2016 G-10 Bio

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Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 1

General contents

Unit one :- Sub-Fields of Biology

Unit 2:- Plants
Unit 3:- Biochemical Molecules
Unit 4:- Cell Division
Unit 5:- Human Biology
Unit 6:- Ecological Interactions

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 2

Sub-fields of Biology
Objectives:- at the end of this section, students will be able to:
 List the sub-fields of biology
 Define the sub-fields of biology

 The scope of biology is so broad that it contains many branches

and sub-disciplines.
 Based on the type of organism it studies, biology is subdivided
into three

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 3

Sub-fields of Biology
 There is a huge array of sub-disciplines or fields of biology.
 Many have been around for hundreds of years whilst others
are far newer and are often developing very rapidly.

 Animal biology, also known as zoology, is the study of
 This include many fields or areas of study

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 4

Sub-fields of Biology
Some sub fields of zoology include
1. Herpetology:- study of reptiles

2. Ichthyology:- study of fish

3. Mammalogy Study of mammals

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Sub-fields of Biology
4. Ornithology:- Study of birds

5. Entomology study of insects.

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Sub-fields of Biology
 Zoology is concerned with all aspects of animal life such as:-
 Embryonic development to mature adulthood

 Behavior :-

 interactions with other animals or food finding

 Genetics.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 7
Sub-fields of Biology
 Botany is a field of biology that studies about
 It deals with plants’ structure, properties, and
biochemical processes.
 It also studies about classification and diseases of
plants and their interactions with the environment.
 The principles and findings of botany have
provided the base for such applied sciences as
agriculture, horticulture, and forestry.
 Green plants are now known to be essential to all
life on earth.

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Sub-fields of Biology
 Plants make their own food through the
process of photosynthesis
 The formation and release of oxygen as a
byproduct of photosynthesis is also important
in plant physiology

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Sub-fields of Biology
 Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms or
microbes that cannot be seen by unaided eye.
 It includes bacteria, archaea, protists, viruses, microscopic
algae and fungi.
 This branch of biology is further subdivided into sub-
disciplines, which are frequently defined by specific microbes.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 10

Sub-fields of Biology
1. Bacteriology:- the study of bacteria

2. Mycology is the study of fungi.

3. Virology:- the study of viruses

1. Define bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, microscopic protozoa and
2. Draw typical bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, microscopic
protozoa and archaea.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 11
Sub-fields of Biology
 Various branches of biology are related to the structure we are
1. Anatomy, is a branch of biology that studies the physical
structures and parts of organisms

2. Morphology is a branch of biology that studies the form and

structure (internal and external) of organisms and their specific
structural features.

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Sub-fields of Biology

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Sub-fields of Biology
 Many other branches of biology are concerned with the various
life processes

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Sub-fields of Biology
 Biology is related to other sciences that study life as an energy
state of all living things, their interrelationships, and links to their

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 15

Sub-fields of Biology
Pure and applied fields of biology
Objectives:- at the end of this section, students will be able to:
 Classify biological studies into pure and applied
 Define each sub-field of biology

 Pure biology is the study of how life functions in nature

 Applied biology refers to using biological knowledge for the
betterment of human welfare
 These include gardening, nursery work, agriculture, plant disease,
forestry, poultry, etc.
 Applied biology is the use of your knowledge of biology to
manage life.
 The relationship is similar to anatomy and surgery.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 16

Sub-fields of Biology
Categorize the following areas of studies of biology as applied
science and pure science

Agriculture Morphology Taxonomy

Horticulture Cytology Histology
Embryology Biotechnology Poultry
Agroforestry Apiculture Physiology
Entomology Sericulture Bacteriology
Molecular Biology Evolution Pisciculture
Animal Husbandry Pathology Forestry
Pharmacognosy Paleontology

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 17

Sub-fields of Biology
 In some branches of science, biology has become very important
in this millennium.
 Some of the biological importance of the branches of biology in
other branches of sciences.
1. Biotechnology: is the use of living organisms or their products
for the welfare of humanity.
 It involves the technical manipulation of a living organism’s
genetic makeup (Genetic Engineering).
 A genetically modified and improved variety of crops and
animals have been produced by biotechnology.

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Sub-fields of Biology
2. Bioinformatics: is concerned with the acquisition, storage,
analysis, and dissemination of biological data, most often DNA and
amino acid sequences.
 Bioinformatics uses computer programs for a variety of
applications including
determining gene and protein functions
establishing evolutionary relationships
predicting the three-dimensional shapes of proteins
3. Genetic Engineering: is a means of extracting selected genes
from an organism or synthesizing selected genes and these
genes are inserted into another organism
 As a result, an organism develops with a new combination of
genes, and this process is called genetic engineering.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 19
Sub-fields of Biology
4. Biomedical Engineering: is the application of the principles and
problem-solving techniques of engineering to biology and
 Biomedical engineering focuses on the advances that improve
human health and health care at all levels
5. Environment Management: deals with environmental
observation and finding out the solution to maintain the balance of
6. Forensic Science: is the application of the knowledge of
biological science (DNA finger prints (unique patterns in DNA
molecule), blood typing) to criminal and civil laws.

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Major discoveries that revolutionized biology
Objectives:- At the end of this section, students will be able to
 Discuss at least five major discoveries that revolutionized
 Biology is a fascinating and diverse subject area. Some of the
famous discoveries in biology are:-
1. Aristotle (384–322 BC)
 Aristotle was the 1st person to classify living things.
 Aristotle’s classification system was known as the ‘Ladder
of Life’ until the nineteenth century.
 For the first time, he established species relationships and
grouped them correctly.

