is
having a significant negative impact on marine life is another important point. Tighter rules on
trash can lids and plastic bag use are crucial. Last but not least, a major concern is the impact
of climate change on Earth. The fragile balance of nature can be protected for the benefit of
generations to come by lowering carbon emissions and implementing sustainable practices. For
the sake of future generations, it is our moral obligation to preserve and revitalize the natural
world for all its splendor.

Please complete the statement

1. I wish to seek refuge from the hustle and bustle of modern life in the peacefulness and
magnificence of nature. The healing, inspiring, and rejuvenating powers of nature are within our
reach. The expansive landscapes and different ecosystems provide a feeling of belonging and
perspective, helping us to remember how small we are in the universe. Enjoy a much-needed break
from the hectic world we live in by taking in the wonders of nature, such as the delicate balance of
life and the miracles of development and renewal.

2. I learned that all living things are interdependent and contribute significantly to the fragile
balance of nature. In doing so, it teaches us humility and emphasizes how important it is to take
care of this beautiful world so that it will be around for generations to come. The immensity and
magnificence of nature's landscapes ignite our imaginations and sustain our creative pursuits,
serving as a wellspring of inspiration and uniqueness.

3. I realized that the fact of nature is intrinsic to our humanity rather than an objective fact
about the world. The degradation of the natural environment brings to our own extinction because
of the inseparable bond between us and the environment. The resiliency and flexibility of the
natural world should motivate us to keep pushing ourselves to improve.

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