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ISBN: 978-81-224-4957-0 Publication Year: 2021 Edition: New

Pages: 684 MRP: 550.00 Paperback

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New topics introduced in the Latest Syllabus Issued

by CBSE for Academic Year 2020-21

Dear Teachers / Students

Please note that the CBSE has introduced new topics in the syllabus for the academic
year 2020-21 in Writing and Grammar Sections. We have therefore added these new topics as
per the latest syllabus.
Topics Added :
Writing Section — Analytical Paragraph Writing
Grammar Section — Cloze Passages
— Dialogue Completion / Reporting Dialogue
Topics Deleted :
Writing Section — Short Story Writing
Grammar Section — Editing or Omission
— Sentence reordering/Sentence Transformation



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Chapters Pages
Syllabus (iii–iv)

(1 to 22)
I. Analytical Paragraph Writing ... 2

(23 to 38)
I. Cloze Passages ... 24
II. Dialogue Writing / Reporting Dialogue ... 29

Sample Papers 1–3 S–1—S–14

*Golden Sample Papers have been fully revised as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE, in
April, 2020.

( ii )

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1 The cartoon below makes fun of the kind of fashions followed by today's youth.Using
ideas from this cartoon together with your own ideas, write an analytical
paragraph in about 150–200 words on “Changing Fashions”

In today’s fast moving modern world fashions are changing very fast. However, the
fashions show a downward trend in moral values. Looking at them one can safely say
that fashions reveal lack of consideration in human thinking. For example, women
dresses are very scanty. They leave more parts of the body naked. The young people like
to wear such kind of clothes. These make them look like wild animals. Most of them
wear a cloth-band round their foreheads and rings in their ear lobes. Equally young
girls like to wear very tight dress. This tends to reveal their body frames and contours.
This makes them look vulgar and repulsive. Fashions should make one look aesthetically
appealing. Clothes like good manners should be appealing and beautiful. But it is not so
with our youth. Modern youth copy blindly their favourite heroes and heroines in the
film industry. The clothes worn by those in the glitter of cinema have a purpose. It is to
cater to the baser elements. But in real life this never is the approach and should never
be. In fact, our moral and aesthetic values must get an upper hand over everything. It is
the moral duty of the fashion designers to take care of our values while designing fashions.
We should not serve the baser instincts through fashions. Youth have a duty not to
wear any dress which makes nonsense of everything sensible.
2 Technology has revolutionised the concept of classroom teaching in the western countries
with WiFi campuses, on-line classes, kid-friendly laptops & virtual teachers. Using your
own ideas and the information given in the cartoon given below, write an
analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words on “ Should Indian classrooms
imitate the western trends ?” You are Pritam/Preeti.

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Should Indian Classrooms Imitate the Western Trends?
Technological advancements began from the time of early man, though the technology
developed at that time was not so advanced as compared to today, but still it was the
beginning. Development is never an ending process. On the one side we Indians are
considered as the proud owners of a glorious education system in the past and on the
other side we are running after the Western Trends. Education provides us with
knowledge. It makes a student confident, determined and independent. But the Western
Trend is fully dependent on gadgets. What will happen when a person is deprived of
these accessories ? Will he remain inactive ? Can we imagine such a situation ? No !
using the latest technology is good but complete dependence is not at all accepted.
Knowledge awareness brings in its own set of regulations and restrictions requiring
careful monitoring and also personnel for successful implementation for the betterment
of the students. And our present Indian classrooms perfectly fit in this scenario. These
classrooms provide new essence with up-moving directions in our life, so that we can
live in a meaningful way. Our education system becomes more fruitful in our day-to-
day life, that we start enjoying our work and in believe our efforts and continue our
positive thinking.
3 The visual given below makes fun of the amount of money spent on wedding these days.
Using ideas from this visual together with your own ideas, write an analytical
paragraph on “Everything in life should be done in moderation” 150–200 words.
“Every thing in life should be done in moderation.”

I think the vulgar display of wealth at our daughter’s wedding was much better.

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It would not be wrong to say that celebrations of marriages are treated as a status
symbol in our country, especially amongst the middle and upper middle classes. The
well-to-do people treat them as a prestige or social symbol to spend extravagantly on
weddings. They feel that spending on them will enhance their social position. Thus,
they go out of the way to spend lavishly on marriages of their sons and daughters. For
example, tents, lights, dowry items get the maximum share of marriage expenses. This
false impression for a few hours costs them lakhs of rupees. This surely sets verv bad
examples for persons who are at a low social level. So spending extravagantly on
marriages is improper and bad. Like the saying goes “Excess of everything is bad”,
spending too much on marriages is also bad. There is nothing like simple marriages.
This has got a validity. Lakhs of rupees are spent on lighting, tents etc, for a few hours’
false show. The money spent on this can be very important and valuable if saved for the
later life of the newly-weds. Artificiality is artificiality. If one deserves respect, one will
get it, not by false pomp and show. Niceties of life and appreciation can be gained by
being nice and helpful to others and not through vulgar display of wealth. So it is high
time that people stop spending extravagantly on marriages. One’s motto should be :
‘Everything in life should be done in moderation’.
4 Nikhil sees the following cartoon on the high level of pollution on earth. He has to
write an analytical paragraph on the topic for the school magazine. Write this
paragraph for him in about 150–200 words. Using this information and your
own ideas.

‘This is your Captain speaking. We’re about to land on earth.

Kindly put on your oxygen mask!’
Pollution on Earth
—by Nikhil
Among all modern problems facing the world today, the problem of environmental
pollution is the most glaring. It will not be long when we will have to wear oxygen
masks if this pollution increases at the present level. This cartoon beautifully suggests
this. There are many reasons for this pollution. We have cut the forests to meet the
demands of ever increasing population and setting up various industries. Burning of
petrol and the smoke emitted by the factories pollute the air. We breathe in carbon
monoxide and nitrogen oxides. The effluents are let off in rivers by the factories. They

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cause water pollution. Pressure horns, loud speakers, ‘music’ from music parlours add
to the sound pollution. All this has made human life a real nightmare. Human health is
in grave danger. Respiratory diseases like bronchitis, asthma are on the increase. The
metropolitan cities have become unsafe for habitation. Children are the most sufferers.
It is the need of the hour that something should be done to contain the increasing
environmental pollution. It can be checked by planting more trees and implementing
various laws to check it. If something is not done soon, the damage to our biosphere will
be difficult to repair. It is high time that this problem is solved at once.
5 You are Meghna. Look at the picture given below. It depicts the massive jam of vehicles
reflection the chaotic state of traffic in metropolitan cities. Taking clues from the
picture and using your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph in about 150–
200 words depicting the existing state of traffic on roads and suggesting ways
and means to improve the conditions.

Chaos on roads in metropolitan cities
—by Meghna
It is seen that in the last decade India has seen a rapid growth in the automobile
industry. Every year we see new cars and other vehicles. This also shows the economic
prosperity of the people, especially the middle class. But this has given birth to many
problems. There is now a virtual disorder on roads in metropolitan cities. It seems
people have no road sense. They drive their vehicles the way they like. They forget that
the roads are for other road-users also. Secondly, they seem that they are in a great
hurry. Thirdly, there is always an increased pressure of vehicles on city roads almost
every time. During peak hours it is a hell. Roads are the life-lines of any city. But their
encroachments lead to the creation of many problems. Those on wheels never obey the
traffic rules. They feel that the roads' are meant only for them. The apathy of the transport
or police authorities is also responsible for this disorder on roads. Next, the vehicles do

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not keep to their lanes. Road markings are not there, nor are the policemen. Whatever
may be the case, there is virtual hell on these roads. When the road-users do not observe
rules, they cause enormous delays to others also. This leads to road rage. That’s why,
there are road fights or quarrels among the drivers. The authorities should do something
to create order among the road users without any delay.
6 Arun sees the following scene as he looks out of his bedroom window. He is alarmed at
the way his city has changed in the past five years. He writes an analytical paragraph
expressing his alarm and painting the present position cautioning people
against environmental pollution. Write this paragraph in about 150–200 words
using this information and your own ideas.

