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Teknik Pengukuran Parameter

Mesin Pascapanen - Feed Rate

Oleh: Dwi Rahayu, S.TP., M.Sc

Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian

Politeknik Enjiniring Pertanian Indonesia
Rate ???
Properties of materials

Moisture States of Density Viscosity

Content Matter
• High • Liquid
• Low • Solid
• Gas/steam Angle of Shape
Several types of feeding

• Good for large particles that are
nonsticky and free flowing,
• But do not handle powders well.
• They are also prone to build up
and do not provide a means of
sealing from back-flowing steam.
Several types of feeding systems

• Work for granular materials coarser than
• But also do not work well for fine powders
• Prone to build up and do not provide
a means for sealing against back-flowing
Several types of feeding systems

• Flexible enough to handle a wide
range of materials,
• Do not build up and can seal
against back-flowing steam when
properly designed, installed, and
• Screw feeders are generally either
single or twin screw.
Feeding systems measurement – liquid material
• The type of volumetric flow meters used is magnetic flow
meters which work on the principle of Faraday’s law of
magnetic induction and measure the velocity of the fluid
flowing through the meter.

• Using velocity and the cross-sectional area of the meter,

the meter electronics can measure volumetric flow.

• These flow sensors require that the material being

measured be electrically conductive, therefore, while they
can work for many types of materials, they are not an
effective choice for measuring the flow rate of
nonconductive materials such as deionized water or fats
and oils.
Feeding systems measurement – liquid material
• Mass flow meters that operate based on the Coriolis principle
are typically used for the extrusion process.
• In Coriolis mass flow meters, the fluid flows through a
vibrating tube. Due to the acceleration of the mass (the fluid)
moving in the vibrating tube, an amount of twist in the tube
is generated which is measured and is proportional to the
mass flow rate of the fluid passing through the tubes.
• Coriolis mass flowmeters directly indicate flow rate in mass
flow rate units such as kg/min and also indicate fluid density.
They can handle a wide range of fluid viscosities, densities,
and conductivities including entrained solids and are
universally applicable flow meters for a wide range of
materials including water, oil, meat slurry, etc.
Feeding systems measurement – dry material
• VOLUMETRIC FEEDERS work by the operator setting a speed
setting, such as rotational speed, and the feeder delivers
whatever volumetric and mass flow rate it will deliver based on
the density and flow characteristics of the material.

• In this case, in order to know the mass flow rate, a calibration

must be performed for every material that relates the speed
setting to the mass flow rate and any variation in properties will
not be automatically detected.
Feeding systems measurement – dry material
• GRAVIMETRIC FEEDERS, also called loss-in-weight feeders are
designed to measure and deliver a user-defined mass flow rate of
dry material.
• In this case, the feeding system (feeder and live bin) is mounted on
load cells and an electronic system measures the rate of weight
loss from the system and calculates the feed rate.

• For example, if the system loses 139 g over the course of 1s, the
system will do the math to calculate that the system is delivering
8.33 kg/min which is equal to 500 kg/h.

1. Secara berkelompok, amati feeding system pada alat dan

mesin pascapanen yang terdapat di workshop PEPI.

2. Tuliskan hasil pengamatan tersebut kemudian

presentasikan hasil pengamatan tersebut.

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