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Mr. Amit Yerpude
I wish to express my deep sense of
gratitude and indebtedness to our learned teacher Mr. Amit
Yerpude, PGT (Computer Science) for his invaluable help,
advice and guidance in the preparation of this project. I am
also greatly indebted to our Principal Mr. Rohit Choudhary
and school authorities for providing me with the facilities
and requisite laboratory conditions for making this practical
file. I also extend my thanks to all the teachers, my
classmates and friends who helped me to complete this
practical file successfully.

[Name of Student]
This is to certify that [Name of Student], student of Class X,
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Bolangir has completed the
PRACTICAL FILE during the academic year 2023-24
towards partial fulfillment of credit for the ARTIFICIAL
INTELLIGENCE practical evaluation of 2023-24 and
submitted satisfactory report, as compiled in the following
pages, under my supervision.

Total number of Practical submitted are :

Internal Examiner
Signature Date:

No Practical Date Signature

1 Unit 3 Advanced Python Programs

1 Write a program to compute the net run rate for a tournament.

2 Write a program to check whether the given character is an uppercase letter or

lowercase letter or a digit or a special character.

3 Write a program to find the maximum number out of the given three numbers.

4 An electric power distribution company charges its domestic consumers as

follows :

Write a program that reads the customer number & power consumed and prints
the amount to be paid by the customer. Note that output should be well

5 Write a program to check whether the entered number is Armstrong or not.

6 Write a program to print a multiplication table of the entered number.

7 Write a program to generate the following pattern:

7 8 9 10
8 Write a program to create a list of students' marks with user defined values and
find the maximum.

9 Write a program to create a list of numbers and swap the content with the next
value divisible by 5.
For example: list = [4,25,31,7,35,44,55]
Output: [25,4,31,35,7,55,44]

10 Write a program to count the frequency of every element in a given list.

2 Unit 4 Data Science Programs

11 Write a program to create a 2D array using NumPy.

12 Write a program to convert a python list to a NumPy array.

13 Write a program to create a matrix of 3x3 from 11 to 30.

14 Write a program to create a data frame to store data of candidates who appeared
in interviews. The dataframe columns are name, score, attempts, and qualify
(Yes/No). Assign rowindex as C001,C002, and so on.

No Practical Date Signature

15 Write a program to create a dataframe named player and store their data in the
columns like team, no. of matches runs, and average. Assign player name as row
index and Display only those player details whose score is more than 1000.

16 Write a program to represent the data on the ratings of mobile games on a bar
chart. The sample data is given as:
Games:Pubg, FreeFire, MineCraft, GTA-V, Callofduty, FIFA 22. Rating:

17 Write a program to calculate variance and standard deviation for the given data:

18 Write a menu-driven program to calculate the mean, mode and median for the
given data: [5,6,1,3,4,5,6,2,7,8,6,5,4,6,5,1,2,3,4]
19 Consider the following data of a clothes store and plot the data on the line chart
and customize the chart as you wish:

20 Observe the given data for monthly sales of one of the salesmen for 6 months.
Plot them on the line chart.

Apply the following customizations to the chart:

• Give the title for the chart - "Sales Stats"
• Use the "Month" label for X-Axis and "Sales" for Y-Axis.
• Display legends.
• Use dashed lines with the width 5 point.
• Use red color for the line.
• Use dot marker with blue edge color and black fill color.

3 Unit 5 Computer Vision

21 Visit On the basis of this

online tool, try and write answers of all the below-mentioned questions.
• What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=255?
• What is the output colour when you put R=G=255,B=0?
• What is the output colour when you put R=255,G=0,B=255?
• What is the output colour when you put R=0,G=255,B=255?
• What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=0?
• What is the output colour when you Put R=0,G=0,B=255?
• What is the output colour when you Put R=255,G=0,B=0?
• What is the output colour when you put R=0,G=255,B=0?
• What is the value of your colour?
Unit 3 Advanced Python

1. Write a program to compute the net run rate for a tournament.

#Enter details for team, for and against data

tn=input("Enter Team name:")
n=int(input("Enter no. of matches played:"))
#variables to store total scores and overs
#Entering runs and overs and adding them for n number of
matches for i in range(n):
r=int(input("Enter runs scored in match"+str(i+1)+":"))
o=int(input("Enter overs played:"))
agr=int(input("Enter runs conceded in
match"+str(i+1)+":")) ogr=int(input("Enter overs
#Computing the net runrate
#Displaying the net runrate
print("Net runrate is:",nrr)
2. Write a program to check whether the given character is an uppercase letter or
lowercase letter or a digit or a special character.

