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Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the results of the survey conducted in the study Level

of Career Preparedness of Pre-service Education Students of Bulacan State

University. The given data is presented in tabular form and presented according to

the order stated in the statement of the problem.

Table 1.1 Instructional Competence

Table 1.1.1 Diversity of Learners

Mean Verbal

Set objectives that are within the experiences and 3.32 Proficient
capabilities of learners

Utilized varied designs, techniques, and activities to 3.29 Proficient

the different kinds of learners

Paced lessons appropriate to the need difficulties of 3.27 Proficient


Provided appropriate intervention activities for 3.24 Proficient

learners and risks

Recognized multi-cultural background of learners 3.28 Proficient

when providing learning opportunities

Adopted strategies to address needs of differently 3.33 Proficient

abled learners

Showed fairness and consideration to all learners 3.42 Proficient

regardless of socio - economic background

Grand Mean 3.31 Proficient


The table 1 shows that under domain diversity of learners, showed fairness

and consideration to all learners regardless of socio - economic background got

the highest average with the mean score of 3.42 and proficient verbal

interpretation. Followed by adopted strategies to address needs of differently abled

learners with a mean of 3.33 and verbal interpretation of proficient. Third on the list

is, set objectives that are within the experiences and capabilities of learners with

an average mean score of 3.22 and proficient verbal interpretation. Next on the

list, utilized varied designs, techniques, and activities to the different kinds of

learners with an average of 3.29 and proficient verbal interpretation. Next is,

recognized multi-cultural background of learners when providing learning

opportunities with a mean of and verbal interpretation of 3.28 and verbal

interpretation of proficient. Second to the last, paced lessons appropriate to the

needs of differently abled learners with the mean score of 3.27 and proficient

verbal interpretation. Last on the list is provided appropriate intervention activities

for learners and risks with a mean of 3.23 and proficient verbal interpretation.

With a grand mean of 3.31 and proficient verbal interpretation, this indicates

that the pre-service teachers in Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus can

recognize the difference in the learner's capabilities, experiences, backgrounds

etc. And, can facilitate the teaching-learning process despite these differences.

Table 1.1.2 Curriculum Content and Pedagogy

Mean Verbal

Delivered accurate and updated content knowledge 3.35 Proficient

using appropriate methodologies, approaches and

Used integration of language, literacy, numeracy skills 3.39 Proficient

and values in teaching.

Explained learning goals, instructional procedures, and 3.43 Proficient

content clearly and accurately to students.

Linked the current content with past and future lessons. 3.47 Proficient

Aligned the lesson objectives, teaching methods, 3.50 Highly

learning activities, instructional materials, or resources proficient
appropriate to the learners

Create situations that encouraged learners to use high 3.38 Proficient

order thinking skills through the use of local language
among others if needed.

Engaged and sustained learner's interest in the subject 3.35 Proficient

by making content meaningful and relevant to them

Integrated scholarly works and ideas to enrich the 3.22 Proficient


Established routines and procedures to maximize 3.30 Proficient

instructional time.

Selected, prepared, and utilized available technology 3.40 Proficient

and other
instructional materials appropriate to the learners and
the learning

Provided appropriate learning tasks, portfolio, and 3.20 Proficient

projects that support
development of good study habits.

Used available ICT resources for planning and 3.37 Proficient

designing teaching-learning

Grand Mean 3.36 Proficient

Table 1.1.2 shows the mean and verbal interpretation of collected data in

terms of curriculum and content pedagogy. Aligned the lesson objectives, teaching

methods, learning activities, instructional materials, or resources appropriate to the

learners ranked as highest average with the mean score of 3.50 and highly

proficient verbal interpretation. Followed by linked the current content with past

and future lessons ranked as second highest average with 3.47 mean score and

proficient verbal interpretation. Explained learning goals, instructional procedures,

and content clearly and accurately to students ranked as third highest average with

the mean score of 3.43 and proficient verbal interpretation. Students are also

proficient in establishing routines and procedures to maximize instructional time

with a mean score of 3.30 followed by integrating scholarly works and ideas to

enrich the lesson with a mean score of 3.22. Students lowest rank in terms of

providing appropriate learning tasks, portfolio, and projects that support

development of good study habits, with a mean score of 3.20 which is still

proficient. The grand mean of 3.36 and proficient verbal interpretation, this

indicates that graduating education students of Bulacan State University are

proficient in understanding the content in specific fields and utilize appropriate

teaching approaches and strategies.

