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Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Subject: Automation and Artificial Intelligence Semester: VI
Class: T.E.(Mechanical) Academic Year: 2023-2024


1.1 Introduction to Automation

1) Define Automation.
2) Explain fundamentals of automation.
3) Write a short note on elements of automated system.
4) State the various automation principles and strategies. Explain any one of them.
5) Write a short note on ‘USA Principle’ of automation.
6) Write a short note on ‘Ten Strategies for Automation and Production Systems’.
7) Write a short note on ‘Automation Migration Strategy’.
8) Explain the various levels of automation.
9) Explain the various types of automation.
10) List the various advanced automation functions. Explain the same.

1.2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

1) Define artificial intelligence.

2) Explain the historical development of artificial intelligence.
3) What are Intelligent Systems? Explain the types of Intelligent Agents in short.
4) What are the various components of AI? Explain each of them in short.
5) What are the foundations of AI?
6) Explain the scope of AI with suitable examples.
7) Explain the current trends in AI with suitable examples.
8) Explain the relevance of AI to mechanical engineering with suitable examples.


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