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Cabaruan, Rhey Mar G.

Flordeliza, John Lexter January 23, 2024

FMGT 3B Cyriell Keith Abanilla Abella


Imus Campus
Cabaruan, Rhey Mar G.
Flordeliza, John Lexter January 23, 2024
FMGT 3B Cyriell Keith Abanilla Abella


Imus Campus
For Filipino students, freedom means having the power to shape their education,

express themselves fully, and engage in shaping a good society. This includes the right

to question, choose, explore their identity, and speak out against injustices. It also

involves fighting for economic opportunities, and creating safe spaces to learn and grow.

While challenges exist, Filipino students continue to strive for these freedoms,

recognizing their importance in building a better future for themselves and their nation.

Lack of freedom, Don Rafael Ibarra’s freedom to defend and teach Filipino’s he is

accused of teaching liberal ideas. Frias create grounds to jail Don Rafael as a rebel and

died. When he died his body was thrown on the river.

Lack of freedom of Cisostomo Ibarra to live a happy life with his fiancé Maria

Clara because of Padre Damaso plan and lack of respect from the friars and Spanish

Officers. They create a plan to break his engagement to Maria Clara. He was also

framed up to be the head of uprising and arrested.

The protagonist of “Noli Me Tangere" and character, Crisostomo Ibarra is

inspiring. He represents the dreams of Filipinos who pursued education abroad

(Illustrado) during the Spanish colonial period, hoping to improve their homeland.

Nowadays, technology has made it easier for more Filipinos to gain knowledge and

contribute to their country's development. Educated individuals face unique challenges,

but they still work together to enhance the Philippines with diverse perspectives and

innovative ideas.
Cabaruan, Rhey Mar G.
Flordeliza, John Lexter January 23, 2024
FMGT 3B Cyriell Keith Abanilla Abella


Imus Campus
The novel "Noli Me Tangere" sheds light of Capitan Tiago on the issue of political

alliances for financial and political gain. This issue is still happens in 21 st century

society, particularly among some Filipino politicians who form relationships with

influential figures for the same reasons. As we strive for progress and development, we

must recognize and address these issues to promote transparency and fairness in our

political landscape.

Padre Salvi is character that reminds us of the dangers of religious hypocrisy,

colonial oppression, and abuse of power, continuing to resonate with Filipinos

navigating social justice issues. By understanding his character, we can learn important

lessons and create a better future with freedom, equality, and justice for all.

As a youth today, we contribute to future generation our knowledge and

experience. Also our passion to finish study and work or create a business to contribute

to the government projects thru the tax collected to us. With more business popping up

or being planned to open there is also job opportunities that will help our fellow Filipino

to have chance to improve their living conditions.

Cabaruan, Rhey Mar G.
Flordeliza, John Lexter January 23, 2024
FMGT 3B Cyriell Keith Abanilla Abella


Imus Campus

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