Table 1.1.3 Planning, Assessing and Reporting

Mean Verbal

Constructed valid and reliable formative and 3.31 Proficient

summative tests.

Used appropriate non-traditional assessment 3.25 Proficient

techniques and tools. (i.e., portfolio, journals, rubric,

Interpreted teaching and used test results to improve 3.32 Proficient

teaching and learning.

Identified teaching-learning difficulties and possible 3.28 Proficient


Managed remediation activities. 3.18 Proficient

Used tools for assessing authentic learning. 3.29 Proficient

Provided timely and accurate feedback to learners to 3.35 Proficient

encouraged them to reflect and monitor their own

Kept accurate of records of grades/performance levels 3.39 Proficient

of learners.

Conducted regular meetings with learners and parents 3.12 Proficient

to report learners’ progress.

Grand Mean 3.28 Proficient

Table 1.1.3 showed that in Planning, Assessing and Reporting, kept

accurate of records of grades/performance levels of learners got the highest

average with the mean score of 3.39 and proficient verbal interpretation. It followed

by providing timely and accurate feedback to learners to encourage them to reflect

and monitor their own growth, with an average mean score of 3.35 and proficient
verbal interpretation. Third on the list is, the interpreted teaching and used test

results to improve teaching and learning with an average mean score of 3.32 and

proficient verbal interpretation. Fourth, is the used appropriate non-traditional

assessment techniques and tools. (i.e., portfolio, journals, rubric, etc.) with an

average mean score of 3.25 and proficient verbal interpretation. Second to the last

is, the managed remediation activities with the mean score of 3.18 and proficient

verbal interpretation. Last on the list is, conducted regular meetings with learners

and parents to report learners’ progress with an average mean score of 3.12 and

proficient verbal interpretation.

With a grand mean of 3.28 and proficient verbal interpretation, this indicates

that the pre-service teachers of Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus, can

plan a lesson, assess the learner’s knowledge and report the students’ progress

based on the assessment.

Table 1.2 School, Home and Community Linkages

Table 1.2.1 Learning Environment

Mean Verbal

Provided gender fair opportunities for learning. 3.45 Proficient

Maintained a safe and orderly classroom free from 3.46 Proficient


Used individual and cooperate learning activities to 3.44 Proficient

improve capacities of learners for higher learning.

Inspired learners to value and set high performance 3.45 Proficient

targets from themselves.

Handled behavior problems quickly and with due 3.38 Proficient

respect to children’s rights.

Created situation that develop positive attitude among 3.42 Proficient

learners towards their subject and teacher.

Grand Mean 3.43 Proficient

The table 1.2.1 shows the different parts under the learning Environment.

The question of maintaining a safe and orderly classroom free from distractions

has the highest average with the mean score of 3.46 and proficient verbal

interpretation. With an average mean score of 3.45 and a verbal interpretation of

proficiency, the second are provided gender fair opportunities for learning and

inspired learners to value and set high performance targets for themselves. Third

on the list is, used individual and corporate learning activities to improve capacities

of learners for higher learning which has an average mean score of 3.44 and

proficient verbal interpretation. Created situations that develop a positive attitude

among learners towards their subject and teacher is next on the list with an
average mean score of 3.42 and proficient verbal interpretation. The lower average

mean score of 3.38 and proficient verbal interpretation, handle behavior problems

quickly and with due respect to children’s rights.

With a grand mean of 3.43 and proficient verbal interpretation, this indicates

that the pre-service teachers in Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus can

create a positive learning environment, provide gender-fair opportunities, and

inspire learners to improve their capacities for higher learning.

Table 1.2.2 Community Linkages

Mean Verbal

Involved the home/community in sharing Led learners 3.23 Proficient

to apply classroom learning to the community.

Used varied and available community resources 3.26 Proficient

(human materials) to support learning.

Used community as a laboratory for learning. 3.16 Proficient

Got involved in/shared community information on 3.23 Proficient

school events and achievements.

Led learners to apply classroom learning to the 3.32 Proficient


Informed learners, parents, and other stakeholders 3.25 Proficient

regarding school policies and procedures.