#Input the character to check

ch=input("Enter Any Character:")
'''Checking whether it is upperletter or lowerletter or digit or a special
if ch.isupper():
print(ch, " is an upper case letter")
elif ch.isupper():
print(ch, " is a lower case letter")
elif ch.isdigit():
print(ch, " is a digit")
elif ch.isspace():
print(ch, " is a space")
print(ch," is a special character")
3. Write a program to find the maximum number out of the given three numbers.

#Take input or three number to compare

n1=int(input("Enter the Number1:"))
n2=int(input("Enter the Number2:"))
n3=int(input("Enter the Number3:"))
if n1>n2 and n1>n3:
print(n1, " - Number 1 is greater")
elif n1>n2 and n1>n3:
print(n2, " - Number 2 is greater")
elif n3>n1 and n3>n2:
print(n3, " - Number 3 is greater")
print("All are same")
4. An electric power distribution company charges its domestic consumers as follows
Consumption Units Rate of Charge
0-100 Rs. 1 per unit
101-300 Rs. 100 plus Rs. 1.25 per unit in excess of 100
301-500 Rs. 350 plus Rs. 1.50 per unit in excess of 300
500 and above Rs. 650 plus Rs. 1.75 per unit in excess of 500

Write a program that reads the customer number & power consumed and prints the
amount to be paid by the customer. Note that output should be well formatted.

#Input Data
cno=int(input("Enter Cusumer Number:"))
pc=int(input("Enter power consumed:"))
#Computing bill amount based on power consumed
if pc>0 and pc<=100:
elif pc>100 and pc<=300:
elif pc>300 and pc<500:
elif pc>500:
print("Invalid Power Consumed Units")
#Printing the bill in proper format
print("\t\tABC Power Company Ltd.")
print("Consumer Number:",cno)
print("Consumed Units:",pc)
print("Bill Amount:",bill_amt)
5. Write a program to check whether the entered number is Armstrong or not.

#Enter a number to check

n=int(input("Enter number to check:"))
#Store the original number into temporary variable
#Computing the sum of cube of each digit and iterating until
n=0 while n!=0:
#Checking & displaying whether armstrong or not
if t==s:
print(s," is Armstrong number")
print(s," is not an Artmstrong number")
6. Write a program to print a multiplication table of the entered number.

#Take input to accept a nmuber for printing Multiplication

table n=int(input("Enter number to print multiplication
#Take for loop for multiple
for i in range(1,11):
print(n," x ", i, " = ", n*i )
7. Write a program to generate the following pattern:
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

#Take input for n lines

n=int(input("Enter n:"))
#Generating Pattern
for i in range(1,n+1):
for j in range(1,i+1):
print(k,end=" ")
8. Write a program to create a list of students' marks with user-defined values and find
the maximum.
#Take input for n lines
n=int(input("Enter no. of subjects:"))
#Creating empty list
#Accepting marks and appending marks into the list
for i in range(n):
m=int(input("Enter marks:"))
print("Maximum marks scored:",max(l)
9. Write a program to create a list of numbers and swap the content with the next value
divisible by 5.
For example: list = [4,25,31,7,35,44,55]
Output: [25,4,31,35,7,55,44]

#Take input for no of subjects

n=int(input("Enter no. of subjects:"))
#Creating empty list
#Accepting marks and appending marks into the list
for i in range(n):
m=int(input("Enter marks:"))
#Swaping elements
for i in range(len(l)) :
if l[i] % 5 == 0 :
l [ i ], l [i-1] = l [ i - 1 ] , l [i]
print("List after swap:",l)
10. Write a program to count the frequency of every element in a given list.

#Creating empty list

l = []
#Take input for n no. of elements
n=int(input("Enter the no. of elements:"))
#Append the values into the list
for i in range(n):
val=int(input("Enter value "+str(i+1)+":"))
#Decalring a dictionary object to store the data
f = {}
for i in l:
if (i in f):
f[i] += 1
f[i] = 1
#Displaying the data
for i, j in f.items():
print(i, "->", j)
Unit 4 Data Science Programs

11. Write a program to create a 2D array using NumPy.

#import numpy package

import numpy as np
#Creating array using arange() function
#reshaping array for 2D
#printing array
12. Write a program to convert a python list to a NumPy array.

