Lec 004 20231230 Parts of Speech

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Parts of Speech

By: Abdul Malik Nazari

The key parts of speech
‫اجزای عمده کالم‬

Noun ‫اسم‬ Verb ‫فعل‬

Pronoun‫ضمیر‬ Adjective ‫صفت‬

Adverb ‫قید‬ Preposition ‫حرف اضافه‬

Conjunction Article Interjection

‫حرف ربط‬ ‫حرف تعریف‬ ‫حرف ندا‬
01-Jan-24 2
Preposition (‫()حرف اضافه‬1)
A preposition is a word or group of words
that tells you when or where something is in relation to something else.
 .‫حرف اضافه کلمه یا گروهی از کلمات است که به شما می گوید چه زمانی یا کجا چیزی در رابطه با چیز دیگری است‬
used to link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
 ‫حرف اضافه به کلماتی گفته می شود که اسم ضمیرو عبارت ها را به کلمات دیگر در جمله وصل می کنند‬
On, At, In, Until, About, To, Into, by and with
Phrases such as in front of, next to, instead of, beside
I put my bag on the table.
I sat beside the wall.
My birthday is on Monday.
I was born in 1982.

01-Jan-24 3
Preposition (2) : A few rules for usage
Preposition of time in English
Preposition Usage Example
 months/seasons ‫فصل ها‬/‫ماها‬  in August/in the summer
in  years ‫سال ها‬  in 1985
 time of day ‫زمان درروز‬  in the evening
 centuries and historical periods  in the 19th century
‫قرن ها و دوره های تاریخی‬  Mystic Market closes in two hours
 after a certain period of time ‫پس از‬
‫یک دوره زمانی مشخص‬
at  time of days (o'clock) ‫وقت در روز‬  at 2:30
 noon, night, and midnight ‫ظهر و‬  at night
‫شب و نیمه شب‬  at breakfast
 names of mealtime ‫نام زمان غذا‬  I learned how to use a computer at 12.
 Age ‫سن‬
on  days of the week ‫روزهای هفته‬  on Friday
01-Jan-24 4
Preposition (3): A few rules for usage
Preposition of time in English
Preposition Usage Example
since  from a period of time up to the  I have been a student since 2004.
present (when it started) ‫از یک‬
‫دوره زمانی تا به امروز (زمانی که شروع‬
for  how long a period of time has  I have been a student here for 2 years.
been ‫برای یک دوره زمانی‬
from  the beginning and end of a period  My appointment is from 13:30 to 14:00.
..to.. of time ‫آغاز و پایان یک دوره زمانی‬

until  a period of time up to a specific  I cannot go dancing until I finish reading this
point in time ‫یک دوره زمانی تا یک‬ chapter.
‫نقطه خاص در زمان‬
by  in the sense of ''at the latest'‘ ‫به‬  You must return your book by April 21st .
"‫مفهوم "آخرین‬  My essay is due by the end of the week.
 due date ‫تاریخ سررسید‬ 5

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