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5 Ways Television Can

Actually Help With Education

– 2021 Guide
Miran Brandon
January 18, 2021

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After World War II, television finally became affordable and was starting to be an
item that can be found in every household. Since then, we have seen all kinds of
movies, TV shows, documentaries, and educational shows too on television. Even
schools in the 60s and 70s started implementing TVs into their schedules to help
students understand complicated and difficult subjects. For example, a teacher
would have a much easier time explaining the history of World War II with a TV than
without one.

This kind of technological advancements can help us teach our children much more
efficiently when compared to the past. This is why I believe that TVs can have a very
positive impact on the world’s education. Sure, there are some uses of TVs in public
and private schools for educational purposes and there are many shows and
documentaries out there that can teach children new stuff, but if this technology is
properly implemented in our daily lives, we could truly see a great benefit.

A recent study claims that most children spend about 25 hours every week watching
television. That is almost four hours every single day. The information from this
study shows us just how much potential there is to teaching kids about life through
TV. Of course, children like to watch cartoons and a bunch of other interesting
shows, but by combining knowledge and entertainment, we could truly change the
way education works.

Here are some ways television can actually help with education.

Informative videos at school

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The best way we can utilize television to help them study is through informative
videos, TV shows, or documentaries that teachers can show during a lecture.
Students would have a much fonder and clearer memory of a lecture that is
combined with an impressive video. Creating a connection between the textbook and
“real life” through the TV is essential. It provides the brain of children a kind of
“shortcut” to that certain memory.

For example, if a professor shows his students a video of an atom, how it is created
or destroyed, and then continue with his regular lecture, the students would be able
to easily correlate what they have learned with what they have watched. The
informative video will help people form a visual representation of their thoughts.
Informative TV shows and documentaries at

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What is even more benefits of TV is the fact that it can be used to teach children
even while they are at home. Considering that most people already have the
Internet at home, schools could issue homework to their students to watch a certain
informative documentary. An entire documentary that explains everything about a
subject in just a couple of hours, is much more entertaining than having to write
homework in a textbook. Looking at numbers and letters throughout the whole day
can be quite frustrating.

If the world’s countries and governments would accept such change in the education
system, they could even implement mandatory showings of such documentaries
throughout the day. This would give the option for every student out there to watch
it, even if they do not have a computer, a phone or even the Internet.

Until then, there are still many broadcasting companies out there that provide
educational channels that constantly run informative shows and documentaries. If
you are looking for such services, you should check out mikeharrisaerialandsatellite.
They will install aerial TV in your home in no time and both you and your children
will be able to enjoy many of their educational channels.

Intellect development
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Many studies in the past have proven that informative programs can actually impact
the development of a child’s brain. This is especially true for younger kids aged
between 2 and 6. These studies put kids in front of such TV programs every single
day for an hour or two. After the study, the children who were exposed to the TV
were much more intellectually developed than kids that were not. Their
understanding of some things was much higher and their communication skills were
improved by a lot.

Believe it or not, even if your kids were watching cartoons on the TV all day long is
actually much better than doing nothing. Cartoons might be unreal and their sole
purpose are to be funny, but the communication between the characters can help
the brain develop. Although, the study proved that the children who watched
educational TV programs were much more intellectually advanced than those that
only watched cartoons.

Improved reading skills

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The idea that television can actually help people improve their reading skills does
not make a lot of sense at first. But, this is actually quite possible, but only if the
children are watching with the subtitles on. It doesn’t matter if the language of the
show is native, the subtitles provide a better understanding of what goes on with the
characters. This passive reading while watching television is what will improve one’s
reading skills.

So, if you want your kid to be better than most of the other kids at school in
reading, you should turn on the subtitles on your TV.

Exposure to foreign cultures

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Naturally, most young children do know anything about foreign culture, because
they simply haven’t had any kind of experience in their life. They are still too young.
Traveling through the country or through the world is still out of the question.

However, thanks to television and to the many broadcasting companies that share
channels from all over the world, children can see and experience a foreign culture
through a screen. Of course, it is not the same as experiencing it in person, but it
still better than nothing, right? Having this kind of advantage in life is very

Education is what will help our children become what they want to be in life and will
lead them to a better future. This is why we believe that using television to
implement new and exciting teaching strategies for students is very important.

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