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Name :Kundan Kumar Email Mob: 9122111242


Completed B.A from reputed Designation : Software Test Engineer

university with good Total Experience : 1.5 year
academics Company Name: infowin


Excellent knowledge of core java with depth exposure to object oriented programming concept
Experience in developing hybrid framework
Experience in developing page object model framework
Reading excel using POI API
Integrating TestNg and using different annotations like @Test , @DataProvider , @Before etc.
Generating and analyzing HTML based reports
Downloading dependencies using Maven pom.xml file
Developing properties file to store locators as Key value pair
Identifying regression test cases and converting it to automation test cases
Performing cross - browser testing in selenium
Capturing images on failures
Handling multiple window in selenium
Automation mouse movements
Developing scripts to handle alert box
Identifying different fields of the web page using different locators
Attending daily stand up meetings
Giving KT to new joiners
Given project demo to the client
Attending triage calls
Developing .bat files
Reporting defects in defect tracking tool

Project Name : Evnmark 4.7

Team Size : 7
Technology & Tools used : Eclipse , Selenium , TestNg , POI API , Maven etc
Duration : 1.5 years
Description : Evnmark 4.7 is the combination of practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage and
analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is to improve customer service
relationships and assist in customer retention and drive sales growth. Evnmark 4.7 systems compile customer data across
different channels, or points of contact, between the customer and the company, which could include the company's
website, telephone, live chat, direct mail, marketing materials and social networks. Evnmark 4.7 systems can also give
customer-facing staff members detailed information on customers' personal information, purchase history, buying
preferences and concerns.


Understanding requirement document

Developing hybrid framework – Keyword driven and data driven
Identifying regression manual test cases and preparing automation excels file with automation test steps and test data
Developing framework structure
Creating excel reading code and storing of that in Array List
Developing keywords file with the logic to automate application fields
Developing properties file to store locator in it
Performing testing using TestNg
Downloading project dependencies using maven
Analyzing Test Automation report and reporting the defect in defect tracking tool
Performing testing on different browsers like Firefox , Chrome etc.
Running test in batch using .bat files
Attending Scrum Meeting
Giving KT to new joiners


Name: Kundan Kumar I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.
Address: Bangalore
DOB: 20/06/1999 Kundan Kumar

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