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Major discoveries that revolutionized biology
2. Galen (129–161 AD) (medical science)
 Galen had a significant impact on the
advancement Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology,
and Neurology.
 Distinguished veins and arteries
 Recognized that larynx produces voice.
3. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723)
 Contributed to microscopic studies
 He invented a method for making strong lenses
that, could magnify up to 500 times.
 Employed microscopes to learn more on bacteria
and the vacuole of the cell.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 22

Major discoveries that revolutionized biology
4. Carl Linnaeus (1707–1775) (botanist, physician, and
 Devised the method for naming, ordering, and
classifying living things
 Categorized things in to animals, plants, and
 organized living things into classes, orders, genera,
and species.
5. Charles Darwin (1809–1882) (Evolutionary Biology,
 Established the theory of evolution by natural
 His theory of evolution was published in On the
Origin of Species in 1859
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 23
Major discoveries that revolutionized biology
6. Gregor Mendel (1822–1884)
 Used peas to discover and demonstrate the laws of
genetic inheritance
 Coinind the terms ‘dominant’ and ‘recessive’ genes
in the process. The laws provided the mechanism for
Darwin’s theory of natural selection to occur.
7. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) (Medical microbiology)
 Demonstrated that bacteria cause fermentation and
 Introduced pasteurization, rescued France’s beer,
wine, and silk industries, and developed anthrax and
rabies vaccines.

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Major discoveries that revolutionized biology
9. Robert Koch (1843-1910) physician
 Pioneered microbiology.
 Pinpointed the precise causal agents of
tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax
 Provided experimental support for the concept of
infectious disease.
10. Jane Goodall (1934) (Wild life scientist)
 Studied chimpanzees
 She’s a global leader in animal rights

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Major discoveries that revolutionized biology
11. Watson (1928–) and Crick (1916–2004) (Genetics)
 James Watson and Francis Crick discovered
structure of DNA in 1953
 Proposed double helix structures of DNA
 The discovery of DNA structure has led to a
much more developed understanding of function
– used in disease diagnosis and treatment,
forensics, and more.
12. Wilmut (1944) and Campbell (1954–2012) Genetic
 Cloned sheep “Dolly” in 1996 using nuclear
 Dolly died after six years
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 26
The contributions of biological discoveries to society and
the environment
Objectives:- at the end of this section, student will be able to:

 Appreciate the contribution of biological discoveries to society/


 The invention of devices such as microscopes and curative

medications such as penicillin has transformed human life.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 27

The contributions of biological discoveries to society and the
The Microscope
 The discovery of microscope has had an enormous
influence on the development of science
1. Medical field
The use of microscopes in medicine began in the
1860s when Louis Pasteur reported that the
microscopic organisms caused certain diseases.
2. Ecosystem study
The microscope is used to study the health of an
Field biologists utilize microscopes to observe a
specific habitat which help to identify its
microscopic composition

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 28

The contributions of biological discoveries to society and the
3. Forensic Science

 The microscope has greatly affected the field of forensic science.

 The microscope is used to examine pieces of evidence collected at a

crime scene that may have information not visible to the human eye

4. Atomic Study

 The invention of the powerful atomic force (electron) microscope

has enabled scientists to study cells at an atomic level.

 This enables scientists to examine viruses and to treat them

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 29

The contributions of biological discoveries to society and the
6. Genetic Study
 The microscope has had a significant impact on genetics research
including the evaluation of genetic abnormalities, regeneration,
and tissue death.

 The science of genetics is used to examine infected tissue.

 Histologists will be able to explore future therapies and
preventive drugs as a result of this research
7. Tissue Analysis
 It is common for histologists to study cells and tissues using a
 This will help to determine cancerous tissue .
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 30
The contributions of biological discoveries to society and the
2. Discoveries in Medicine

 Science has never moved at such a rapid rate as it is happening


 Our scientific understanding has upgraded with time.

 Medical science was also developed with time


Write one aspect in development of biological science that has resulted

in the advancement of human welfare and explain its contribution to
the society and the environment
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 31
Give the benefits of the following discoveries (discovery and the main
contributors being mentioned)

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 32

The contributions of biological discoveries to society and the
3. Inheritance (Application of Genetics)
 Before 1900, the history of genetics was related to cytology.
 This owes to “Robert Hooke”, who elaborated various smaller things
in a thinly sliced cork section from a mature tree.
 In 1831, Brown discovered a consistent structure present in a regular
way, called “nucleus”.
 Then Schleiden and Schwann presented “cell theory” (1836-1840) to
depict various structures present in the cell and their nature
 It was a great contribution to understanding cell structure.

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The contributions of biological discoveries to society and the
 In 1884-1885, four scientists (Hertwig, Kolliker, Weismann (
zoologists), and Strasburger (botanist) derived that heredity matter
existed in the nucleus

 Mendel also did his experiments on genetic materials

 Genetics is providing numerous services to humanity in almost

every field of life.


Write about the application of genetic discoveries in:

1. Agriculture 2. Medicine

3. Biological diversity
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 4. Immunity 34
Ethiopian biologists and their contributions
Objectives:- at the end of this section, students will be able to:

 Appreciate major discoveries contributed by Ethiopian Scientists

 Discuss the importance of discoveries contributed by Ethiopian

scientists to human being.

1. Professor Yalemtsehay Mekonnen (Addis Ababa University)

 worked in the department for the last 30 years.

 She received her Ph.D. specializing in human physiology, from the

University of Heidelberg in Germany.

 One of her research areas is the assessment of the impact of chemical

pesticide hazards on humans.
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Ethiopian biologists and their contributions
 This research covers all farms in upper Awash
horticultural farms in the Rift Valley region.

 The other area of her research is in the use of

plants as medicine against human and animal

 She has published over 100 scientific papers

 She has done notable research on medicinal plants

especially on Moringa stenopetala
(shiferaw/Alekko Shekatta).

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Ethiopian biologists and their contributions
2. Dr. Aklilu Lemma
 Schistosomiasis is a common parasitic disease affecting 200–300
million people world wide.
 caused by parasitic flatworms which spend part of their lifecycle in
freshwater snails and part in humans.
 anyone washing, working, or playing in shallow freshwater is at
 once inside a person, the parasites mature and produce eggs which
are passed out in the urine and feces.
 they also infest the blood vessels, liver, kidneys, bladder, and other
 the body sets up an immune reaction and an infected person can
become weakened and ill for many years.
 some of the most important work in finding a way of controlling
this parasite, which is effective but does not cost too much, was
carried out by Dr. Aklilu Lemma

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Ethiopian biologists and their contributions
 Dr. Aklilu began his work in 1964 when he was investigating the freshwater snails that carry the
Schistosomiasis parasite around Adwa in northern Ethiopia.

 He saw women washing clothes in the water and he noticed that downstream of the washing
party there were more dead snails than anywhere else he had collected.