Growing Environmental Pollution
—by Arun
It is really painful that our city has undergone some serious changes due to
environmental pollution during the last five years. There used to be trees on the city
roads. Also there were few vehicles plying on them. Life was peaceful and free from
environmental pollution. Such a face of the city has disappeared. Now the smoke emitted
by vehicles has become a health hazard causing many respiratory diseases like asthma,
bronchitis etc. Also the noise pollution has greatly increased. Various factories throw
poisonous smoke into the atmosphere through their chimneys. This smoke contains
poisonous gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. These cause various breathing,
problems and later serious diseases. The dry and withered trees show a serious effect of
this pollution on them. They look diseased and withered. The drains used to be cleaned
during the last five years. But now they are seldom cleaned. Mounds of sewage are seen
piled up on thoroughfares. Thus the city has become unfit for a healthy living. It is all
due to increasing environmental pollution. This all calls for immediate steps by the
authorities to check the increasing environmental pollution. If immediate steps are not
taken in this direction, the city may soon become unsuitable for living.

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7 You are Yashita/Prateek. Given below is a table based on a survey made on the
preferences/habits and their effects on school going children. You have been asked to
write an analytical paragraph on ‘School Going Children—Lazy and Disease
Prone’. Taking information from the table given below together with your own
ideas write this paragraph in about 150–200 words.
P 1. Commuting BY cycle : By car/bus : walking :
R to School 20% 65% 15%
F 2. Food Fast food/ vegetables, Cold drinks,
E preference junk food : cereals, rice, ice-creams :
R 60% chappatis : 15% 25%
N 3. Hobbies/ Video Outdoor Internet
C Games/ games : games : surfing/
E Leisure 60% 5% chatting:
S activities 35%
E 4. Disease/ Obesity : Heart disease Other
FF Ailments 40% 15% diseases : 45%

The statement ‘School Going Children—Lazy and Disease Prone’ is true to a greater
extent. The diseases and changes heard of now were not heard in the past. So due to
growing affluence, facilities and comforts have entered man’s life. The result is lethargy,
sleeplessness, various ailments etc, due to physical labour. Some facts about today’s
life will reveal the truth behind the titled statement. About 65% of children go to school
by bus or car and 20% use bicycle. A mere 15% walk down to school. So 65% avoid
physical work. Then, 60% children prefer junk food, 25% are addicted to cold drinks.
Merely 15% eat natural food consisting of cereals, rice, chappatis etc. Obviously, these
foods contribute to the children’s obesity, physical weakness and heart disease. 95% of
the children play games which do not involve much physical labour. All these factors
make school going children physically weak. So they become prone to various diseases.
How can we forget Walter Hudson ? He became obese due to lethargy and lack of physical
work. Today’s school going children have adopted these very ways of life. It is really sad
to know it. We must create awareness among the school going children about the utility
of physical work. A healthy mind is there in a healthy body.
8 Rajesh is to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Tree Plantation’. Write the paragraph
on it using your own ideas and the information given below.

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Tree plantation has truly become very important in the context of increasing
environmental pollution in the modern times. The importance of trees is also seen in
the aesthetic beauty added by them to our surroundings. Trees help in maintaining the
ecological balance of the earth. In olden times, kings and emperors laid much stress on
tree plantation. They made it sure that trees and gardens were always fresh and in
bloom every time of the year. In the modern times this tradition of tree plantation is
being maintained by the local governments of the areas. The local bodies plant trees on
road sides, parks and other places. The ‘Van-Mahotsav’ is the programme being followed
by all the governments. In this way, though the authorities have changed with the
passage of time, yet the importance of tree plantation has not faded. The need of tree
plantation in today's times is all the more urgent because of the changing environmental
degradation. All know how environmental pollution has been affecting the health of the
people all over the world. So it becomes the moral duty of the people to realise how trees
are important for human survival. We all should, therefore, plant trees wherever there
is a vacant plot. If this is done, it will enable us to provide a healthy and clean environment
to the coming generations.
9 The following table gives information about the development of turism in India. Write
an analytical paragraph on if using your own ideas and this information given
in the table, in about 150–200 Words.

Years ago Number of Tourists (In thousands)

Indian Foreign
5 years ago 25 37
4 years ago 31 37
3 years ago 26 50
2 years ago 21 55
1 years ago 27 59
this year 36 90

In recent years the Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India has taken some important
steps. These have definitely resulted in the increasing number of foreign tourists to the
country. So, the number of local tourists has also increased greatly this year benefiting
the country in diverse ways. Till five years ago the number of Indian tourists was 25
thousand compared to 37 thousand foreigners. A year later the number increased to 31
thousand in the case of Indian tourists and remained steady in the case of foreign tourists.
This number increased to 50 thousand in case of foreign tourists three years ago. The
foreign tourists who visited India further rose to 55 thousand two years ago and to 59
thousand a year ago. There has been an appreciable increase from 59 thousand to 90
thousand in the case of foreign tourists this year. This shows that the picture of India
abroad as a tourist destination has gone admirably well. Actually, this was another
step undertaken by the Ministry of Tourism. The Ministry opened a few more five-star
hotels and improved transportation and communication in the light of ‘Athithi Devo
Bhava’. It also arranged more chartered tours facilities for foreign tourists. It is hoped
that in the years to come, the inflow of foreign tourists will definitely increase.

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10 You are Subhash/Mira. Given below is a table based on data given about the number of
tourists who visited your city in the past two years.
You have been asked to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Promotion of
Tourism’. Taking information from the table given below together with your
own ideas, write this paragraph in about 150–200 words.


Year Domestic International
2020 444569 8563
2021 436350 11478
Plans of Tourism Department
 To develop a wildlife park.
 Illumination and light-and-sound programme at one of the places
of tourist interest in the city.
 To develop a big amusement park.
 Convention centre and a multiplex in the city.

Promotion of Tourism
There is no doubt that India is emerging as a tourists’ destination both at national
and international levels. For example, tourists from other countries were 8563 in the
year 2020. But this number went upto 11478 in the year 2021. However, domestic tourists
fell by 8219 in these years. This means we have to take steps to increase the numbers of
both the types of the tourists. India’s cultural heritage and unity in diversity are like
magnets for the tourists. However, we must take steps to attract the tourists. For
example, we must remove problems which hinder the flow of tourists. That’s why, there
are plans like developing a wildlife park. One important place of tourtist interest should
be equipped with light, sound and music system. Then theie is a plan to develop a big
amusement park. A Convention Centre and a multiplex are also going to be added.
Besides these, a few hotels are also coming up. The tourist agencies are being connected
via satellite telephony so that tourists do not face any problems. All the places of tourist
interest are connected by chartered buses. It is hoped that by these steps, tourist inflow
to the country will increase greatly.
11 You are the Captain of Everest House of your school. Write an analytical paragraph
on noise pollution, interpreting the data given below Also, give your suggestions
on how it can be curbed. Write it in about 150–200 words.

