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of Pages : 2 QP Code : 162157

Roll No.
(To be filled in by the Candidate)


Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100
1. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.
2. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each
question carries 14 marks.

GROUP – A Marks: 10 x 3 = 30

1. What are the classifications of instruments?

2. Define primary instrument. Give example.
3. Why a moving iron instrument can be used for both AC and DC measurements?
4. What are the constructional parts of wattmeter?
5. What is creep in energy meter? How it is adjusted?
6. Mention the purpose of current transformer.
7. How a voltmeter is calibrated?
8. Write about old junction compensation in thermocouple.
9. Define thermister. Give any one application.
10. Define transducer.
11. State about thermister and how temperature can be measured with a thermister?
12. Define Piezo Electric Effect.
13. What is the instrument used to measure temperature and liquid level?
14. Define actuators.
15. What is signal conditioning unit?

GROUP – B Marks: 5 x 14 = 70

16. a) i) Draw and explain Eddy current damping. (7)

ii) With neat sketch explain dynamometer type moving coil instrument. (7)
b) i) Draw and explain repulsion type moving iron instrument. (7)
ii) Draw and explain extension of instrument range of an ammeter and voltmeter.

17. a) i) Draw and explain dynomometer wattmeter. (7)

ii) With a neat sketch explain the construction, operation of merz price max demand
indicator. (7)
b) i) Draw and explain measurement of power using instrument transformers. (7)
ii) Draw and explain Landis and Gyr trivector meter. (7)

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18. a) i) What is meggar? Explain its working. (7)

ii) Write short notes on Kelvin’s bridge, with neat diagram. (7)
b) i) What are the different types of recorders? Explain X–Y recorder with suitable
sketch? (7)
ii) Describe about digital multimeter. (7)

19. a) i) With the diagram explain the operation of LVDT. (7)

ii) State the advantages and disadvantage of strain gauge. (7)
b) i) Draw and explain proximity sensor. (7)
ii) Explain the types of thermisters. (7)

20. a) i) Draw and explain a method to measure speed. (7)

ii) Explain the concept of Signal conditioning unit with relevant diagram. (7)
b) i) How to measure the thickness? Explain. (7)
ii) Explain with neat diagram, how pressure is measured? (7)

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