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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 423) Unit 3 Unit

Unit 3: Extension Method

Comprises the techniques of communication between
extension workers and target groups

Aim is motivating targets find ways of solving their problems

3.1. Types of Extension Methods

✓ Individual extension methods

✓ Group extension methods

✓ Mass extension methods

3.1.1. Individual Methods of Extension

❖ Individual or face-to-face methods

❖ Most universally used methods

❖ The extension agent meets farmers at home or on farm

❖ The atmosphere is usually informal and relaxed

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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 423) Unit 3 Unit

Types of Individual Extension Methods

❖ Farm visits
- Often constitute over 50% of DAs activities
- Build up the agent's knowledge of the area
- Assist stimulating farmers involvement in extension

❖ Office calls
- Farmer will visit DAs office
- Might reflect farmers interest in Extension/Agent
- Is less time consuming for the extension worker

❖ Letters
- Can be used for as a follow-up inquiry after farm visit
- DAs should try to put himself in the farmer's shoes

❖ Telephone calls
- Similar purpose with office visits
- Saves DAs Time
- Not used for long discussion

❖ Informal contacts
- Might include market days, holiday celebrations or religious
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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 423) Unit 3 Unit

o Advantages of individual extension

- Immediate feedback

- Freedom of speaking is high

- Solving problems of investment decision

- Building trust and confidence between the two parties

o Disadvantages of individual extension

- Costs are very high in terms of travel resource, etc.

- Small proportion of a target group could be reached

- It is seldom a solution for promotion of collective interests

3.1.2. Group Extension Methods

Types of group extension methods

❖ Group meetings
- Calling the local community members together
- Demonstrations - "Seeing is believing"
- Particularly powerful to use with farmers who do not read
- It gives farmers the opportunity to observe differences
between a recommended and traditional practices

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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 423) Unit 3 Unit

- Two principal types of demonstration used by extension agents

a) Method demonstration
- Show farmers how to do or operate something

b) Result demonstration
- Showing farmers that a particular new recommendation is
practicable under local conditions – sometimes for mass
Advantages of group methods
- A large number of farmers can be reached
- Extension costs per head of the target group are reduced
- Permits more participation by the target groups
- Techniques of group dynamics – encourages action

3.1.3. Mass Extension Methods

Involves the use of mass communication system for large size of target

Classification of mass extension methods

❖ Audio media
- It is a sound media
- E.g. radio, cassette recorder, etc.

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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 423) Unit 3 Unit

❖ Audiovisual
- Combine audio and vision
- E.g. TV, Video, VCD, Mobile film

❖ Print media
- Combine words, pictures, and diagrams
- Applicable only where literacy level is high

The use of mass extension methods in agricultural extension

1. Awareness creation
2. Giving timely information about urgent issues
3. Multiply the effect and impact of extension program
4. Answer questions raised by farmers
5. Reinforcing information given by other extension methods

Advantage of mass extension methods

- They reinforce individual and group contact methods

- They reach large and varied audiences

- They save time and expense in reaching large numbers

Limitation of mass extension methods

- Less effective to bring about changes in practices

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Introduction to Agricultural Extension (RDAE 423) Unit 3 Unit

3.2. Criteria and Principles of Selecting

Extension Method

3.2.1. Criteria of Selecting Extension Method

- The appropriateness of the content or technology (Reading)

- The extension organization's goals (Awareness)

- The context of the extension work (electric power)

- The type and volume of information to be delivered


- The capacity of the extension service (Finance)

- The problems to be solved (Practical vs Theoretical)

3.2.2. Principles of Selecting Extension Method

- No single extension method is better than another

- Use a number of teaching methods if possible

- Methods will overlap (Result Demo for Mass)

- Use visual aids and written materials when possible

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