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STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING, ODISHA, UNIT-IL, NEAR: RAJ BHAWAN, ‘BHUBANESWAR 2, INSTRUCTION To FLYING SQUAD. ‘The flowing instruction regarding the conduct of AITT Jy & Semestr Examination ito be adhered by the Fhing Squat who have boen duly apponied by the SCTERVT, Osha, Shutaneswar rhe purpose dung the above exzennaen schetlas abe ‘conduced wof-2207 2014 & 05062014 1 Two yng Sud wl cary he uesion Paper ad the Cane Sup shall zcompary tem tothe Cone, The Fog Squat shal hand over he Guesson Paper to fe Cee Supt. on aval a the Gen on due rcpt. They have lo ensue tat Question Papas ar keptin ste custo 2. The keys) of te seal in G1 Truk containing confor materi iso be kept wth the Cero Supertnd theughoxt the fered of Examination He She should ensure tate sald in G. Trunks) caning conn malris kapt unde ste ‘custody 2s has been specclyinstucted. Almira containg question papers shal be sealed wi the signa of te Conte ‘Supetintonnt and to Fying Squad wih date, 3. The hing Squd shal rach the examination cenke aa wo hows bee the commencement of he examination onthe fest ay and one tauren al ober days 4 The Fhng Squd, 2 ovine jb, wl exaine ta the sealed and laced Tanke) contain cone mater isin intact, cndion, fre commencement ae attr complen ofeach day of examination, They ar requ to count he numba of Seed (Question packes avalatle in he Trunk and ensure ta he number alle with he Sue as manned in he “Question packet receipt avalatle wih tho Cane Supereionden. The Fyng Squad is i) mansin “Question Paper Account, However, ey out ares, iso bs mmestelybrought the notice ofthe Cente Superintendent ofthe concerned Cente, Special Squad, Conior of xaninton and Ven Chiman, SCTEBVT, Ocho, Bhubanenar, Inte event of baring any pe of anperingreaago in the seallock of the G1 Trunk() containg conden mali, ‘he Cente Sopeinendetwlimmesaaly report the mate othe Dsl AdnitaoPoce Autor for necessary acon wih a wien report > tha Contoler of Exaninafon and VC of SCTEAVT, Odsha, Bhubanesuar by emall 1D ‘contsctevtodisha2019@gmallcom / FAX: 06742991682. The Fhng Squad stall mney reat the same fo the Vi (Caiman! Conte ever Phone. 5. The Cente Supt. tal ensure proper deploymont of poe athe examination cone and athe plane where Queston Papers re kept The sealed Qveston Pacts willbe opanod by bo Conte Supaintndertin presence of he Fiyng Squad and one Sener Facly of tho concomad insStuon 30 minutes belare conmencament ofeach sting of Examinatzn, One “Quetion Opening certieate" wil be mainsne by the ng Saad, hich isto be subi tthe councl along wt te daly report 1 Tho hing Squad Tear must reain present inthe Coste dung entre prod of examination. Thay ae to see fal he gate checking is done propery and ensue that no materi canbe taken by he examines inside the Centre, They ao move ‘ound te examination hal ding conduct of exaninafon io cbse he aces of he viglstors and ens that 0 ‘usr ncn te Management persons of the Intute ae present inside the conto xing cand of examina, In case ‘ary weak ign snot nny examination hall, iti i be madly reported fo he Cente Supenendet and ensue thal proper ead action ftakon oth. This may lobe rzorded in thr aly opr. isthe cy of ban he Can Supentsnent io ensve tat no Celtphone or other electronic gadgets ar used by ches he Invgatos othe Exainces dig to poiod of xin. The ying Squat wil not eave he examination cee before te examina s ovr. The Answer Sap shoul propery be packed in sealed paces npresance oft Cento Sup and send oto SCTERVT, a insted fre fo tne. The Cente ‘Supt andthe Fyng Squad shal pute signature on fhe suo pace ontaning Answer Books, 10. Step habe taken condi! the examination wih noe care and deze. 1. IF any decrepancy cours dung conduct of Examination tka mpraccaousie intfrencansbehavour fo the persons engaged fr exarnnatn ef acon sper examination ue hal be ese 12 The Fhing Squad shoudl tet coral he folowing foes hw Coun, frag (Ven chaian ose ata oyB40.729120). . (i) Controller