City Loudness of sound Loudness of sound during

during day (in decibels) night (in decibels)
Kolkata 86 72
Chennai 78 73
Mumbai 77 67
Delhi 73 68
According to WHO, for sound health, loudness of sound during days should
not exceed 55 decibels and during nights it should not exceed 35 decibels.

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The World Health Organisation has stated that for sound health loudness of sound
during days should not exceed 55 decibels. During nights it should not exceed 35 decibels.
But in our metropolitan cities this level far exceeds the level of WHO. For example,
Kolkata tops the list with 86 decibels and 72 decibels during the day and night
respectively. Chennai has 78 and 73. Mumbai 77 and 67 and lastly Delhi 73 and 68
during day and night respectively. This level has already affected millions of people in
these cities. The deaf cases have increased five or six times more. Noise, cause irritation,
anger, helplessness and depression. In many cases, it increases blood pressure. The
pressure horns are the deadliest of all kinds of sound pollution. Parlours of music, bands,
loudspeakers atop religious places, vehicles on roads, rattling bus bodies etc, are other
sources of this sound pollution. If something is not done soon, a majority of the population
shall suffer from the effects of this sound pollution. So, a strict action is needed to
contain this pollution. Erring vehicle drivers should be booked under the rules.
Loudspeakers atop religious places should be asked to play at prescribed levels. Bands
in marriages should play at the prescribed levels. In this way, we can curb this noise
pollution in these cities.
12 You are the Headboy/Headgirl of your school. You decided to make the school population
aware of the advantages of tree plantation and tell them how trees can serve as better
air-conditioners. Write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words. Take
help of the notes given below.

Trees keep environment cool by:
(a) taking heat of earth and air
(b) absorbing carbon-dioxide that helps in controlling temperature rise
(c) bringing rains
(d) checking direct sunlight
(e) providing shade.

Trees are really very important for us all. Their advantages are innumerable. For
example, they take the heat of the earth and the air to aircondition the environment.
Indeed, they have numerous advantages. Precisely speaking, they absorb the dangerous
carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere. They help in controlling the temperature rise.
Then they bring rains which is 'life' for us all. They take the heat off the earth as well as
the atmosphere. They take off the heat of the sunlight and provide us shade. They
maintain the ecological balance of the earth and provide us with life-giving oxygen.
Seeing their enormous benefits we should plant as many trees as possible. The Chipko
Movement and Van Mahotsava Movement are there which highlight the benefits of the
trees. We say that our life is simply possible because of the trees. It is sad that we have
destroyed much of the flora and fauna for meeting our existential needs. But we must
replenish the depleting forests by planting more and more trees at every possible inch
of the land. Our life depends on trees. We should educate the people about the benefits
of the trees. This way we can cleanse our environment from the environmental pollution.
We must take a pledge to plant more and more trees to make the earth a safe place for
our lives.

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13 Ritu is to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Smoking is a silent killer of life’. Using

your own ideas and the information given below write this paragraph on her
behalf in about 150–200 words.

Smoking a drain on limited income of an average income earner – vital organs get affected
– harmful for those not smoking – need of educating people about the danger of smoking
Smoking is actually a silent killer of life. It is also a drain on the limited income of
yours. A smoker may say that he feels relieved of worries when he smokes. But it is
his own whim. Smoking does more harm. It doesn’t give any sort of freedom from anxiety.
The nicotine is a poison and is dangerous to various vital organs like heart, kidney,
liver and lungs. It is actually a slow poison and kills a smoker slowly. They say that
smoking a cigarette shortens one’s life by four minutes. So smoking means shortening
one’s life knowingly and inviting death due to cancer which is very merciless. Smoking
also affects the non-smokers. So a person who smokes is affecting the health of the
other persons who are near him. Smoking causes a deadly disease like cancer. There is
a statutory warning on the cigarette packets that smoking is injurious to health. But it
is of no importance as the smokers feel a bit terrified to read this. The next moment
they forget it and smoke. The government has taken a right decision now in banning
smoking at public places. We all can guide our smoking youth not to smoke but give it
up at once. In taking care of our health we shall be rendering a greater help to the
national cause to ensure good health to all Indians.
14 Harish is to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Environmental pollution. Write this
paragraph on his behalf in about 150–200 words using your own ideas and the
information given below:

Sources of pollution—traffic—garbage
Ecological balance—falling of trees—building of dams—congested localities
Suggestion—Plantation—pooling—shifting of factories and mills

Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is one of the major and serious problems that is being faced
by the developing countries. The ecological balance of the earth is being threatened by
it. Air and water are polluted by the toxic constituents. Noise pollution has destroyed
the calm and serenity of our surroundings. The main sources of pollution are the
increasing vehicular traffic and garbage. The petrol or diesel being used in the vehicles
emits toxic smoke which contains lethal gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and
nitrogen oxide. All those inhaling these gases contract deadly diseases. These are like
bronchitis, asthma and other breathing problems. The accumulating garbage emits foul
smell. It is the birth place of many contagious diseases. Various leather and chemical
industries pollute both the air and the water by belching out poisonous smoke and
effluents in water courses. The increasing felling of trees, building of dams and upcoming
of congested localities have played havoc with the clean environment. Human life is in

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real and grave danger. We need to plant more trees at every possible patch of land.
There is also a need of shifting industries and mills established in congested colonies to
safer places. To control traffic car pools must be made so that the emission level from
them is contained within the prescribed levels. The government needs to take immediate
steps to contain this pollution and to ensure public health.
15 You are Pawan/Preeti. Write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words on
how Science or Technology can be misused in different ways by which we may
lose our greatest wealth of health. You may use the ideas from the notes given
below and your own ideas to write it.
 Unhygienic Junk food
 Pesticides in Plantations and Perfumes
 Chemicals in Cosmetics
 Toxins in Soft drinks
 Artificial measures to ripen fruits and promote yield from fields.
How Science and Technology affect our health
There is no doubt that science and technology have played a very wonderful role in
our lives. But the misuse has adversely affected our health. We get off-season fruits,
vegetables and other agricultural produce by its use. We have pesticides to increase
agricultural produce. We have soft drinks to give us relief in very hot summer season.
We have a variety of instant foods according to our taste buds. For beauty and make up
we have a variety of creams and cosmetics. These transform our looks instantly. All
these have been due to the science and technology. But we never think about the side-
effects of these ‘blessings’ on our health. Unhygienic junk food causes obesity, diabetes
and indigestion. Pesticides cause various diseases. Chemicals in cosmetics play havoc
with our skins. Toxins in soft drinks cause stomach diseases like ulcers, intestinal
infections. Off-season fruits ripened by artificial measures affect our health badly. In
this way, we can very well imagine that science and technology have been misused by
the business houses. It would not be worng to say that public health is in serious danger.
The government should take proper steps to protect public health so that so the use of
science and technology steps affecting our health.
16 The following notes have instructions as to how to contain the spread of malaria in rainy
season. Write an analytical paragraph on the subject using these notes and
your own ideas, in about about 150–200 words.

Prevention is better than cure—cleanliness—in and outside the house—no water

logging—mosquito nets—DDT spray—flitting—full sleeves—full pants—covers.

