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Course Title: Performance Management
Course Code: MGMT4143
Assignment No. 2

Course Instructor: Zeeshan Ahmed

Section: A Program: BBA Date: August 8, 2023

Submission Date: August 16, 2023 Maximum Marks: 10

Program Objective: 2 Course Objective: 1 Course Learning Objective: 1


Student Name: Registration No: Sr. No:

Shaherzad Muazzam L1S20BBAM0156


Graduate students enrolled in the master's program in general business are responsible for a
high level of learning in business related courses by contentiously attending classes, studying
and participating on projects, and ensuring that they meet the university's master's program
completion criteria. The student can understand the instructor in both onsite and offsite (in a
virtual environment i.e., Zoom or Microsoft Teams) learning environment. The student must
also have a completion certificate of undergraduate program from a valid university that
fulfills the enrollment criteria in master's program in general business.

1.1 Tasks
 Must attend the classes of the selected subject according to the timetable shown at the
student portal.
 The student must be an active participant in the class, asking relevant questions
regarding the subject under discussion in the class.
 The student must complete the assignments in the required time set by the subject's
 The student should communicate with the class participants in the group class
 The student should develop peers for business networking as he/she is in a master’s
program related to general business subject that would help the student in their future
 The student must prepare notes for the subjects asked.
 The student, when asked to present a topic, after enough time, should be able to
communicate the topic to the class.
 The student should utilize PowerPoint slides, whenever asked for a PowerPoint
 The student must have adaptability for the new things that they have to adopt such as
research-based software (SPSS or NVivo), video-based software such as Adobe
Premier or Final Cut, according to Windows or Mac based operating system
 The student must analyze theoretical problems such as a Case Study or a question
raised by a question for their assessment.
 The student must take part in mandatory extracurricular activities such as Internship
or Voluntary services.
 The student may take part in extracurricular competitions offered by university or
held between societies

1.2 Knowledge

 Student Policy – the student must be aware of the student policies of the university
such as polices regarding plagiarism and on drug abuse in university premises.
 “Mathematics – Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and
their applications” (Aguinis, 2013).
 “English Language – Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language
including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar”
(Aguinis, 2013, p. 44).
 Business Theories – the knowledge of the basic theories that could be utilized in
assignments and research reports.
 Computer Applications – the student is expected to have a knowledge of word
processing, spreadsheet, and presentation-based software.

1.3 Skills

 “Active Listening – Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time
to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not
interrupting at inappropriate times” (Aguinis, 2013, p. 44).
 Adaptability – the student must have the capability to adapt to new concepts,
technology (Software such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Adobe), language
such as Chinese as if part of their course.
 Analytical Skills: The student must analyze a given numerical problem such as
Financial Assessments and other numerical assessments.
 Computer Skills – the student must know how to use a computer for a given
assignment, report writing skills or for making a presentation in short, the student
must have a grip on MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint or computer software offering
the same services.
 “Coordination – Adjusting actions in relation to others’ actions” (Aguinis, 2013, p.
 “Critical Thinking Skills – Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems (Aguinis,
2013, p. 45).
 “Mathematics – Using mathematics to solve problems” (Aguinis, 2013, p. 45).
 “Reading Comprehension – Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work-
related documents” (Aguinis, 2013, p. 45).
 “Speaking – Talking to others to convey information effectively” (Aguinis, 2013, p.
 “Time Management – Managing one’s own time and the time of others” (Aguinis,
2013, p. 45) (i.e., group members, and counselling hours decided with the subject
teacher, or personal tutor assigned by the university).

1.4 Abilities
1.4.1 Intellectual Abilities

 Creativity – the student can generate innovative ideas and approaches to problems.
 Critical thinking – the student can analyze information and identify patterns and
 Communication – the student can effectively communicate ideas in oral and written
 Problem–solving: the student can develop solutions to complex problems.
 Research – the student can conduct independent research and collect and analyze data.
 Space Perception – the student can adjust his speech pitch, speed and tonality while
communicating among faculty, janitors, security guards, fellow classmates, and other
university students.
1.4.2 Physical Abilities

 Physical fitness – the ability to maintain good health despite the university’s
 Stamina – the ability to work long hours and maintain focus under pressure.
 Typing Dexterity – the ability of having a good typing speed would help the student
in making the assignments and reports more efficiently.

Table 1 highlights the importance of the tasks, knowledge, skills, and abilities. The
evaluation is based on my opinion. The tasks having similar description in the knowledge and
abilities section are not evaluated in the tasks section in Table 1.