Grand Mean 3.24 Proficient

Table 1.2.2 shows that under domain Community Linkages, led learners to

apply classroom learning to the community got the highest average with the mean

score of 3.32 with verbal interpretation of proficient. Followed by, used varied and
available community resources (human materials) to support learning with the

mean score of 3.26 with verbal interpretation of proficient. Next, informed learners,

parents, and other stakeholders regarding school policies and procedures with the

mean score of 3.25 with verbal interpretation of proficient. Next in order, involved

the home/community in sharing led learners to apply classroom learning to the

community, and got involved in/shared community information on school events

and achievements are both got the same mean score of 3.23 with verbal

interpretation of proficient. Last, using community as a laboratory for learning with

the mean score of 3.16 with verbal interpretation of proficient.

With a grand mean of 3.24 and proficient verbal interpretation, this indicates

that the pre-service teachers of Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus,

establish strong connections with the community to support student learning,

promote positive relationships, and foster community engagement in education.

Table 1.3 Personal, social growth and professional characteristics

Table 1.3.1 Social Regard for Learning

Mean Verbal

Abided by and implemented school policies and 3.31 Proficient


Demonstrated punctuality in accomplishing tasks and 3.35 Proficient

attendance on all occasions.

Maintained appropriate appearance and decorum at 3.41 Proficient

all times.

Demonstrated appropriate behavior in dealing with 3.47 Proficient

learners, peers, and superiors

Grand Mean 3.39 Proficient

Table 1.3.1 shows that under the domain of Personal, Social Growth and

Professional Characteristics in Social Regard for Learning, showed that

demonstrated appropriate behavior in dealing with learners, peers and superiors

got the highest average with the mean score of 3.47 with verbal interpretation of

proficient. Followed by maintained appropriate appearance and decorum at all time

with the mean score of 3.47 with verbal interpretation of proficiency, and

demonstrated punctuality in accomplishing tasks ad attendance on all occasions

with the mean score of 3.35 with verbal interpretation of proficient, and last on the

list is abided by and implemented school policies and procedures with the mean

score of 3.31 with verbal interpretation of proficient.

With a grand mean of 3.39 and Proficient verbal interpretation, this indicates

that the pre-service teachers in Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus can

demonstrate, maintain and implement the rules and regulations of the school and

serve as a role model to the learners, peers and superiors at all times.

Table 1.3.2 Personal, Social Growth and Professional Development

Mean Verbal

Maintained stature and behavior that upholds the 3.39 Proficient

dignity of teaching.

Manifested personal qualities like enthusiasm, 3.43 Proficient

flexibility, caring attitude, collegiality among others.

Demonstrated my educational philosophy of teaching 3.39 Proficient

in the classroom.

Updated myself with recent developments in 3.38 Proficient


Participated actively in professional organizations. 3.29 Proficient

Reflected on the quality of my own teaching. 3.36 Proficient

Improved my teaching performance based on 3.44 Proficient

feedback from mentors, learners, peers, superiors,
and others.

Use self-assessment to enhance strengths and 3.41 Proficient

correct my weaknesses.

Accepted accountability for learners’ outcomes. 3.40 Proficient

Abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional 3.53 Highly proficient


Grand Mean 3.40 Proficient

Table 1.3. 2 shows that under the domain of Personal, Social Growth and

Professional Development, showed that abide by the Code of Ethics for

Professional Teachers got the highest average with the mean score of 3.53 with
verbal interpretation of highly proficient. Followed by improved my teaching

performance based on feedback from mentors, learners, peers, superiors, and

others with the mean score of 3.44 with verbal interpretation of Proficient. Third on

the list is, manifested personal qualities like enthusiasm, flexibility, caring attitude,

collegiality among others with the mean score of 3.43 with verbal interpretation of

Proficient. Next in line is the, updated myself with recent developments in

education with a mean score of 3.38 with verbal interpretation of proficient, and

reflected on the quality of my own teaching with the mean score of 3.36 with verbal

interpretation of proficient. Last is, participated actively in professional

organizations with the mean score of 3.29 with verbal interpretation of proficient.