Preventing the Spread of Malaria
It is a fact that malaria is spreading like wildfire in our town. All the people can be
held responsible for giving breeding conditions to the mosquitoes. So it becomes our
earnest duty to contain them from breeding. ‘Prevention is better than cure’ should be
our top priority. This will help us in checking the disease caused by them. Other breeding

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grounds like garbage mounds should not be allowed to come up. Cleanliness is next to
Godliness. First of all, we must ensure that waterlogging does not take place. Water
should not be allowed to stagnate anywhere like flower pots, old tyres etc. If it is, it
must be sprayed with chemicals like DDT. Flitting them with mosquito repellents should
also be undertaken. While sleeping we must wear full sleeve shirts and use mosquito
nets. Wire-meshing of the windows and doors must be undertaken. No part of the body
should be allowed to remain exposed to the mosquitoes. We must bear in mind that if
malaria is contracted, we undergo days of utter misery and pain. So it is better that
mosquitoes must not be allowed to bite anyone of us. If the above mentioned simple
precautions are practised, we will surely be successful in checking malaria.
17 The following notes show India’s poor performance in 2010. Sydney Olympics. Write an
analytical paragraph on the subject analysing the reasons for this poor
performance and suggesting ways and means to improve this performance in
the coming years in about 150–200 words.

Reasons for poor performance—no proper infrastructure—lack of equipment,
coaches—no international standards—bureaucratic hassles—dismal performance—
need for overhauling—selection of competent hands —addition of latest state-of-
the art sports equipment—hope for improvement

India’s Poor performance in Sydney Olympics
It is a shame that we have more than 100 crore of people, yet we have not a single
gold in the Olympics. It is a fact that India couldn’t show its mettle at the Sydney
Olympics except the feat of Malleswari. This requires looking into the case and analysing
what is wrong with such a dismal performance at international level.
There seem to be many reasons for the same. The most glaring reason is that we do
not groom our sportspersons from the very childhood as it is done in China, Japan etc.
Then our schools, colleges and other sports institutes do not have that infrastructure
which is necessary for training our future athletes on international lines. Sometime, it
is lack of equipment, sometime it is the appointment of a coach, or sometime, it is the
food. Lack of enthusiasm on the personnel of the Ministry of Sports is also responsible
for this sad performance. Then it is the dirty politics in the name of regionalism and
nepotism that spoils everything. Really deserving and capable sports persons get behind
The bureaucratic hassles also play their part in the dismal performance of the athletes.
Seeing this all, we can say that there is a dire need of overhauling the whole system.
We need determined good souls who think of the country first and not the people. If
such persons run the show, we can hope for better performance in sports at international
level. There is greater need to add latest state-of-the art sports equipment. Things can
be improved in the near future.
18 Given below is a newspaper report on the state of cancer prevailing in India. You have
been asked to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Cancer—a silent killer’ Taking
information from the clipping given below together with your own ideas, write
this paragraph in about 150–200 words.
In India, cities are more cancer-prone than rural areas. In the early 1990’s, we
expected one out of 10-15 urban Indians to get cancer in their life-time, that is
every second or third family would have to face this disease. This is partly due to

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high levels of benzene in the air and also that the metros are exposed to high levels
of pesticides in their foods.
In order to check the steady growth of cancer in the country, the Government shall
have to give priority to preventive action. At the same time measures to undertake
improvement in facilities for the treatment of cancer shall have to be adopted.

It is a matter of concern that our urban population has become cancer-prone more
than the rural population. It is very sad that every tenth person is likely to have cancer.
It is due to high level of benzene in the air. It is also due to the high levels of pesticides
in the foods. Also highly radio-active waves of the cell-phones etc, have also contributed
to this grave danger to human population. To check this menace of cancer, the
Government shall have to give top-most priority to preventive actions. More facilities
like Diagnostic Centres and Cancer Hospitals need to be created for the treatment of
cancer patients.
There is a dire need to contain this deadly disease by taking some urgent steps. First
of all, we must ban the wide use of the pesticides. Excessive use of pesticides is really
harmful for human health. In the developed countries, much emphasis is being laid on
organic manure instead of the fertilizer. So we have to introduce organic manure. Then
crop pattern needs to be changed. Besides this, a kind of public awareness programme
will have to be undertaken. Public is to be awakened towards the growth of cancer and
its easy detection. This would surely help in the containing of this disease at its initial
stages. If cancer is detected and treated at the early stages, it can’t be fatal.
19 Rishi is to write an analytical paragaph on the occasion of celebration of anti-dowry
week on the desirability of eliminating this social evil of dowry. Write it on his behalf
in about 150–200 words. Using the information given in the graph given below
and your own ideas.

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It would not be wrong to say that dowry is simply a blot on our society. Every year
young lives are lost due to this social evil. Yet this evil is not eliminated. The above
graph gives a picture of these deaths from 2014 to 2021.
Maximum marriages were solemnised in 2017. This year also saw the burning of 800
young brides which also includes the young women who married some time before it. In
2015, about 700 married women were forced to commit suicide because of continuous
torture for bringing insufficient dowry. This figure continued to rise in the years
thereafter. 500 remarriages speak much of this social evil. There is some relief in the
fact that the number of deaths fell onwards from 2018. This may be due to the fact that
many social organisations raised a hue and cry. The Government amended the Act.
Social pressures also helped in containing this evil. There are numerous examples to
show that women have received an equal place with men in our scriptures. We treat the
women as ‘goddesses’. But we also burn them for some material benefits like getting
CTVs, refrigerators, scooters, etc. An educated girl, in herself, is a sufficient dowry. If
she is an earning hand, she adds another feather in her cap. An educated bride brings a
really good change in the family by way of all round progress. She brings cheerfulness
by the qualities of head and heart. We must eliminate this evil by pledging neither to
give nor to accept dowry. Our youth can be Raja Ram Mohan Roy in this field, who
raised his voice against this social evil.
20 Given below is a graphic representation of the vehicles challaned for breaking traffic
rules. Taking ideas from this, coupled with your own ideas, write an analytical
paragraph in about 150–200 words on ‘Road Safety Measures’. You are Arun/

Road Safety Measures
There is hardly any day when the news of accident is not published in the newspapers.
These accidents are fatal and are caused by carelesssness of the drivers. The above
graph shows that 25% accidents are due to drunken driving; jumping red lights 37%;
overspeeding and overtaking 19% each. These involved are scooterists, motorists, truck
drivers, private bus drivers etc. These can be avoided if the road users are a little careful

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and avoid the thrills of driving fast. Road safety is an essential part of knowing how to
drive. The speed limit and other-laws of the road should be strictly followed. Over
speeding can cause accident if the person in front of you stops suddenly, or if you hit
gravel. Jumping red light should be a big No. Driving is a very responsible task which
should be done with utmost care. So using mobile or drunken driving should be avoided.
The media has been a largely overlooked factor in creating road safety awareness.
Celebrity endorsements and peer education programmes would provide an accessible
means of promoting awareness, particularly among young people. There is a need for
stricter laws. Policies could provide for the creation of better roads and pavements.
Road safety cannot be the responsibility of government alone. We'll have to come together
for the cause.


1 Harish is to write an analytical pragraph on ‘Patriotism and the Youth’. He notices the
chart given below in the paper and decides to use it for writing it. Using the chart and
your own ideas write out the paragraph in about 150–200 words.

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2 You are Headboy/Headgirl of your school. The following photo adverts caught your
attention in a newspaper. You decide to make the school population aware of the pollution
caused by plastic bags. Write an analytical paragraph using your own ideas and the
information given in these adverts in about 150–200 words giving some useful
Hints :
(a) made of harmful chemicals
(b) food items carried in them become unhealthy
(c) choke drainage
(d) harmful for animals
(e) not easy to dispose them

3 Imagine you are the head of ABC Bank. You have to write an analytical paragraph on
its functioning and how the bank works for public service as given below in the pie
chart. Using this information together with your own ideas write this paragraph in
about 150–200 words.