 The women were using the soapberry, ‘Endod’ in Amharic (Phytolacca dodecanedra), to make
washing suds.

 Dr. Aklilu collected some live

• snails from above the washing party and asked one of the women to give him some of her Endod
suds. Not long after the suds were put in the snail container, all the snails died.

• This was the start of years of work for Dr. Aklilu. Back in the laboratory, he showed that if the
Endod berries were dried, crushed, and diluted in water they would kill snails at very low

• Other scientists carried out similar investigations and got the same

• results. If the freshwater snails can be controlled, the spread of

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Unit 2:


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 39

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students
will be able to:
- explain about the general characteristics of plants.
- differentiate between flowering and non-flowering
- draw and label the internal and external structure of
- draw and label the floral parts.
- list different types of agents of pollination.
- draw and label the reproductive cycles of flowering and
non- flowering plants using typical examples.
- infer seed dispersal mechanisms by looking at the nature
of seeds.
- appreciate the works of Ethiopian Botanists
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 40
Characteristics of plants
Specific objectives :
At the end of this section, the student will be able to:
•list the characteristics of plants
•distinguish unique features of plants

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Characteristics of plants
Major characteristics of plants :
 are living things able grow, reproduce and respond to
changes in the environment.
 are multicellular : made up of many eukaryotic cells that have
- well-defined nuclei.
- membrane-bound organelles.
- rigid cell wall made of cellulose.
 are autotrophic (self–feeding) or Producers.
- chlorophyll which enables them to absorb sunlight.
- to make organic food from simple inorganic nutrients; N, P,
CO2, etc.
CO2 + H2 O + sunlightBio! forsugars
Monday, January 22, 2024 G-10
+ O2 42
Characteristics of plants
 a few carnivorous Plants: eat insects and other animals.

- usually grow in nitrogen poor soil and use nitrogen in

proteins of animals they catch.

 plants use aerobic respiration

- sugars + O2 CO2 + H2 O + energy

can’t do anaerobic respiration like bacteria.

 most plants store excess foods as starch (a complex

carbohydrate). but some store oils instead or in addition to

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 43

Characteristics of plants
 plants produce several distinctive or unusual chemicals:

 cellulose & lignin are the primary chemicals used by

plants for support and protection.

• Cellulose:

- the most abundant natural polymer in the world.

- found in the cell walls of all plants.

- comprises ~70% of land biomass

Monday, January 22, 2024 44

Bio for G-10
Characteristics of plants
• Lignin: also one of the 4 most common natural polymer

- found in cell walls, in the wood of perennial plants as well as

in many seeds.

- comprises ~25% of land biomass.

- very difficult to degrade, mainly only by certain species of


 plants also produce a variety of chemicals such as alkaloids,

tannins, volatile oils, resins that are used for defense,
communication, coordination of plant activities, waste disposal.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 45

Characteristics of plants
 Most plants have true tissues and true organs

• tissues = groups of specialized cells performing common


• organs = groups of tissues working together to perform a

common function

Plants have simple responses to environmental stimuli.

a. Plants do show some simple movements:

• sunflowers and others turn leaves or flowers to track sun

during day .
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 46
Characteristics of plants
• sensitive plants close their leaves when touched

• vines and tendrils wrap around supports

• insectivorous plants close leaves to trap insects

b. plants also can make slower, more permanent, changes in

orientations =tropisms

eg. - phototropism (light)

- Geotropism (gravity)

- Thigmotropism (touch)

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 47

Characteristics of plants
 plants have two different kinds of growth related to the length
of their life cycle:

a. primary growth (herbaceous): all plants begin with primary

growth herbaceous plants have only primary growth.

 Annuals: live 1 year only

eg. Beans, grasses, and many wild flowers.

 Biennials: require two growing seasons to complete their life

cycle. eg carrots, cabbage, beets, etc

 perennials (=plants that grow for more than 2 years) produce

secondary growth in the stem
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio forand
G-10 roots eg. all trees & shrubs
Characteristics of plants
b. secondary growth (woody)wood and bark replace the softer
herbaceous tissues of the stem and main roots.

 Many plants show a distinctive alternation of generations

between sexual and asexual stages.

• the stage that reproduces asexually is called the sporophyte

and it produces asexual spores

• the stage that reproduces sexually is called the

gametophyte (gametes are the sex cells; egg & sperm)

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 49

Characteristics of plants
 Are sessile(cannot move by themselves.) remain fixed at one

- firmly anchored to the soil by their root.

` - the leaves of plants can turn towards light and some respond
to touch.

- the roots of plants can also orient towards water or moist


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 50

Flowering and non – flowering plants
Specific Objective :
At the end of this section, the student will be able to:
•differentiate between flowering and non – flowering plants,
•use plant reproductive structure for classifying plants and
•realize floral structure as a strong marker for classification

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 51

Flowering and non– flowering plants
 Plants : have flower, root , stem, leaves and
transporting vessels ( vascular bundles).

• Lower plants :

- mosses and liverworts which are non – vascular.

- are small with limited height and restricted to

moist and shaded areas.

- are seedless and do not have flowers and fruits.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 52

Flowering and non– flowering plants
 Gymnosperms:
- have well-developed root stem and leaves but have no
- have a reproductive organ called cone, instead of flowers.
- the seeds produced in their cone are without cover
(naked seeds).
 Angiosperms:
- are vascular plant with well-developed root, stem and
- have flowers and produce seeds within a fruit.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 53
Flowering and non– flowering plants

Figure 2.1 Major groups of plants

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Structure and function of plant parts
• Objectives:
• At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

- Draw the external and internal structure of angiosperms.

- label the external and internal structure of angiosperms and

- relate the structure of plants with the function they perform

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 55

The shoot system include the steam, flowers and leaves.
The root system simply consist of roots and In some plants it
act as food storage organ.
Flowering plant
 There are four main organs of a flowering plant. These are:

– The flowers

– The leaves

– The stem

– The roots
The External Structures of Leaf
 The leaves
 are site for :
 gas exchange.

 Transpiration

 Photosynthesis

A. Leaf apex
B. Margin (leaf boarder)
C. Petiole (leaf stalk)
D. Vein (midrib)
E. Lamina (leaf blade)
F. Small veins
The External Structures of Leaf
 Margin (leaf boarder)& apex( the tip of leaf) : used for
The External Structures of Leaf
 Lamina (leaf blade): broad flat part that is attached to the
stem by “ petiole” (leaf stack).