of Examination: 0574-2391632(OIFAX) ~ (i Seoretary 067428814710) Oo oc ast STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING, ODISHA, UNIT-VIl, NEAR RAJ BHAWAN, BHUBANESWAR-12, INSTRUCTION TO CENTRE SUPERINTENDENTS Instructions from the Government vide Notification No.1803 Dt. 20.3.2013 has already been communicated to al the concerned through the Council website. In view of the recent dislocation in eiferent examinations in Odisha, the Government is serious to conduct al the SCTE&VT examinations in a free and fair manner. f, anybody i found to be an obstacle in this mission, action shall be initiated against the person/institution. It isthe sole responsibilty of the Centre Superintendents to ensure free and fair examination in their centres. they fal to do 0, the centre may be cancelled without any further notice. ‘The following instructions regarding the conduct of AITT-Iuly-2014 & Semester examination are to be followed by the Centre Superintendents who have been duly appointed for ensuing examination scheduled to be held from 22.07.2013 tl the completion ofthe examination, Before Examination: 1) Question papers received in sealed packets/sealed G.LTrunks will be stored under safe custody of the ‘entre Superintendent. The Centre Superintendent is solely responsible for keeping the question papers in sealed trunkin safe custody tl the end ofthe examination. 2) The Contre Supdt. shall deploy watch and ward personnel round the clock at the confidential room where sealed in question papers shall be retained. There shall be double lock faclity inthe centre. Private security shall be arranged in addition to own security. The local police has tobe informed by the Centre Superintendent about the storage of question paper. ‘The GI Trunk containing sealed in confidential question paper shall be kept in a M.S. Almirah with proper locking and joint seal by the Centre Supdt. and the Flying squad in the presence two nos. of responsible faculties 'b) The confidential rooms where the sealed in Almirah Kept shall also be sealed jointly bythe Centre Supa. & Flying Squad in presence of Senior faculties 6) Atleast two number of watch & ward personne! shall monitor the place round the clock 4) Information about retention of question paper shall be made by the Centre Supat. to the nearby police station and such information shall also be intimated to this council positively, 3) For each subject, adequate number of question papers is avallable in sealed packets as per the indents given by Centre Supdt. The questions for the particular subjects are packed in a single envelope. The name of the paper is written on the envelope. 44) Question paper packet shall be opened by the centre Superintendent in presence ofthe Flying Squad and two senior facuity of the concerned Institution 30 minutes before the commencement of examination, The remaining packets shall be kept in safe custody far use in subsequent examinations under joint seal and the keys shall be with Centre Superintendent. '5) Gate checking shall be done 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination, Examinees will be allowed to enter into the Examination Hall and take their respective seats before 20 minutes of ‘commencement of examination. Answer Books will be distributed 10 minutes before the examination {Question papers shal be distributed only on the commencement of the examination. Unused Answer Books nd unused question papers should be counted and returned to the Examination Section ater the examination starts 6) The Centre Superintendent shall take the assistance of local Police for smooth conduct of the examination, 7). Seat arrangements in examination hall shall be done properly, so that, gap between two students in row and column has tobe a minimum of 3 feet. seat arangements shall be made erally according tothe registration number. Same branch students should not be allowed to sitin same side or bak/font. The examination halls shouldbe in one wing/block of the institution building and