#Import NumPy Package

import numpy as np
#Creating empty list
l = []
#Take input for n no. of elements
n=int(input("Enter the no. of elements:"))
#Append the values into the list
for i in range(n):
val=int(input("Enter value "+str(i+1)+":"))
#Converting list into numpy array
13.Write a program to develop a matrix of 3x3 with values from 11 t0 28.

#import numpy package

import numpy as np
#Creating array using arange() function
#reshaping array for 2D
#printing array
14.Write a program to create a data frame to store data of candidates who appeared in
interviews. The dataframe columns are name, score, attempts, and qualify(Yes/No). Assign
rowindex as C001,C002, and so on.

#import pandas package

import pandas as pd
#Creating Dictionary to store data
#Creating a dataframe
5']) #Printing a dataframe
15.Write a program to create a dataframe named player and store their data in the
columns like team, no. of matches, runs, and average. Assign player name as row index
and Display only those player details whose score is more than 1000.
#import pandas package
import pandas as pd
#Creating Dictionary to store data
#Creating a dataframe
player=pd.DataFrame(d,index=['Virat kohli','Babar Azam','Ben
Stokes','Steve Smith'])
#Displaying data whose runs > 1000
16. Write a program to represent the data on the ratings of mobile games on bar chart.
The sample data is given as: Pubg, FreeFire, MineCraft, GTA-V, Call of duty, FIFA 22.
The rating for each game is as: 4.5,4.8,4.7,4.6,4.1,4.3.

#Import package for Matplot Library

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Creating lists for data
games=['Pubg', 'FreeFire', 'MineCraft', 'GTA-V','Call of duty', 'FIFA
22'] rating=[4.5,4.8,4.7,4.6,4.1,4.3]
#Creating bar graph with different bar colours,rating,color=['black', 'red', 'green', 'blue',
'yellow']) #Customizing the bar graph
plt.title("Games Rating 2022")
17. Consider the following data of a clothes store and plot the data on the line chart:

Customize the chart as you wish.

#imort package for line chart
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
#creating list data
mon =['March','April','May','June','July','August']
jeans= [1500,3500,6500,6700,6000,6800]
ts = [4400,4500,5500,6000,5600,6300]
sh = [6500,5000,5800,6300,6200,4500]
#Creating Line chart
linewidth=4,\ marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='r')
linewidth=4,\ marker='3', markerfacecolor='k',
linewidth=4,\ marker='v', markerfacecolor='k',
#Cusotmizing plot
pp.title("Apna Garment Store")
18. Observe the given data for monthly sales of one of the salesmen for 6 months. Plot
them on the line chart.

Apply the following customizations to the chart:

• Give the title for the chart - "Sales Stats"
• Use the "Month" label for X-Axis and "Sales" for Y-Axis.
• Display legends.
• Use dashed lines with the width 5 point.
• Use red color for the line.
• Use dot marker with blue edge color and black fill color.

#Import pyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
#Prepraing data
mon =['January','February','March','April','May','June']
sales = [2500,2100,1700,3500,3000,3800]
#Crating line chart
linewidth=4,\ marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='b')
#Customizing the chart
pp.title("Sales Report")
19. Write a menu-driven program to calculate the mean, mode and median for the given
data: [5,6,1,3,4,5,6,2,7,8,6,5,4,6,5,1,2,3,4]

#import statistics
import statistics
#Creating list
#Display mean, mode and median value using functions
print("Mean Value:%.2f"%statistics.mean(l))
print("Mode Value:%.2f"%statistics.mode(l))
print("Median Value:%.2f"%statistics.median(l))
20. Write a program to calculate variance and standard deviation for the given data:

#import statistics
import statistics
#Creating list
#Display varaince and standard deviation value using
functions print("Variance:%.2f"%statistics.variance(l))
print("Standard Deviation:%.2f"%statistics.stdev(l))
Unit 5 Computer Vision

21. Visit this link ( On the basis of this

online tool, try and write answers of all the below-mentioned questions.
o What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=255?
o What is the output colour when you put R=G=255,B=0?
o What is the output colour when you put R=255,G=0,B=255?
o What is the output colour when you put R=0,G=255,B=255?
o What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=0?
O What is the output colour when you Put R=0,G=0,B=255?
o What is the output colour when you Put R=255,G=0,B=0?
o What is the output colour when you put R=0,G=255,B=0?
o What is the value of your colour?

1. White

2. Yellow
3. Pink
4. Cyan
5. Black
6. Blue
7. Red
8. Green
9. R=0,G=0,B=255

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