Revision Notes For Nucleation

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JEE Advanced Revision Notes

Nuclear chemistry

Nuclear chemistry involves the study of a branch of chemistry that deals with the
composition of the atomic nuclei and nuclear forces.

Nuclear reaction and radioactive material:

Nuclear forces:
● Protons and neutrons which live in the center are called nucleons, and
forces binding them in the center, are called nuclear forces.
● These are low-lying range forces operating over veritably small distances
1 fermi = 1015 m .
● These forces are 1021 times stronger than the electrostatic forces.
● no and p  are held together by the veritably rapid-fire exchange of nuclear
patches, called mesons.
 
● Mesons may be positively charged (π), negatively charged,   or neutral(

 0 ).
H11   01  n10
n10  10  H11

When a particular nucleus emits the radiation spontaneously, such certain nuclei
are known to be radioactive and this phenomenon of disintegration of nuclei
spontaneously is called radioactivity.

Types of Radioactive radiation

● Alpha rays: The rays which bend towards the negative plate by carrying
the positive charge.
● Beta rays: The rays which bend towards the positive plate by carrying the
negative charge.
● Gamma rays: These are uncharged rays that pass straight through the
electric field.

Class XII Chemistry 1

Properties of alpha, beta, and gamma rays:

Property α- rays β-rays γ- rays

charge He Negatively
Nature nuclei charge He Electromagnetic
 He  2 nuclei 1 0

Mass 4u 1/1834 u Negligible

5-10% of 96-99% of Same as the
Velocity the velocity the velocity speed of the
of light. of light. light.
Charge +2 unit -1 unit Zero
Very high High Low
Small Medium High
Maximum Moderate Minimum
Effect of Produce
Little effect Very less effect
ZnS luminosity

Different types of radiations:

Alpha radiation:
● The α- particle which is similar to helium nucleus includes two protons and
two neutrons.
● The emission part of an alpha particle from an atom’s nucleus is called α-
When an atom emits an α-particle, the mass of atoms decreases by 4 units.
U 92  He24  Th90

Beta radiation:
It is the transformation of a neutron into a proton through the emission of an
electron. Or the reverse process is transforming a proton into a neutron through
the emission of a positron (similar to an electron, but with a positive charge).

Class XII Chemistry 2

During this emission, when an atom emits β- particles, the mass of the atom will
not change. This resulted in the increase of atomic number by one.
C614  e01  N 714

Gamma Radiation:
It involves the emigration of electromagnetic energy from an atoms’s nucleus.
During gamma radiation, no particles are emitted; therefore, it doesn't beget the
vacillation of atoms.
Co27  Ni28
 e01  2 00

Radioactive disintegration:
The process of converting one radio-active nucleus into another by emitting the
𝛂, 𝛃, and 𝛄 rays.

Methods of Radioactive disintegration:

● Alpha decay: The emission of an alpha particle, decreases the atomic
number by 2 units and mass number by 4 units.
U 92  He24  Th90

Change in mass number

Number of  -particle emitted=
● Beta decay: Emission of   particle, increases the atomic number by 1
unit but does not affect the mass.
This emission gives isotopes.
C614  e01  N 714
A number of   particles emitted =
2  Number of   particles  (changein atomic number )
● Gamma decay: Emission of γ-rays does not affect the atomic number as
well as mass number.

Rate of disintegration:
The number of atoms of radioactive elements that disintegrate in a unit of time.
Rate of decay = N

Class XII Chemistry 3

(Or)  kN
Where, k= decay constant
2.303 N
k log 0
t Nt
Here, N 0 =number of atoms initially
Nt = a number of atoms after time t.
All radioactive changes follow first order kinetics. Total life span of a radioactive
element is infinite.

 
Half-life period  t 1  :
 
 2
The amount of time required by ab radioactive substance (or one half the atoms)
to disintegrate or transform into a different substance.
t 1  0.693 / k
Half life is related to the total time as, T  n  t 1
Where, n is calculated from the relation Nt  N 0  
N 0 = initial amount.
N1 = amount after time T.
n = number of half-lives.

Average Life    :

1 1
  1.44  t1/ 2
k 0.693 / t1/ 2

Activity of Radioactive substance:

Activity is defined as the number of disintegrations occurring in a radioactive
substance per second.
Higher is the activity of a substance, faster will be its disintegration.

Class XII Chemistry 4

Activity = kN
k  wt. of element  N A

at. wt. of element
( N A =Avogadro’s number = 6.023  1023 ).

Radioactive Disintegration series:

Series 4n 4n+1 4n+2 4n+3

Name Thorium Neptunium Uranium Actinium

Parent 232 241 238 235
TH 90 Pu94 U 92 U 92
Prominent 232 237 238 277
Th90 Np93 U 92 Ac89
End 208 209 206 207
Pb82 Bi83 Pb82 Pb82
Number of
 6  8  8  7
 4  5  6  4

Nuclear Reactions:
● Nuclear fission: Nucleus in the atoms splits into smaller parts releasing a
huge amount of energy in the process.
● Nuclear Fusion: The reaction in which two or more elements fuse together
to form a large element, by releasing a large amount of energy in the

Application of Radioactivity:
● Estimation of age (Dating Technique)
Carbon dating technique.
Uranium dating technique.
● Medical use
In therapeutic procedures.
Imaging procedure.

Class XII Chemistry 5

Solved questions:
1) Two radioactive materials A and B have decay constants 10λ and λ,
respectively. If initially, they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio
of the number of nuclei of A to that of B will be 1/e after a time (t). Find the
value of t.
1) λ
2) λ
3) λ
4) λ
Ans: Correct answer is (1).
N  N 0e   / t
So, N1 = N0e - 10 / t and N 2 = N0e -  / t

 1  N1 
N 0e10t 
  
 e  N2 N 0e   t
 1  9t 1 9t
 e e e
1  9t

2) The half-life period of a radioactive element X is the same as the mean

lifetime of another radioactive element Y. Initially, they have the same
number of atoms. Then-
1) X and Y decay at the same rate always
2) X will decay faster than Y
3) Y will decay faster than X
4) X and Y have the same decay rate initially
Ans: Correct answer is (3).

Class XII Chemistry 6

T1 , half-life of X  Tmean , mean life of Y
0.069 1
Or 
x y
x  0.693 y
x   y
Rate of decay = n
Initially, number of atoms (N) of both are equal but since x   y , therefore Y
will decay at a faster rate than X.
Hence, Y will decay faster than X.

Class XII Chemistry 7

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