With a grand mean of 3.40 and proficient verbal interpretation, this indicates

that the pre-service teachers of Bulacan State University - Sarmiento Campus, can

improve and reflect on their overall well-being, achieve their goals, and contribute

to a more positive and productive learning environment.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusion drawn, and

the recommendations made regarding the study entitled “The Level of Career

Preparedness of Pre-service Education Students of Bulacan State University

Sarmiento Campus.
Summary of Findings

The salient findings of this study are as follows:

1. What is the level of career preparedness of pre-service education students

of Bulacan State University Sarmiento Campus in terms of the following


1.1 Instructional Competence

Under the instructional competence there are three domains. These

are Diversity of Learners with a grand mean of 3.31 and proficient verbal

interpretation. Next domain is the Curriculum Content and Pedagogy with

3.36 grand mean and proficient verbal interpretation. Next, Planning,

Assessing, and Reporting with a Grand Mean of 3.28 and proficient and

verbal interpretation.

1.2 School, Home, and Community Linkages

School, Home, and Community Linkages there are two domains.

First, the Learning Environment with a grand mean of 3.43 and proficient

verbal interpretation. Second, Community Linkages with a Grand Mean of

3.24 and proficient verbal interpretation.

1.3 Personal, Social Growth, and Professional Characteristics

Personal, Social Growth and Professional Characteristics it has two

domains. First, the Social Regard for Learning with a grand mean of 3.39

and proficient verbal interpretation. Second, Personal, Social Growth and

Professional Development with a grand mean of 3.40 and proficient verbal


According to the result of the data, reveals that the pre-service

graduating education students are proficient in all seven domains.

2. What is the importance of the level of career preparedness among the


The importance of the level of career preparedness among the respondents

is that it helps them in transition from academic environment to the teaching career.

Here are some reasons why career preparedness is important among the


2.1 Instructional competence

Pre-service teachers are able to utilize appropriate teaching materials and

strategies, well prepared in handling diverse learners, demonstrate mastery of

subject matter and can assess authentic learning.

2.2 School, Home and Community Linkages

Pre-service teachers can facilitate a conducive learning environment and

establish good relationships with the community.

2.3 Personal, Social Growth, and Professional Characteristics

Abide the code of ethics for teachers and continuously pursue professional


3. What are the recommendations for future program/s that should be implemented

to produce competent and career-ready individuals?

The recommendation for future programs that the researchers propose is a

program titled Pre-service Teacher Training Program: Enhancing Skills and

Knowledge for Effective Classroom Management and Instruction". The program

aims to strengthen the skills and competencies of the future pre-service teachers

of Bulacan State University Sarmiento Campus.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The study reveals that pre-service education students of Bulacan State

University Sarmiento Campus are proficient in all of the domains, including

instructional competence, school-home-community linkages, and personal,

social growth, and professional characteristics. These findings indicate that

pre-service teachers of Bulacan State University Sarmiento Campus are

sufficiently prepared to transition to their teaching career.

2. The importance of career preparedness lies in its ability to help the pre-

service teachers of Bulacan State University Sarmiento Campus to utilize

appropriate teaching materials and strategies, handle diverse learners,

establish a conducive learning environment, build relationships with the

community, abide by the code of ethics for teachers, and pursue

professional development.

The study highlights the importance of career preparedness in

ensuring the success of pre-service education students of Bulacan State

University Sarmiento Campus as they begin their career in teaching.


Based on the findings of the study, pre-service teachers should attend

several seminars and programs to better prepare themselves for their teaching

careers. The researchers propose the pre-service teachers training program that

keeps them on track in teaching. The objective of this training is to;

1. Further strengthen the skills of pre-service teachers and keep them on


2. Enable them to implement in the classroom the welcoming of an inclusive

environment for students from different backgrounds.

3. Increase pre-service teachers' competency in using digital resources to

enhance learning instruction in the classroom.

4. Improve the overall quality of education at Bulacan State University by

updating the curriculum guide, lesson plan format, and instructional

materials to address the diversity of learners in the classroom.

5. Prepare pre-service teachers for their future roles in the field of education

by providing them with comprehensive training and workshops.


For the Bulacan State University-Sarmiento Campus, and Professors inside

the institution, this may serve as their guide for them to implement the seminars

and workshops twice a year starting from the year of 2024 to support the pre-

service education students.

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