should not be scattered in different wing/block. Gallery hall, if any shall not be used for conducting examination. During Examination: 8) All the gates of the examination centre must be locked and the maln gate shall be manned by a person ‘throughout the period of examination to open it immediately on arrival of any offcial/squad/local ‘administration The gate keeper must have the key ofthe gate and the Centre Superintendent must instruct the person tallow entry to any petson connected with the supervision ofthe examination to enter the gate without delay, 9} _ The Centre Superintendent has to maintain all the formals of the cour and follow al he rules and regulations ofthe council forthe conduct of examinations. 30) The Centre Superintendent has to make necessary arrangement for uninterupted power supply tothe examination centre throughout the examination, 12) Allthe Cc. cameras must be in working condition. In any hal, cameras not working the answer books of the ll shall be packed separately with due remark of the Fying Squad. 12) Persons not conversant with the examination rules should not be appointed a: inviglator. They must be capable of rmaltaining dsiplie inthe examination hal 13) ifthe counel feels thatthe Centre Superintendent inet capableof conducting the examination na free and far manner, ‘the entre may be cancelled forthe next examinations and a new centre superintendent shal be appointed by he coun forte cert earinaton 14) Thee seed sa coin he Satie of he examine wih ll ber ae a tine, The Iniator an the Cente Speen hala sino athe pages fhe atrs seed.lte MP ses mst be abe spe outby hes andtrincomplet an anbious etn, he Cente Speeds beheld epost 15) The atndiner et of he examines lb prop sgn byte cncredewannes, The ator mit mak the abet stent h“ABENT (apa ete, pretend nh] apts ne, 16) for ver 20st, hr wi bone iho Aer 10% clever itr sob eg fr itn dhrng the tenparay sees oe nat, The igor mt remsnin the ration a fo entre ped ot txaminton an they shouldbe aed tomas teal wth mort ane 17, Urea all rhne oar ern hogs bythe ltrs and eaminee ng conc amination sty brie. no eaminees shal be alowed alka echt Um dine sale ned meio, 18) The ane Sopertenger sould esr hat 2 hgh gt ekg on a the rain gt a he ston an bette engi the cx bl ye gore centred The ete siprandet aso ny ebjetonable materia und thay eon. 19) Wo penan scp! connected wth eramnaon Pr nie sal cen rete nthe pres ofthe exainaton carr Noroom xcept hua ed ean proses halle et pen inte evainaton Aer raat 20) Al the anor teks of Mes must be et spay after rope nies Inthe concn om. The ene ‘serintendrt testa lhe urns theo must Be ied proper ny nfrmaton et mene the eines hal eboked orl te papers cay he Cnt adhe Cnr Seperntenden sha not becale nr are ciation 23, TheceireSipeintendent wi fly opert wth the Fhng Sais ebm nd unis esr information elatig to attain 22, Krthe end of eth tng, 2 pry the Contre Superintendent a eHow mich mapa have been eared by Into how many yh Cente Sipentenderandhow many byte igogsaadshalbeRadedove oth hing stu 23, The centre Speed wil pcp, the aoe Boks of a core Reg and Regu (8A) and te tower rls fod ou The answer Boks paced nto pocket sed ested inthe one fret phase perintcton gen by the aie Howey, he Asner Sok of the enamine, booked unde pote, Shout be pices na separate pak along hte pace repr onl mesma tng the traminaon ending ncinsing mate saedtom he rns, The Cente apertret sh esi that {he MP. opr aes ld andthe sae shoud be snd by hin The Coe pedo shal pt the ‘Strom heeled pices of wer os leh ompletn of examination, ne AiR ‘SPECIAL INSTRUCTION TO CENTRE SUPERINTENDENT REGARDING MAL PARACTICE (0 “The Centre Superintendent shall ensure that there is no Mal Practice in any form and if there is any such activities detected / reported, the Contre Superintendent shall beheld responsible and action shall be initiated against the institute. The Centre Superintendents should take care of the following: All the M.P cases must be up loaded while submitting online data 2. All the chit. / incriminating materials are to be signed by the examinee, invgiators/ Flying Squad and the Centre Superintendent in all the pages. Its the duty ofthe Centre supdt. to ensute the above. 