English Slavery

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Slavery in the US

The term "slavery" describes a system in which people were From the time of its founding in 1776 until 1865, the legal
institution of human slavery, which included the enslavement of
considered like property and were subjected to racial oppression,
forced labour, and other forms of exploitation. Slavery in the US mostly Africans and African Americans, was common in the
primarily targeted Africans and their descendants, who were United States of America, mainly in the southern regions.
Throughout the period of European colonisation in the Americas,
forcefully brought to the American colonies and then the United
States and sold into slavery. slavery was established. Up to its abolition, slavery persisted in
roughly half of the US states. Many of the economic and social
Slavery greatly impacted the development of American society, the functions of slavery were carried out through segregation,
economy, and culture. The Southern states' economic growth, sharecropping, and convict leasing in the decades after the end
particularly in agriculture like cotton, tobacco, and rice plantations, of Revolution.
depended on the availability of a cheap labour force. The nation's
The past fights against racism and slavery served as an
founding ideals of freedom and equality were essentially opposed by
inspiration for the 1960s movement. Despite the abolishment of
slavery, which also maintained racial inequalities.
slavery, African Americans still had to deal with institutionalised
racism, segregation, and discrimination that had their roots in
slavery. The goal of the movement was to rectify these wrongs
and win equal rights for African Americans. Slavery's history has
left behind economic, social, and political injustices that need to
be addressed, according to some important leaders such as
Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and many others.

When analysing the 1960s civil rights battles, it is hard to ignore

slavery's significant influence on American history. The ongoing
impacts of slavery strengthened activists to resolve and fight
racism and injustice. The significance of African Americans'
struggle for justice, equality, and human rights during the
American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s may be better
understood by understanding the past history of slavery.

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