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Visayas State University

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte

ELNG 109

Prepared by:
Jed T. Alkuino
Erica Barro
Glenn Cueva
John Patrick Godoy

Submitted to:
Krizia G. Garingalao, MAEd
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
S.Y. 2023-2024


I. Learning At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:
▪ Distinguish the difference between an Active and a Passive
▪ Construct sentences using Active and Passive voice.
II. Subject A. Active and Passive Voice

B. References
▪ Internet
▪ English Quarter 1 – Module 3: Active and Passive Voices

C. Materials
▪ Laptop
▪ PowerPoint Presentation
▪ Chalkboard

III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities

▪ Prayer
▪ Greeting the class
▪ Checking attendance

B. Recalling of the previous lesson

The teacher asks the students what the lesson is before the new
Teacher: What did we tackle last meeting?
Student: Last meeting, we discussed the subject-verb
agreement, teacher.
Teacher: Yes, that is correct. We discussed the Subject-
Verb Agreement. Now, what is a subject-verb agreement?

Student: A subject-verb agreement is a set of rules in

constructing a grammatically correct sentence with the
use of a noun according to its correct form of verb.
Teacher: Okay, very good. Now, what are the forms of a
Student: Singular and Plural, teacher.
Teacher: Yes, that is correct. The two forms of verbs are
singular and plural. Now, when can we use both the
singular and plural verbs?
Student: When the subject is singular, we use a singular
form of verb and when the subject is plural, we also use
the plural form of the verb.
Teacher: Okay, can you give me an example of sentences
using singular and plural verbs?
Student: Bien speaks in English.
My friends are going out.
Teacher: Very good, can someone identify the subject
and the verb for both sentences?
Student: The subject of the first sentence is Bien and the
verb is “speaks”. In the second sentence, the subject is
“My friends” and the verb is “are going out”.
Teacher: Okay, that is correct. Since Bien is singular,
therefore the verb should be in singular form, and since
“My friends” is a plural subject, and then the verb should
be in plural form. Is everything understood, class?
Student: Yes, teacher!

C. Activity: “Picture Me Out”

Directions: There are five (5) pictures for the students to create a
sentence out of. Each picture will be provided with nouns for the
students to create a sentence with and whichever noun comes first
should be used in the sentence first. The class will be divided into two.
Each group must have a representative. The representative must mimic
an animal voice and whoever is the first to make an animal sound will
be given a chance to answer.
IV. Lesson Proper A. Analysis
(4A's) • Based on the activity, what have you noticed?
• How did you construct the sentences?
• What did you notice in the way your classmates read the
• What have you observed in the sentence construction?
• Do you think that the sentences are constructed differently?

B. Abstraction

• Based on both of the pictures that you have observed, what do

you think are the differences between these sentences?
• Let’s observe the first picture, how will you use it in a
a. (The cat ate the mouse)

• In the sentence, who do you think is the doer of the action?

How about the receiver? What is the verb?
• Who do you think is the subject? Is it the doer of the action or
the receiver of the action?
• Since the subject is the doer of the action, what type of voice
is being used in this sentence?

A sentence with an active voice consists of a subject, verb, and

receiver. When the subject acts, then it is an active voice. Example:
“The cat ate the mouse”.

• Let’s observe the second picture, how will you use it in a

a. (The mouse was eaten by the cat)

• In the sentence, who do you think is the doer of the action?

How about the receiver? What is the verb?
• Who do you think is the subject? Is it the doer of the action or
the receiver of the action?
• Since the receiver or the one acted upon is the subject, what
type of voice is being used in this sentence?

A passive voice also consists of a subject, verb, and receiver. However,

the receiver of the action or the one being acted upon is the subject.
Most sentences in passive voice use the preposition “by” to introduce
the sentence.

• What is the main difference between active and passive voice?

• In what situations might it be better to use the passive voice?
Can you give me an example?
• Can you identify any clues from the sentence that indicates
whether it should be in the passive voice?
• On the other hand, in what situations might it be better to use
the active voice? Can you give me an example?
• Can you identify any clues from the sentence that indicates
whether it should be in the active voice?
• In what situations might it be better to use the passive voice?
Can you give me an example?
• Why is it important to choose between active and passive voice
based on the context of your sentences from your previous
• So, when to use active or passive voice in various real-life
• Are there specific contexts where you can utilize both active
and passive voice? In what way?
• Can you share your own experiences where the use of active or
passive voice had a notable impact on the outcome of your

C. Application
Test I.
A. Direction: This time, test your knowledge of active and passive
voices with grammar exercises. Each sentence given below is in the
active voice. Change it into a passive voice.
1. They sell banana cue in the canteen.
2. The boy played the spider.
3. I will finish the job by the end of this week.
4. They have informed him of his mother’s death.
5. They took all the necessary precautions.

II. Now, you have to rewrite the following sentences into an active
6. A song is being sung by the artist as he paints.
7. The piano has been pounded by the little girl when mad.
8. New dentures would be wanted by the man with no teeth.
9. The internet is surfaced by many of my friends during class.
10. Storms are to be forecasted by the weatherman tomorrow.

II. There are five objects here that you can easily see and use inside
the house. What you have to do is to construct both in active and
passive voice by using these words.

IV. Assessment/ Quiz Time!

Directions: On a ¼ sheet of paper, write True if the statement is
correct and False if it is not.
___________1. In an active voice, the subject of the sentence is doing
the action.
___________2. In a passive voice, the subject receives the action
expressed by the verb.
___________3. The subject performs the action expressed by the verb
in the action voice.
___________4. An active voice is used when you need to highlight the
object or person who is affected by the action.
___________5. The meaning is clearer and more direct in an active
___________6. The result of the action is the focus of the passive
___________7. In passive voice, the doer of the action is followed by
the verb.
___________8. In an active voice, if the person who performs the
action is mentioned it follows by.
___________9. The active voice is when the subject performs the
action expressed in the verb.
___________10. The passive voice focuses on the receiver of the

V. Assignment Practice Makes Perfect!

Directions: Inside the house, be a keen observer. Check out who is
cooking, cleaning, studying, and playing, then construct sentences
based on what you have observed. Create at least five sentences of
active voice and another five sentences of passive voice. Write it on a
½ sheet of paper.

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