3. All the column of the MLP form must be duly filed in with due remarks by the invigllator, subject expert, Centre Superintendent and attached tothe concerned Answer book 4A. ‘The Centre Superintendent has to check the Roll No,/ Registration No., Name, Branch, Subject, timing, Nos. of chit ofall M.P. Cases and mentioned in hs report. ‘5. AIIM.P Answer Books ofthe sitting shall be packed separately and sent to the Council in one packet, 6. The Centre Superintendent has to give a certificate of the back ofthe cover page regarding M.P. and ‘os. of chits attached to it. All the chits and the M.P, report must be attached to the Answer Book of| ‘the concerned Examinee. 7. Allthe M.P. packets (sealed) with forwarding letter have to be submitted to the undersigned. ‘Any deviation on above will be viewed seriously. . . (0674.239291310)/2391632(FAX) STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING, ODISHA, UNIT-VII, NEAR: RAJ BHAWAN, BHUBANESWAR-12. REPORT FORM FOR FLYING SQUAD (AITT-July-2014) 1, Name of the Centre Visited: _ 2. Date:___ Sitting: Year/Sem___Branch__Th- Subject: a 3. Time of Arrival “Time of departure: - 4. Name and designation of the Flying Squad member: (1)__ @) Name of the Team Member . Name of the Centre Superintendent: Nos. of Examines appearing Exam. Whether Police personnel were present in the Centre ? Whether gate checking was done ? — 10.General conditions around the Examination Centre: 11.General condition in the Examination halls: 12. Whether Examination was conducted as per rules: 13.Whether C.C, Cameras were installed in all the examination halls ? if, No, mention the hall numbers 14, Whether C.C. Cameras were working in the examination halls ? if, No, mention the hall, aumbers 15, Malpractice: i. Number of malpractice detected and reported: ii, Roll Nos. of the malpractice cases: Nos. of Halls: iii, Nos. M.P. reported and submitted to the Centre Superintendent: iv. No. of malpractice reported by Invigilators v. No. of malpractice reported by the Centre Superintendent vi, No. of malpractice cases reported by the Flying Squad 16. Misbehavior of candidates __ 17. Centre Superintendent Co-operative 18 lnvigilators Co-operative: 19.Invigilators abettors to Malpractice: 20.Centre Superintendent abettor to Malpractice: 21:Do you recommend cancellation of the Centre/Sitting/ Hall: 22. Observational report of the Squad member: 2 Full ignture of the Flying Squod member bate Phone Ne Name of the Flying Squad: CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF THE FLYING SQUAD MEMBERS AT THE END OF AITT-July-2014 EXAMINATION. a (2) sesseneencente ‘Date Name of Details of M.P. Reported the | Remarks Regd. No. [Name of the Branch of pages institution Candidate of chit 7 seized Signature of Flying Squad Signature of Flying Squad INBcif necessary attach the adaltional sheet. Question Opening Certificate ‘This is to certify that the following packets of Question Papers as detail below are opened in my presence 0 Dt. screseesees al of the AITT 2014. Examination: . Th- Subject Name of the Examination Centre: .. SL] Name of subject Sem. [Branch [Nos of | Nos.of | No. of No. ues. Pts. | Ques pkts | questions received | opened. | found. 22h Signatures of two Sr. faculties Signatures of Centre _ Signatures of Flying Squad. Suptd. With seal. 1 Question Opening Certificate ‘This is to certify that the following packets of Question Papers as detail below are opened in my presence on Dt. Of the AITT- July-2014(W) Examinatio Name of the Examination Centre: SL Name of subject Sem, [Branch | Nos.of [Nos of | No. of No. ‘Ques. Pkts. | Ques pkts | questions a received | opened. | found, iL [- 2. 3. — [ 5. | — 6. Signatures of two Sr. faculties Signatures of Centre _ Signatures of Flying Squad. 1. Suptd. With seal. 1. 1 2.

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