- provides large surface area, which enables leaf to collect


- Its thinness creates short distance for gas exchange

through the stomata (tiny pores).

 Mid rib : continuation of the petiole which runs into the blade
to apex.

- is harder and contains the vein of the leaf as well as

supportive tissues with Bio
Monday, January 22, 2024
hardfor G-10
cell wall. 60
Vascular Plants: Leaves
 Leaves have different shapes, some have Linear shape
(bamboo) Ovate shape (coffee). Some have Elliptic
 Leaves also have different arrangements like opposite,
alternate and whorled.
 Root: there are basically two types of roots namely tap-roots
and fibrous roots.

 Tap-root:

- consists of one large, primary vertical root.

- has very few lateral roots that develop and grow from this
main root.

- provide stability (anchorage) and absorb water located deep

in the ground.

- is a feature of dicot plants.

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 Fibrous root:
- formed by thin, moderately branching roots growing from
- are more or less similar size and length.
- is very efficient for absorbing water and minerals close to soil
 In grasses they develop as consists of fine hair – like root that
Spread out from the base of the stem.
- creates a thick network of roots that are good at holding soil
together and protect soil from erosion.
- are features of monocot plants .
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 63
 Tuberous: an enlarged, fleshy, underground root.

 Adventitious: a root which appears where roots

don’t normally develop, such as from a leaf or
stem. Often used by plants to provide support.

 Aerial: a root above ground. Used for support and


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The Internal Structures of Leaf
 Epidermis: external protective layer of the leaf.
 waxy cuticle : prevent loss of water and dehydration.
 Stomata : small openings mostly on the lower
- used for gas exchange and transpiration of water.
- open during the day time and close at night.
- opening and closure of stomata is controlled by the
guard cells.
 Guard cells : pairs of cells.
- surround and control the size of a stoma.
- contain chloroplasts.
The Internal Structures of Leaf
 Mesophyll Layer
 Palisade mesophyll layer:
- second layer of the leaf.
- cells are closely packed together.
- rich in chloroplast
- is the main site of photosynthesis.
 Spongy mesophyll layer:
- is the main gas exchange tissue of a leaf.
- has fewer cells with fewer chloroplast so some
photosynthesis takes place here.
- contains lots of air spaces or sacs and large surface
area for gas exchange.
- carbon dioxide needed for dark reaction enters to the
The Internal Structures of Leaf
• Stems of plants serve as important storage and support
functions in addition to the primary purpose of transporting
water, nutrients, and photosynthesis.

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Parts of the Stem
Node – place on the stem where leaves originate.

Internode – the part of a stem between two nodes.

Terminal Bud – the vegetative growth bud at the tip of a stem.

Axillary Bud – the bud at the node.

Leaf Scar – the mark or impression left on the stem by a petiole

after the leaf drops.

Lenticel – opening made up of loosely arranged cells allowing


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The internal structure of a stem
 Typical dicot stem of a flowering plant includes :the following

 Epidermis: - the outermost layer of the stem.

- are greatly thickened with cuticles(minimizes the rate of


- protect the underlying tissues from mechanical injury and the

entry of harmful organisms.

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The internal structure of a stem
 Hypodermis:- lies below the epidermis.

- mainly composed of collencyma cells that are specially

thickened at the corners due to the deposition of thick

- enables the layer to give mechanical strength to the stem.

 Cortex : - consists of few layers of thin-walled, large, round,

or oval cells, having intercellular space and serving for
storage of food.

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The internal structure of a stem
 Endodermis:-

- is the innermost layer of the cortex.

- separates the cortex from the vascular bundles.

- cells are compactly arranged and usually contain

starch grains.

- serves as a food reserve and may be termed as a

starch sheath.

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The internal structure of a stem
 Vascular bundles:

 Xylem : a dead tissue that brings water from the soil to the
surface of leaf.

 Phloem : the living tissue which carries the products of

photosynthesis away from the leaves.
The internal structure of a stem
 Pith :

- occupies the central portion of the stem.

- composed of thin walled cells (rounded or polygonal )

- with or without intercellular space.

- stores food and helps in the internal translocation of water.

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Review questions
1. Which of the following is not an external feature of a leaf?
A petiole B midrib
C chloroplast D cuticle
2. Which of the following is the tissue where most
photosynthesis takes place?
A spongy mesophyll B palisade mesophyll
C epidermis D stomata
3. Gases move in and out of a plant through:
A the cuticle B the stomata
C the epidermis D the roots
Complete the following table of comparison to show the
differences between the internal structure of the dicot and
monocot stem
Dicot stem Monocot stem
Contains distinct regions known
as cortex , vascular bundles and
( stele)
Has few number ( 4 to 8) of set of
vascular bundles

Vascular bundles are arranged

regularly in the form of one or two
Pith is present and well developed
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 76
The internal structure of a root
 Peliferous layer:

- the outermost layer made up of single-layer cells.

-cuticle is absent. .

- consists the single-celled root hairs.

 Cortex :

- is a multi-layered large zone

- made of thin-walled oval or rounded loosely arranged

cells with intercellular spaces.

- stores food and water.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 77
The internal structure of a root
 Endodermis :

- the innermost layer of the cortex,

- made of barrel- shaped closely packed cells.

- layer helps the movement of water and

dissolved nutrients from the cortex into

the xylem.

 Pericycle :

- a single layer inner to endodermis.

- is the site of origin of lateral roots.

Bio for G-10 78
The internal structure of a root
 Vascular bundles:

- consist of xylem and phloem with meristematic cambium

(or actively dividing cells between them).

