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Doon International School

Riverside Campus

YEAR 2023-24

Informatics Practices
Resort Room Booking

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Ashmit Jain Mr. Rohit
Roll no. ______________

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those who have
been of great assistance in finishing this project in due course of the stipulated
deadline. To begin with, I would like to thank Principal Sir for his encouragement
for completing my project. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Rohit Verma, our
Informatics Practices teacher, who guided me in successful completion of this
project . I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude for his
invaluable guidance, attitude and immense motivation, which has sustained my
efforts at all stages of this project work.
I would also acknowledge my gratitude towards my classmates for having
been a source of inspiration and for their patience in resolving what I couldn't
grasp efficiently. I thank them in earnest for correcting me where I erred and
their recommendations. I thank them all for expanding my interest in the study
that is programming.
At last I would like to thank my parents for constantly pushing me and
motivating me to do my best

Title: Streamlining Hospitality: A Python-MySQL Powered
Resort Room Booking System


In an era where technology is revolutionizing every

industry, the hospitality sector is no exception. Our
project, "Streamlining Hospitality: A Python-MySQL
Powered Resort Room Booking System," is a testament to
the power of information technology in enhancing the
guest experience and optimizing resort management.

As the travel and tourism industry continues to grow, the

need for efficient and user-friendly room booking systems
becomes paramount. Our project addresses this need by
combining the versatility of Python programming, the
robustness of MySQL databases, and the familiarity of
Excel spreadsheets to create a comprehensive and
intuitive room booking system for resorts.

The primary objective of our project is to develop a
sophisticated yet user-friendly application that simplifies
the process of room reservation in a resort setting. By
leveraging Python for the application's logic, MySQL for
secure and scalable data storage, and Excel for dynamic
reporting and analytics, we aim to provide a holistic
solution that caters to the diverse needs of resort

Key Features:
1. User-friendly Interface:
The graphical user interface (GUI) designed using
Python ensures a seamless and intuitive booking
experience for both resort staff and guests.

2. Secure Database Management:

MySQL serves as the backbone of our system, ensuring
the secure storage and retrieval of guest information,
room availability, and reservation details.

3. Real-time Updates:
The system provides real-time updates on room
availability, allowing guests to make informed
decisions, and enabling resort staff to manage
bookings efficiently.

4. Excel Integration:
The use of Excel facilitates dynamic reporting and
analytics. Resort managers can generate insightful
reports, track booking trends, and make data-driven
decisions to optimize resource allocation.

5. Scalability:
The modular design of our system ensures scalability,
allowing resorts to adapt and expand their room
booking capabilities as their business grows.

Our project follows a systematic development process,
encompassing requirement analysis, system design,
implementation using Python and MySQL, and rigorous
testing to ensure a robust and error-free application.

In conclusion, "Streamlining Hospitality" is not just a
project; it's a solution designed to empower resorts with
the tools needed to provide a seamless and delightful
booking experience. By integrating the power of Python,
MySQL, and Excel, we aim to elevate the efficiency and
effectiveness of resort room management in the digital
Python File for booking:
What this project does?
This file directly books the resort rooms online and
checks whether all the rooms are booked or not.
 If room are left out of total(15)
 then it continues with the function book() to
start booking:
o It asks for inputs for record and booking
o Stores all the information in MySQL Database
o It collects all the data from MySQL database
o Stores it in a [registrations.csv] excel file using
csv function in python

 Else it shows “all rooms are booked

If rooms are available

If booking exceeds No. of rooms left:

Registration.csv [Excel File]

This Excel file stores all the records i.e bookings made by
people using python file using CSV function
i.e. to_csv() function
Python file for checking all the bookings [only for the

This Python File is only for the owner of the business

which shows all the bookings made to the owner or
What this file does?

Asks for query – To be written same as queries

are written in SQL.
E.g 1-

Enter the query and it shows result same as

MySQL does
- Asks for another query
- If ‘y’:

- If ‘n’:

It asks for MySQL query as a input function because it
stores the records in MySQL database and extract the
same from mySQL database using its queries

MySQL file:
How we integrated MySQL and Python:

We used a library called ‘mysql.connector’ which

connects python with MySQL which was much needed
in this project.
- And its functions like-

Which was used in to send and receive

data from MySQL database.

Library (mysql.connector)
MySQL Database

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