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Andrey Benyx Cabrera

Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?

For me it depends on the genetics of the parents, it could be a yes and no. Yes because it’s the parent’s
choice whether they choose to modify the genes of their future children. They have full control of their
children having genetic modifications. There are people due to genes may carry certain diseases that
they can inherit in the future. These may lead to life threatening diseases. No because the child may or
may not like their gene modification but this gene modification has some benefits. Based on my
research genetic modification can help cure diseases before the child is born, like if there’s a disease
within the family’s blood or genes, genetic modification can help get rid of the disease so the child won’t
suffer from it. I think that the idea of modifying your child’s genes is questionable. Even though it has its
upsides there could be a risk of harming the child, we don’t know if genetic modification is actually safe
or not even if it can cure diseases. Genetic modification could change the future of the child but parents
should be careful when taking the risk of modifying the genes of their children.

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