 Pith : - present in young roots while absent in old roots

• Figure 2.6 Internal structure of a typical dicot root

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 79
Class work
I. Multiple choice items: Choose the correct answer from A – D and write on
your exercise book.
1. Which structure transports water to the leaf of a plant?
A) Guard cell B) Phloem C) Stomata D) Xylem
2. Clinostat is used in the study of
A) Osmosis B) Growth movements C) Leaf transpiration D)
3. Which leaf part or layer contains the largest number of chloroplasts?
A) Epidermis B) Palisade C) Cortex D) Spongy
4. One of the following is not major characteristics of plants
A) Plants are composed of many eukaryotic cells
B) Plants are sessile or do not show mobility
C) Plants are hetrotrophic in their feeding habit
D) Plants show both sexual and asexual reproduction

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 80

Column A Column B

1. May be termed as starch sheath A) Cone

2. Cells that leave an open space in leaf epidermis B) Endodermis

3. Give mechanical strength to the stem C) Flower

4. Single cells best suited for absorption D) Guard cells

5. Is the site of origin of lateral roots E)Hypodermis

6. Reproductive structure of angiosperms F) Pericycle

G) Root hair


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 81

Reproduction in Plant
At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

- Draw and label floral parts,

- outline the reproductive cycle /pattern of non – flowering and

flowering plants ,

- list different types of pollinating agents and appreciate the

diversity in floral color to attract pollinators

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 82

Reproductive structure and life cycle of
flowering plants
 Flower:

- reproductive organ of angiosperms( plants with seeds covered

by fruit).

- has four floral parts, namely:

- Sepals,

- Petals,

- Stamen, and

- Pistil.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 83
Basic Flower Parts
 Sepals(calyx):- usually green leaf-like structure protecting
the lower part of female and male parts.

 Calyx :- is the term applied to all of a flower’s sepals together.

 Petal(corolla):-often colorful or fragrant structure which attracts

insects and other pollinators to the flower.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 84

Basic Flower Parts
 Stamen(Androecium):- is the male part, consisting of the
filament and bilobed anther.

 Anther : bears pollen grains and the male gametes, or sperm.

 Filament : supports the anther.

 Pistil :- the plant’s female organ, made of three parts:

 Ovary: bears the female gametes, the ovules.

 Style: connects the ovary and stigma, acts as a conduit for


 Stigma: receives pollen grains during fertilization.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 85
Basic Flower Parts

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 86

Associated Flower Parts
Receptacle Serves to seat or join the four basic parts.

Peduncle The stalk to an inflorescence or solitary


Pedicel The stalk to an individual flower within an


Bract A reduced or modified leaf near a flower or


Involucre A whorl of united bracts or leaves associated

with a flower.

Spur An elongated structure containing nectar.

Types of Flowers
 Complete: flowers which possess all four basic flower parts.

 Incomplete: missing one or more of the four basic flower parts.

 Perfect: flowers which have both male and female organs.

 Imperfect: flowers does not have either stamen or pistil.

- Pistilated (has pisitil and no stamen)

- Staminated (has stamen but no pistil) flower.

Types of Flower
 Monoecious – plants on which both male and female flowers
are born.

 Dioecious – plants which carry only one of either male or

female flowers.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 89

The unique arrangements of flowers in relation to one another
on a plant.
Terminal: an inflorescence which occurs only at the tip of the
Axillary: inflorescence which occur at the node or axil of a
Solitary: an inflorescence where the flower occurs singly.
Compound: inflorescences occur in clusters.
Types of Flower
 Monoecious – plants on which both male and female flowers
are born.

 Dioecious – plants which carry only one of either male or

female flowers.


 Refer to books or browse on the internet and prepare a table

of summary that shows the difference between insect-
pollinated flowers and wind pollinated flowers.

 Show your table of summary to your teacher for comment

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 92

-transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a stamen to

the stigma of the pistil.

 Self pollination : transfer can be between stamen and

pistil on one flower or between flowers on one plant

 Cross pollination : between two flowers on different

plants (cross-pollination).

 Pollination requires pollinating agents such as insects or

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 93
 Wind pollinated flowers have small flowers and large amounts
of pollen.

 Animal pollinated flowers have larger flowers and less pollen.

 many flowering plants pollinated by animal pollinators

– pollination occurs as animal feeds from flower to flower

– animal pollination more efficient than wind pollination

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 94

• Pollination occurs when a pollen grain lands on a stigma.

Pollen tube formation

pollen tube



-Pollen grains landing on the stigma will form pollen tubes that

grow down in the style and

-other cell forms two sperm that travel down tube

• Fertilization takes place within the flower

• Male gametophytes, or pollen grains, are produced in the


- Male spores anthers by meiosis.

- each spore are haploid cells,

two cells from a single

pollen grain
pollen grain.

 Fertilization

- union of the male gamete and the female gamete, occurring in the
ovule within the ovary.

- zygote that develops into a seed embryo.

• One female gametophyte can form in each ovule of a flowers ovary.

-- four female spores produced in ovule by meiosis.

– one spore develops into female gametophyte
– female gametophyte contains seven cells
– one cell has two nuclei, or polar nuclei
– one cell will develop into an egg

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 97

• Flowering plants go through the process of
double fertilization.



polar nuclei

• Flowering plants go through the process of double fertilization.

– one sperm fertilizes the egg

seed coat

– other sperm unites with polar

nuclei, forming endosperm

– endosperm provides food

supply for embryo
Seed and fruit formation
- Following fertilization and formation of seed embryo, the
ovule matures into seed while the ovary matures into a fruit.

• Seed dispersal

- This is a mechanism of scattering seeds around or away from

the parent plant. Seed dispersal like pollination requires
agents such as animals or wind.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 100

Seed dispersal
Animals, wind, and water can spread seeds.
• Seeds dispersed by animals can have nutritious fruits or fruits
that cling (stick).
• Seeds dispersed by wind can have wing or parachute-
like fruits.
• Seeds dispersed by water can have fruits that float.
Seed dormancy/ seed germination
 The fate of a seed landing at a certain place will be either
dormancy( inactive) or germination.

• Seeds begin to grow when environmental conditions are


• Seed dormancy is a state in which the embryo has stopped


– Dormancy may end when conditions are favorable.

– While dormant, embryo can withstand extreme conditions

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 102

Seed dormancy/ seed germination
 Germination : is the development of seedling from embryo.

(or the breaking of dormancy).

