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Hi my name is Fahad Shah and I will be talking about lgbt/lgbtq/lgbtq+.

LGBT is an initialism that stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender." It has been in
use since the 1990s. the initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an
umbrella term for certain sexualities and gender identities.

The LGBT term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which began to replace the term gay
(or gay and lesbian) in reference to the broader LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-
late 1980s. When not inclusive of transgender people, the shorter term LGB is still used
instead of LGBT.

It may refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender, instead of exclusively to

people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular
variant, LGBTQ, adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer or are questioning their
sexual or gender identity. The initialisms LGBT or GLBT are not agreed to by everyone that
they are supposed to include.

Now talking about cisgenders, A cisgender person has a gender identity that matches their
sex assigned at birth. for example, A person whose sex was assigned male at birth and --
identifies as a boy or a man, or someone whose sex was assigned female at birth and
identifies as a girl or a woman, is considered cisgender.

History of the term lgbtq+:

LGBT history dates back to the first recorded instances of same-sex love and sexuality of
ancient civilizations, involving the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)
peoples and cultures around the world. What survives after many centuries of persecution—
resulting in shame, suppression, and secrecy—has only in more recent decades been pursued
and interwoven into more mainstream historical narratives.

If we look into the books, Male homosexuality has been acknowledged in China since ancient times
and was mentioned in many famous works of Chinese literature. Confucianism, being primarily a
social and political philosophy, focused little on sexuality, whether homosexual or heterosexual. there
are also descriptions of lesbians in some history books. It is believed homosexuality was popular in
the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties.

Records of men who have had intercouse with men in Japan date back to ancient times. However,
they became most apparent to scholars during the Edo period.

The Edo period is the period between 1603 and 1867 in the history of Japan.

In india, Throughout Hindu and Vedic texts there are many descriptions of saints, demigods, and
even the Supreme Lord transcending gender norms and manifesting multiple combinations of sex
and gender. There are several instances in ancient Indian epic poetry of same sex depictions and
unions by gods and goddesses. There are several stories of depicting love between the same sex
especially among kings and queens.

Ancient Greece

Same-sex relationships did not replace marriage between man and woman, but occurred
before and beside it. A mature man would not usually have a mature male mate (with
exceptions such as Alexander the Great) but the older man would usually be the erastes
(lover) to a young eromenos (loved one)

In ancient Rome, the Goddess Cybele was worshiped by a cult of people who castrated themselves,
and thereafter took female dress and referred to themselves as female.[84][85] These early transgender
figures have also been referred by several authors as early role models.

18th and 19th century

Before the American Civil War and the massive population growth of the Post-Civil War America, the
majority of the American population was rural. Homosexuality remained an unseen and taboo
concept in society, and the word "homosexuality" was not coined until 1868 In a letter to Karl
Heinrich Ulrichs by German-Hungarian Karoly Maria Kertbeny (who advocated decriminalization).
During this era, homosexuality fell under the umbrella term "sodomy" that comprised all forms of
non-productive sexuality. Without urban sub-cultures or a name for self-definition, group
identification and self-consciousness was unlikely.

Male homosexuality found its first social foothold in the 19th Century not in sexuality or
homoerotica, but in idealized conception of the platonic male friendship during the 19th century. Or
as contemporary author Theodore Winthrop in Cecil Dreeme writes, "a friendship I deemed more
precious than the love of women." This ideal came from and was enforced by the male-centric
institutions of boy's boarding schools, all-male colleges, the military, the frontier, etc.—fictional and
non-fiction accounts of passionate male friendships became a theme present in American Literature
and social conceptions of masculinity.

Continuing the theme of loving male friendship, Walt Whitman arrived in New York in 1841. He was
immediately drawn to young working-class men found in certain parks, public baths, the docks, and
some bars and dance halls. He kept records of the men and boys, usually noting their ages, physical
characteristics, jobs, and origins.

In 1908, the first American defense of homosexuality was published. The Intersexes: A History of
Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life, was written by Edward Stevenson under the pseudonym
Xavier Mayne. This 600-page defense detailed Classical examples, but also modern literature and the
homosexual subcultures of urban life. He dedicated the novel to Krafft-Ebing because he argued
homosexuality was inherited and, in Stevenson's view and not necessarily Krafft-Ebing's, should not
face prejudice.

The 1920s ushered in a new era of social acceptance of minorities and homosexuals, at least in
heavily urbanized areas. This was reflected in many of the films of the decade that openly made
references to homosexuality. Even popular songs poked fun at the new social acceptance of

In the late 1970s and the early 1980s, after the elation of change following group action in the
1969 Stonewall riots in New York City, some gays and lesbians became less accepting of

bisexual or transgender people. Critics[said that transgender people were acting out
stereotypes, and bisexuals were simply gay men or lesbian women who were afraid to come
out and be honest about their identity. Each community struggled to develop its own identity
including whether, and how, to align with other gender and sexuality-based communities, at
times excluding other subgroups; these conflicts continue to this day.

In 1994, the annual observance of LGBT History Month began in the United States, and it
has since been picked up in other countries. This observance involves highlighting the history
of the people, LGBT rights and related civil rights movements. It is observed during October
in the United States, to include National Coming Out Day on October 11

Fast forward to 90’s, every homosexual or anyone questioning their sexual identity wanted a
representation and thus LGBT initialism was formed. It included, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and

Statistically lesbians forged more public identities and the phrase gay and lesbian became
more common.