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4 The visual given below depicts the school children’s efforts about keeping our cities
clean, the wall of which have been disfigured by obscene, vulgar and semi-nude pictures
or objectionable political posters. Using ideas from this visual together with your own
ideas, write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words on ‘The Necessity of Keeping
Our Cities Clean’.

“Why are they doing it?

The Chief Election Commissioner
has issued no such order!!”

5 The cartoon below shows the cartoonist’s impression about the recent hike in the prices
of LPG gas and other petroleum products by the Government. Using ideas from this
cartoon together with your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200
words on ‘Price Rise of Petroleum Products’.

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6 Baby while looking out of his bedroom’s window saw that some people were cutting a
very green and prosperous tree. It appeared they had some commercial purpose behind
it. Having looked at that scene, imagine the world without trees ! Write an analytical
paragraph in about 150–200 words raising your voice to conserve forests, and pointing
out their importance.

7 Ramit Saini has drawn the following diagram of how we receive TV signals through
satellites for his science project. Read it and using the information given in it together
with your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph on ‘How We Receive TV Signal
through Satellites’, in about 150–200 words.

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8 Varshini is describing the process of how programmes are telecast. Write an analytical
paragraph in about 150–200 using the information in the flow chart given below.

9 You have been asked to write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words for your
school magazine on “India Since 1947” highlighting both India’s progress vis-a-vis grim
poverty. Write this paragaph using the information given in the visual given below and
your own ideas.

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10 The following visual shows the impact of global warming on the survival of humanity.
It warns that if pollution is not contained on the earth great calamity is likely to endanger
human life. As Ramesh write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words using
the information given below and your own ideas.

11 Raj Sinha has read about the manifold increase in the number of vehicles in major
Indian cities. This causes problems as is evident from the visual given below. Using
ideas from the visual along with your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph on how
the increase in the number of vehicles causes traffic jams and accidents. Suggest a few
solutions to curb the problem. Write it in about 150–200 words.

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12 Your are a member of the Society for Preventation of Cruelty to Animals in your locality.
The following Pie-chart reflects the attitude of the people towards animals. In response
to this, write an analytical paragraph in about 150–200 words on why animals are
illtreated and what can be done to prevent them. You are Ramesh/Ranjini. Give a suitable

13 Nikhil sees the following graphs on the effect of pollution on the migratory birds in
Northern India. He has to write an analytical paragraph on the topic for the school
magazine. With the help of this information and your own ideas write this paragraph
suggesting possible remedies for the situation in about 150–200 words. Give a suitable

14 A leading newspaper has started a column, ‘Generation Next-Speak Out’. You are the
Secretary of the Eco Club of your school. Write an analytical paragraph on the depleting
condition of parks in your city. Using the hints given below, along with your own ideas,
write this paragraph in about 150–200 words.
depleting condition of parks ; no greenery ; plants dying ; broken swings and benches ;
government agencies negligent ; RWAs unite ; school students plant saplings ; corporate
houses adopt parks ; develop green play areas for children.

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Read the following passages and complete the blanks in each with a suitable word
in each :
1 In March and April is the coffee blossom time (a) ______ Coorg. When blossoms
transform into berries, the bushes (b) ______ cropped. The cherry-red fruit is then pulped;
the seeds separated, dried and (c) ______ for curing. Coorg or Kodagu is the district
which is (d) ______ of the largest producers of pepper, cardamom and honey in the world.
(a) in (b) are (c) sent (d) one
2 Man’s urge to communicate (a) ______ his associates brought speech and writing. But
it was only (b) ______ man developed an aesthetic sense and sought for beauty, rhythm
and dynamism in the handwritten (c) ______ that a whole new field, hitherto unknown,
began to emerge. The word calligraphy is a composite adaptation of (d) ______ Greek
words : kallos (beauty) and graphein (to write).
(a) with (b) when (c) words (d) two

3 There is the danger that comes (a) ______ making money is more important than
quality of information flow. It clearly hampers the honest and unbiased functioning
(b) ______ the organisation. for long term solutions, we will have to bank on the (c) ______
institutions to educate, train, groom and prepare the youth to be more discerning viewers
rather than passiave spectators or participants in order to avoid (d) ______ irresponsible
influence or working of the media.
(a) when (b) of (c) educational (d) any
4 Raman Shah was sprinting (a) ______ his car to meet a business appointment, when
suddenly he felt a sharp (b) ______ in his chest, as if someone was squeezing his chest.
He began having trouble with his breathing and (c) ______ not seem to draw in enough
air. Later his ECG revealed, that an area of his heart was dead. This area was cut off
from its blood supply. Shah (d) ______ suffered a myocardial infraction or heart attack.
(a) towards (b) pain (c) could (d) had
5 A child marriage is less likely to (a) ______ place if the parents are literate or at least,
the father is. He (b) ______ then aware of the legal minimum age and health hazards his
(c) ______ will face by an early marriage. If the mother, otherwise literate, has been
exposed to family planning message, she is also less likely to solemnize her daughter’s
wedding (d) ______ an age below the legal minimum.

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(a) take (b) is (c) daughter (d) at
6 Long long ago, (a) ______ a big forest, there were many trees. (b) ______ the cluster of
trees, there was a very tall pine tree. He was so tall that he (c) ______ talk to the stars
in the sky. He could easily look over the (d) ______ of the other trees. One day late in
(e) ______ evening, the pine trees sa a ragged, skinny girl approaching him. He could
see (f) ______ only because of his height. The little girl was in tears. The pine tree bent
(g) ______ much as he could and asked her “(h) ______ is the matter ? Why are you
(a) in (b) Among (c) could (d) heads
(e) the (f) her (g) as (h) What
7 Except (a) ______ the Congo Peafowl, all the other pheasants are from Asia. Scientists
believe that (b) ______ pheasants originated from the Himalayas, and then scattered
(c) ______ Tibet, China, Myanmar, South and South East Asian countries as well
(d) ______ the Caucasus Mountains. The jungle fowl (e) ______ the peafowl spread
(f) ______ South India and Sri Lanka long (g) ______ the early settlers established
themselves (h) ______ the Indo-Gangetic plain.
(a) for (b) all (c) into (d) as
(e) and (f) to (g) before (h) in
8 The snow (a) ______ look too deep to me, but the danger wasn’t (b) ______ depth,
Daniel said, so much as its icy top layer. “If we slip off, the car (c) ______ turn over,” he
suggested, as we (d) ______ Tsetan grab handfuls (e) ______ dirt and fling them across
the frozen surface. We both pitched in and, (f) ______ the snow was spread with soil,
Daniel and I stayed out of the (g) ______ to lighten Tsetan’s load. He backed up and
drove towards the dirty snow, eased the car (h) ______ to its icy surface.
(a) didn’t (b) its (c) could (d) saw
(e) of (f) when (g) vehicle (h) on
9 In the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, there is a cage (a) ______ the notice reads. ‘ The world’s
most dangerous animal’. Inside the cage there (b) ______ no animal but a mirror where
you see yourself. Thanks to the efforts of a number of agencies in different countries, a
new awareness has how dawned upon the most dangerous (c) ______ in the world. He
has realised the wisdom of shifting from a system based on domination to one based
(d) ______ partnership.
(a) where (b) is (c) animal (d) on