 Factors of Germination

 Water (Moisture) : dissolves the stored starch into usable

form or glucose. The sugar is used by embryo

 Temperature : is necessary for germination it enables

enzymes to work

 Oxygen : used for respiration

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 103

• Objectives :

At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

• describe the structure of seed and embryo and

• list down the difference between dicot and monocot


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 104


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 105

Germination ofSeeds
 In most flowering plants growth starts when
seeds start to germinate.
 Structure of seed always contain certain things:
 Plumule : is an embryonic shoot which develops into the shoot system

 Radicle : is an embryonic root which develops into the root system

 Micropyle : is a tiny hole on the seed coat

 Hypocotyl : is a stem like area of an embryo plant between the stalks

of the cotyledons and the root
4 parts of the embryo
1) Cotyledon- seed leaves

2) Epicotyl – “stem”

3) Hypocotyl – “growing point”

4) Radicle – “root”
 Epicotyl : is the region above the cotyledon which
give rise to young leaves and Plumule
 Cotyledon: are seed leaves (one cotyledon in
monocots) and (two cotyledons in dicots)
 Endosperm : the food storage tissue that surrounds
the embryo inside a plant seed
- provides nourishment for the embryo.
 Testa (seed coat) : the protective outer covering of
a seed.
Table 2.1 Differences between dicot and monocot seeds

Dicot seed Monocot seed

Two cotyledons are present in the Only one cotyledon present

Cotyledons are fleshy and store Cotyledon is very thin and lacks
food materials food materials
Endosperm is absent Endosperm is large and well
Primary root produced from the Primary root formed from rad-
radicle bears many lateral roots. icle is replaced by adventitious
Monday, January 22, 2024
fibrous roots
Bio for G-10 111
Difference B/n Monocot & Dicot
Seed dispersal and germination
• Objectives

At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

• relate nature of seeds with the mechanism of


• explain the process of seed germination and

• conduct experiment that demonstrates the

germination of seed

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 113

Attempt the following activity with a friend sitting next to you.
• Carefully read the description on the nature of the seed or look
at the picture of seeds included in the next table and infer the
mechanism of dispersal.
• Finally, write the conclusion that you can arrive with regard to
the nature of seed and mechanism of dispersal
Nature of seed Mechanism of dispersal

Seeds that stick or cling to fur or


Seeds within fruits act as kites or


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 114

Germination of Seeds
Steps of Germination
1) Seed absorbs water

2) Seed coat breaks open

3) Radicle Emerges &

forms roots

4) Epicotyl breaks through


5) Cotyledon(s) open

6) Leaves form &

photosynthesis starts
Germination of Seeds
 Germination : is the development of seedling from embryo.

(or the breaking of dormancy).

 Factors of Germination

 Water (Moisture) : dissolves the stored starch into usable

form or glucose. The sugar is used by embryo

 Temperature : is necessary for germination it enables

enzymes to work

 Oxygen : used for respiration

Germination of Seeds
Types of Germination
 Hypogeal Germination

 Is a type of germination in which the cotyledons remain


 The Plumule pushes its way out of the soil while cotyledon
remains underground.

Example. Monocots such : maize, wheat, sorghum, millet, etc.

Germination of Seeds
Germination of Seeds
 Epigeal Germination

 the cotyledons are carried above the soil.

 germination continues, the hypocotyl straightens and

carries the cotyledons and the Plumule above the soil.

Example: Dicots such as castor oil seeds, groundnuts,

cotton, Bambara nuts, etc.

 also occurs in a few monocotyledonous seeds such as

onion and lilies.

At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

• identify inputs and outputs of photosynthesis,

• outline the process or mechanism by which food is

synthesized in green plants,

• recognize the importance of photosynthesis to life and

• appreciate leaves of green plants in their function as

food factories
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 121
 Plants need food to produce energy for respiration,
growth and reproduction.
 Many organisms, including all animals, eat food to get
the energy they are known as heterotrophs.
 Plants produce their own food in a process known as
 are known as autotrophs.

 Photosynthesis takes place in the green parts of plants,

especially the leaves, in the presence of light.
 Photosynthesis:

 a process by which green plants and other organisms

turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates
(glucose) and oxygen, using light, CO2 ,& H2O .

6CO2 + 6H2O sunlight

C6H12O6 + 6O2
chlorophyl l

 Occurs in chloroplasts

Chlorophyll – the green substance found in chloroplasts that

traps energy from the sun and gives plants their green color.
 Has two phases. These are:
i. light dependent reaction
ii. Light independent [dark reaction]

i. Light dependent reaction (Light Phase)

 the first reaction in photosynthesis.
 takes place in the grana (granam) of a chloroplast.
 splits water in to hydrogen and oxygen.

12H2O chlorophyl l 24 H +6O2 + ATP+ NADPH
 ATP and NADPH2 are produced at the end of light reaction which are used
for the 2nd phase of photosynthesis

ii. Light independent reaction[Dark reaction]

 takes place in the stroma of a chloroplast

 does not need light

 Carbon dioxide & hydrogen react each other to form glucose and water.

6CO2 + 24H+ C6H12O6 + 6H2O

 Glucose is the major product of photosynthesis.

 Other products made after photosynthesis include: starch, protein, fat and
What is needed for photosynthesis?
 Raw Materials of photosynthesis include:
o H2O: as the source of electrons
o Sunlight: the source of energy for chlorophyll
o Chlorophyll: absorbs sunlight
o Carbon dioxide: forms glucose
 The simplest way to demonstrate that photosynthesis has
actually take place is to look at the end products of the
process. We can use the presence of starch in the leaf of a
plant to show that it has been photosynthesizing.
leaf kill in boiling water
(30 seconds) forceps

remove color in
boiling ethanol


add iodine solution dip in the hot water

to soften
The need for light
 The light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll molecules
through activation of their electrons and used to split water
molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

 The hydrogen is used in the rest of the process and oxygen is

given off as a gas. It is a west product of light reactions.

 The hydrogen and ATP produces in the light rxns then used in
a series of reduction rxn that convert co2 into glucose. This
stage of the process does not need light to take place [ light
The need for carbon dioxide
 A source of carbon needed for the plants to synthesize
sugars is carbon dioxide from the air or in solution in water is
the only form that plants can use in photosynthesis.
 carbon dioxide is found more or less every where it is even
produced by the plant during cellular respiration.
 Demonstrating that plants need carbon dioxide for
photosynthesis is not easy but it can easily removed from the
air surrounding a leaf or a plant using potassium
hydroxide(KOH), which absorb carbon dioxide.
 A more valid approach is to change the level of carbon dioxide
in the air surrounding a plant in high intensity light and
measure the changes in the rate of photosynthesis.
 As the carbon dioxide level increases, the rate of
photosynthesis goes up. With plenty of raw materials the plant
is able to take full advantage of the light energy falling on it.
The need for water
 Carbon dioxide alone is not sufficient to produce
carbohydrates. Hydrogen is needed too, and water is the only
source of hydrogen that plants can make use of.