Frequency Criticality
KSA Attributes Scale Scale
1 to 5 1 to 5
Adaptability for new
2 4 2 x 4 = 8
concepts and technology
Class Participation 5 3 5 x 3 = 15
Notes development of
3 3 3 x 3 = 9
asked Subjects
mandatory extracurricular

activities such as
1 5 1 x 5 = 5
Internship or Voluntary
extracurricular activities
such as competitions
2 2 2 x 2 = 4
offered by university or
held between societies
Presentation based
3 5 3 x 5 = 15
Active Listening 5 4 5 x 4 = 20
Adaptability 5 3 5 x 3 = 15
Analytical Skills 2 5 2 x 5 = 10
Critical Thinking Skills 4 4 4 x 4 = 16

Computer Skills 3 4 3 x 4 = 12
Coordination 5 5 5 x 5 = 25
Mathematics 3 4 3 x 4 = 12
Reading Comprehension 5 5 5 x 5 = 25
Speaking 3 5 3 x 5 = 15
Time Management 5 5 5 x 5 = 25
Table 1 Evaluation of Task, and Skills of the Job Description



I have evaluated the criticality of attributes for the tasks, knowledge, skills and abilities and
arranged them in Table 2 and also color coded them. The tasks, knowledge, skills and
abilities having the least criticality are highlighted in yellow color, having moderate
criticality are highlighted in blue color and having the highest criticality are highlighted in
green color. The important score of the tasks is also sorted in ascending order as shown in
Table 2.

Frequency Criticality
KSA Attributes Scale Scale
1 to 5 1 to 5

Task extracurricular activities such as

competitions offered by university or 2 2 2 x 2 = 4
held between societies

Task mandatory extracurricular activities such

1 5 1 x 5 = 5
as Internship or Voluntary services.

Task Adaptability for new concepts and

2 4 2 x 4 = 8

Task Notes development of asked Subjects 3 3 3 x 3 = 9

Task Class Participation 5 3 5 x 3 = 15

Task Presentation based Assignment 3 5 3 x 5 = 15

Skill Analytical Skills 2 5 2 x 5 = 10

Skill Computer Skills 3 4 3 x 4 = 12

Skill Mathematics 3 4 3 x 4 = 12

Skill Adaptability 5 3 5 x 3 = 15

Skill Speaking 3 5 3 x 5 = 15

Skill Critical Thinking Skills 4 4 4 x 4 = 16

Skill Active Listening 5 4 5 x 4 = 20

Skill Coordination 5 5 5 x 5 = 25

Skill Reading Comprehension 5 5 5 x 5 = 25

Skill Time Management 5 5 5 x 5 = 25

Table 2 Evaluation of Importance and Overall Score of Tasks, and Skills
3.1 Tasks

The segregation of the tasks according to color coding shows us that the extra cocurricular
activities participation is the least important task, but mandatory extra cocurricular activities
such as voluntary services and internship through university holds significance. But they fall
into the yellow zone, because of the flexibility offered for completing these mandatory
extracurricular activities.

The adaptability for new concepts also holds less significance because one can ask a class
fellow or utilize the counselling hours that are offered for a course for better understanding of
that course. But development of the tasks asked is more important because these notes may
help the student in its other subject. Because in business related subjects the concepts are and
can be interlinked.

The two most important tasks are Class Participation and Presentation Based Assignment.
The class participation or a student’s involvement in the class help the student better
understand the concepts and motivate the student to be more punctual, as this involvement in
a course that is being studied improve a students understand that results in its better, quiz and
assignments. Similarly, the presentation-based assignment evolves a student’s confidence and
communication. The views of a student regarding a course are also being evaluated and
expressed and his valued efforts are also being recognized by their peers as well.

3.2 Skills

The skills that can be improved with the help of teachers, classmates, and online tutorials
such as Analytical Skills, Computer Skills and Mathematics are segregated in yellow zone in
Table 2. Similarly, the skills on which an individual must put his own efforts and develop
these skills with the passage of time in the study of the graduate based courses of business-
related subjects are highlighted in the blue zone.

Lastly, the skills in the green zone, for a business graduate are coordination, that is the
responsive actions based upon others action, such as completing group and individual
activities and assignments on time, with honed time management skills. And the
understanding, and revision of concepts told in the class via internet and referred books are
the most important skills of a graduate student enrolled in general business-related subjects.
Q1: Are there any disagreements between or among the resulting orderings? If so, why
do you think that is the case?

There is disagreement between the resulting ordering because the tables have a social
consensus and false projection bias (Aguinis, 2013, p. 42). I have made the tables on my
beliefs of what is the most important task and skill for a job description. But the opinion of
another individual would be different than mine. Similarly, the rating for frequency and
criticality of the task or skill would also vary, resulting in a different overall score for the
importance evaluation for the tasks and skills mentioned in Table 1 and Table 2.

Q2: What can be done to mitigate any observed disagreement between or among the
resulting orderings? After discussing some possible techniques to reducing dis-
agreement, if there were indeed any disagreements, apply some of those techniques until
100% agreement is reached.

The above disagreement between or among the resulting orderings can be mitigated by
conducting a surveys among students and teachers. And the rating having consensus form the
survey results should be opted for the importance evaluation of skills and tasks.
Q3: Recall that tasks listed in a job description can largely be divided into behaviors
(i.e., how to per-form) and results (i.e., what outcomes should result from performance).
In the job description you created, which of the tasks are behaviors and which tasks are
outcomes? Are there more behaviors or more outcomes? Or, is there a strong balance
between the two types of tasks? Whether there is such an imbalance or balance, do you
think the observed (im)balance is justified? Explain.

Tasks Behavior Outcome

extracurricular activities such as

competitions offered by university or
held between societies

mandatory extracurricular activities such

as Internship or Voluntary services.

Adaptability for new concepts and


Notes development of asked Subjects

Class Participation

Presentation-Based Assignment

Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance Management. Pearson.


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