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10 An angry wind stirred up ghostly dust devils as King Tut was (a) ______ from his
resting place in the (b) ______ Egyptian cemetery known as the Valley of the Kings.
Dark-bellied clouds has scudded across the desert sky all day and now were veiling the
stars in casket grey. It was 6 pm (c) ______ 5 January 2005. The world’s most famous
mummy glided head first into a CT scanner brought here to probe the lingering medical
mysteries of this little understood young ruler (d) ______ died more than 3,300 years
(a) taken (b) ancient (c) on (d) who
11 For one thing, if a (a) ______ is to fulfil all the duties that society expects of him, it is
important for him to keep healthy. He may be very intelligent, but that has little meaning
if he (b) ______ make use of his intelligence, because he is always suffering from bad
health. In some ways, the human body is like a machine. If it is not (c) ______ use of, it
starts to work badly. People who are not fit grow weak and become more susceptible to
disease. Any form of game is useful, provided it gives the body an opportunity to take
regular (d) ______ exercise.
(a) person (b) cannot (c) made (d) physical
12 The energy stored in coal and petroleum originally came to the earth from the sun.
The bulk (a) ______ the present-day supplies was laid down some 200 to 600 million
years ago, when tropical conditions were widespread. Lush, swampy (b) ______ produced
huge trees; warm coastal seas swarmed with microscopic forms of life. When these
organisms died, much of their tissue was recycled (c) ______ it is today — through
scavenging and decay. But a significant amount of dead plant and animal material was
covered with mud, (d) ______ prevented complete decomposition.
(a) of (b) forests (c) as (d) which
13 Whenever someone (a) ______ overseas they are like “a fish out of water.” Like the
fish, they (b) ______ been swimming in their own culture all (c) ______ lives. A fish
doesn’t know what water is. Likewise, we often do not think too much (d) ______ the
culture we are raised in. Our (e) ______ helps to shape our identity. Many of the cues of
interpersonal communication (body language, words, facial expressions, tone of voice,
idioms, slang) (f) ______ different in different cultures. One of the reasons that we
(g) ______ a fish out of water when we enter a new culture, is that we do not know all of
the cues that are used (h) ______ the new culture.
(a) travels (b) have (c) their (d) about
(e) culture (f) are (g) feel (h) in

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14 Among other factors causing parents (a) ______ give away young daughters in marriage
is the need felt (b) ______ families having more than one daughter, to keep wedding
expenses down. By (c) ______ two daughters at the same time parents save on expenses.
Parental anxiety about grown up (14 years and above) daughters gaoing astray forces
the less educated to give away their (d) ______ children in marriage.
(a) to (b) by (c) marrying (d) female
15 The cross cultural spread of English (a) ______ unprecedented, in other ways. It is
more widely used (b) ______ any of the other colonial languages like French, Portuguese
or Spanish. It even (c) ______ a wider use than some of the languages associated (d) ______
international non-western religious traditions (e) ______ Arabic or Sanskrit. In countries
like India and Nigeria, English is (f) ______ at all levels of society: (g) ______ local English
language newspapers and broadcasting, in public administration, in university education,
in (h) ______ industries etc.
(a) is (b) than (c) has (d) with
(e) like (f) used (g) in (h) major


16 Ideas rule the world. You shape your fate and decide your destiny by (a) ______
thoughts. You have to think high to rise. You (b) ______ to believe and be sure of yourself
to win a prize. Life’s battles (c) ______ always go to the stronger or the faster man; but
sooner or (d) ______ the man (e) ______ wins is the man, who thinks he can. Success
starts (f) ______ your thoughts. Whatever your mind (g) ______ conceive and believe, it
can achieve. And your mind is nothing more than a bundle of thoughts. Since you have
the power to shape your thoughts, you can do (h) ______ .
17 Just by the use of colours you (a) ______ balance your diet. All you need to do is to pay
a (b) ______ attention to the food you eat. Nutrition experts strongly (c) ______ adding
colours to your diet. Sweets and candy bars (d) ______ generally colourful, but remember
they do not contain natural colours (e) ______ hence are not healthy. The key solution is
a (f) ______ of naturally coloured foods. The deeper the colour, the (g) ______ the benefits.
Getting more colours in your diet doesn’t (h) ______ you have to drastically change your
current eating habits.
18 The happiness of the individual relies on friendships (a) ______ form a necessary
human connection. It is perfectly normal to need and want friends and depression is
more prevalent (b) ______ those who lack friends. They lack the intimacy and richness
friends (c) ______ bring into our lives. Frequently friends reflect similar values to us.
Yet these values are often different from the ones we grew up with ; they are the (d) ______
we created for ourselves in our adult lives.

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19 Iraq (a) ______ mostly broad plains and marshes along the Iranian border in the
south, (b) ______ large flooded areas. A large part of Iraq’s land area is desert, (c) ______
it has cool winters and dry, hot and cloudless summers. The mountain areas near Iran
and Turkey have cold winters. There is heavy snowfall there, and (d) ______ the snow
melts in spring, it causes floods in central and southern Iraq.
20 India and tea are so intertwined together that life (a) ______ the brew is unimaginable.
Tea entered our life only in the mid-nineteenth century (b) ______ the British started
plantations in Assam and Darjeeling! In the beginning though, Indians shunned the
drink as (c) ______ thought it was a poison that led to umpteen diseases. Ironically, tea
colonised Britain where it (d) ______ a part of their social diary and also led to the
establishment of numerous tea houses.


16 (a) your (b) have (c) donot (d) later

(e) who (f) with (g) can (h) anything
17 (a) can (b) little (c) recommend (d) are
(e) and (f) variety (g) greater (h) mean
18 (a) which (b) among (c) can (d) values
19 (a) has (b) with (c) so (d) when
20 (a) without (b) when (c) they (d) because

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1 Mohan/Mohini applies for a job at a departmental store at M.G. Road in Bengaluru.

He/She appears for the interview. Write a dialogue that he/she has with the
interviewer with the help from the hints given in the box. The first one has been
done as an example.


Example :
Interviewer : Good morning Miss Mohini. What are you doing these days?
Mohini : Sir, I have just completed B.Com. from Bengaluru University,
Interviewer : Do you have any other special qualifications related to the job?
Mohini : I have a Diploma in Chinese. I passed this from Bengaluru University,
Interviewer : Being a graduate in Commerce, do you think the job at the reception
will suit you?
Mohini : I will feel equally at ease at the reception, Sir.
Interviewer : Can you work in the night shift if needed? What salary do you expect?
Mohini : I am at your disposal. I think the night duties are not much demanding
and there are no worries about security etc. I expect a reasonably decent
salary that a man of my qualifications can expect.
Interviewer : All right, Miss Mohini, you shall be posted the decision.
Mohini : Thank you, sir.
2 Raj/Rajni is stopped by a traffic policeman on duty. Write out a dialogue and using
your own ideas exchanged between them taking help from the clues given in
the box below. The first one has been done as an example.

red light—licence—overspeeding—book

Example :
Policeman : Stop! Bring your bike to the other side.
Raj : But why, what wrong have I committed?
Policeman : First of all, you have jumped over the red light.
Raj : Oh, I am sorry, really very sorry.
Policeman : Where is your driving licence?
Raj : It seems I have forgotten it at home.