 Water is vital to all the function of the plants.

 The only way to show that water is needed for the process of
photosynthesis is to supply the plant with ‘heavy’ water
containing the 18O isotope of oxygen. These atoms are
radioactive, and the radiation they produce can be detected
as it is taken up and used by the plant. Substances like this
are known as *radioactive tracers.
The need for chlorophyll
 To demonstrate that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis consider the
leaves of a variegated plant.
 Variegated leaves have areas that contain chlorophyll and areas that do not.
 The chlorophyll free regions are usually yellow or creamy-white in color.

 destarched variegated plant then

 exposed to light for several hours and
 test one of the leaves for the presence of starch,
 the iodine solution changes color
Green area of leaf give positive result for starch.
yellow or creamy-white area of the leaf give negative result
for starch test.
 This shows that without chlorophyll photosynthesis did not take place.
The importance of photosynthesis
 Photosynthesis:

 is one of the most important reactions on earth.

 converted light energy into chemical energy

 Around 35 x 1015 kg of new biological material is produced

every year as result of photosynthesis.

 2/3 of the earth is covered by water and much of the

photosynthesis tack place in water bodies.
The importance of photosynthesis
 Photosynthesis:
 Phytoplankton, bacteria, weeds carry out photosynthesis
and produce over half of the biomass 36.8 x 1013 kg is the
total biomass produced by photosynthesis.

 provide oxygen for cellular respiration.

 Very important to balance concentration of O2 and CO2

 Increased level of CO2 in air causes global warming.

Transport in plant
At the end of this section, the student will be able to:
• identify routes of water, mineral, and organic matter
transport in plants,
• discuss the mechanism of transport in plants,
• tell the importance of transport in plants and
• demonstrate water transport in plants using simple

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 134

 The transport in plants rely heavily on osmosis, diffusion and
active transport.
 Trees:
o supported by their woody stem (trunks).
o have cells which are rigid and firm.
o firm cells are maintained by the movement of water into
the cells by osmosis to create turgor.
o Osmosis important :
- create turgor
- moving water around within the plant.
• Water moves into root cells across the cell
membrane along a concentration gradient.
• covered with special cells, which have tiny hair like
extension called the root hairs.
• root hairs increase the surface area for osmosis to
take place.
• the water moves on by osmosis until it reaches
the xylem and the transpiration stream.
• Turgor is the rigidity of living cells: the normal rigid
state of plant cells, caused by outward pressure of
the water content of each cell on its membrane.
Active transport
 Active transport : the movement of ions or molecules across a
cell membrane from the region of lower concentration to the
region of higher concentration by using energy(cellular

 mineral ions in the soil are more dilute than the solution within
plant cells.

 plants absorb mineral ions, for making proteins, and other

important chemicals from the soil,.
A double transport system
 There are two separate transport systems in plants.
These are:
A double transport system
 There are two separate transport systems in plants.
These are:

 Phloem:
- made up of living tissue
- transport photosynthetic
product from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
- contain a liquid rich in sugar.
o insect pests such as aphids attack plants by stick their feeding
parts into the phloem to suck up the – rich liquid.
A double transport system
o carries water and mineral ions from the soil
around the plant.
o Made from dead tissue.
o no active transport taking place
o Water movement is due to transpiration
and it is passive.
 In woody plants like tree the Xylem tissue
make up the bulk of the wood, and the
phloem is found in a ring just underneath the
Comparison b/n xylem & Phloem tissues
Description Xylem Phloem

Composition -Dead, hollow cells called vessels & -Living cells called sieve tubes &
tracheid's companion cells
Function - Transports water & mineral salts Transports products of photosynthesis
(sap) and organic molecules(no sap).
- Provide mechanical support to the Contain a liquid rich in sugar.
plant .
Direction of -Unidirectional Bidirectional i.e. movement of
transport i.e. from root to stem & leaves. substances occur downward, upward &
side ways.
Mechanism of -passive processes including Active processes, involving the use of
transport osmosis , capillary action & energy, the mechanisms are not fully
evaporation. understood.

Speed of Fast Slow

Location Lie on the inside Lie on the outside
Thickness Very thick thin
The need for transport in plant
 Food made by photosynthesis need to move around the plant
cell for cellular respiration and material growth.

 Plants cannot store sugars b/c they have an osmotic effect.

 Cell with a lot of sugar in it , lots of water moves into it by


 So sugars are converted into starch, which is osmotically


= means a cell contain lots of starch has no effect in the

movement of water by osmosis.
The need for transport in plant
 The main places where starch deposited are:
- storage organs of plants such as :
root, tubers, stems and leaves.
- fruits : (help to disperse seed by animal)
- seeds: ( the energy stored for developing embryo)
 Minerals are needed for the production of proteins and other
molecules within the cells.
 water is needed for two main reasons.
i. for photosynthesis
ii. to maintain the turgor pressure within the cells of young
plants and non-woody plants, it is the main support
The transpiration stream
 How water move from the root to the leaf of a plant ?
 The transport of water through a plant is the result of the *transpiration
 Plants lose water vapor from the surface of their leaves. This loss of
water vapor is called transpiration.

• Most transpiration takes place through the stomatal pores.

• stomata are there to allow air containing carbon dioxide into the leaf for

• Losing water through the stomata is a side effect of opening them to let
carbon dioxide in, but it is vital for transpiration.

 Transpiration stream is the constant moving of water molecules through

the xylem from the roots to the leaves.
The transpiration stream
 Guard cells contain chloroplasts so they can photosynthesize.

 When there is sunlight, the concentration of sugar in the

guard cells goes up as result of photosynthesis. Water then
moves into the guard cells by osmosis from the epidermal
cells around them.

 The sausage-shaped guard cells become very turgid, and as

they swell up they bend, opening a gap – a stoma.

 The pore closes by the reverse process – water moves out of

the guard cells by osmosis into the surrounding cells and as
the level of turgor in the guard cells falls, the stoma closes.
Moving water through the plant
 Water enters the root hairs of the plant by osmosis .