A dispute as to whether the primary focus of their political aims should be feminism or gay
rights led to the dissolution of some lesbian organizations, e.g. Daughters of Bilitis, which
was founded by Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon disbanded in 1970 following disputes over
which goal should take precedence. As equality was a priority for lesbian feminists, disparity
of roles between men and women or butch and femme were viewed as patriarchal. Lesbian
feminists avoided gender role play that had been pervasive in bars as well as the perceived
sexism of gay men; many lesbian feminists refused to work with gay men or take up their

From about 1988, activists began to use the initialism LGBT in the United States. Not until
the 1990s within the movement did gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people gain equal
respect. This spurred some organizations to adopt new names, as the GLBT Historical
Society did in 1999.

Despite the fact that LGBT does not nominally encompass all individuals in smaller
communities, the term is generally accepted to include those not specifically identified in the
four-letter initialism. Overall, the use of the term LGBT has, over time, largely aided in
bringing otherwise marginalized individuals into the general community.


Many variants exist including variations that change the order of the letters, including
LGBT+. At least some of the components of sexuality (regarding hetero, bi, straight), and
also gender are stated to be on different spectrums of sexuality Other common variants also
exist, such as LGBTQIA, with the A standing for asexual or agender, and LGBTQIA+, where
'+' represents those who are part of the community, but for whom LGBTQ does not
accurately capture or reflect their identity." Longer acronyms have prompted criticism for
their length, sometimes being referred to as "alphabet soup", and the implication that the
acronym refers to a single community is also controversial.

The terms pansexual, omnisexual, fluid and queer-identified are regarded as falling under the
umbrella term bisexual (and therefore are considered a part of the bisexual community).
Some use LGBT+ to mean "LGBT and related communities". Other variants may have a "U"
for "unsure"; a "C" for "curious"; another "T" for "transvestite"; a "TS", or "2" for "two-
spirit" persons; or an "SA" for "straight allies".

The inclusion of straight allies in the LGBT acronym has also proven controversial, as many
straight allies have been accused of using LGBT advocacy to gain popularity and status in
recent years, and various LGBT activists have criticised the heteronormative worldview of
certain straight allies. Some may also add a "P" for "polyamorous", an "H" for "HIV-
affected", or an "O" for "other". The initialism LGBTIH has seen use in India to encompass
the hijra third gender identity and the related subculture.

Adding the term allies to the initialism has sparked controversy, with some seeing the
inclusion of ally in place of asexual/aromantic/agender as a form of LGBT erasure. There is
also the acronym QUILTBAG (queer and questioning, unsure, intersex, lesbian, transgender
and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and aromantic, and gay and genderqueer). Similarly
LGBTIQA+ stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning,
asexual and many other terms (such as non-binary and pansexual)".

Criticism of the term]

The initialisms LGBT or GLBT are not agreed to by everyone that they encompass. For
example, some argue that transgender and transsexual causes are not the same as that of
lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people.[85] This argument centers on the idea that being
transgender or transsexual has to do more with gender identity, or a person's understanding of
being or not being a man or a woman irrespective of their sexual orientation. LGB issues can
be seen as a matter of sexual orientation or attraction. These distinctions have been made in
the context of political action in which LGB goals, such as same-sex marriage legislation and
human rights work (which may not include transgender and intersex people), may be
perceived to differ from transgender and transsexual goals.

A belief in "lesbian and gay separatism", holds that lesbians and gay men form (or should
form) a community distinct and separate from other groups normally included in the LGBTQ
sphere. While not always appearing of sufficient number or organization to be called a
movement, separatists are a significant, vocal, and active element within many parts of the
LGBT community. In some cases separatists will deny the existence or right to equality of
bisexual orientations and of transsexuality, sometimes leading public biphobia and

evidently it doesn’t go well with the religious norms and other social norms, it is a widely hated
fiasco. there are many problems associated with homosexuality. Since it is the weirdest thing ever
and the thought of it creeps a normal human out.

Also it is a wide known proverb that God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Even every
Abarahamic religion is against homosexuality. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you!

Also I want to mention Amber Heard who identifies herself as Bi, was widely criticized and
called out when it was found that She infact had published an Oped in Washington post
targeting her ex-husband Sir Johnny Depp and accusing him of domestic violence, rape and
what not. Talk about her feminism, eh? Also she is the brand ambassador for Loreal yada
yada something, even the Times Up Movement. some transgenders also supported her
because of her affiliation with LGBTQ+ and it, in turn, was opposed by many LBGTQ+
activists and even some true feminists!

And before I conclude, I want to make this clear that I do not care, at all, I couldn’t care less
about men crying over not being able to marry other men or some 17 year old blue haired
women, which is generally stereotyped as an identification of women falling under this
uncontrolled LGBTQ+ banner, crying over other woman when there are literally bigger
problems in the world such as people dying of diseases and hunger, colonization, Countries
invading other countries and killing civilians. It is rather funny. Anyway.

Although there are certain human rights violations that the members of this community has to
face such as Sexual Harassment/ molestation.

Socio-economic discrimination.

Institutional discrimination.

Societal discrimination

Although there are certain human rights violations that the members of this community has to
face such as Sexual Harassment/ molestation.

Socio-economic discrimination.

Institutional discrimination.

Employment and Housing Discrimination

Societal discrimination

No to little healthcare access


Now you could be gay and live literally next to me and I couldn’t care less. I mean not
literally next to me, you know what I mean, a few blocks away. As long as you don’t force it
on other people, as long as you don’t invalidate other people’s feelings, it is not my concern.
It also works with everyone else, be it a man or a woman or most importantly our friendly
gays/transgenders/ lesbians and Amd Rhyzen 5 series Laptops, intel processors and God
forbid whatnot!

Thank you. My name is Fahad Shah and this was my presentation on LGBTIQA+!

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