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Policeman : You are booked for three offences :

(a) jumping over the red light (b) overspeeding and (c) driving without
a valid licence.
Raj : Can you leave me this time? I am telling you the truth. I have a driving
licence at home and I can show you. I was in a hurry since my mother
is in hospital.
Policeman : I’m sorry to hear but offence is offence.
Raj : Yes, it is right. Then I offer myself. Let the law take its own course.
3 Reshma is late for school. She is stopped from entering the classroom by the teacher.
Write a dialogue exchanged between them with the help from the points given
in the box and your own ideas. The first one has been done as an example.

frequently late—discipline—principal—one more chance—mother’s illness

Example :
Reshma : May I come in Sir?
The Teacher : No, you can’t. You are late.
Reshma : I feel extremely sorry. Please excuse me this time. Actually, I started
very early from home. But due to traffic jams, I got late.
The Teacher : You are frequently late for the class, I am afraid, you have made it a
Reshma : Sir, it is not a habit. Today there is another reason. My mother is
bedridden. I have to look after her as there is no one in the family.
The Teacher : That’s quite sad. I can appreciate the unpleasant situation you are in.
Reshma : Sir, give me one more chance, I promise to be in time for the class.
The Teacher : Take care, otherwise, the Principal will be constrained to take action
against you.
Reshma : Thank you, Sir. I shall do my best not to be late.
The Teacher : All right.
4 Milli applies for the post of a clerk in a school. She is interviewed by the Principal. Write
out a dialogue exchanged between the two with the help from the hints given
in the box and your own ideas. The first one has been done as an example.

Qualifications—typing & computer—experience—salary

Example :
Milli : Good morning, Sir. I am Milli.
Principal : Good morning. I see—you are interested in joining our institution as a
Principal : What are your main qualifications, Miss Milli ?
Milli : Sir, I did B.A. (Hons) English from Delhi University, Delhi, 3 years
back. I have a diploma in Computer Programming.

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Principal : That’s fine. Do you know typing ?

Milli : Yes, sir. I am equally at ease in typing as in computer literacy.
Principal : Miss Milli. Do you have some experience ?
Milli : Yes Sir. I worked as a clerk in a private company for one year. The
work involved computer use also.
Principal : Good. It’s nice.
Principal : What do you expect from us ? I mean, the salary.
Milli : Negotiable. I hope the salary will match my qualifications and skills.
Principal : All right, Milli. We shall soon let you know.
Milli : Thank you, Sir.
5 You are Balram. You plan to go to Shimla for a week. You are talking to the Manager of
a travel company. Write a dialogue exchanged between you and the Manager
taking help from the hints given in the box and using your own ideas. The first
one has been done as an example.

package—stay—buses and tickets—food—sightseeing

Example :
Balram : How about your package tour to Shimla.
Manager : ` 8,888 per person.
Balram : What does the package include ? I mean please give me more details.
Manager : The package is for three days and two nights at Hotel Cecil.
Balram : That’s fine. What kind of buses do you have ? What are other means of
transport that you will provide us in Shimla ?
Manager : Sir, you will travel by our Super Deluxe AC buses from Delhi to Shimla.
In and around Shimla, we will carry you in air-conditioned Honda cars.
Balram : What about food ? I am strictly vegetarian—not even garlic, please.
Manager : We have special provision and kitchen for the vegetarians. No problem,
sir, you will have garlic-free vegetarian meals.

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1 Complete the dialogue given below :

Ravi : I have got admission for medicine, Raju!
Raju : Is (a) _________________________________________________________ ?
Ravi : I have to join (b) _______________________________________________ ?
Raju : Where (c) ______________________________________________________ ?
Ravi : It (d) __________________________________________________________ ?
Raju : All the best!
Ravi : Thank you!

2 Akash and Prakash have just met on the road. Complete the dialogue below.
Akash : Hello Prakash! Where are you coming from?
Prakash : I have just been to the railway station.
(a) _______________________________ a ticket for my brother for Delhi.
Akash : (b) ____________________________________________________ to Delhi?
Prakash : On the 18th.
Prakash : My sister told me that (c) _______________________________________ .
Akash : Yes, but not now. Perhaps in May. I have and (d) __________________ .
_______________________________________________________________ .
Prakash : All the best then!

3 Below you see a conversation between Minu and her mother. Complete the dialogue.
Mother : Minu, why are you so late from school today?
Minu : I visited my friend today.
Mother : Your friend Keerthi telephoned.
Minu : Did you (a) __________________________ ?
Mother : She wanted to know (b) _____________ .
Minu : I had told her that (c) _____________ .
Mother : Why don’t you (d) _____________ ?
Minu : Yes, I will.

4 Randhir and his friends pulled up in front of a restaurant. When they came out, they
saw a policeman placing a ticket on the windscreen of their car. Complete the following
conversation in a suitable way.
Policeman : You parked in the ‘No parking zone’.
Randhir : We (a) _____________ .

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Policeman : That is (b) _____________ .

Randhir : Repainted!
Then (c) _____________ .
Policeman : I am excusing you day.

5 Rohini and Natasha are meeting after a long time. They discuss what they have been
doing since they parted. Complete the dialogue below in any suitable way. The
first one has been done as ah. example.
Rohini : Where have you been all these years?
Natasha : I’m a journalist with “The Times’ and I was posted at Delhi. Now I’ve
been posted here.
Rohini : That sounds interesting.
Since when have you been in this profession?
Natasha : It’s been five years since I took up this profession, (a) _____________ ?
Rohini : Well, I’m working as a lecturer in a college.
Natasha : That’s great! Have you got married?
Rohini : (b) _____________ .
Natasha : Oh really? How old is she?
Rohini : She is three year old. (c) _____________?
Natasha : Not yet, In fact I’m in no hurry to get married. What does your husband
Rohini : Madhav, that is my husband, (d) _____________ .
Natasha : That sounds perfect.

6 Mohit and Ketan are meeting after a long time. Complete the dialogue below in any
suitable way. The first one has been done as an example.
Mohit : Nice to see you in the city again. How come you are here?
Ketan : I’ve been posted here.
Mohit : Are you still with the Tata group?
Ketan : Yes, in fact (a) _____________?
Mohit : That’s great! Congratulations. Your promotion calls for a party.
Ketan : Indeed it does. (b) _____________?
Mohit : We would love to but we have to go for a wedding tonight.
Ketan : How about Saturday evening?
Mohit : (c) _____________ .
Ketan : Good. Then you should come to my residence at around 7.30 pm.

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Mohit : By the way, where do you live?

Ketan : (d) _____________ .
You must bring your family too.
Mohit : Thank you, we’ll be there by 7.30 pm.

7 Ram and Shyam are discussing their plans for the weekend. Complete the dialogue
below in a suitable way. Write the correct answers in your answer sheet against
the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.
Ram : What are you doing this weekend. Shyam?
Shyam : I don’t have any special plan.
Ram : How do you like the idea (a) _______________________________ picnic?
Shyam : That’s wonderful; but have (b) ______________________________ some
other friends as well?
Ram : Yes. I have already talked to David and Karim and both are willing.
Shyam : I think we (c) _________________________________________________ to
make it more interesting.
Ram : But I am not able to think of any more names. (d) ___________________
____________________________ some names?
Shyam : I think you may include your cousin Mohan, Seema, Rita and Sonam

8 Rajni and Vikram are discussing their plan for the evening. Complete the dialogue
below in a suitable way. Write the correct answers in your answer sheet against
the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.
Vikram : What is your plan for the evening ?
Rajni : I haven’t planned anything for the evening yet. (a) _______________?
Vikram : Yes, I wanted you to accompany me to the Book Fair at Pragati Maidan.
Rajni : That’s fine. I (b) _______________ .
Vikram : In that case, could you come to my house at 3 pm?
Rajni : Of course (c) _______________ . But why not fix a time to meet at the
Fair itself?
Vikram : (d) ___________________ . Let’s meet at gate no. 3 at 4 pm.