 Water molecules diffuses from soil to the inside part of the root
through cell membrane.

 During transpiration the concentration of water molecules in the cells

of leaf decrease, as a result these cells withdraw water from the
nearby xylem vessels of veins in the leaf.

 The root in turn absorbs water from the soil to replace by osmosis

 The main force to pull water up on the way from the root to leaf is
called transpiration pull. What factors pull the water upward?
Transpiration pull is assisted by:
Root Pressure: Upward push of water in plants:

- the pressure that forces water upward through the conducting tissues of a plant,

- caused by the water potential in the stem being lower than in the root.

Adhesion: is the attraction between unlike molecules. In this case, water molecules
adhere or stick to a solid phase( walls of xylem) which contributes to capillarity so
water can rise.

Cohesion: - strong attraction force between water molecules with in the xylem

- is the intermolecular bonding of a substance (mutual attractiveness forces ) to

maintain a certain shape of the liquid.

- Surface tension occurs as a result of like molecules, cohesive forces, banding

together to form a somewhat impenetrable surface on the body of water.
Transpiration pull is assisted by:
 Water Capillarity: Is the tendency of a liquid (water) in a
narrow tube or pore to rise as result of surface tension.

• Water molecules, for instance, are more attracted to glass than

they are to one another. Water will therefore climb up a narrow
glass tube that is dipped into a beaker of water, because the
water would rather be in contact with the glass than with itself.
Factors affecting the rate transpiration
 Any thing affecting the rate of evaporation will affect transpiration.

 Light intensity: rate of transpiration is very high during the day time b/c
stomata are open at day time and close at night.

 Humidity of air: transpiration stops when the atmosphere is saturated with

water vapor and resumes when the air become drier.

 Temperature: increased temperature increase transpiration.

 Air movement (wind): transpiration is faster on a windy day than in still air.

 Thickness of cuticle layer: Thick cuticle reduce loss of water.

 Surface area of leaf: The larger surface area of a leaf, the more water
evaporates from its surface.
Adaptations of plants to reduce water loss in
difficult environments.

 Having very thick, waxy cuticles to reduce any water loss.

 Developing very hairy leaves, which trap a micro-atmosphere

around the stomata and reduce water loss.

 Reduce their leaves to very narrow spikes

 Sunken stomata .

 In grasses, the leaves are rolled trapping the micro-

environment of moist air inside to reduce the water loss.
Response in plants
Objectives : At the end of this section, the student will be
able to:

• recognize that plants are capable of giving response

• explain some common responses in plant

• tell the importance response in plants and

• demonstrate response in plants using simple experiments

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 152

Response in plants



Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 153

 Movement of plant towards the stimulus

is called tropic movement or tropism

Tropism : a plant response to environment . Phototropism-light

 Phototropism : response to light

 Geotropism : response to gravity

 Thigmotropism : response to touch.

 Hydrotropism: response to water.

 Chemotropism : response to chemical.

Phototropism : response to light
 Phototropism–Movement of plant towards or away from
light is called phototropism.
 Shoot grow towards light = positive
 Shoot is positively phototropic while root is negatively
phototropic .

 Differential growth of cells on opposite side of shoot

 Cells on opposite side elongate faster.

Photo periodism – plant response to
day length.
 Movement of plants in response to gravity is called geotropism .

 Roots are positively geotropic and shoots are negatively geotropic

(“Thigmo” – “touch”)

Thigmotropism is the growth of a

plant in response to touch/contact.

Photo by Christopher Meloche

Tendrils on a sweet pea

Vines growing on a wall or fence

Thigmotropism : response to touch.
 Hydrotropism: is the tendency of plants to move or grow towards

 The growth of roots upward to water against the force of gravity

suggests that water as a stimulus has a greater influence on root
growth than gravity.
 Movement of plants towards chemicals is called chemotropism .

 Growth of pollen tube towards ovule is an example of


Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 161

Nastic Response
 Nastic movement is not a directional movement of the plant part
with response to the stimulus. In nastic movement, from whichever
direction the stimulus is applied, it affects all the parts of the organ
of a plant equally and they always move in the same direction .
Difference between Nastic movement and
Tropic movement

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 163

Nastic Response
Example :

 Photo nasty of dandelion plant.

flower head open in the light.

flower head closed in the dark.

 Sleep movements: leaves of Mimosa puelica plant

leaves fold together during night.

leaves unfold during day.

 Carnivorous plants : open and close to capture insects

Venus flytrap, sundew, pitcher plant

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 164
Medicinal plants
At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

- tell the importance of medicinal plants and

- list down locally available medicinal plants

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 165

 plants synthesize organic products that have food value but also
produce that have ornamental, commercial and medicinal values.

 Medicinal plants that play a vital role in treating diseases and

fighting infections.

 Globally, more than 60 % of the total world population depends on

traditional or locally available plant medicines for their health care.

 According to (WHO), nearly 3.5 billion people in developing

countries believe in the efficiency of plant medicines.

 List of some Ethiopian medicinal plants, and some examples of

human diseases treated are presented in table 2.3.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 166

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 167

Renowned Ethiopian Botanist

At the end of this section, the student will be able to:

- appreciate the work of a renowned botanist and

- look for more Ethiopian Botanists who contributed a

lot to plant science.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 168

 Sebsebe Demissew

- is a professor of Plant systematics and

Biodiversity at Addis Ababa University and

- Executive Director of the Gullele Botanic

Garden in Addis Ababa.

 He was awarded the Kew international medal

in 2016. Professor Sebsebe Demissew, a
leading Ethiopian botanical scientist, has been
elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal
Society in London in 2018 for his lifelong
work on promoting Ethiopian biodiversity.
Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 169
 He is the first Sub – Saharan African scientist to be elected in the
Society’s 357 – year history.

 In 2021, Professor Sebsebe was awarded the “Cuatrcases Medal” for

Excellence in Tropical Botany by the Smitheonian National Museum of
Natural History “, USA, for his lifetime works in conserving and
recording the very diverse Ethiopian flora with many endemic species
and leadership of the Ethiopian flora project and the Ethiopian
National Herbarium at Addis Ababa University.

Monday, January 22, 2024 Bio for G-10 170

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