9 Ms. Mansi is being interviewed by Mr. Basu for the job of a governess for his nine-year
old daughter. Complete the dialogue below in any suitable way. Write your
answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one
has been done as an example.
Basu : Miss Mansi, what are you doing at present?
Mansi : Presently, I am in Mumbai for my post graduate diploma in home

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science. I did my B.Sc. from Nagpur.

Basu : (a) _____________?
Mansi : I have no acquaintance in this city. But I can give you the reference
letter of my institute’s principal.
Basu : (b) _____________?
Mansi : I am staying in a working women’s hostel at Versova.
Basu : (c) _____________?
Mansi : I have basic knowledge of Indian Classical Music and Dance in which
I was initiated at the age of six.
Basu : So, you’ve not met my daughter Prerna, (d) _____________?
Mansi : Yes, I have. She is a wonderful child. She is quite smart and intelligent.
Basu : You are appointed right now.
Mansi : Thank you, sir.

10 Given below is a conversation between David and his friend Meenu. Complete the
dialogue in any suitable way. Write the correct answer in your answer sheet
against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence.
David : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu : Yes. (a) __________________________?
David : Could I speak to Meenu? I am her friend David.
Meenu : David! It’s Meenu. (b) ______________________________?
David : I’m calling from Indira Gandhi International Airport. I’m here for a
Meenu : That’s great. (c) ______________________________?
David : I wanted to give you a surprise.
Meenu : When did you arrive? (d) ______________________________?.
David : I just got here and I’m alone.
1. (a) it recognised and when do you have to join
(b) it by next week (c) is it situated
(d) is situated in the middle of the city
2. (a) I went there to buy (b) When is he going
(c) you are also going there (d) opportunity to see its historical buildings
3. (a) meet her ? What did she want to know? (b) about your studies
(c) you were doing well in these (d) visit her this week
4. (a) are just moving out in five minutes (b) newly painted line
(c) I am driving out

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5. (a) In what capacity are you working ? (b) Yes. I have a daughter,
(c) Have you got married (d) He is a software engineer
6. (a) I have been promoted now (b) Let’s have it now
(c) That would be fine (d) In the same place where you came last
7. (a) of going on a (b) you spoken to
(c) should have more friends (d) Will you suggest
8. (a) Will you accompany me to the Book Fair
(b) too will like to join you
(c) I’ll
(d) That would be fine
9. (a) Do you have any acquaintance in this city
(b) Where have you been staying
(c) Do you have any knowledge about dances
(d) Have you
10. (a) May I know who do you want to speak to
(b) Where’re you calling from
(c) Why didn’t you inform me earlier about this visit
(d) Who’s with you


1 Complete the dialogue given below :

Mother : Son, you (a) _________ morning. Take rest for an hour or so as you may
be tired.
Son : Ok, mama. (b) I _________ as you think. But (c) _________ so, I shall
take same rest.
Mother : After (d) _________ you’ll feel fresh and shall study well.
Son : Right, mama. Thank you.

2 Complete the dialogue given below :

Rakesh : Today is the 20th December but there (a) _________ as it used to be in
the past.
Suresh : Yes, it is (b) _________ . You know, we have been exploiting natural
resources the maximum. The nature (c) _________ as we don’t give it
the time for rest.
Rakesh : I presume we are (d) _________ that will spell doom for humanity.
Suresh : I shudder to think of it.

3 Complete the dialogue below :

Mona : Hai Alisa! How are you? (a) _________ here in Mumbai?
Alisa : You’re right. (b) _________ to see you here. Tell me about you as we
have met after a pretty long time.

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Mona : Well, (c) _________ I was married 3 years ago with Arun who is an
Accountant in the Bank of India.
Alisa : (d) _________ a child has 3 years is a long period? It’ll be a great pleasure
to see the child.
Mona : Yes, sure, I have a little baby and she is at home with her grandmother.
Alisa : That’s fine. Let’s sit and talk more.
4 Complete the dialogue below :
Stranger : Excuse me, I have been waiting for a bus here for about 40 minutes.
(a) ______ come for long ?
You : It shouldn’t be so as there is no reason except that of jams. As you know
(b) ______ frequent due to many obvious reasons.
Stranger : Oh! I see that I never thought of it. (c) ______ bylane through which I can
cross to another road?
You : Yes, that’ll be good. You (d) ______ a little distance through that bylane
and after ten-minutes walking, you shall get on another road.
Stranger : Thank you very much.
5 Complete the dialogue given below :
Kamlesh : Raman, (a) ______ reach Delhi? I was thinking of going with you.
Raman : It will take about two hours. But (b) ______ it will take more than two
Kamlesh : (c) ______ visit in Delhi, I mean where are you to go?
Raman : First, I shall go to Janakpuri, from there I want to visit Prithviraj Road
and then back to Janakpuri.
Kamlesh : It all depends upon time. However, I want to be back as quickly as possible.
6 Complete the dialogue given below :
Radha : What a lovely day today is! The nature (a) ______ due to the recent rains.
These have washed off the dust from the trees.
Seema : Yes, you’re right. (b) ______ distance as the weather is neither cold nor
hot. You know, nature (c) ______ replenish itself but it takes time.
Radha : Yes, it is. But (d) ______ greatly, it shall need more time to repair itself.
And in that instance it takes ages and ages.
Seema : Yes, it is so.
7 Complete the dialogue given below :
Mother : Son, (a) ______ as it is very dirty? I think someone has thrown dirt on
Son : Yes, mother. As I was cycling back home a speeding car (b) ______ when I
came near a hole full of water.
Mother : Oh! God. You are really safe. I fail to understand (c) ______ their cars
carefully? I think they enjoy seeing others in difficulties.
Son : I think it is so. The girls cycling ahead of me (d) ______ muddy as the car
driver deliberately drove his car near them spilling sewerage water from

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the road.
Mother : Something should be done.
8 Complete the dialogue given below :
Kamla : Hello! Seema. The International Trade Fair is on in Pragati Maidan.
(a) ______ as well all friends are going to it tomorrow?
Seema : Sure. But tell me the time (b) ______ it? You know, I am very tight about
Kamla : Tomorrow it is Sunday and I think (c) ______ . We can visit it leisurely.
Seema : All right. (d) ______ and how ? I think you’ll return after three hours.
Kamla : Yes, we think so. We hope to return. We all are friends.


1 (a) 3. have been working since (b) 1. am not tired

(c) 1. since you say (d) 4. taking rest for some time.
2 (a) 2. isn’t much chill (b) 3. all due to global warming
(c) 4. can’t replenish them (d) 1. heading for man-made disasters.
3 (a) 2. What a nice meeting (b) 2. I’m also amazed
(c) 3. to tell you the truth (d) 4. Have you been blessed with.
4 (a) 4. Why hasn’t any bus (b) 2. jams have become very
(c) 4. Is there any (d) 1. shall have to walk.
5 (a) 4. Why hasn’t any bus (b) 2. jams have become very
(c) 4. Is there any (d) 1. shall have to walk.
6 (a) seems like a bride (b) Let’s walk a little distance
(c) has the ability to (d) it stands injured
7 (a) what’s happened to your shirt (b) ran off near me
(c) why drivers don’t drive (d) were cycling right and their dresses got
8 (a) Do you want to give us company (b) when you want to go to
(c) you may be free (d) who’re the friends going

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